NAME: snrpred PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute an estimated signal-to-noise ratio for a point source DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Photometry CALLING SEQUENCE: snrpred,system,exptime,smag,omag,snr INPUTS: system - anonymous structure with the following tags: jy0mag: Janskys for zero Vega magnitude at lambda lambda: center wavelength [nanometers] topt: optical surface temperature of telescope [K] emis: net emissivity to sky rdnoise: read noise [e-] aper: telescope aperture [cm] fnum: f/# at focal plane bandpass: bandpass of instrument [nanometers] pixel: size of pixel [microns] sky: sky brightness [mag/sq arcsec] dark: dark signal [e-/sec/pixel] tput: throughput, central obs, reflectsion and QE seeing: FWHM arcseconds exptime - scalar or vector if exposure time values [seconds] smag - Magnitude of the occultation star source (at lambda) omag - Magnitude of the occultating body (at lambda) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: VERBOSE - if set will generate lots of printed output. This is rarely useful if "smag" is a vector. OUTPUTS: snr - Estimated signal-to-noise estimation per point KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The input values exptime, smag, and omag can be either scalars or vectors. If any are vectors, any that are must be the same length. This is NOT enforced. Note that the value of /VERBOSE may be limited with vector inputs as the output printed will be poorly formatted (and long). PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2022/02/04 and based on a spreadsheet provided by Mike Skrutskie, UVa. 2022/02/22, MWB, added object magnitude and scintillation estimates 2024/11/14, MWB, added exposure time as an argument instead of including it in the input structure.