NAME: sshift2d PURPOSE: (one line) Shift a 2-D array using a damped sinc function for the fractional part. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Mathematical CALLING SeqUENCE: result = sshift2d( array, shiftvec ) INPUTS: array : Array to be shifted. shiftvec : Vector of two elements: [ xshift, yshift ]. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EDGE_ZERO: Flag, if set will force the wrapped edges to zero. OUTPUTS: The shifted array is returned as the function value. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODifICATION HISTORY: February, 1993: Copied from "" written by John Spencer, Lowell Observatory. Very minor modifications by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory. 2010/05/01, Florian Scheulen, Harvey Mudd College, added EDGE_ZERO keyword 2010/05/05, MWB, style editing. 2018/02/19, MWB, fixed shiftrep to make keyword optional