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list of older downloadable abstracts, preprints, and articles.
(Publications since mid-2004 available for download via links near top of Dr. Chapman's home page.)
C.R. Chapman, B.A. Cohen & D.H. Grinspoon 2004. What are the real constraints on the existence and magnitude of the Late Heavy Bombardment? Revised submission to Icarus, June 2004.
C.R. Chapman 2004. The hazard of near-Earth asteroid impacts on Earth. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 222, 1-15.
C.R. Chapman 2004. Space weathering of asteroid surfaces. Ann. Revs. Earth & Planet. Sci., 32, 539-567.
C.R. Chapman 2004. NEO impact scenarios. In AIAA 2004 Planetary Defense Conference: Protecting Earth from Asteroids, in press.
C.R. Chapman 2004. What we know and don't know about surfaces of potentially hazardous small bodies. In Mitigation of Impacts by Hazardous Asteroids and Comets (ed. M.J.S. Belton; Cambridge Univ. Press), in press.
D. Morrison, C.R. Chapman, D. Steel & R. Binzel 2004. Impacts and the public: communicating the nature of the impact hazard. In Mitigation of Impacts by Hazardous Asteroids and Comets (ed. M.J.S. Belton; Cambridge Univ. Press), in press.
P.M. Schenk, C.R. Chapman, K. Zahnle & J. Moore 2004. Ages and interiors: the cratering record of the Galilean satellites. In Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites, and Magnetosphere (ed. F. Bagenal et al., Cambridge Univ. Press), in press.
J.M. Moore, C.R. Chapman, E.B. Bierhaus, R. Greeley, F.C. Chuang, J. Klemaszewski, R.N. Clark, J.B. Dalton, C.A. Hibbits, P.M. Schenk, J.R. Spencer & R. Wagner 2004. Callisto. In Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites, and Magnetosphere (ed. F. Bagenal et al., Cambridge Univ. Press), in press.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, P.C. Thomas, J. Joseph, A.F. Cheng & N. Izenberg 2002. Impact history of Eros: Craters and boulders. Icarus, 155, 104-118.
*S. Murchie, M. Robinson, B. Clark, H. Li, P. Thomas, J. Joseph, B. Bussey, D. Domingue, J. Veverka, N. Izenberg & C. Chapman 2002. Color variations on Eros from NEAR multispectral imaging. Icarus, 155, 145-168.
*C.R. Chapman 2002. Impact lethality and risks in today's world: Lessons for interpreting Earth history. In Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond (eds. C. Koerberl & K.G. MacLeod; Geological Society of America Special Paper 356), 7-19.
*P.C. Thomas, J. Joseph, B. Carcich, J. Veverka, B.E. Clark, J.F. Bell III, A.J. Byrd, R. Chomko, M. Robinson, S. Murchie, L. Prockter, A. Cheng, N. Izenberg, M. Malin, C. Chapman, L.A. McFadden, R. Kirk, M. Gaffey & P.G. Lucey 2002. Eros: shape, topography, and slope processes. Icarus, 155, 18-37.
*A.F. Cheng, N. Izenberg, C.R. Chapman & M.T. Zuber 2002. Ponded deposits on asteroid 433 Eros. Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 37, 1095-1105.
*D. Morrison, C.R. Chapman, A.W. Harris, G. Sommer & A. Carusi 2002. Dealing with the impact hazard. In Asteroids III (eds. W. Bottke Jr., A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi & R.P. Binzel, Univ. Ariz. Press, Tucson), 739-754.
*C.R. Chapman 2002. Cratering on asteroids from Galileo and NEAR Shoemaker. In Asteroids III (ed. W. Bottke Jr., A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi & R.P. Binzel, Univ. Ariz. Press, Tucson), 315-330.
*S.C. Solomon, R.L. McNutt Jr., R.E. Gold, M.H. Acuna, D.N. Baker, W.V. Boynton, C.R. Chapman, A.F. Cheng, G. Gloeckler, J.W. Head III, S.M. Krimigis, W.E. McClintock, S.L. Murchie, S.J. Peale, R.J. Phillips, M.S. Robinson, J.A. Slavin, D.E. Smith, R.G. Strom, J.I. Trombka & M.T. Zuber 2001. The MESSENGER mission to Mercury: scientific objectives and implementation. Planet. Spa. Sci., 49, 1445-1465.
*T.J. McCoy, T.H. Burbine, L.A. McFadden, R.D. Starr, M.J. Gaffey, L.R. Nittler, L.G. Evans, N. Izenberg, P. Lucey, J.I. Trombka, J.F. Bell III, B.E. Clark, P.E. Clark, S.W. Squyres, C.R. Chapman, W.V. Boynton & J. Veverka 2001. The composition of 433 Eros: a mineralogical-chemical synthesis. Meteoritics & Plan. Sci., 36, 1661-1672.
*B.E. Clark, P. Lucey, P. Helfenstein, J.F. Bell III, C. Peterson, J. Veverka, T. McConnochie, M.S. Robinson, B. Bussey, S.L. Murchie, N.I. Izenberg & C.R. Chapman 2001. Space weathering on Eros: constraints from albedo and spectral measurements of Psyche crater. Meteoritics & Plan. Sci., 36, 1617-1637.
*L.A. McFadden, D.D. Wellnitz, M. Schnaubelt, M.J. Gaffey, J.F. Bell III, N. Izenberg, S. Murchie & C.R. Chapman 2001. Mineralogical interpretation of reflectance spectra of Eros from NEAR NIS low phase flyby. Meteoritics & Plan. Sci., 36, 1711-1726.
*E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, S.M. Brooks & E. Asphaug 2001. Pwyll secondaries and other small craters on Europa. Icarus, 153, 264-276.
*J. Veverka, B. Farquhar, M. Robinson, P. Thomas, S. Murchie, A. Harch, P.G. Antresian, S.R. Chesley, J.K. Miller, W.M. Owen Jr., B.G. Williams, D. Yeomans, D. Dunham, G. Heyler, M. Holdridge, R.L. Nelson, K.E. Whittenburg, J.C. Ray, B. Carcich, A. Cheng, C. Chapman, J.F. Bell III, M. Bell, B. Bussey, B. Clark, D. Domingue, M.J. Gaffey, E. Hawkins, N. Izenberg, J. Joseph, R. Kirk, P. Lucey, M. Malin, L. McFadden, W.J. Merline, C. PEterson, L. Prockter, J. Warren & D. Wellnitz 2001. The landing of the NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft on asteroid 433 Eros. Nature, 413, 390-393.
*J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, M.J.S. Belton, B. Bierhaus, H.H. Breneman, S.M. Brooks, C.R. Chapman, F.C. Chaung, G.C. Collins, B. Giese, R. Greeley, J.W. Head III, S. Kadel, K.P. Klaasen, J.E. Klemaszewski, K.P. Magee, J. Moreau, D. Morrison, G. Neukum, R.T. Pappalardo, C.B. Phillips, P.M. Schenk, D.A. Senske, R.J. Sullivan, E.P. Turtle & K.K. Williams 2001. Impact features on Europa: results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM). Icarus, 151, 93-111.
*H.F. Levison, L. Dones, C.R. Chapman, S.A. Stern, M.J. Duncan & K. Zahnle 2001. Could the lunar "Late Heavy Bombardment" have been triggered by the formation of Uranus and Neptune? Icarus, 151, 286-306.
*A.F. Cheng, O. Barnouin-Jha, M.T. Zuber, J. Veverka, D.E. Smith, G.A. Neumann, M. Robinson, P. Thomas, J.B. Garvin, S. Murchie, C. Chapman & L. Prockter 2001. Laser altimetry of small-scale features on 433 Eros from NEAR-Shoemaker. Science , 292, 488-491.
*J. Veverka, P. C. Thomas, M. Robinson, S. Murchie, C. Chapman, M. Bell, A. Harch, W. J. Merline, J. F. Bell III, B. Bussey, B. Carcich, A. Cheng, B. Clark, D. Domingue, D. Dunham, R. Farquhar, M. J. Gaffey, E. Hawkins, N. Izenberg, J. Joseph, R. Kirk, H. Li, P. Lucey, M. Malin, L. McFadden, J. K. Miller, W. M. Owen Jr., C. Peterson, L. Prockter, J. Warren, D. Wellnitz, B. G. Williams & D. K. Yeomans 2001. Imaging of small-scale features on 433 Eros from NEAR: evidence for a complex regolith. Science, 292, 484-488.
*J. Veverka, M. Robinson, P. Thomas, S. Murchie, J.F. Bell III, N. Izenberg, C. Chapman, A. Harch, M. Bell, B. Carcich, A. Cheng, B. Clark, D. Domingue, D. Dunham, R. Farquhar, M.J. Gaffey, E. Hawkins, J. Joseph, R. Kirk, H. Li, P. Lucey, M. Malin, P. Martin, L. McFadden, W.J. Merline, J.K. Miller, W. M. Owen Jr., C. Peterson, L. Prockter, J. Warren, D. Wellnitz, B.G. Williams, D.K. Yeomans 2000. NEAR at Eros: imaging and spectral results. Science 289, 2088-2097.
*C.R. Chapman 2000. The asteroid/comet impact hazard: homo sapiens as dinosaur? In Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and the Future of Nature (ed. D. Sarewitz, R.A. Pielke, Jr. & R. Byerly; Island Press, Washington D.C.), pp. 107-134.
*W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, C. Dumas, C.R. Chapman, F. Roddier, F. Menard, D.C. Slater, G. Duvert, C. Shelton & T. Morgan 1999. Discovery of a moon orbiting the asteroid 45 Eugenia. Nature 401, 565-568.
*L. Orgel, M. A'Hearn, J. Bada, J. Baross, C. Chapman, M. Drake, J. Kerridge, M. Race, M. Sogin, & S. Squyres 2000. Sample return from small solar system bodies. Adv. Space Res. 25(2), 239-248. {See also: "Evaluating the Biological Potential in Samples Returned from Planetary Satellites and Small Solar System Bodies: Framework for Decision Making," Task Group on Sample Return from Small Solar System Bodies, National Research Council, 116 pp, 1998; order from}
*J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, J.R. Spencer, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, R.J. Sullivan, F.C. Chuang, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, K.C. Bender, P.E. Geissler, P. Helfenstein & C.B. Pilcher 1999. Mass movement and landform degradation on the icy Galilean satellites: Results of the Galileo nominal mission. Icarus 140, 294-312.
*R.T. Pappalardo, M.J.S. Belton, H.H. Breneman, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, G.C. Collins, T. Denk, S. Fagents, P.E. Geissler, B. Giese, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head, P. Helfenstein, G. Hoppa, S.D. Kadel, K.P. Klaasen, J.E. Klemaszewski, J. Magee, A.S. McEwen, J.M. Moore, W.B. Moore, G. Neukum, C.B. Phillips, L.M. Prockter, G. Schubert, D.A. Senske, R.J. Sullivan, B.R. Tufts, E.P. Turtle, R. Wagner & K.K. Williams 1999. Does Europa have a subsurface ocean? Evaluation of the geological evidence. J. Geophys. Res.--Planets 104, 24015-24055.
*J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, J.F. Bell III, M. Bell, B. Carcich, B. Clark, A. Harch, J. Joseph, P. Martin, M. Robinson, S. Murchie, N. Izenberg, E. Hawkins, J. Warren, R. Farquhar, A. Cheng, D. Dunham, C. Chapman, W.J. Merline, L. McFadden, D. Wellnitz, M. Malin, W.M. Owen Jr., J.K. Miller, B.G. Williams & D.K. Yeomans 1999. Imaging of asteroid 433 Eros during NEAR's flyby reconnaissance. Science 285 562- 564.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline & P. Thomas 1999. Cratering on Mathilde. Icarus 140, 28-33.
*J. Veverka, P. Thomas, A. Harch, B. Clark, J.F. Bell III, B. Carcich, J. Joseph, S. Murchie, N. Izenberg, C. Chapman, W. Merline, M. Malin, L. McFadden & M. Robinson 1999. NEAR encounter with asteroid 253 Mathilde: overview. Icarus 140 3-16.
*P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, B.E. Clark, B. Carcich, J. Joseph, M. Robinson, L.A. McFadden, M.C. Malin, C.R. Chapman, W. Merline & S. Murchie 1999. Mathilde: size, shape, and geology. Icarus 140 17-27.
*B.E. Clark, J. Veverka, P. Helfenstein, P.C. Thomas, J.F. Bell III, A. Harch, M.S. Robinson, S.L. Murchie, L.A. McFadden & C.R. Chapman 1999. NEAR photometry of asteroid 253 Mathilde. Icarus 140 53-65.
*J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, R.J. Sullivan, J.E. Klemaszewski, K.C. Bender, R. Greeley, P.E. Geissler, A.S. McEwen, E.P. Turtle, C.B. Phillips, B.R. Tufts, J.W. Head III, R.T. Pappalardo, K.B. Jones, C.R. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton, R.L. Kirk & D. Morrison 1998. Large impact features on Europa: results of the Galileo nominal mission. Icarus 135 127-145.
*R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, J. Klemaszewski, K. Holman, J.W. Head III, R.T. Pappalardo, J. Veverka, B.E. Clark, T.V. Johnson, K.P. Klaasen, M. Belton, J. Moore, E. Asphaug, M.H. Carr, G. Neukum, T. Denk, C.R. Chapman, C.B. Pilcher, P.E. Geissler, R. Greenberg & R. Tufts. 1998. Europa: initial Galileo geological observations. Icarus 135, 4-24.
*R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head, G.C. Collins, R.L. Kirk, G. Neukum, J. Oberst, B. Giese, R. Greeley, C.R. Chapman, P. Helfenstein, J.M. Moore, A. McEwen, B.R. Tufts, D.A. Senske, H.H. Breneman & K. Klaasen 1998. Grooved terrain on Gaymede: first results from Galileo high-resolution imaging. Icarus 135 276-302.
*L.M. Prockter, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, D.A. Senske, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, U. Wolf, J. Oberst, B. Giese, J.M. Moore, C.R. Chapman, P. Helfenstein, R. Greeley, H.H. Breneman & M.J.S. Belton 1998. Dark terrain on Ganymede: geological mapping and interpretation of Galileo Regio at high resolution. Icarus 135 317-344.
*P.C. Thomas, J.A. Burns, L. Rossier, D. Simonelli, J. Veverka, C.R. Chapman, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, M.J.S. Belton & the Galileoi Solid State Imaging Team 1998. The small inner satellites of Jupiter. Icarus 135, 360-371.
*R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, K. Homan, J. Klemaszewski, M.J.S. Belton, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, R. Tufts, J.W. Head III, R. Pappalardo, J. Moore, P. Thomas & Galileo Imaging Team 1998. Episodic plate seaparation and fracture infill on the surface of Europa. Nature 391, 371-373.
*M.H. Carr, M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, P. Geissler, R. Greenberg, A.S. McEwen, B.R. Tufts, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, K.P. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, J. Kaufman, D. Senske, J. Moore, G. Neukum, G. Schubert, J.A. Burns, P. Thomas, J. Veverka 1998. Evidence for a subsurface ocean on Europa. Nature 391, 363-365.
*K.P. Klaasen, M.J.S. Belton, H.H. Breneman, A.S. McEwen, M.E. Davies, R.J. Sullivan, C.R. Chapman, G. Neukum, C.M. Heffernan 1997. Inflight performance characteristics, calibration, and utilization of the Galileo solid-state imaging camera. Opt. Eng. 36(11), 3001-3027.
*C.R. Chapman 1997. Gaspra and Ida: implications of spacecraft reconnaissance for NEO issues. In Near-Earth Objects: The United Nations Conference (ed. J.L. Remo, Annals NY Acad. Sci. 822) 227- 235.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. The risk to civilization from extraterrestrial objects and implications of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet crash. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundeanstalt (Wien) 53, 51-54.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Asteroids: relationships with other small bodies. Invited review, submitted to Proc. Asteroids/Comets/Meteors 1996.
*HARD-COPY REPRINT AVAILABLE! C.R. Chapman 1996. S-type asteroids, ordinary chondrites, and space weathering: the evidence from Galileo's Fly-bys of Gaspra and Ida. (Invited review). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 31, 699-726.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Galileo observations of the impacts. The Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter (eds. K.S. Noll, H.A. Weaver, P.D. Feldman; Cambridge Univ. Press), 121-132.
J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, P. Thomas, A. Harch, S. Murchie, S.E. Hawkins III, J.W. Warren, H. Darlington, K. Peacock, C.R. Chapman, L.A. McFadden, M.C. Malin, M.S. Robinson 1997. An overview of the NEAR multispectral imager-near-infrared spectrometer investigation. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 102, 23709-23727.
C.R. Chapman, E.V. Ryan, W.J. Merline, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka, R.J. Sullivan 1996. Cratering on Ida. Icarus 120, 77-86.
M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, K.P. Klaasen, A.P. Harch, P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka, A.S. McEwen, R.T. Pappalardo 1996. Galileo's encounter with 243 Ida: an overview of the imaging experiment. Icarus 120, 1-19.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, D.D. Durda, P. Farinella, F. Marzari 1996. The formation and collisional/dynamical evolution of the Ida/Dactyl system as part of the Koronis family. Icarus 120, 220-230.
P. Helfenstein, J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, D.P. Simonelli, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, F. Fanale, J. Granahan, A.S. McEwen, M. Belton, C. Chapman 1996. Galileo photometry of asteroid 243 Ida. Icarus 120, 48-65.
P.C. Thomas, M.J.S. Belton, B. Carcich, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Sullivan, J. Veverka 1996. The shape of Ida. Icarus 120, 20-32.
R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, R. Pappalardo, E. Asphaug, J.M. Moore, D. Morrison, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, C.R. Chapman, P. Geissler, R. Greenberg, J. Granahan, J.W. Head III, R. Kirk, A. McEwen, P. Lee, P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka 1996. Geology of 243 Ida. Icarus 120, 119-139.
J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, P. Helfenstein, P. Lee, A. Harch, S. Calvo, C. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, M. Davies 1996. Dactyl: Galileo observations of Ida's satellite. Icarus 120, 200- 211.
P. Lee, J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, P. Helfenstein, M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, R.T. Pappalardo, R. Sullivan, J.W. Head III 1996. Ejecta blocks on 243 Ida and on other asteroids. Icarus 120, 87-105.
M.J.S. Belton, B.E.A. Mueller, L.A. D'Amario, D.V. Byrnes, K.P. Klaasen, S. Synott, H. Breneman, T.V. Johnson, P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka, A.P. Harch, M.E. Davies, W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, D. Davis, T. Denk, G. Neukum, J-M. Petit, R. Greenberg, A. Storrs, B. Zellner 1996. The discovery and orbit of 1993 (243)1 Dactyl. Icarus 120, 185-199.
C.R. Chapman, J. Veverka, M.J.S. Belton, G. Neukum, and D. Morrison 1996. Cratering on Gaspra. Icarus 120, 231-245.
M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, P.C. Thomas, M.E. Davies, R. Greenberg, K. Klaasen, D. Byrnes, L. D'Amario, S. Synnott, T.V. Johnson, A. McEwen, W.J. Merline, D.R. Davis, J-M. Petit, A. Storrs, J. Veverka, B. Zellner 1995. Bulk density of asteroid 243 Ida from the orbit of its satellite Dactyl. Nature 374, 785-788.
C.R. Chapman and D.P. Cruikshank 1995. Prelude to exploration and the Voyager mission to Neptune. In Neptune and Triton (Ed. D.P. Cruikshank, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 3-14.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, C. Heffernan, M.J.S. Belton, A.P. Ingersoll, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1995. Preliminary results of Galileo direct imaging of S-L 9 impacts. Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 1561-1564.
D. Morrison, C.R. Chapman, P. Slovic 1994. The impact hazard. In Hazards Due to Comets & Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Tucson: Univ. of Ariz. Press), 59-91.
*C.R. Chapman, A.W. Harris, R. Binzel 1994. Physical properties of near-Earth asteroids: implications for the hazard issue. In Hazards Due to Comets & Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Tucson: Univ. of Ariz. Press), 537-549.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1994. Impacts on the Earth by asteroids and comets: assessing the hazard. Nature 367, 33-40.
J. Veverka, M. Belton, K. Klaasen, C. Chapman 1994. Galileo's encounter with 951 Gaspra: overview. Icarus 107, 2-17.
P.C. Thomas, J. Veverka, D. Simonelli, P. Helfenstein, B. Carcich, M.J.S. Belton, M.E. Davies, C. Chapman 1994. The shape of Gaspra. Icarus 107, 23-36.
P. Helfenstein, J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, D.P. Simonelli, P. Lee, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, H. Breneman, J.W. Head, S. Murchie, F. Fanale, M. Robinson, B. Clark, J. Granahan, H. Garbeil, A.S. McEwen, R.L. Kirk, M. Davies, G. Neukum, S. Mottola, R. Wagner, M. Belton, C. Chapman, C. Pilcher 1994. Galileo photometry of asteroid 951 Gaspra. Icarus 107, 37-60.
J. Veverka, P. Thomas, D. Simonelli, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J. Head, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, D. Morrison, G. Neukum 1994. Discovery of grooves on Gaspra. Icarus 107, 72-83.
C.R. Chapman 1994. The Galileo encounters with Gaspra and Ida. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1993 (Eds. A. Milani et al., IAU), 357-365.
M.J.S. Belton, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, K.P. Klaasen, J.W. Head III, C. Pieters, G. Neukum, C.R. Chapman, P. Geissler, C. Heffernan, H. Breneman, C. Anger, M.H. Carr, M.E. Davies, F.P. Fanale, P.J. Gierasch, A.P. Ingersoll, T.V. Johnson, C.B. Pilcher, W.R. Thompson, J. Veverka, C. Sagan 1994. Title=?. Science 264, 1112-1115.
D. Morrison and C.R. Chapman 1993. Impact hazard and the International Spaceguard Survey. In Proceedings of the 30th Liege Astrophysics Colloq.
D. Morrison (Ed.), R. Binzel, E. Bowell, C. Chapman, L. Friedman, T. Gehrels, E. Helin, B. Marsden, A. Maury, T. Morgan, K. Muinonen, S. Ostro, J. Pike, J. Rahe, R. Rajamohan, J. Rather, K. Russell, E. Shoemaker, A. Sokolsky, D. Steel, D. Tholen, J. Veverka, F. Vilas, D. Yeomans 1992. The Spaceguard Survey: Report of the NASA International Near-Earth-Object Detection Workshop, (NASA/JPL) 52 pp.
M.J.S. Belton, J. Veverka, P. Thomas, P. Helfenstein, D. Simonelli, C. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J. Head, S. Murchie, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, A. McEwen, D. Morrison, G. Neukum, F. Fanale, A. Anger, M. Carr, C. Pilcher 1992. Galileo encounter with 951 Gaspra: First picture of an asteroid. Science 257, 1647-1652. M.J.S. Belton, J.W. Head III, C.M. Pieters, R. Greeley, A.S. McEwen, G. Neukum, K.P. Klaasen, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, F.P. Fanale, P.J. Gierasch, R. Greenberg, A.P. Ingersoll, T. Johnson, B. Paczkowski, C.B. Pilcher, J. Veverka 1992. Lunar impact basins and crustal heterogeneity: New western limb and far side data from Galileo. Science 255, 570-576.
M.J.S. Belton, P. Gierasch, K.P. Klaasen, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head, G. Neukum, C.B. Pilcher, J. Veverka, F.P. Fanale, A.P. Ingersoll, J.B. Pollack, D. Morrison, M.C. Clary, W. Cunningham, H. Breneman 1992. Imaging of Venus from Galileo: Early results and camera performance. Adv. Space. Res. 12 (9), 91-103.
M.J.S. Belton, K.P. Klaasen, M.C. Clary, J.L. Anderson, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greeley, D. Anderson, L.K. Bolef, T.E. Townsend, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head III, G. Neukum, C.B. Pilcher, J. Veverka, P.J. Gierasch, F.P. Fanale, A.P. Ingersoll, H. Masursky, D. Morrison, J.B. Pollack 1992. The Galileo Solid-State imaging experiment. Space Science Reviews 60, 413-455.
M.J.S. Belton, P.J. Gierasch, M.D. Smith, P. Helfenstein, P.J. Schinder, J.B. Pollack, K.A. Rages, A.P. Ingersoll, K.P. Klaasen, J. Veverka, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, F.P. Fanale, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head III, D. Morrison, G. Neukum, C.B. Pilcher 1991. Images from Galileo of the Venus cloud deck. Science 253, 1531-1536.
W.B. McKinnon, C.R. Chapman, K.R. Housen 1991. Cratering of the Uranian satellites. In Uranus (Eds. J.T. Bergstralh, E.D. Miner, and M.S. Matthews, Univ. of Arizona Press), 629-692.
J.D. Drummond, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis 1991. Photometric geodesy of main-belt asteroids. IV. An updated analysis of lightcurves for periods, poles, and shapes. Icarus 89, 44-64.
S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg, D.H. Levy, R.P. Binzel, S.M. Vail, M. Magee, D. Spaute 1990. Photometric geodesy of main-belt asteroids. III. Additional lightcurves. Icarus 86, 402-447.
D.W. Dunham, J.B. Dunham, R.P. Binzel, D.S. Evans, M. Freuh, G.W. Henry, M.F. A'Hearn, R.G. Schnurr, R. Betts, H. Haynes, R. Orcutt, E. Bowell, L.H. Wasserman, R.A. Nye, H.L. Giclas, C.R. Chapman, R.D. Dietz, C. Moncivais, W.T. Douglass, D.C. Parker, J.D. Beish, J.O. Martin, D.R. Monger, W.B. Hubbard, H.J. Reitsema, A.R. Klemola, P.D. Lee, B.R. McNamara, P.D. Maley, P. Manly, N.L. Markworth, R. Nolthenius, T.D. Oswalt, J.A. Smith, E.F. Strother, H.R. Povenmire, R.D. Purrington, C. Trenary, G.H. Schneider, W.J. Schuster, M.A. Moreno, J. Guichard, G.R. Sanchez, G.E. Taylor, A.R. Upgren, T.C. Van Flandern 1990. The size and shape of (2) Pallas from the 1983 occultation of 1 Vulpeculae. Astron. J. 99, 1637-1662.
C.R. Chapman, P. Paolicchi, V. Zappala…, R.P. Binzel, J.F. Bell 1989. Asteroid families: Physical properties and evolution. In Asteroids II (Eds. R. Binzel, T. Gehrels, and M.S. Matthews, Univ. of Arizona Press), 386-415.
J.C. Gradie, C.R. Chapman, E.F. Tedesco 1989. Distribution of taxonomic classes and the compositional structure of the asteroid belt. In Asteroids II (Eds. R. Binzel, T. Gehrels, and M.S. Matthews, Univ. of Arizona Press), 316-335.
B. Zellner, E.N. Wells, C.R. Chapman, D.P. Cruikshank 1989. Asteroid observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Space Infrared Telescope Facility. In Asteroids II (Eds. R. Binzel, T. Gehrels, and M.S. Matthews, Univ. of Arizona Press), 949-969.
G.W. Wetherill and C.R. Chapman 1988. Asteroids and meteorites. In Meteorites and the Early Solar System (Eds. J. Kerridge and M.S. Matthews, Univ. of Arizona Press), 35-67.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Mercury: Introduction to an end-member planet. In Mercury (Eds. F. Vilas, C.R. Chapman, M.S. Matthews, Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson), 1-23.
J. Drummond, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis 1988. Photometric geodesy of main-belt asteroids. II. Analysis of lightcurves for poles and shapes. Icarus 76, 19-77.
C.R. Chapman 1987. Physics, chemistry and collisional evolution of asteroids. In The Evolution of the Small Bodies of the Solar System (Soc. Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, Italy), 79-90.
R.P. Binzel, A.L. Cochran, E.S. Barker, D.J. Tholen, A. Barucci, M. Di Martino, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis 1987. Coordinated observations of asteroids 1219 Britta and 1972 Yi Xing. Icarus 71 148-158.
S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg, D.H. Levy, S. Vail 1987. Photometric geodesy of main-belt asteroids. I. Observations of 26 large rapid rotators. Icarus 70, 191-245.
M.A. Leake, C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidenschilling, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg 1987. The chronology of Mercury's geological and geophysical evolution: the vulcanoid hypothesis. Icarus 71, 350-375.
C.R. Chapman 1986. Implications of the inferred compositions of asteroids for their collisional evolution. Mem. S.A. It. 57, 103-112.
C.R. Chapman and W.B. McKinnon 1986. Cratering of planetary satellites. In Satellites (Eds. J.A. Burns & M.S. Matthews, Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson), 492-580.
S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Greenberg, C.R. Chapman, F. Herbert, D.R. Davis, M.J. Drake, J.Jones, W.K. Hartmann 1986. Origin of the Moon from a circumterrestrial disk. In Origin of the Moon (Eds. W.K. Hartmann, G.J. Taylor, and R.J. Phillips, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston), 731-762.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Greenberg 1985. Collisional history of asteroids: Evidence from Vesta and the Hirayama families. Icarus 62, 30-53.
D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg 1984. Saturn ring particles as dynamic ephemeral bodies. Science 224, 744-747.
R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis 1984. From icy planetesimals to outer planets and comets. Icarus 59, 87-113.
S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg 1984. Ring particles: Collisional interactions and physical nature. In Planetary Rings (Eds. R. Greenberg and A. Brahic, Univ. of Ariz. Press, Tucson), 367-415.
R. Greenberg and C.R. Chapman 1984. Asteroids and meteorites: Origin of stony-iron meteorites at mantle-core boundaries. Icarus 57, 267-279.
C.R. Chapman 1983. Asteroids and comets (IUGG Report, 1979-82). Rev. Geophys. 21 (2), 196-206.
R. Greenberg and C.R. Chapman 1983. Asteroids and meteorites: Parent bodies and delivered samples. Icarus 55, 455-481.
M.A. Feierberg, H.P. Larson, C.R. Chapman 1982. Spectroscopic evidence for undifferentiated S-type asteroids. Astrophys. J. 257, 361-372.
C.R. Chapman 1981. Asteroid science: IRAS research goals. In IRAS and the Asteroids (Ed. W.C. Wells, NASA Conf. Publ.).
J.B. Adams, T.B. McCord, C.M. Pieters, C.R. Chapman, A.E. Metzger, T.V. Johnson, I. Adler, M.J. Bielefeld 1981. Remote sensing of basalts in the Solar System. In Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets (Pergamon Press, NY), 439-490.
W.K. Hartmann, R.G. Strom, R.A.F. Grieve, S.J. Weidenschilling, J. Diaz, K.R. Blasius, C.R. Chapman, A. Woronow, E.M. Shoemaker, M.R. Dence, K.L. Jones 1981. Chronology of planetary volcanism by comparative studies of planetary cratering. In Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets (Pergamon Press, NY), 1049-1127.
C.R. Chapman and M.J. Gaffey 1979. Reflectance spectra for 277 asteroids. In Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 655-687.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling, A.W. Harris 1979. Collisional evolution of asteroids: Populations, rotations, and velocities. In Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 528-557.
K.R. Housen, L.L. Wilkening, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg 1979. Asteroidal regoliths. Icarus 39, 317-351.
K.R. Housen, L.L. Wilkening, C.R. Chapman, R.J. Greenberg 1979. Regolith development on asteroids and the Moon. In Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 601-627.
C.R. Chapman 1979. Asteroids: Nature, interrelations, origin, and evolution. In Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 25-60.
A. Woronow and 11 others (aka Crater Analysis Techniques Working Group) 1979. Standard techniques for presentation and analysis of crater size frequency data. Icarus 37, 467-474. (Also: NASA Tech. Memo 79730, 1978.)
J.C. Gradie, C.R. Chapman, J.G. Williams 1979. Families of minor planets. In Asteroids (Ed. T. Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 359-390.
C.R. Chapman 1978. Asteroid collisions, craters, regoliths, and lifetimes. In Asteroids: An Exploration Assessment (Eds. D. Morrison & W.C. Wells, NASA Conf. Publ. 2053), 145-160.
C.R. Chapman and B.H. Zellner 1978. The role of Earth-based observations of asteroids during the next decade. In Asteroids: An Exploration Assessment (Eds. D. Morrison & W.C. Wells, NASA Conf. Publ. 2053), 183-192.
R. Greenberg, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman, J.F. Wacker 1978. The accretion of planets from planetesimals. In Protostars and Planets (Ed. T. Gehrels, Proc. IAU Colloq. 52, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson), 559-622.
E. Bowell, C.R. Chapman, J.C. Gradie, D. Morrison, B. Zellner 1978. Taxonomy of asteroids. Icarus 35, 313-335.
D. Bender, E. Bowell, C. Chapman, M. Gaffey, T. Gehrels, B. Zellner, D. Morrison, E. Tedesco 1978. The Tucson Revised Index of Asteroid Data. Icarus 33, 630-631.
C.R. Chapman, J.G. Williams, W.K. Hartmann 1978. The asteroids. Ann. Rev. Astron. and Astrophys. 16, 33-75.
R. Greenberg, J.F. Wacker, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman 1978. Planetesimals to planets: Numerical simulation of collisional evolution. Icarus 35, 1-26.
C.R. Chapman 1977. The evolution of asteroids as meteorite parent bodies. In Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites -- Interrelations, Evolution and Origins (Ed. A.H. Delsemme, Proc. IAU Colloq. 39, Univ. of Toledo Publication), 265-275.
R. Greenberg, D.R. Davis, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman 1977. Size distribution of particles in planetary rings. Icarus 30, 769-779.
C.R. Chapman and K.L. Jones 1977. Cratering and obliteration history of Mars. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 5, 515-540.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1976. J, H, K photometry of 433 Eros and other asteroids. Icarus 28, 91-94.
C. Pieters, M.J. Gaffey, C.R. Chapman, T.B. McCord 1976. Spectrophotometry (0.33 to 1.07æm) of 433 Eros and compositional implications. Icarus 28, 105-115.
D. Morrison and C.R. Chapman 1976. Radiometric diameters for an additional 22 asteroids. Astrophys. J. 204, 934-939.
C.R. Chapman 1976. Chronology of terrestrial planet evolution: Evidence from Mercury. Icarus 29, 523-536.
C.R. Chapman 1976. Asteroids as meteorite parent bodies: the astronomical perspective. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 701-719.
C.R. Chapman and D.R. Davis 1975. Asteroid collisional evolution: Evidence for a much larger early population. Science 190, 553-556.
T.B. McCord and C.R. Chapman 1975. Asteroids: Spectral reflectance and color characteristics II. Astrophys. J. 197, 781-790.
W.K. Hartmann, D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, S. Soter, R. Greenberg 1975. Mars: Satellite origin and angular momentum. Icarus 25, 588-594.
C.R. Chapman, D. Morrison, B. Zellner 1975. Surface properties of asteroids: A synthesis of polarimetry, radiometry, and spectrophotometry. Icarus 25, 104-130.
T.B. McCord and C.R. Chapman 1975. Asteroids: spectral reflectance and color characteristics. Astrophys. J. 195, 553-562.
C.R. Chapman 1974. Asteroid size distribution: Implications for the origin of stony-iron and iron meteorites. Geophys. Res. Lett. 1 341-344.
C.R. Chapman 1974. Cratering on Mars: I. Cratering and obliteration history. Icarus 22, 272-291.
C.R. Chapman 1974. Cratering on Mars: II. Implications for future cratering studies from Mariner 4 re-analysis. Icarus 22, 292-300.
C.R. Chapman and J.W. Salisbury 1973. Comparisons of meteorite and asteroid spectral reflectivities. Icarus 19, 507-522.
C.R. Chapman, T.B. McCord, C. Pieters 1973. Minor planets and related objects: X. Spectrophotometric study of the composition of (1685) Toro. Astron. J. 78, 502-505.
C.R. Chapman, T.B. McCord, T.V. Johnson 1973. Asteroid spectral reflectivities. Astron. J. 78, 126-140.
C.R. Chapman, T.V. Johnson, T.B. McCord 1971. A review of spectrophotometric studies of asteroids. In Physical Studies of Minor Planets (Ed. T. Gehrels, 12th IAU Colloq., Tucson), NASA SP-267, 51-65.
C.B. Pilcher, C.R. Chapman, L.A. Lebofsky, H.H. Kieffer 1970. Saturn's rings: Identification of water frost. Science 167, 1372-1373.
C.R. Chapman, J.A. Mosher, G. Simmons 1970. Lunar cratering and erosion from Orbiter 5 photographs. J. Geophys. Res. 75, 1445-1466.
C.R. Chapman, J.B. Pollack, C. Sagan 1969. An analysis of the Mariner 4 cratering statistics. Astron. J. 74, 1039-1051.
C.R. Chapman 1969. Jupiter's zonal winds: Variations with latitude. J. Atmos. Sci. 26, 986-990.
H.G. Solberg Jr. and C.R. Chapman 1969. Correlation between the Zurich sunspot number and the prominence Jupiter's Red Spot. Nature 221, 352.
C.R. Chapman and E.J. Reese 1968. A test of the uniformly rotating source hypothesis for the South Equatorial Belt disturbances on Jupiter. Icarus 9, 326-335.
C.R. Chapman 1968. Interpretation of the diameter-frequency relation for lunar craters photographed by Rangers 7, 8, and 9. Icarus 8, 11-22.
C.R. Chapman, J.B. Pollack, C. Sagan 1968. An analysis of the Mariner 4 photography of Mars. SAO Special Report No. 268.
C.R. Chapman 1967. Optical evidence on the rotation of Mercury. Earth Plan. Sci. Ltrs. 3, 381-385.
C.R. Chapman 1967. Lunar transient phenomena. Science 157, 959.
C.R. Chapman and R.R. Haefner 1967. A critique of methods for analysis of the diameter-frequency relation for craters with special application to the Moon. J. Geophys. Res. 72, 549-557.
D.W.G. Arthur, A.P. Agnieray, R.A. Horvath, C.A. Wood, C.R. Chapman 1964. The system of lunar craters, quadrant II (with catalog and map). Comm. Lunar Plan. Lab. #40 3, 1-2.
D.W.G. Arthur, A.P. Agnieray, R.A. Horvath, C.A. Wood, C.R. Chapman 1963. The system of lunar craters, quadrant I (with catalog and map). Comm. Lunar Plan. Lab. #30 2, 71-78.
Other Professional Publications:
Extended Abstracts, Commentaries, Letters, and Book Reviews in
Professional Journals, Articles in Amateur Journals,
and Unrefereed Conference Contributions
E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman & W.J. Merline 2004. Small craters in the inner solar system: primaries or secondaries or both? (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. 35th, #1963.
W.J. Merline, P.M. Tamblyn, D. Dumas, F. Menard, L.M. Close, C.R. Chapman, G. Duvert & N. Ageorges 2004. S/2004 (4674) 1. IAU Circ. 8297, 1.
P.M. Tamblyn, W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, D. Nesvorny, D.D. Durda, C. Dumas, A.D. Storrs, L.M. Close & F. Menard 2004. S/2004 (17246) 1. IAU Circ. 8293, 3.
W.J. Merline, P.M. Tamblyn, C.R. Chapman, D. Nesvorny, D.D. Durda, C. Dumas, A.D. Storrs, L.M. Close & F. Menard 2003. S/2003 (22899) 1. IAU Circ. 8232, 2.
W.J. Merline, P.M. Tamblyn, C. Dumas, L.M. Close, C.R. Chapman & F. Menard 2003. S/2003 (130) 1. IAU Circ. 8183, 1.
W.J. Merline, C. Dumas, N. Siegler, L.M. Close, C.R. Chapman, P.M. Tamblyn, D. Terrell, A. Conrad & F. Menard 2003. S/2003 (283) 1. IAU Circ. 8165, 1.
M. Magee, C.R. Chapman, S.W. Dellenback, B. Enke, W.J. Merline & M.P. Rigney 2003. Automated identification of Martian craters using image processing (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXXIV, #1756.
W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, P.M. Tamblyn, F. Menard, C.R. Chapman, C. Dumas, G. Duvert, W.M. Owen, D.C. Slater & M.F. Sterzik 2003. S/2003 (1509) 1. IAU Circ. 8075, 2.
C.R. Chapman & D. Morrison 2003. No reduction in risk of a massive asteroid impact. Nature, 421, 473.
C.R. Chapman 2002. Earth's lunar attic. Nature, 419, 791-794.
W.J. Merline, P.M. Tamblyn, C. Dumas, L.M. Close, C.R. Chapman, F. Menard, W.M. Owen, D.C. Slater & J. Pepin 2002. S/2002 (121) 1. IAU Circ. 7980.
C.R. Chapman 2002. Evolving perspectives on space weathering of asteroids. Solar System Remote Sensing Symposium, Pittsburgh PA, September 2002. #4048.
B.M. Mulligan & C.R. Chapman 2002. Communicating about cosmic catastrophes (extended abstract). NASA Workshop on Scientific Requirements for Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids, Arlington VA, 3-6 Sept. 2002., 79-82.
C.R. Chapman 2002. What we know and don't know about asteroid surfaces (extended abstract). NASA Workshop on Scientific Requirements for Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids, Arlington VA, 3-6 Sept. 2002., 24-26.
D.W.G. Sears...C.R. Chapman & 19 others 2002. Near-Earth asteroid sample return. In "The Future of Solar System Exploration (2003-2013)" (ed. M. Sykes), ASP Conf. Proc. 272, 111-140.
D. Morrison, A.W. Harris & C.R.Chapman 2002. Reply to Kundt on the neo impact hazard. Europhysics News, 33, 66-67.
C.R. Chapman, E.B. Bierhaus & W.J. Merline 2002. Styles of cratering on Europa (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. XXXIII, #2005.
C.R. Chapman, B.A. Cohen & D.H. Grinspoon 2002. What are the real constraints on the commencement of the Late Heavy Bombardment? (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. XXXIII, #1627.
W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, N. Siegler, C. Dumas, C. Chapman, F. Rigaut, F. Menard, W.M. Owen & D.C. Slater 2002. S/2002 (3749) 1. IAU Circ. 7827, 2.
W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, N. Siegler, D. Potter, C.R. Chapman, C. Dumas, F. Menard, D.C. Slater, A.C. Baker, M.G. Edmunds, G. Mathlin, O. Guyon, K. Roth 2001. S/2001 (617) 1. IAU Circ. 7741, 2.
*C.R. Chapman 2001. Eros at very high resolution: meteoritical implications (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 36, A39-A40.
*W.J. Merline & C.R. Chapman 2001. Implications of asteroidal satellites (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 36, A132.
*I. Bekey et al. (including C.R. Chapman) 2001. The Working Group on an International Approach to Detecting Earth-Threatening Asteroids and Comets and Responding to the Threat They Pose. In "Addressing Challenges of the New Millennium: 6th International Space Cooperation Workshop Report" (ed. H. Brennan, AIAA/United Nations OOSA/CEAS/IAA,, 15-26.
C.R. Chapman, D. Durda & R.E. Gold 2001. The comet/asteroid impact hazard: a systems approach.
*E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline 2001. On the clustering of Europa's small craters (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. XXXII, #1967.
*C.R. Chapman 2000. Meteorites: The long trip to Earth. Nature 407, 573-576.
*J.F. Bell III, N. Izenberg, B.E. Clark, D. Wellnitz, L.A. McFadden, S. Murchie, J. Warren, P. Lucey, M. Winter, P.D. Martin, M. Gaffey, M.S. Robinson, J. Veverka, C. Chapman, P. Thomas, M. Malin, A. Harch, M.E. Bell & C. Peterson 2000. A search for small-scale spectral heterogeneity on 433 Eros from Near-Infrared Spectrograph observations (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 35, A23.
*C.R. Chapman & NEAR MSI-NIS Team 2000. NEAR Shoemaker's new view of Eros: impact processes and 'space weathering' (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 35, A39. (See also: Poster-talk hand-out essay .)
*B.E. Clark, J.F. Bell III, J. Veverka, P. Helfenstein, C. Chapman & L. McFadden 2000. Asteroid spectral continua: using results from NEAR Shoemaker to deconvolve the causes of an important problem confounding spectral links between meteorites and asteroids (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 35, A41-42.
*J. Veverka, M. Robinson, P. Thomas, S. Murchie, J.F. Bell III, N. Izenberg, C. Chapman, D.K. Yeomans & the NEAR MSI-NIS Team 2000. NEAR Shoemaker at Eros: imaging and spectral results (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 35, A164.
*C.R. Chapman 2000. Mineralogy and physical properties of asteroids (extended abstract). In "Asteroids, Meteorites, Impacts and their Consequences" (eds. R. Albrecht, H. Miller & M. Schieber), Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 11, 7-8.
*E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski & the Galileo Imaging Team 2000. Small crater populations on Callisto (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. XXXI, #1996.
*P.D. Martin, J.F. Bell III, B.E. Clark, M.E. Bell, B. Carcich, A. Harch, J. Joseph, C. Peterson, P. Thomas, J. Veverka, N. Izenberg, S.L. Murchie, J. Warren, D. Domingue, L.A. McFadden, D.D. Wellnitz, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, M.S. Robinson, M.J. Gaffey, R. Kirk, P.G. Lucey, M. Malin 2000. A science-driven processing pipeline for the NIS spectrometer onboard the NEAR spacecraft (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. XXXI, #1379.
*C.R. Chapman 1999. Probing Europa's third dimension. Perspectives: Planetary Science, Science 283, 338-339.
*C.R. Chapman 1998. Book Review of "Night Comes to the Cretaceous". EOS 79, 578.
*J.F. Bell III, S. Murchie, N. Izenberg, J. Warren, J. Veverka, C. Chapman, L. McFadden, M. Robinson, P.Thomas, M. Malin, B.E. Clark, A. Harch, R. Farquhar & A. Cheng 1998. Mineralogy and composition of 433 Eros from the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission: toward a better understanding of the asteroid-meteorite connection (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 33, A12-A13.
*C. Chapman, W. Merline, P. Thomas & NEAR MSI-NIS Team 1998. Cratering of the C- type asteroid Mathilde (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 33, A30.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, M. Robinson, S. Murchie, J. Veverka, A. Harch, J.F. Bell III, P. Thomas, L. McFadden, M. Malin, B.E. Clark, N. Izenberg, J. Joseph, B. Carcich, P. Murphy, G. Heyler & A. Cheng 1998. Search for satellites of 253 Mathilde from Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous flyby data (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 33, A105-A106.
*M.S. Robinson, A. Harch, S. Murchie, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, C. Chapman, L. McFadden, M. Malin, P. Thomas, E. Hawkins, R. Farquhar & A. Cheng 1998. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) approaches Eros (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci. 33, A130.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, M. Robinson, J.Veverka, A. Harch, J. Bell III, P. Thomas, B.E. Clark, J. Joseph, B. Carcich, S. Murchie, A. Cheng, N. Izenberg, L. McFadden, M. Malin 1998. NEAR's encounter with 253 Mathilde: Search for satellites (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 29th, #1954.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1998. Cratering in the Jovian system: Intersatellite comparisons (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 29th, #1927.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. The asteroid/comet impact hazard. Case Study for "Workshop on Prediction in the Earth Sciences: Use and Misuse in Policy Making" (NCAR, Boulder, 10-12 July 1997, revised October 1998).
*M. Robinson, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, C. Chapman, L. McFadden, S. Murchie, M. Malin, P. Thomas, A. Harch, B. Clark, E. Hawkins, R. Farquhar, A. Cheng 1997. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) encounters the C-class asteroid 253 Mathilde (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci., 32, A110.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. Cratering on the Galilean satellites: Implications for the size distribution of cratering impacts in the Solar System (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Plan. Sci., 32, A27.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. "T. rex and the Crater of Doom" (book review). Nature, 387, 33.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. Mantles were battered to bits. Nature 385, 293-295.
*E. Asphaug, J.M. Moore, D. Morrison, K. Bender, R.S. Sullivan, R. Greeley, P. Geissler, C.R. Chapman, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Impact evolution of icy regoliths (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, K.C. Bender, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, B.E. Clark, S.A. Fagents, P.E. Geissler, J.W. Head, K.S. Homan, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, J. Klemaszewski, A.S.McEwen, J.M. Moore, G. Neukum, R.T. Pappalardo, C.B. Phillips, C. Pilcher, D. Senske, P.C. Thomas, the SSI Team 1997. Geology of Europa: initial Galileo imaging results (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, J. Keller, S. Brooks, A. McEwen, R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, K. Bender, M. Carr, C. Pilcher, Galileo Imaging Team 1997. Europa's craters and pits: preliminary insights from the first orbits of Galileo (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*R. Sullivan, M. Belton, K. Bender, M. Carr, C. Chapman, R. Greeley, J. Head, K. Homan, J. Moore, R. Pappalardo, B.R. Tufts, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Galileo views of crustal disruption on Europa (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*K.C. Bender, K.S. Homan, R. Greeley, C.R. Chapman, J. Moore, C. Pilcher, W.J. Merline, J.W. Head, M. Belton, T.V. Johnson, SSI Team 1997. The Asgard and Valhalla regions: Galileo's new views of Callisto (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, K.C. Bender, R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, P.E. Geissler, C.R. Chapman, C.B. Pilcher, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Landform degradation and mass wasting on the icy Galilean satellites (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, G. Neukum, C. Pilcher, J. Veverka, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, D. Senske, H. Breneman, Galileo Solid State Imaging Team 1997. Ganymede: major geologic questions and first results from the Galileo G1 and G2 encounters (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*K.B. Jones, J.W. Head, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, J.M. Moore, G. Neukum, R.T. Pappalardo, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Morphology of palimpsests on Ganymede from Galileo observations (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*D.A. Senske, J.W. Head, R. Pappalardo, G. Collins, R. Greeley, K. Magee, G. Neukum, C. Chapman, Galileo Imaging Team 1997. Stratigraphy of Uruk Sulcus as revealedby high-resolution Galileo images (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*C.M. Weitz, J.W. Head III, R. Pappalardo, G. Neukum, B. Giese, J. Oberst, A. Cook, B. Schreiner, R. Greeley, P. Helfenstein, C. Chapman, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Galileo observations of Ganymede impact crater morphology (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*R.A. Yingst, J.W. Head, J.M. Moore, C.R. Chapman, R. Pappalardo, Galileo Imaging Team 1997. Ganymede bright terrain at very high resolution: geologic structure and regolith processes (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. 28th, on CD-ROM.
*P. Stolorz, V. Gor, R. Doyle, C. Chapman, W. Merline, A. Stern 1997. New direction in science-enabling autonomy. Proc. 1997 IEEE Aerospace Conf., Feb. 1-7, Snowmass CO, on CD-ROM.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, J. Keller 1996. Cratering on Europa: preliminary insights from Galileo (extended abstract). Europa Ocean Conference, San Juan Capistrano CA, Nov. 12-14, abstract book p. 19.
* C.R. Chapman and W.J. Merline 1996. Ganymede cratering: Preliminary Galileo G1 results (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 28, 1139.
*C. Chapman, R. Doyle, V. Gor, W. Merline, A. Stern, P. Stolorz 1996. Initial experiments in onboard science analysis. JPL Report D-13572, 28 pp.
*E.V. Ryan and C.R. Chapman 1996. Spectral variations on Ida: A space weathering trend? (extended abstract). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci. 31 A120-A121.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Book review of "Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets" (by D. Steel). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci. 31, 313-314.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Bombarding Mars lately. Nature 380, 23-24.
J.T. Wasson, C.R. Chapman, K. Grogan, S.F. Dermott 1996. Possible formation of the Vesta-family asteroids and the main IRAS dust band by an oblique impact on Vesta (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVII, 1387-1388.
S. Murchie, K. Peacock, J. Bell, M. Robinson, J. Veverka, A. Harch, A. Cheng, S.E. Hawkins III, J. Warren, R. Gold, H. Darlington, M. Elko, D. Prendergast, C. Chapman, L. McFadden, M. Malin, P. Thomas, P Helfenstein 1996. The imaging and NIR spectroscopy experiments on the NEAR spacecraft (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVII, 921-922.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Galileo observations of Gaspra, Ida, and Dactyl: Implications for meteoritics (extended abstract). Meteoritics 30, 496.
M. Robinson, J. Bell, C. Chapman, A. Cheng, R. Gold, M. Malin, L. McFadden, S. Murchie, P. Thomas, J. Veverka, and J. Warren 1995. NEAR MSI and NSI: High-resolution orbital imaging and spectroscopy of the asteroid 433 Eros (extended abstract). Meteoritics 30, 566-567.
D. Morrison and C.R. Chapman 1995. The biospheric hazard of large impacts. Planetary Defense Workshop (Proceedings of the Planetary Defense Workshop), (Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab. CONF-9505266), 61-65.
G. Neukum, G. Hahn, T. Denk, M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, I. Nemtchinov, N. Artem'eva, V. Chouvalov, I. Kosarev, V. Svettsov 1995. The collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter as seen by the Galileo imaging experiment: modelling and interpretation of the bolide and explosion phase. In Proceedings: European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop (Ed. R. West and H. Bo”hnhardt, ESO), 63-68.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous: Eros as the key to the S-type conundrum (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet Sci. Conf. XXVI, 229-230.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1995. Implications of the Jupiter comet crash for the Earth impact hazard (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet Sci. Conf. XXVI, 231-232.
C.R. Chapman 1994. Deflecting asteroids (letter). Issues in Science and Technology, Winter 1994/5, 10-12.
C.R. Chapman 1994. Dazzling demise of a comet. Nature 370, 245-246.
C.R. Chapman, K. Klaasen, M.J.S. Belton, J. Veverka, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1994. Asteroid 243 Ida and its satellite (extended abstract). Meteoritics 29, 455.
C.R. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton, J. Veverka, G. Neukum, J. Head, R. Greeley, K. Klaasen, D. Morrison 1994. First Galileo image of asteroid 243 Ida (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXV, 237-238.
R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, R. Pappalardo, J. Head, J. Veverka, P. Thomas, P. Lee, M. Belton, C. Chapman 1994. Morphology and geology of asteroid Ida: Preliminary Galileo imaging observations (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXV, 469-470.
C.R. Chapman 1993. Preparing for the comet crash. Nature 365, 785-786.
C.R. Chapman 1993. Comet on target for Jupiter. Nature 363, 492-493.
C.R. Chapman, G. Neukum, J. Veverka, M. Belton 1993. Cratering on Gaspra (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIV, 269-270.
C.R. Chapman and the Galileo Imaging Team 1992. Gaspra (illustrated abstract). Meteoritics 27, 196.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, G. Neukum, J. Veverka, M.J.S. Belton, T.V. Johnson, D. Morrison, A. McEwen, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1992. 951 Gaspra: Preliminary Galileo SSI results on craters, collisions, and regolith (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIII, 219-220.
P. Helfenstein, J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, D.P. Simonelli, B. Carcich, A.S. McEwen, J.W. Head, S. Murchie, C. Chapman, M. Belton, K. Klaasen, F. Fanale, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1992. 951 Gaspra: Preliminary albedos from Galileo images (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIII, 519-520.
C.R. Chapman 1991. Rubble-pile parent bodies, asteroids, and satellites (extended abstract). Meteoritics ?, xxx.
M. Belton, J. Head, C. Chapman, K. Klaasen, C. Anger, M. Carr, A. McEwen, C. Pieters, M. Davis, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, G. Neukum, C. Pilcher, J. Veverka, F. Fanale, A. Ingersoll, J. Pollack, P. Gierasch, D. Morrison, B. Paczkowski, W. Cunningham, E. DeJong 1991. The Galileo Solid State Imaging experiment and performance of the camera at Earth-Moon encounter (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 83- 84.
J.W. Head, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M. Davies, F. Fanale, E. Fischer, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, R. Kolvoord, L. Doose, P. Helfenstein, H. Hoffmann, R. Jaumann, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, A. McEwen, T. Becker, S. Murchie, G. Neukum, J. Oberst, C. Pieters, C. Pilcher, J. Plutchak, M. Robinson, R. Sullivan, J. Sunshine, J. Veverka 1991. Orientale and South Pole-Aitken basins: Preliminary Galileo imaging results (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 547-548.
A. McEwen, T. Becker, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M. Davies, F. Fanale, M. Robinson, S. Postawko, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, J. Moersch, L. Gaddis, L. Bolef, R. Greenberg, J. Head, C. Pieters, E. Fisher, S. Murchie, J. Sunshine, J. Plutchak, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, H. Breneman, G. Neukum, H. Hoffmann, R. Jaumann, C. Pilcher, J. Veverka, P. Helfenstein 1991. Lunar multispectral mosaics from Galileo imaging (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 871-872.
R. Greeley, M. Belton, L. Bolef, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M. Davies, L. Doose, F. Fanale, L. Gaddis, R. Greenberg, J. Head, H. Hoffman, R. Jaumann, T. Johnson, K. Klaasen, R. Kolvoord, A. McEwen, S. Murchie, G. Neukum, J. Oberst, C. Pieters, C. Pilcher, J. Plutchak, M. Robinson, R. Sullivan, J. Sunshine, J. Veverka 1991. Lunar maria and related deposits: Galileo imaging results (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 491-492. (Also in Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1990, NASA Tech. Memo. 4300, 215-217.)
C.M. Pieters, M. Belton, T. Becker, M. Carr, C. Chapman, F. Fanale, E. Fischer, L. Gaddis, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, H. Hoffman, J. Head, P. Helfenstein, R. Jaumann, T.V. Johnson, K. Klaasen, A. McEwen, S. Murchie, G. Neukum, J. Oberst, C. Pilcher, J. Plutchak, S. Pratt, M. Robinson, R. Sullivan, J. Sunshine, J. Veverka 1991. Crustal heterogeneity of the Moon viewed from the Galileo SSI camera: lunar sample calibrations and composition implications (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 1067-1068. (Also in Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1990, NASA Tech. Memo. 4300, 218-219.)
D.R. Davis and C.R. Chapman 1991. On the size distribution of the S-type asteroids (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Ssi. Conf. XXII, 283-284.
C.R. Chapman 1991. Editorial. J. Geophys. Res. - Planets 96, 15547-15549.
M.J.S. Belton and 18 others 1990. Imaging of Venus from Galileo: Early results and camera performance. COSPAR Paper MC.1.2.7.
C.R. Chapman 1990. From dust to dust. Nature 348, 486-487.
C.R. Chapman 1990. Meteorite parent bodies. Nature 344, 813-814.
C.R. Chapman 1990. More surprises in Neptune data. Nature 343, 212-213.
W.B. McKinnon, C.R. Chapman, K.R. Housen 1990. Cratering of the Uranian satellites (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1989, NASA Tech. Memo. 4210, 602-604.
C.R. Chapman 1989. Snowbird II: global catastrophes (reply to comment). EOS 70, 764.
C.R. Chapman 1989. Snowbird II: global catastrophes (meeting report). EOS 70, 217-218.
C.R. Chapman, D. Morrison, E. Bowell 1989. Hazards from Earth-approachers: Implications of 1989 FC's "near miss" (extended abstract). Meteoritics 24, 258.
C.R. Chapman 1989. Book review of "Origins and Extinctions" (by D.E. Osterbrock and P.H. Raven). Meteoritics 24, 351-352.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Risk to civilization: a planetary science perspective (abstract). In Global Catastrophes in Earth History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality (Lunar and Planetary Inst.), 26-27.
C.R. Chapman 1987. Distributions of asteroid compositional types with solar distance, body diameter, and family membership (extended abstract). Meteoritics 22, 353-354.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling 1987. Impact and cratering processes onasteroids, satellites, and planets (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1986, NASA Tech. Memo. 89810, 399-401.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, W.K. Hartmann, D. Spaute 1987. Collisional and dynamical processes in moon and planet formation (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1986, NASA Tec. Memo. 89810, 112-114.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1986. Impact and cratering processes on asteroids, satellites, and planets (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program-- 1985, NASA Tech. Memo. 88383, 214-216.
C.R. Chapman 1986. Do observations of Hirayama families tell us about parent-body interiors? (extended abstract). Meteoritics 21, 345-346.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Greenberg 1985. Asteroid collisional evolution studies (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1984, NASA Tech. Memo. 87563, 77-79.
C.R. Chapman and R. Greenberg 1985. Circum-terrestrial compositional filter (extended abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1984, NASA Tech. Memo. 87563, 127-128.
C.R. Chapman 1985. The asteroids: the major scientific issues. Adv. Space Res. 5 (2), 121-122.
C.R. Chapman, Z. Sekanina, W.F. Huebner, M.B. Niedner, O.V. Drobovolsky, D.K. Yeomans, A.W. Harris, V. Zappala 1985. Commission 15: Physical study of comets, minor planets, and meteorites, Report for 1983-5. Trans. I.A.U., 167-187.
*C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S. Weidenschilling, D.R. Davis 1984. Physical and geological nature of Saturn's larger ring particles. In Anneaux des Planetes/Planetary Rings (Ed. A. Brahic, Cepadues-Editions, Toulouse), 403-406.
C.R. Chapman 1984. Pallas report. The Planetary Report 4 (4), 12.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Greenberg 1984. Asteroid collisional evolution studies (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XV, 192-193.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Greenberg 1983. Tidal effects on Saturn ring particles: Implications for ring evolution (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XIV, 95-96.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1983. Asteroid collisions: effective body strength and efficiency of catastrophic disruption (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet Sci. Conf. XIV, 146-147.
R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, W.K. Hartmann 1983. The origin of comets: Icy residue of planet growth (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XIV, 263-264.
R. Greenberg and C.R. Chapman 1982. Meteorites from the asteroid belt: Provenance and providence (extended abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, 281-282.
*C.R. Chapman and L.L. Wilkening 1982. Properties and dynamics of asteroidal regoliths and the relation to accretionary processes. In Lunar Breccias and Soils and Their Meteoritic Analogs, LPI Tech. Rept. 82-02, 31-35.
C.R. Chapman 1982. Minor planets. (Report for IAU Comm. 15 Report). Trans. I.A.U., 165-173.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg 1982. Apollo asteroids: Relationships to main-belt asteroids and meteorites (extended abstract). Meteoritics 17, 193-194.
C.R. Chapman 1982. "Jupiter" and "Techniques of Observation." In Observing the Moon, Planets and Comets (Eds. C.R. Chapman and D.P. Cruikshank, Schramm and Groves). (Reprint edition by Enslow Publishers, 1985.)
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1981. Formation and collisional evolution of small bodies: Effects of two-material systems on large-scale geologic structure (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program - 1981, NASA Tech. Memo. 84211, 20-22.
M.A. Leake, C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidesnchilling, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg 1981. Mercury's history revisited (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Program - 1981, NASA Tech. Memo. 84211, 408-410.
C.R. Chapman 1981. Geology of small bodies: Prospectus for the Planetary Geology Program Workshop. Reports of Planetary Geology Program - 1981, NASA Tech. Memo. 84211, 532-534.
C.R. Chapman 1981. Remote sensing of the asteroids. In Proc. 15th Intl. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.
R. Greenberg and C.R. Chapman 1981. Origin and derivation of stony-iron meteorites (extended abstract). Meteoritics 16, 320.
C.R. Chapman and R. Greenberg 1981. Meteorites from the asteroid belt: The stony-iron connection (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XII, 129-131.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1980. Asteroid collisions and evolution (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1979-1980, NASA Tech. Memo 81776, 5-7.
D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, K. Housen 1980. Dynamical studies of Phobos and Deimos: Groove origin and ejecta dynamics (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1979-1980, NASA Tech. Memo 81776, 14-16.
C.R. Chapman, S.J. Weidenschilling, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg 1980. Oblique impacts and asteroidal structure (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1980, NASA Tech. Memo 82385, 23-26.
C.R. Chapman 1980. Book review of "The Realm of the Terrestrial Planets" (by Z. Kopal). Icarus 42, 281-282.
C.R. Chapman, J.C. Aubele, W.J. Roberts, J.A. Cutts 1979. Sub-kilometer lunar craters: Origins, ages, processes of degradation, and implications for mare basalt petrogenesis (abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. X, 190-191.
K.R. Housen, R. Greenberg, C.R. Chapman, L.L. Wilkening 1979. A comparison of regolith evolution on asteroids and the Moon (abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. X, 579-581.
P. Thomas, J. Veverka, C.R. Chapman 1979. Crater populations on the satellites of Mars (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1978-1979, NASA Tech. Memo. 80339, 15-18.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R.J. Greenberg, J. Wacker 1979. Asteroid collisions and evolution (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1978-1979, NASA Tech. Memo. 80339, 6-8.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg, J. Wacker 1978. Asteroids as geologic materials: Collisions and fragmentation (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1977-1978, NASA Tech. Memo. 79729, 25-27.
A. Dollfus, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, O. Gingerich, R. Goldstein, J. Guest, D. Morrison, B.A. Smith 1978. IAU nomenclature for albedo features on the planet Mercury. Icarus 34, 210-214.
K. Housen, L.L. Wilkening, R. Greenberg, C.R. Chapman 1978. Regolith evolution on small bodies (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. IX, 546-548.
R. Greenberg, J.F. Wacker, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman 1978. Growth of planets from planetesimals (extended abstract). Lunar & Planet Sci. Conf. IX, 413-415.
C.R. Chapman 1978. Constraints on the derivation of all meteorite classes from the asteroid belt (extended abstract). Meteoritics 13, 406-407.
C.R. Chapman 1977. The evolution of asteroids and meteorite parent-bodies (extended abstract of invited review). Meteoritics 12, 191-193.
D.R. Davis and D.R. Chapman 1977. The collisional evolution of asteroid compositional classes (extended abstract). Lunar Science VIII, 224-226.
R. Greenberg, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman 1977. Orbital resonances in the planet-building process (extended abstract). Lunar Science VIII, 374-376.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg 1977. Asteroid fragmentation processes and collisional evolution (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1976-1977, NASA Tech. Memo. X-3511, 72-73.
C.R. Chapman 1977. Formation and obliteration of large craters on the terrestrial planets (extended abstract). Reports of Planetary Geology Program 1976-1977, NASA Tech. Memo X-3511, 103-104.
C.R. Chapman 1976. Asteroids and comets. In A Geological Basis for the Exploration of the Planets (Eds. R. Greeley and M.H. Carr, NASA Special Publ. SP-417), 7-9.
C.R. Chapman 1974. The asteroids as meteorite parent bodies (extended abstract). Meteoritics 9, 322-324.
C.R. Chapman 1974. Asteroid evolution: Spectrophotometric evidence (extended abstract). The Moon 9, 239-240.
C.R. Chapman and C.A. Stone 1972. Asteroid selection for mission opportunities. IIT Research Inst. Astro. Sciences Tech. Memo P-42.
C.R. Chapman 1970. Characteristics and motions of Jupiter's spots during a one-year period. In Investigations of the Dynamics of Ionized and Neutral Atmospheres (Ed. V. Starr, AFCRL-70-0146), 33-102.
C.R. Chapman 1970. Tracing Jovian spot motions from discontinuous observations. In Investigations of the Dynamics of Ionized and Neutral Atmospheres (Ed. V. Starr, AFCRL-70-0146), 111-116.
C.R. Chapman 1968. Optimum methods for observing Mercury's markings. J. Assoc. Lunar Plan. Obs. 21, 44-53.
C.R. Chapman 1968. Dependence of the prominence of Jupiter's Red Spot on differential atmospheric flow. J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 78, 371-374.
C.R. Chapman, D.P. Cruikshank, W. K. Hartmann 1967. Visual observations of an occultation of BD -19ø5925 by Saturn. J. Assoc. Lunar Plan. Obs. 20, 76-78.
C.A. Wood and C.R. Chapman 1963. A request for observations of central peaks. J. Assoc. Lun. Plan. Obs. 17, 162-163.
C.R. Chapman 1962. 1960-61 map of Mars. J. Assoc. Lun. Plan. Obs. 16, 168-169.
C.R. Chapman 1961. Positions of Martian surface features--1960-1961. J. Assoc. Lunar Plan. Obs. 15, 118-120.
C.R. Chapman 1961. The 1961 apparition of Jupiter--First interim report. J. Assoc. Lunar Plan. Obs. 15, 212-217.
C.R. Chapman 1961. A simultaneous observation program. J. Assoc. Lunar Plan. Obs. 15, 90-94 (also: 16, 56-69, 134-140).
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1995. Cosmic Impacts: The Ultimate Environmental Catastrophe. To be published.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Voyage to Neptune, NASA Special Publication (book), in press (in stasis).
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1989. Cosmic Catastrophes. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York.
C.R. Chapman 1989. Solar System Exploration: Discovering Our Origins and Destiny (National Aeronautics and Space Administration brochure).
F. Vilas, C.R. Chapman, M.S. Matthews (Editors) 1988. Mercury. Univ. of Arizona Press Space Science Series.
C.R. Chapman 1982. Planets of Rock and Ice. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
C.R. Chapman and D.P. Cruikshank (Editors) 1982. Observing the Moon, Planets and Comets. Schramm and Groves. (Reprint edition by Enslow Publishers, 1985.)
C.R. Chapman 1977. The Inner Planets: New Light on the Rocky Worlds of Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, and the Asteroids. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
C.R. Chapman 1972. Surface Properties of Asteroids. Ph.D. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
C.R. Chapman 1968. The Characteristics and Motions of Jupiter's Spots During a One-Year Period. M.S. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
C.R. Chapman 2004. The asteroid impact that didn't happen. Submitted to Sky & Telescope.
C.R. Chapman 2004. Asteroid. In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, in press.
C.R. Chapman 2004. Mercury. In Encyclopedia Britannica, in press.
C.R. Chapman 2004. Mercury's MESSENGER. ScienceScope, March 2004 issue, 40-43.
R.L. Schweickart, E.T. Lu, P. Hut & C.R. Chapman 2003. The Asteroid Tugboat. Scientific American, November 2003 issue, 289 (5), 54-61.
C.R. Chapman 2003. The Galileo spacecraft's studies of asteroids and comets. Tumbling Stone (, No. 21
C.R. Chapman 2003. From risk to reality: asteroids and other near-Earth objects. OECD Observer, No. 237 (May 2003), 39-41.
C.R. Chapman & A.W. Harris 2002. A skeptical look at September 11th: How we can defeat terrorism by reacting to it more rationally. Skeptical Inquirer, 26 (No. 5), 29-34.
*C.R. Chapman 2001. Asteroids: up close and personal. Physics World, June 2001, 33-37.
*C.R. Chapman 2000. Spacecraft exploration of deep space (Viewpoint). Technology Today, Fall/Winter 2000, 14-15.
*C.R. Chapman 2000. Two views of a star's life [book reviews of two biographies of Carl Sagan]. Science 287, 46-47.
*C.R. Chapman 1999. Jupiter. In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 2000 (McGraw-Hill, New York), 228-231.
*C.R. Chapman 1999. Small worlds, up close. In Our Worlds: The Magnetism and Thrill of Planetary Exploration (ed. S. A. Stern, Cambridge Univ. Press), 65-91.
*C.R. Chapman 1998. What's under Europa's icy crust? Technology Today, Fall 1998, 2-6.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. On to Eros! How you can get personally involved with the NEAR mission. Planetary Report, XVII(5), 14-15.
* C. Chapman 1997. Galileo finds evidence for an Ocean on Europa. Modern Astronomer 1(4), 16.
* C.R. Chapman 1997. Carl Sagan: an appreciation. Sky & Tel., 93(3), March 1997, 6-7.
C.R. Chapman 1996. Worlds between Worlds. Astronomy, 24 (6), 46-51.
C.R. Chapman 1996. Asteroids. Entry for Macmillan Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Children of the asteroids. The New Scientist, 10 Feb. 1996, 22-25.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Asteroids: secrets locked in stone. Encyclopedia Britannica: 1996 Yearbook "Science and the Future", 76-99.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Day of the comet. The New Scientist, 21 Jan. 1995, 30-35.
C.R. Chapman 1995. Asteroid. Article for McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 271-272.
C.R. Chapman 1995. What If...? In The Great Comet Crash: The Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter (Eds. J. Spencer and J. Mitton, Cambridge Univ. Press), 103-108.
C.R. Chapman 1994. The scars of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Geotimes, 39 (12), 18-19.
C.R. Chapman 1994. Live crash from Jupiter. The New Scientist, 5 March 1994, 24-27.
C.R. Chapman 1994. Observing Jupiter at impact time. Sky & Telescope, 88 (July 1994), 31-35.
C.R. Chapman 1994. Ida's moon. Mercury 23 (2), 22-23.
C.R. Chapman 1993. Earth (part of "Solar System"). Article in The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 27, 477-481.
L. McFadden and C.R. Chapman 1992. Near-Earth objects: Interplanetary fugitives. Astronomy (Aug. 1992), 30- 35.
Editors of Time-Life Books (C.R. Chapman one of several consultants) 1992. "Comets, Asteroids, and Meteorites" (Voyage through the Universe series), 144 pp.
C.R. Chapman 1991. A clean, well-lighted place - Mercury. The Planetary Report 11 (Sept.-Oct. 1991), 8-11.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1991. Chicken Little was right. Discover (May 1991), 40-43.
C.R. Chapman 1991. "Asteroids" article in The Reference Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Ed. S.P. Maran, Van Nostrand Reinhold).
C.R. Chapman 1990. Asteroids. Chapter 18 in The New Solar System 3rd Edition (Eds. J.K. Beatty and A. Chaikin, Sky Publ. & Cambridge Univ. Press), 231-240.
D. Morrison and C.R. Chapman 1990. The new catastrophism. Skeptical Inquirer 14, 141-152.
D. Morrison and C.R. Chapman 1990. Target Earth: It will happen. Sky & Telescope 79, 261-265.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1989 & 1990. Cosmic impacts, cosmic catastrophes (parts 1 and 2). Mercury 18, 185-192 and 19, 21-25.
C.R. Chapman 1989. When asteroids hit home. Pacific Discovery 42 (4), 40-42.
C.R. Chapman 1989. Voyager at Neptune - Sorting out the early results. The Planetary Report 9 (Nov.-Dec. 1989), 12-15.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Planetary astronomy: the domain of the amateur. Sky & Telescope 76, 476.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Mercury's heart of iron. Astronomy 16 (11), 20-35.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Book review of "Meteorites and Their Parent Planets," (by H. McSween). Sky & Tel. 76, 42-43.
C.R. Chapman 1986. Encounter! Voyager 2 explores the Uranian system. The Planetary Report 6 (2), 8-12.
C.R. Chapman 1985. Mercury: the Sun's closest companion. In The Planets (Ed. Byron Preiss, Bantam Books), 247-258.
C.R. Chapman 1983. Help examine a mysterious asteroid: The Planetary Society's Pallas Project. The Planetary Report 3 (2), 20-21.
C.R. Chapman 1983. The vapors of Venus and other gassy envelopes. Mercury 12, 130-141.
C.R. Chapman 1981. The asteroids. In The New Solar System (Eds. J.K. Beatty, B. O'Leary and A. Chaikin, Sky Publishing Corp.), 97-104. (also in 2nd edition, 1982).
C.R. Chapman 1980. Crisis in planetary science. Tucson Weekly News (July 9-15).
C.R. Chapman 1976. Asteroid. Article for McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 769-772.
C.R. Chapman 1975. The nature of asteroids. Scientific American 232, 24-33.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1974. The minor planets: Size and mineralogy. Sky and Tel. 47, 92-95.
C.R. Chapman 1974. Book review of "An Observer's Guide to the Planet Mercury" (by R. Hodgson). J. Assoc. Lunar Planet. Obs. 24, 204-206.
C.R. Chapman 1973. Book review of "Physics of the Solar System" (Ed. S.I. Rasool). Sky & Tel. (Mar. 1973), 179-181.
C.R. Chapman 1970. Book review of "The Planet Jupiter" (Ed. V.A. Bronshten). Sky & Tel. 40, 103.
C.R. Chapman 1968. The discovery of Jupiter's Red Spot. Sky and Tel. 35, 276-278.
D.P. Cruikshank and C.R. Chapman 1967. Mercury's rotation and visual observations. Sky & Tel. 34, 24-26.
C.R. Chapman 1966. Book review of "Sourcebook on the Space Sciences" (by S. Glasstone). Sky & Tel. (Jan.), 37.
[also: C.R. Chapman wrote the "News & Reviews" column in The Planetary Report from 1 (1) (1980) until autumn 1999).]
C.R. Chapman 2003. Consequences of predicted or actual asteroid impacts (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U22B-03 INVITED.
C.R. Chapman 2003. Cratering on small bodies: lessons from Eros (abstract). In "Impact Cratering: Bridging the Gap between Modeling and Observations" (LPI, Houston TX), 15.
S.C. Solomon, S. Stockman, C.R. Chapman, J.C. Leary & R.L. McNutt 2003. Sharing planetary exploration: the education and public outreach program for the NASA MESSENGER mission to orbit Mercury (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED41A-03 INVITED.
C.R. Chapman 2003. Space weathering of asteroids: issues remain (abstract). DPS 35th, #34.06.
W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, C. Dumas, C.R. Chapman, F. Menard, P.M. Tamblyn, D.D. Durda 2003. Discovery of new asteroid binaries (121) Hermione and (1509) Esclangona (abstract). DPS 35th, #31.06.
E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman & W.J. Merline 2003. Consequences of secondary crater dominance (abstract). DPS 35th, #06.08.
C.R. Chapman 2003. The asteroid/comet impact hazard: an extreme low-probability high- consequence hazard. 28th Hazards Research & Applications Workshop, 13-16 July 2003, Boulder CO.
C.R. Chapman 2002. Perspectives about Mercury: we know less than we think we do (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P51C-04 INVITED.
E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman & W.J. Merline 2002. Europa's small crater population revealed (abstract). DPS 34th, #41.05.
C.R. Chapman & B.M. Mulligan 2002. NEO impact hazard scales in the context of other hazard scales (abstract). DPS 34th, #14.15.
W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, N. Siegler, C. Dumas, C.R. Chapman, F. Rigaut, F. Menard, W.M. Owen, D.C. Slater & D.D. Durda 2002. Discovery of a loosely-bound companion to main-belt asteroid (3749) Balam (abstract). DPS 34th, #02.01.
C.R. Chapman, B.A. Cohen & D.H. Grinspoon 2002. In inquiry about evidence for the Late Heavy Bombardment (abstract). Meteoritics & Planet. Sci. 37 Supplement, A30.
H.F. Levison, L. Dones, C.R. Chapman, S.A. Stern, M.J. Duncan & K. Zahnle 2002. Could the lunar 'Late Heavy Bombardment' have been triggered by the formation of Uranus and Neptune? (abstract). DDA 33rd, #15.02.
*A.F. Cheng, N. Izenberg, C. Chapman & M. Zuber 2001. High resolution observations of a ponded deposit and debris flow on 433 Eros: evidence for seismic shaking? (abstract). EOS Trans. AGU 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract P32B-0553.
*P.E. Clark, M. Rilee, W. Truszkowski, S. Curtis, G. Marr & C. Chapman 2001. Using ANTS to explore small body populations in the solar system (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 33, 1145.
*D.W.G. Sears, C. Allen, D. Britt, D.E. Brownlee, A.F.Cheng, C.R. Chapman, B.C. Clark, B.G. Brake, R. Fevig, I.E. Franchi, A. Fujiwara, S. Gorevan, J.S. Lewis, M.M. Lindstrom, K. Nishiizumi, M.S. Race, D.J. Scheeres, E.R.D. Scott & H. Yano 2001. Near-Earth asteroid sample return -- a community panel report for the NRC decadal study (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 33, 1054.
*H.F. Levison, L. Dones, C.R. Chapman, S.A. Stern, M.J. Duncan & K. Zahnle 2001. Could the lunar 'late heavy bombardment' have been triggered by the formation of Uranus and Neptune? (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 33, 1082.
*E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman & W.J. Merline 2001. Application of clustering methods to Europa's small craters (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 33, 1106.
*W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, F. Menarad, C. Dumas, C.R. Chapman & D.C. Slater 2001. Search for asteroid satellites (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 33, 1133.
*C.R. Chapman, P. Thomas, W. Merline, J. Joseph, N. Izenberg, J. Veverka, M. Robinson, M. Malin, J.F. Bell & NEAR MSI-NIS Team 2000. Cratering on Eros: early NEAR characterization (abstract). American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, P21A-05.
*L.A. McFadden, D.W. Wellnitz, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, B.E. Clark, M.J. Gaffey, C.R. Chapman, N. Izenberg, S. Murchie, J. Warren, P.G. Lucey, P. Martin & the NEAR MSI/NIS Team 2000. Mineralogy of Eros (abstract). American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, P21A-01.
*P.C. Thomas, J.F. Bell III, C.R. Chapman, M.J. Gaffey, J. Joseph, R.I. Kirk, P.G. Lucey, M.C. Malin, L.A. McFadden, S.L. Murchie, M.S. Robinson, J. Veverka & L. Prockter 2000. Eros: shape, slopes, and slope processes (abstract). American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, P21A-06.
*L.A. McFadden, D.D. Wellnitz, J.F. Bell III, P. Martin, B.E. Clark, A. Harch, M. Bell, P. Thomas, J. Veverka, N. Izenberg, J. Warren, S. Murchie, C.R. Chapman, P.G. Lucey 1999. NEAR's near infrared spectrometer: expectations for Eros mapping (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 31, 1071-1072.
*C.R. Chapman 1999. Bringing planetary science to the public (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 31, 1104. { Full (illustrated) text of 1999 Sagan Medallist Address. }
*W.J. Merline, L.M. Close, C. Dumas, C.R. Chapman, F. Roddier, F. Menard, W. Colwell, D.C. Slater, G. Duvert, C. Shelton, T. Morgan 1999. Discovery of asteroidal satellite S/1998 (45) 1 (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 31, 1106.
*C.R. Chapman, E.B. Bierhaus, W.J. Merline, R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski & Galileo Imaging Team 1999. Low spatial density of small craters on Callisto (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 31, 1162.
*E.B. Bierhaus, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, E. Asphaug, J. Moore, R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head & the Galileo Imaging Team 1999. Craters in the chaos: Galileo evidence for post-Pwyll activity on Europa (abstract). American Geophys. Union Fall Meeting, P21B- 05.
*E. Asphaug, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, J. Moore, R. Greeley, J. Klemaszewski 1999. Azimuthal variance in crater ejecta fragments: Galileo Europa imaging results (abstract). American Geophys. Union Fall Meeting, P21B-07.
*N.R. Izenberg, S.L. Murchie, J.J. Warren, E.H. Darlington, K. Peacock, A.F. Cheng, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell, M.E. Bell, A. Harch, B.E. Clark, J. Joseph, P. Martin, B. Carcich, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, L.K. McFadden, D. Wellnitz, M.S. Robinson 1999. NEAR's Near Infrared Spectrometer at Eros flyby (abstract). American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, P41A-02.
*M.S. Robinson, J. Veverka, P. Thomas, J.F. Bell, M. Bell, B. Carcich, B.E. Clark, A. Harch, J. Joseph, P. Martin, D. Yeomans, S.L. Murchie, N. Izenberg, D. Domingue, E. Hawkins, J. Warren, A.F. Cheng, D. Dunham, L. McFadden, D. Wellnitz, M. Malin, C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, W. Owen, J.K. Miller, B.G. Williams 1999. NEAR's flyby reconnaissance of asteroid 433 Eros (abstract). American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, P41A-03.
*C.R. Chapman 1998. Europa: perspectives halfway through the GEM mission (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1081.
*C.R. Chapman 1998. The impact hazard in the context of other natural hazards and predictive science (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1027.
*J.M. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, R.J. Sullivan, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, J.E. Klemaszewski, S. Kadel, F. Chuang, J. Moreau, K.K. Williams, P.E. Geissler, A.S. McEwen, E.A. Turtle, C.B. Phillips, B.R. Tufts, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, G.C. Collins, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, K.P. Klaasen, H.H. Breneman, K.P. McGee, D.A. Senske, J. Granahan, M.J.S. Belton & Galileo SSI Team 1998. Impact features on Europa: results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1084.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, J. Moore, J.E. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley & Galileo Imaging Team 1998. Cratering on Callisto from the Galileo prime mission (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1122.
*E. Asphaug, P. Schenk, J.M. Moore, D. Morrison, C.R. Chapman & W.J. Merline 1998. Galileo images of split-comet catenae on Ganymede (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1122.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, J. Keller, R.J. Sullivan, J.E. Klemaszewski, R.T. Pappalardo 1997. Galileo observations of cratering on Callisto (abstract no. 51422). Geol. Soc. America, Salt Lake City '97.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, B. Bierhaus, S. Brooks, M. Carr, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, E. Asphaug, J. Moore, D. Morrison, J. Head, R. Pappalardo 1997. Cratering in the Jupiter system: intersatellite comparisons (abstract no. 51386). Geol. Soc. America, Salt Lake City '97.
*J.E. Klemaszewski, J. Moore, E. Asphaug, D. Morrison, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, P. Geissler, C. Chapman, C. Pilcher, W. Ip 1997. Exogenic degradation and mass wasting on the icy Galilean satellites (abstract no. 51419). Geol. Soc. America, Salt Lake City '97.
*K.B. Jones, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, J.M. Moore, G. Neukum 1997. Origin and morphology of palimpsests on Ganymede from Galileo observations (abstract no. 51251). Geol. Soc. America, Salt Lake City '97.
*C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, B. Bierhaus, J. Keller, S. Brooks, and the Galileo SSI Team 1997. Impactor populations on the Galilean satellites (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 984.
*J. Veverka, J.F. Bell III, C. Chapman, M. Malin, L.A. McFadden, S. Murchie, M. Robinson, P.C. Thomas, D.K. Yeomans, A. Harch, B.G. Williams, B. Clark, R.W. Farquhar, A. Cheng, D.W. Dunham 1997. NEAR's flyby of mainbelt asteroid 253 Mathilde (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 958.
*C.M. Weitz, J.W. Head, R. Pappalardo, C. Chapman, R. Greeley, P. Helfenstein, G. Neukum, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Ganymede impact crater morphology as revealed by Galileo (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 989.
*K.B. Jones, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, J.M. Moore, G. Neukum, Galileo SSI Team 1997. Morphology and origin of palimpsests on Ganymede from Galileo observations (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 988.
*R.T. Pappalardo, R. Greeley, J.W. Hed, R.J. Sullivan, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, P. Geissler, B.R. Tufts, C. Phillips, A. McEwen, M.J.S. Belton, Galileo Imaging Team 1997. Geology of Europa as revealed by Galileo imaging (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 982.
*R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head, G.C. Collins, L.M. Prockter, R. Greeley, C.R. Chapman, P. Helfenstein, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, B.R. Tufts, Galileo Imaging Team 1997. Ganymede tectonics: insights from Galileo imaging (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 989.
*G. Neukum, R. Wagner, J.W. Head III, R. Pappalardo, C.R. Chapman, W. Merline, M.S. Belton 1997. Bombardment history of the Galilean satellites and derived ages (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 984.
*W.J. Merline, C.R. Chapman, B. Bierhaus, J. Keller, S. Brooks, R.J. Sullivan 1997. New views of Callisto's cratering record from high-resolution Galileo imaging (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, 991.
*G. Neukum, U. Wolf, R. Wagner, J. Oberst, C.R. Chapman, B. Merline, J.W. Head III, R. Pappalardo, Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Galileo mission results: crater size- frequency measurements, age determinations and crater morphologies on Ganymede bright and dark terrains (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F437.
*L. Prokter, J. Head, R. Pappalardo, G. Neukum, J. Moore, C. Chapman, P. Helfenstein, R. Kirk, the Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Geological processes in dark terrain on Ganymede: initial Galileo results (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F438.
*J.W. Head, R. Pappalardo, G. Neukum, R. Greeley, M. Carr, J. Moore, C. Chapman, D. Senske, Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Geologic processes and terrain characteristics on Ganymede: an overview of initial Galileo results (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F441.
*K.C. Bender, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, M.J.S. Belton, M. Carr, J.W. Head, R.T. Pappalardo, C.R. Chapman, G. Neukum, Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Galileo's close approach with Callisto (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F441.
*R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head, G. Collins, C.R. Chapman, R. Greeley, P. Helfenstein, R. Kirk, G. Neukum, B.R. Tufts, Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Tectonic resurfacing and processes of deformation of the grooved terrain on Ganymede: initial Galileo results (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F444.
*A. Harch, J. Veverka, J.F. Bell, C. Chapman, M. Malin, L.A. McFadden, A.M. Montrose, S. Murchie, M. Robinson, P.C. Thomas, D.K. Yeomans, B.G. Williams, S. Squyres, R.W. Farquhar, A. Cheng, D.W. Dunham 1996. The NEAR flyby of mainbelt asteroid 253 Mathilde: science objectives and encounter strategy (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F449.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. C-type asteroids and NEAR's Mathilde encounter (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU 77 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., F450.
*C.R. Chapman, W. Merline, B. Bierhaus, J. Keller, S. Brooks, J. Head, R. Pappalardo 1996. Cratering and pits on Europa: Insights from Galileo (abstract). Annales Geophys. 15(Suppl. 3), C824.
*J. Head, R. Pappalardo, G. Neukum, J. Moore, C. Chapman, G. Collins, L. Prokter, D. Senske, P. Helfenstein, the Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Ganymede dark terrain: early results from the Galileo mission (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. , 28, 1138-1139.
*R. Pappalardo, J. Head, C. Chapman, R. Greeley, P. Helfenstein, R. Kirk, G. Neukum, G. Collins, K. Magee, the Galileo Imaging Team 1996. Bright terrain on Ganymede: preliminary results from Galileo imaging of Uruk Sulcus (abstract). Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. , 28, 1139.
*C.R. Chapman 1996. Asteroids: relationships with other small bodies (abstract). ACM 96.
C.R. Chapman, C. Neese, W.J. Merline, G. Schneller, S.J. Weidenschilling, D.R. Davis, P. Massey 1995. A search for small-sized S-L 9 impactors using a continuous-readout CCD (abstract). Abstracts for IAU Colloq. 156: The Collision of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter, 18.
C.R. Chapman, E.V. Ryan, and W.J. Merline 1995. The cratering record on Ida (abstract). Bull. AAS, in press.
C.R. Chapman, W.J. Merline, D.R. Davis, J. Veverka, M.J.S. Belton, T.V. Johnson, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1994. Ida's satellite: its origin and impact history (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1157.
M.J.S. Belton, C. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greenberg, K. Klaasen, P. Thomas, D. Byrnes, L. D'Amario, S. Synnott, W. Merline, A. Storrs, B. Zellner 1994. Determination of the orbit of (243)1 and the mass of 243 Ida (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1154.
J. Veverka, P. Thomas, P. Lee, P. Helfenstein, M.J.S. Belton, C. Chapman, K. Klaasen, T.V. Johnson, A. Harch, M. Davies, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1994. Ida's satellite: what is it like? (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1155.
P. Helfenstein, J. Veverka, P. Thomas, T.V. Johnson, A. McEwen, J. Granahan, F. Fanale, P. Geissler, M. Belton, C. Chapman, and the Galileo imaging team 1994. Regolith and composition of Ida: Clues from color and photometry (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1158.
P. Thomas, J. Veverka, B. Carcich, M. Davies, M. Belton, C. Chapman, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1994. The unusual shape of 243 Ida (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1155.
J.C. Granahan, F.P. Fanale, R.W. Carlson, L.W. Kamp, K.P. Klaasen, M. Belton, C.R. Chapman, A.S. McEwen, and the Galileo NIMS and SSI Teams 1994. A Galileo multi-instrument spectral view of 243 Ida and 1993 (243) 1 (abstract). Bull. AAS 26, 1156.
C.R. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton, J. Veverka, K. Klaasen, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1994. Latest Galileo images of asteroid 243 Ida (abstract). EOS 75 (16), 224.
K.P. Klaasen, C.R. Chapman, M.J.S. Belton 1994. Newly discovered satellite of 243 Ida (abstract). EOS 75 (16), 224.
C.R. Chapman 1993. Plans to observe the Jupiter impact of Comet 1993e using the Galileo SSI camera (abstract). Bull. AAS 25, 1046.
M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, D. Davis, J. Veverka, P. Gierasch, P. Thomas, P. Helfenstein, K.P. Klaasen, A. Harch, T.V. Johnson, M.E. Davies, C. Anger, M.H. Carr, A. McEwen, F. Fanale, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head III, A. Ingersoll, G. Neukum, C. Pilcher 1993. Galileo/SSI observations of 243 Ida (abstract). Bull. AAS 25, 1136.
M.J.S. Belton, J. Veverka, P.C. Thomas, C.R. Chapman, K.P. Klaasen, G. Neukum, A.S. McEwen, J.W. Head, M. Davies, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, C.B. Pilcher, D. Morrison, A.P. Ingersoll, F. Fanale, T.V. Johnson 1992. The Galileo SSI experiment at Gaspra: Overview and expectations (abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIII, 83.
C.R. Chapman 1992. Hazard to civilization of asteroid and cometary impacts. In Proc. of All-Union Conference "Asteroid Hazard" (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg), 15.
C.R. Chapman and the Galileo Imaging Team 1992. Galileo Gaspra encounter: crater record and bombardment history (abstract). EOS 73 (43), 335.
J. Veverka, M. Belton, C.R. Chapman, and the Galileo Imaging Team 1992. Gaspra: Overview of Galileo imaging results (abstract). EOS 73 (43), 335.
R. Greeley, S. Kadel, D.A. Williams, M.J.S. Belton, L. Gaddis, A. McEwen, J.W. Head, S. Murchie, C. Pieters, J. Sunshine, G. Neukum, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman 1991. Galileo observations of lunar maria (abstract). Geol. Soc. Am. Mtg., May 1991.
C.R. Chapman 1991. Will Gaspra data solve the S-asteroid controversy? (abstract). Bull. AAS 23, 1141.
P.J. Gierasch, M.J.S. Belton, M. Smith, P. Helfenstein, P.J. Schinder, J. Veverka, K.P. Klaasen, J.B. Pollack, K.A. Rages, D. Morrison, A.P. Ingersoll, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C.R. Chapman, M.E. Davies, F.P. Fanale, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head III, G. Neukum, C.B. Pilcher 1991. Images of the Venus cloud deck from Galileo (abstract). Bull. AAS 23, 1203.
C.R. Chapman and the Galileo SSI Team 1991. Galileo encounter with the planet Earth: Imaging results (abstract). EOS 72 (17), 61.
J.W. Head, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M. Davies, F. Fanale, M. Robinson, C. Pieters, S. Murchie, J. Sunshine, E. Fischer, J. Plutchak, R. Greeley, R. Sullivan, C. Pilcher, R. Greenberg, J. Veverka, P. Helfenstein, G. Neukum, H. Hoffman, R. Jaumann, K. Klaasen, T. Johnson, A. McEwen, T. Becker 1991. Orientale and South Pole-Aitken basins: Galileo imaging results (abstract). EOS 72 (17), 182.
J.W. Head, M. Belton, M. Carr, C. Chapman, M. Davies, F. Fanale, C. Pieters, R. Greeley, C. Pilcher, R. Greenberg, J. Veverka, G. Neukum, K. Klaasen, A. McEwen 1991. Galileo Solid State Imaging experiment results for the Moon (abstract). EOS 72 (17), 61.
M.E. Davies, M.J.S. Belton, C.R. Chapman, J. Head III, K. Klaasen, B. Paczkowski, J. Yoshimizu 1991. Galileo views of the South Polar region of the Moon (abstract). Lunar & Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 277.
C.R. Chapman 1990. Crater saturation simulation (abstract). Bull. AAS 22, 1057.
P. Gierasch, M.J.S. Belton, K.P. Klaasen, C.D. Anger, M.H. Carr, C. Chapman, M.E. Davies, R. Greeley, R. Greenberg, J.W. Head, G. Neukum, C.B. Pilcher, J. Veverka, F.P. Fanale, A.P. Ingersol, J.B. Pollack, D. Morrison, M.C. Clary, W. Cunningham, H. Breneman 1990. Imaging of Venus from Galileo: Early results (abstract). Bull AAS 22, 1050.
C.R. Chapman 1990. Planetary research loses. EOS (Apr. 3, 1990).
C.R. Chapman 1989. Is the compositional gradient of the asteroids primordial? (abstract). Bull. AAS 21, 966.
D.R. Davis, J. Goguen, D. Spaute, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman 1989. Photometric geodesy IV: Refined asteroid shapes and poles using the Simplex technique (abstract). Bull. AAS 21, 968.
C.R. Chapman and D. Morrison 1989. Hazard of impact by asteroids and comets (abstract of invited review). EOS 70(43), 1004.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Asteroid collisional evolution: How much? (abstract). Bull. AAS 20, 856.
W.B. McKinnon, K.R. Housen, C.R. Chapman 1988. Catastrophic breakup of icy satellites and ring particles (abstract). Bull AAS 20, 858-859.
C.R. Chapman 1988. Catastrophic impacts in planetary evolution (abstract). In Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1988, NASA TM 4130, 477.
C.R. Chapman and W.B. McKinnon 1987. Cratering of planets and satellites: Crater statistics, scaling relationships, and projectile populations (abstract). EOS 68 (16), 343.
C.R. Chapman 1987. The asteroid belt: compositional structure and size distributions (abstract). Bull. AAS 19, 839.
J. Drummond, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis 1987. Poles and axial ratios of 15 asteroids (abstract). Bull. AAS 19, 825.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, R. Marcialis, R. Greenberg, D. Levy, S. Vail 1986. Photometry of large rapidly rotating main-belt asteroids (abstract). Bull. AAS 18, 796.
C.R. Chapman 1985. Compositions of Hirayama family members (abstract). Bull. AAS 17, 730.
W.B. McKinnon and C.R. Chapman 1985. Interplanetary correlation of geologic time, and the satellites of Uranus (abstract). EOS 66 (46), 946.
C.R. Chapman 1983. From asteroids to meteorites: the role of asteroid collisions (abstract). Meteoritics 18, 278-279.
C.R. Chapman 1983. Saturation equilibrium cratering (abstract). Bull. AAS 15, 854.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling 1983. Photometric geodesy of asteroids: more lightcurves (abstract). Bull. AAS 15, 829.
R. Greenberg, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidesnchilling, C.R. Chapman 1983. The dynamic ephemeral bodies of Saturn's rings (abstract). Bull. AAS 15, 812-813.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1983. Conditions for spontaneous escape from Saturn ring particles (abstract). Bull. AAS 15, 812.
D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1982. Hirayama families: chips off the old block or collections of rubble piles? (abstract). Bull. AAS 14, 720.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling 1982. Photometric geodesy of asteroids: a progress report (abstract). Bull. AAS 14, 728-729.
R. Greenberg, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, W.K. Hartmann 1982. Formation of comets among the outer planets (abstract). Bull. AAS 14, 717.
C.R. Chapman and R. Greenberg 1981. Relationships between observable asteroids and meteorite yields (abstract). Bull. AAS 13, 718.
D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling, C.R. Chapman, R. Greenberg 1981. An observing program to study configurations of large, rapidly spinning asteroids (abstract). Bull. AAS 13, 725.
C.R. Chapman 1981. Asteroids! ("Tracking the 21st Century", Tucson Public Library).
M. Feierberg, H. Larson, C.R. Chapman 1980. The spectral reflectance (0.3-2.5æm) of 10 S-type asteroids: Evidence for an undifferentiated composition? (abstract). Bull. AAS 12, 664.
C.R. Chapman, D.R. Davis, S.J. Weidenschilling 1980. Creation and destruction of multiple asteroids (abstract). Bull. AAS 12, 662-663.
C.R. Chapman 1979. Interpretation of spectral variety among the asteroids (abstract). Bull. AAS 11, 562.
C.R. Chapman 1979. Interpretation of spectra for 277 asteroids (abstract). Meteoritics 14, 364.
C.R. Chapman 1978. Recent asteroid research (abstract of invited talk). Bull. AAS 10, 592.
C.R. Chapman 1978. Constraints on the derivation of all meteorite classes from the asteroid belt (abstract). Meteoritics 13, 406-407.
R. Greenberg, W.K. Hartmann, D.R. Davis, C.R. Chapman, J. Wacker 1977. Collisional and dynamical processes in planet formation (abstract). Bull AAS 9 460.
D.R. Davis and C.R. Chapman 1977. Further asteroid collisional evolution (abstract). Bull. AAS 9, 461.
C.R. Chapman 1977. Asteroid systematics (abstract). Bull. AAS 9, 505.
K. Housen, L.L. Wilkening, R. Greenberg, C.R. Chapman 1977. Regolith evolution on small bodies (abstract). Bull. AAS 9, 504.
J.F. Wacker, R. Greenberg, W.K. Hartmann, C.R. Chapman 1977. Planetesimals to planets: a simulation of collisional evolution (abstract). Bull. AAS 9, 544.
W.K. Hartmann, R. Greenberg, J.F. Wacker, C.R. Chapman 1977. Astrophysical implications of numerical simulations of planet-formation (abstract). Bull. AAS 9, 545.
C.R. Chapman 1973. Asteroidal regoliths (abstract). EOS 54, 1125.
T.B. McCord and C.R. Chapman 1973. Spectral reflectivities of 36 more asteroids (abstract). EOS 54, 1124.
C.R. Chapman 1973. Mineralogy of the asteroid belt and relationships to meteorites (abstract). Bull. AAS 5, 388.
J.W. Salisbury and C.R. Chapman 1973. Comparisons of meteorite and asteroid spectral reflectivities (abstract). Bull. AAS 5, 308.
C.R. Chapman 1972. Asteroid spectral reflectivities: implications (abstract, invited paper). EOS 53, 434.
C.R. Chapman and T. B. McCord 1972. Asteroid surface compositions (abstract). Bull. AAS 4, 369.
C.R. Chapman, T.V. Johnson, J.S. Kunin, T.B. McCord 1971. Spectral reflectivity studies of 12 asteroids (0.3-1.1æ) (abstract). Bull. AAS 3, 279.
C.B. Pilcher, C.R. Chapman, L.A. Lebofsky, H.H. Kieffer 1970. On the identification of ices in Saturn's rings (abstract). Bull. AAS 2, 239.
C.R. Chapman and N.J. Macdonald 1969. The characteristics and motions of Jupiter's spots during a one-year period (abstract). Bull. AAS 1, 214-215.
C.R. Chapman, J.A. Mosher, G. Simmons 1969. Lunar cratering and erosion from Orbiter V photographs (abstract). EOS 50, 218.