NAME: wroblist PURPOSE: Write an object list to a file. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: wroblist,file,nobj,filelist,dt,offset,pos,flags,idstr,nf INPUTS: file - String of file name to be written to. nobj - number of objects in list. filelist - string array of file names for this object list. dt - nfiles-1 element vector with the time, in hours of each file relative to the time of the first frame. Since the first frame is identically 0, this value isn't saved. offset - 2*(nfiles-1) element vector [x,y offset (B-A), x,y offset (C-A), ...] pos - [2*nfiles,nobj] element vector, each row is set of positions [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3] flags - nobj element vector of flags either ?, y, or n. idstr - String that identifies the measurement in some way. nf - number of files in set. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1998/11/3, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 1999/1/29, MWB, added idstr 1999/2/29, MWB, added dt and version tag in file