RECON: TNO occultation with 03YT179

Event between 03YT179 and star GA1060:03188958 with event index number of 1031840

Geocentric closest approach at 2021/01/15 05:09:57 UTC

J2000 position of star is 08:57:33.3 +16:21:26
Equinox of date position of star is 08:58:43.6 +16:16:31
Stellar brightness G=14.2, use SENSEUP=64 with the MallinCam and and exposure time of 1 seconds with the QHY174 camera.
Star is 170 degrees from the moon. Moon is 5% illuminated.
TNO apparent brightness V=23.9

[RECON map]
TNO is 44.3 AU from the Sun and 43.4 AU from the Earth.
The TNO is moving 24.5 km/sec on the sky relative to the star, or, 2.8 arcsec/hr.
The 1-sigma error in the time of the event is 64 seconds.
The 1-sigma cross-track error in the shadow position is 1574 km.
The sky-plane scale is 31471.5 km/arcsec.

The TNO has an absolute magnitude Hv=7.4
Diameter=200.5 km assuming a 5% albedo -- 8.2 sec chord
Diameter=81.8 km assuming a 30% albedo -- 3.3 sec chord
Dynamical classification is CLASSICAL

Star training set for 03YT179, (2021/01/15 05:10UT)
Object            RA         Dec     mag  sep  mel
Regulus        10:09:29.4 +11:51:49  1.3 17.71 170
63Omi2Cnc      08:58:45.5 +15:29:57  5.8  0.78 170
PPM 125908     08:56:25.2 +16:07:49  8.0  0.57 169
PPM 125967     08:59:22.5 +16:17:50  9.2  0.16 170
03YT179        08:58:43.9 +16:16:30 14.2       170
Positions are for equinox of date

This table contains the target star visibility for the RECON network. The observing range has been set to a maximum of 5.0 sigma about the mid-time.
The median site spacing is 26.6 km RECON observability=1.0 and success probability=31.1%
Site Site mid-time
Sun alt
Sky Moon Star alt
Star az
Target Observing Time
Clarence Fulton 05:13:02 -45.2 Dark Down 31.2 102.3 Up 05:07:11 - 05:18:54 291
Kelowna 05:13:03 -45.3 Dark Down 31.2 102.0 Up 05:07:12 - 05:18:55 254
Peachland 05:13:04 -45.2 Dark Down 31.0 101.6 Up 05:07:13 - 05:18:56 246
Summerland 05:13:04 -45.3 Dark Down 31.1 101.6 Up 05:07:13 - 05:18:56 230
Penticton 05:13:04 -45.4 Dark Down 31.2 101.7 Up 05:07:12 - 05:18:55 223
Oliver 05:13:05 -45.5 Dark Down 31.3 101.5 Up 05:07:13 - 05:18:56 189
Anarchist Mountain Observatory 05:13:05 -45.7 Dark Down 31.4 101.5 Up 05:07:13 - 05:18:56 170
Victoria 05:13:12 -43.4 Dark Down 28.9 98.0 Low 05:07:20 - 05:19:03 157
Tonasket 05:13:06 -45.8 Dark Down 31.5 101.3 Up 05:07:14 - 05:18:57 140
Okanogan 05:13:06 -45.8 Dark Down 31.4 101.0 Up 05:07:15 - 05:18:58 108
Brewster 05:13:07 -45.8 Dark Down 31.3 100.7 Up 05:07:16 - 05:18:59 83
Manson/Chelan 05:13:08 -45.7 Dark Down 31.1 100.2 Up 05:07:17 - 05:19:00 65
Wenatchee 05:13:09 -45.7 Dark Down 31.1 99.8 Up 05:07:18 - 05:19:01 20
Ellensburg 05:13:11 -45.7 Dark Down 31.0 99.4 Up 05:07:19 - 05:19:02 -20
Yakima 05:13:11 -45.9 Dark Down 31.1 99.1 Up 05:07:20 - 05:19:03 -60
Toppenish/White Swan 05:13:11 -46.1 Dark Down 31.2 99.2 Up 05:07:20 - 05:19:03 -84
Pasco 05:13:10 -46.9 Dark Down 32.1 100.1 Up 05:07:18 - 05:19:01 -106
PNWRO 05:13:10 -47.2 Dark Down 32.3 100.1 Up 05:07:18 - 05:19:01 -133
Goldendale 05:13:13 -46.0 Dark Down 31.0 98.5 Up 05:07:22 - 05:19:05 -135
The Dalles 05:13:14 -45.8 Dark Down 30.8 98.1 Up 05:07:23 - 05:19:06 -155
Maupin 05:13:15 -46.0 Dark Down 31.0 97.9 Up 05:07:23 - 05:19:06 -198
Sisters 05:13:17 -45.9 Dark Down 30.7 97.0 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -283
Redmond 05:13:17 -46.2 Dark Down 31.0 97.3 Up 05:07:25 - 05:19:08 -289
Bend 05:13:17 -46.2 Dark Down 30.9 97.1 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -309
Oregon Observatory 05:13:18 -46.1 Dark Down 30.9 96.9 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -326
La Pine/Gilchrist 05:13:18 -46.2 Dark Down 30.9 96.7 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -346
North Lake 05:13:18 -46.7 Dark Down 31.3 96.9 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -396
Paisley 05:13:18 -47.1 Dark Down 31.7 96.8 Up 05:07:27 - 05:19:10 -456
Klamath Falls 05:13:21 -46.3 Dark Down 30.8 95.7 Up 05:07:30 - 05:19:13 -493
Lakeview 05:13:19 -47.4 Dark Down 31.9 96.7 Up 05:07:27 - 05:19:10 -510
Cedarville 05:13:19 -47.7 Dark Down 32.1 96.4 Up 05:07:28 - 05:19:11 -580
Fall River/Burney 05:13:22 -46.9 Dark Down 31.2 95.2 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -619
Susanville 05:13:22 -47.6 Dark Down 31.8 95.4 Up 05:07:30 - 05:19:13 -692
Greenville 05:13:23 -47.5 Dark Down 31.6 95.0 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -718
Gimple 05:13:23 -47.5 Dark Down 31.7 95.0 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -719
Quincy 05:13:23 -47.5 Dark Down 31.7 94.9 Up 05:07:32 - 05:19:15 -739
Portola 05:13:22 -47.9 Dark Down 32.0 95.1 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -757
Dunrhomin 05:12:49 -58.6 Dark Down 43.3 107.0 Up 05:06:58 - 05:18:41 -790
Reno 05:13:21 -48.4 Dark Down 32.6 95.4 Up 05:07:30 - 05:19:13 -790
Carson City 05:13:22 -48.5 Dark Down 32.6 95.2 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -828
Gardnerville 05:13:22 -48.6 Dark Down 32.7 95.1 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -855
Yerington 05:13:21 -49.1 Dark Down 33.1 95.5 Up 05:07:30 - 05:19:13 -855
Hawthorne 05:13:21 -49.6 Dark Down 33.6 95.5 Up 05:07:29 - 05:19:12 -908
Lee Vining 05:13:22 -49.3 Dark Down 33.2 94.8 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -964
Tonopah 05:13:18 -50.7 Dark Down 34.7 96.2 Up 05:07:27 - 05:19:10 -970
Bishop 05:13:22 -50.0 Dark Down 33.9 94.9 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -1034
Beatty 05:13:19 -51.4 Dark Down 35.2 95.7 Up 05:07:27 - 05:19:10 -1097
Indian Springs 05:13:17 -52.3 Dark Down 36.1 96.1 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -1140
Henderson 05:13:16 -52.9 Dark Down 36.7 96.2 Up 05:07:24 - 05:19:07 -1202
CPSLO 05:13:29 -48.6 Dark Down 32.2 92.2 Up 05:07:37 - 05:19:20 -1233
Patrick 05:13:14 -53.9 Dark Down 37.7 96.4 Up 05:07:22 - 05:19:05 -1277
Laughlin/Bullhead City 05:13:16 -53.4 Dark Down 37.1 95.8 Up 05:07:25 - 05:19:08 -1299
Kingman/Dolan Springs 05:13:15 -53.9 Dark Down 37.5 96.2 Up 05:07:24 - 05:19:07 -1299
Mohave Valley 05:13:17 -53.5 Dark Down 37.2 95.6 Up 05:07:25 - 05:19:08 -1328
Lake Havasu City 05:13:16 -53.8 Dark Down 37.4 95.5 Up 05:07:24 - 05:19:07 -1373
Wildwood 05:13:26 -50.4 Dark Down 33.9 92.6 Up 05:07:34 - 05:19:17 -1383
Parker 05:13:16 -53.9 Dark Down 37.5 95.2 Up 05:07:25 - 05:19:08 -1411
Idyllwild 05:13:23 -52.0 Dark Down 35.5 93.5 Up 05:07:31 - 05:19:14 -1438
Blythe 05:13:18 -53.7 Dark Down 37.3 94.6 Up 05:07:26 - 05:19:09 -1466
George/Scottsdale 05:13:12 -55.9 Dark Down 39.5 96.4 Up 05:07:20 - 05:19:03 -1472
Calipatria 05:13:20 -53.1 Dark Down 36.5 93.7 Up 05:07:29 - 05:19:12 -1513
Yuma 05:13:19 -53.9 Dark Down 37.3 93.9 Up 05:07:27 - 05:19:10 -1566

Azimuth is measured in degrees eastward from north. North is at an azimuth of 0, due East is at an azimuth of 90 degrees, due South is 180, and due West is 270.

Do not use the listing below for the RECON CPC 1100 telescopes. This is provided for other non-team facilities.

Star training set for 03YT179, (2021/01/15 05:10UT)
Object            RA         Dec     mag  sep  mel
Regulus        10:08:22.0 +11:58:02  1.3 17.71 170
63Omi2Cnc      08:57:35.3 +15:34:53  5.8  0.78 170
PPM 125908     08:55:14.7 +16:12:42  8.0  0.57 169
PPM 125967     08:58:12.0 +16:22:47  9.2  0.16 170
03YT179        08:57:33.3 +16:21:26 14.2       170
Positions are for J2000

Event circumstances last updated at 2020/12/17 23:17:33 UT

Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute