NAME: upsample PURPOSE: (one line only) Upsample an image given a dithered set of undersampled data DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: upsample,cube,xoff,yoff,type,image INPUTS: cube - 3-D array of undersampled images [N,M,F] where the images are all NxM and there are F images. These images should already have any mean background removed. xoff - X offset of each image. This probably works best when the offsets are referred to a mean of zero for all offsets but this doesn't have to be strictly true yoff - Y offset of each image. type - Type of upsampling: 0 = sqrt(2) upsampling, two dithers required, output image will end up rotated by 45 degrees (CW) from the input images. 1 = 2x2 upsampling, four dithers required 2 = 3x3 upsampling, nine dithers required You can provide more dithers than the minimum. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: QUIET - Flag, if set suppressses printed output OUTPUTS: image - Output image up-sampled by the factor implied by type, always returned as a float. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2016/09/13, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute 2017/01/13, MWB, seems to be working now (still lots of debugging output) 2018/09/27, MWB, added QUIET keyword