Occultation event with (15539) 00CN3, event index number 850
Regions able to see the event: US
Geocentric closest approach at 2025/03/25 01:53:45 UTC
J2000 position of star is 06:49:28.1 +25:09:12
Equinox of date position of star is 06:51:01.2 +25:07:22
Star is 155 degrees from the moon. Moon is 24% illuminated.
Stellar brightness G=14.3, apparent brightess of occulting body is G=15.9
Use an exposure time of 0.35 seconds with the standard RECON-QHY system.
Expected flux drop is 18% with SNR of 9.2 per integration
Apparent velocity is 9.3 km/sec on the sky relative to the star, or, 9.6 arcsec/hr.
The recommended exposure time corresponds to 3.3 km per image.
The 1-sigma error in the time of the event is 4.6 seconds.
The 1-sigma cross-track error in the shadow position is 28.8 km.
The sky-plane scale is 3498.5 km/arcsec.
Diameter estimates:
48.1 km assuming a 5% albedo, aximum of 5.2 sec for a central chord
19.6 km assuming a 30% albedo, maximum of 2.1 sec for a central chord
Cross-track diameter of 48.1 km used for deployment plan.
Star training set for 15539_00CN3, (2025/03/25 01:54UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Pollux 07:46:51.4 +27:57:47 1.1 12.80 167 Alhena 06:39:10.1 +16:22:32 1.9 9.17 151 37 Gem 06:56:51.6 +25:20:31 6.3 1.34 157 PPM 096625 06:52:33.8 +25:43:39 7.5 0.70 156 PPM 096618 06:52:17.1 +24:53:25 9.5 0.37 156 PPM 096568 06:50:03.4 +25:11:34 10.2 0.23 155 15539_00CN3 06:51:01.2 +25:07:22 15.9 156 Positions are for equinox of date
This table contains the target star visibility for registered US sites that are relevant for this occultation. This list has been filtered to only those sites that can see the field and are within range of the shadow given the uncertainties. The observing time range has been calculated to cover the time of the event at each site with allowances for the event timing uncertainty plus time for obtaining a pre and post event baseline lightcurve. This set of stations has a 0.0 % chance of getting at least one chord. There is a 0.0% chance of 2 or more chords assuming clear weather for all.
Site Name | Site mid-time (UT) |
Sun alt (deg) |
Sky | Moon | Star alt (deg) |
Star az (deg) |
Target | Observing Time | Xtrack (km) |
Prob |
Star training set for 15539_00CN3, (2025/03/25 01:54UT) Object RA Dec mag sep mel Pollux 07:45:17.8 +28:01:33 1.1 12.80 167 Alhena 06:37:42.8 +16:23:56 1.9 9.17 151 37 Gem 06:55:18.5 +25:22:33 6.3 1.34 157 PPM 096625 06:51:00.4 +25:45:32 7.5 0.70 156 PPM 096618 06:50:44.2 +24:55:18 9.5 0.37 156 PPM 096568 06:48:30.3 +25:13:22 10.2 0.23 155 15539_00CN3 06:49:28.1 +25:09:12 15.9 155 Positions are for J2000