Event between (342842) 08YB3 and star GA1540:04474836 with event index number of 336681
Geocentric closest approach at 2019/08/17 04:52:49 UTC
J2000 position of star is 20:08:50.0 +65:11:40
Equinox of date position of star is 20:09:02.3 +65:15:09
Stellar brightness G=11.9,
use SENSEUP=16
Star is 83 degrees from the moon.
Moon is 97% illuminated.
TNO apparent brightness V=20.7
[RECON map]
TNO is 12.6 AU from the Sun
and 12.4 AU from the Earth.
The TNO is moving 33.6
km/sec on the sky relative to the star, or,
13.4 arcsec/hr.
The 1-sigma error in the time of the event is 25 seconds.
The 1-sigma cross-track error in the shadow position is
1018 km.
The sky-plane scale is
9027.1 km/arcsec.
The TNO has an absolute magnitude Hv=9.3
Diameter=83.2 km assuming a 5% albedo -- 2.5 sec chord
Diameter=34.0 km assuming a 30% albedo -- 1.0 sec chord
Dynamical classification is CENTAURR
Star training set for 342842, (2019/08/17 04:53UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Deneb 20:42:06.1 +45:21:04 1.3 20.41 64 Alderamin 21:19:02.8 +62:40:09 2.4 8.07 76 PPM 021951 20:04:59.0 +63:56:49 6.2 1.38 82 PPM 021996 20:08:01.4 +64:39:38 8.5 0.60 82 PPM 021982 20:06:50.3 +64:56:06 9.6 0.39 82 PPM 022034 20:11:55.1 +65:19:56 11.2 0.31 82 342842 20:09:02.3 +65:15:09 11.9 83 Positions are for equinox of date
This table contains the target star visibility for the RECON
network. The observing range has been set to a maximum of
5.0 sigma about the mid-time.
The median site spacing is 18.1 km
RECON observability=0.9 and success probability=35.5%
Site | Site mid-time (UT) |
Sun alt (deg) |
Sky | Moon | Star alt (deg) |
Star az (deg) |
Target | Observing Time (UT) |
X-track (km) |
Kelowna | 04:53:52 | -14.4 | AT | Up | 70.6 | 29.4 | Up | 04:51:19 - 04:56:24 | 108 |
Summerland | 04:53:53 | -14.5 | AT | Up | 70.3 | 29.2 | Up | 04:51:20 - 04:56:25 | 107 |
Penticton | 04:53:53 | -14.6 | AT | Up | 70.3 | 29.0 | Up | 04:51:20 - 04:56:25 | 96 |
Okanagan Falls | 04:53:53 | -14.7 | AT | Up | 70.1 | 28.8 | Up | 04:51:21 - 04:56:26 | 86 |
Oliver | 04:53:54 | -14.8 | AT | Up | 69.9 | 28.6 | Up | 04:51:21 - 04:56:26 | 74 |
Oroville | 04:53:54 | -15.0 | AT | Up | 69.8 | 28.1 | Up | 04:51:22 - 04:56:27 | 52 |
Anarchist Mountain Observatory | 04:53:54 | -15.0 | AT | Up | 69.9 | 28.2 | Up | 04:51:21 - 04:56:26 | 52 |
Tonasket | 04:53:55 | -15.2 | AT | Up | 69.6 | 27.8 | Up | 04:51:22 - 04:56:27 | 37 |
Manson/Chelan | 04:53:58 | -15.4 | AT | Up | 68.6 | 27.4 | Up | 04:51:25 - 04:56:30 | 31 |
Okanogan | 04:53:56 | -15.4 | AT | Up | 69.2 | 27.6 | Up | 04:51:23 - 04:56:28 | 26 |
Brewster | 04:53:57 | -15.4 | AT | Up | 68.9 | 27.4 | Up | 04:51:24 - 04:56:29 | 21 |
Wenatchee | 04:53:59 | -15.6 | AT | Up | 68.2 | 27.0 | Up | 04:51:27 - 04:56:32 | 13 |
Ellensburg | 04:54:00 | -15.8 | AT | Up | 67.7 | 26.7 | Up | 04:51:28 - 04:56:33 | 2 |
Yakima | 04:54:01 | -16.1 | AT | Up | 67.3 | 26.3 | Up | 04:51:29 - 04:56:34 | -21 |
The Dalles | 04:54:05 | -16.4 | AT | Up | 66.3 | 25.7 | Up | 04:51:32 - 04:56:37 | -41 |
Toppenish/White Swan | 04:54:02 | -16.3 | AT | Up | 67.2 | 25.9 | Up | 04:51:29 - 04:56:34 | -45 |
Goldendale | 04:54:04 | -16.4 | AT | Up | 66.6 | 25.7 | Up | 04:51:31 - 04:56:36 | -51 |
Maupin | 04:54:06 | -16.7 | AT | Up | 65.9 | 25.2 | Up | 04:51:33 - 04:56:38 | -73 |
Sisters | 04:54:08 | -17.0 | AT | Up | 65.0 | 24.7 | Up | 04:51:36 - 04:56:41 | -92 |
Madras/Culver | 04:54:07 | -17.0 | AT | Up | 65.4 | 24.7 | Up | 04:51:34 - 04:56:39 | -103 |
Redmond | 04:54:08 | -17.2 | AT | Up | 65.1 | 24.4 | Up | 04:51:36 - 04:56:41 | -120 |
Bend | 04:54:09 | -17.3 | AT | Up | 64.8 | 24.4 | Up | 04:51:36 - 04:56:41 | -124 |
Oregon Observatory | 04:54:09 | -17.4 | AT | Up | 64.6 | 24.3 | Up | 04:51:37 - 04:56:42 | -125 |
La Pine/Gilchrist | 04:54:10 | -17.5 | AT | Up | 64.4 | 24.2 | Up | 04:51:37 - 04:56:42 | -133 |
Pasco | 04:54:01 | -17.0 | AT | Up | 67.5 | 24.8 | Up | 04:51:28 - 04:56:33 | -135 |
PNWRO | 04:54:01 | -17.3 | AT | Up | 67.3 | 24.4 | Up | 04:51:28 - 04:56:33 | -165 |
Chiloquin | 04:54:13 | -18.0 | AT | Up | 63.3 | 23.5 | Up | 04:51:41 - 04:56:46 | -174 |
Klamath Falls | 04:54:14 | -18.2 | Dark | Up | 63.0 | 23.1 | Up | 04:51:41 - 04:56:46 | -200 |
North Lake | 04:54:10 | -18.1 | Dark | Up | 64.2 | 23.4 | Up | 04:51:38 - 04:56:43 | -200 |
Tulelake | 04:54:14 | -18.6 | Dark | Up | 62.9 | 22.7 | Up | 04:51:42 - 04:56:47 | -237 |
Paisley | 04:54:11 | -18.6 | Dark | Up | 63.8 | 22.7 | Up | 04:51:39 - 04:56:44 | -258 |
Fall River/Burney | 04:54:16 | -19.2 | Dark | Up | 62.1 | 22.0 | Up | 04:51:44 - 04:56:49 | -296 |
Lakeview | 04:54:12 | -19.1 | Dark | Up | 63.4 | 22.1 | Up | 04:51:40 - 04:56:45 | -301 |
Cedarville | 04:54:14 | -19.6 | Dark | Up | 62.8 | 21.5 | Up | 04:51:41 - 04:56:46 | -353 |
Greenville | 04:54:18 | -20.0 | Dark | Up | 61.3 | 21.1 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -381 |
Susanville | 04:54:17 | -20.0 | Dark | Up | 61.7 | 21.1 | Up | 04:51:44 - 04:56:49 | -386 |
Gimple | 04:54:18 | -20.1 | Dark | Up | 61.4 | 21.0 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -388 |
Quincy | 04:54:18 | -20.2 | Dark | Up | 61.2 | 21.0 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -394 |
Portola | 04:54:18 | -20.5 | Dark | Up | 61.2 | 20.6 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -435 |
Reno | 04:54:18 | -21.1 | Dark | Up | 61.1 | 20.0 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -498 |
Carson City | 04:54:18 | -21.3 | Dark | Up | 60.8 | 19.7 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -521 |
Gardnerville | 04:54:19 | -21.5 | Dark | Up | 60.5 | 19.5 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -539 |
Yerington | 04:54:18 | -21.8 | Dark | Up | 60.7 | 19.2 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -578 |
Lee Vining | 04:54:20 | -22.5 | Dark | Up | 59.8 | 18.6 | Up | 04:51:48 - 04:56:53 | -644 |
Hawthorne | 04:54:18 | -22.5 | Dark | Up | 60.4 | 18.6 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -645 |
CPSLO | 04:54:22 | -23.2 | Dark | Up | 56.9 | 18.2 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -720 |
Bishop | 04:54:20 | -23.4 | Dark | Up | 59.4 | 17.8 | Up | 04:51:48 - 04:56:53 | -733 |
Tonopah | 04:54:17 | -23.6 | Dark | Up | 60.3 | 17.3 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -774 |
Lone Pine | 04:54:22 | -24.1 | Dark | Up | 58.7 | 17.2 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -803 |
Beatty | 04:54:19 | -24.6 | Dark | Up | 59.3 | 16.4 | Up | 04:51:47 - 04:56:52 | -879 |
Wildwood | 04:54:22 | -25.3 | Dark | Up | 56.2 | 16.4 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -938 |
Indian Springs | 04:54:18 | -25.5 | Dark | Up | 59.3 | 15.5 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -977 |
Henderson | 04:54:18 | -26.3 | Dark | Up | 58.9 | 14.8 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -1061 |
Idyllwild | 04:54:22 | -26.8 | Dark | Up | 56.3 | 15.0 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -1087 |
Searchlight/Boulder City | 04:54:19 | -26.7 | Dark | Up | 58.3 | 14.5 | Up | 04:51:47 - 04:56:52 | -1102 |
Laughlin/Bullhead City | 04:54:20 | -27.1 | Dark | Up | 58.1 | 14.1 | Up | 04:51:47 - 04:56:52 | -1145 |
Mohave Valley | 04:54:20 | -27.3 | Dark | Up | 57.9 | 14.0 | Up | 04:51:47 - 04:56:52 | -1163 |
Patrick | 04:54:18 | -27.4 | Dark | Up | 58.5 | 13.7 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -1180 |
Kingman/Dolan Springs | 04:54:19 | -27.4 | Dark | Up | 58.2 | 13.8 | Up | 04:51:46 - 04:56:51 | -1181 |
Lake Havasu City | 04:54:20 | -27.7 | Dark | Up | 57.5 | 13.7 | Up | 04:51:48 - 04:56:53 | -1207 |
Calipatria | 04:54:22 | -27.9 | Dark | Up | 56.0 | 14.0 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -1209 |
Parker | 04:54:21 | -28.0 | Dark | Up | 57.2 | 13.6 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -1231 |
Blythe | 04:54:22 | -28.2 | Dark | Up | 56.6 | 13.6 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -1243 |
Yuma | 04:54:22 | -28.8 | Dark | Up | 55.7 | 13.3 | Up | 04:51:49 - 04:56:54 | -1301 |
SwRI | 04:53:53 | -28.4 | Dark | Up | 64.3 | 8.4 | Up | 04:51:21 - 04:56:26 | -1424 |
George/Scottsdale | 04:54:18 | -29.7 | Dark | Up | 57.2 | 11.7 | Up | 04:51:45 - 04:56:50 | -1433 |
Azimuth is measured in degrees eastward from north. North is at an azimuth of 0, due East is at an azimuth of 90 degrees, due South is 180, and due West is 270.
Do not use the listing below for the RECON CPC 1100 telescopes. This is provided for other non-team facilities.
Star training set for 342842, (2019/08/17 04:53UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Deneb 20:41:25.9 +45:16:49 1.3 20.41 64 Alderamin 21:18:35.2 +62:35:09 2.4 8.07 76 PPM 021951 20:04:44.5 +63:53:25 6.2 1.38 82 PPM 021996 20:07:48.0 +64:36:10 8.5 0.60 82 PPM 021982 20:06:37.6 +64:52:39 9.6 0.39 82 PPM 022034 20:11:42.6 +65:16:22 11.2 0.31 82 342842 20:08:50.0 +65:11:40 11.9 83 Positions are for J2000
Event circumstances last updated at 2019/08/02 22:11:31 UT
Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute