Occultation event with (14690) 00AR25, event index number 777
Regions able to see the event: SAmericaS
Geocentric closest approach at 2025/03/08 05:11:52 UTC
J2000 position of star is 09:54:19.5 +15:47:13
Equinox of date position of star is 09:55:41.8 +15:40:01
Star is 48 degrees from the moon. Moon is 67% illuminated.
Stellar brightness G=15.8, apparent brightess of occulting body is G=15.7
Use an exposure time of 0.70 seconds with the standard RECON-QHY system.
Expected flux drop is 53% with SNR of 4.2 per integration
Apparent velocity is 15.3 km/sec on the sky relative to the star, or, 17.2 arcsec/hr.
The recommended exposure time corresponds to 10.7 km per image.
The 1-sigma error in the time of the event is 3.2 seconds.
The 1-sigma cross-track error in the shadow position is 21.3 km.
The sky-plane scale is 3195.2 km/arcsec.
Diameter estimates:
44.9 km assuming a 5% albedo, aximum of 2.9 sec for a central chord
18.3 km assuming a 30% albedo, maximum of 1.2 sec for a central chord
Cross-track diameter of 44.9 km used for deployment plan.
Star training set for 14690_00AR25, (2025/03/08 05:12UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Regulus 10:09:42.6 +11:50:35 1.3 5.12 53 PPM 127101 10:07:02.7 +15:38:02 6.2 2.73 51 PPM 126978 09:59:33.7 +15:06:00 8.0 1.09 49 PPM 126896 09:54:55.9 +15:41:50 9.1 0.19 48 14690_00AR25 09:55:41.8 +15:40:01 15.7 48 Positions are for equinox of date
Star training set for 14690_00AR25, (2025/03/08 05:12UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Regulus 10:08:21.9 +11:58:02 1.3 5.12 53 PPM 127101 10:05:40.8 +15:45:26 6.2 2.73 51 PPM 126978 09:58:11.6 +15:13:16 8.0 1.09 49 PPM 126896 09:53:33.5 +15:49:01 9.1 0.19 48 14690_00AR25 09:54:19.5 +15:47:13 15.7 48 Positions are for J2000