NAME: wrastfc PURPOSE: Write an astrometry fit coefficient file. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: wrastfc,file,ffn,ftype,xc,yc,prot,renormfac,cra,cdec,photzp, $ terms,coeffarr INPUTS: file - Output file name to be written. Each of these inputs are vectors or arrays. The length of the vectors or the number of rows is equal to the number of fit coefficient sets in the file. For arrays, the dimensions are [nlines,10] ffn - File name for this fit. ftype - Type of fit (eta or xi) xc - X center of array yc - Y center of array prot - Pre-rotation of raw coordinates (degrees) renormfac- Renormalization factor used for solution. cra - Center right acension (radians) cdec - Center declination (radians) photzp - Photometric zero-point for this image. If the value is 99.0 the zero point has not been determined. This will allow you to later compute a real magnitude from instrumental magnitudes on the frame. terms - string vector of names of terms to use (see coeffarr - Array of astrometric fit coefficients (see OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2003/06/30, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2009/08/04, MWB, added prot and renormfac variables thus changing the calling sequence (sorry) 2009/12/01, MWB, upgraded to version 1.3 output, calling sequence changed again (dropped ncoeffs as an input).