by Mark Littman. John Wiley & Sons, 1988. The discovery Pluto, pgs. 71-88. General information about Pluto, pgs. 170-194.
A description about the information discovered regarding Pluto since it's discovery in 1930. Included are information about the continuing debate over Pluto's correct size, mass, and physical composition as well as: *** The 1978 discovery of Pluto's moon, Charon is covered in detail regarding techniques used in it's discovery. *** The difference in surface composition between Pluto & Charon is covered. As well as an account of the theory of Pluto's changing astmosphere. *** Models of the surface of Pluto based on light variation maps. *** The possible origins of Pluto as a planet.
By Richard P. Binzel. Pgs. 50-58. Article discusses the atmospheric conditions on Pluto, as well as of Charon. Also, further information on the discovery of Charon as well as spectro-analysis of the planet and it's moon.
6/85, pgs. 501-502
9/87, pgs. 248-251
12/88, pgs. 600-601, 624-627
10/89, pgs. 346-348
10/91, pg. 340
1/93, pg. 9
12/93, pg. 10
5/94, pgs. 14-15
11/94, pg. 14