NAME: tvmaps PURPOSE: Display a full set of Pluto/Charon model .til maps on the current display. DESCRIPTION: This is a simple tool to help view the version 2 MaxEnt map tiling format that is more fully described in Both the default image and the reconstructed image are shown. CATEGORY: Miscellaneous CALLING SEQUENCE: tvmaps,root,scale,pluto,charon,pldef,chdef INPUTS: root - String, with the root of the file names to be read. This program expects to file a .til and .def file pair and you are providing the common part of the name. scale - Scaling factor, positive definite integer. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: pluto - This is the Pluto map in the tiled format. The length of the array defines the attributes of the map and the value is usually the single-scattering albedo. charon - Charon map, similar to Pluto. May or may not be the same size as Pluto. pldef - This is the default map for Pluto. This is used by the MaxEnt fitting program to indicate what should be used in regions where there are little to no constraints. chdef - This is the default map for Charon. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1997/06/21, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2023/02/27, MWB, added documentation and some cosmetic improvements.