Flying in Boulder
Flying in Tucson
Here are some pictures of aviation related stuff in and around Tucson...
Some of the planes I fly in Tucson:
N9185U. Cessna 150. This is the plane I soloed in and took my checkride
N175LE. Katana DA20-A1. A really FUN plane to fly!.
N20308. Cessna 172. I did most of my instrument training in this one.
Some other assorted photos:
One of the pilots I share taxiway Delta with.
That's me flying a Cessna 150 back toward Tucson from the area near Kitt Peak. Definitely a CAVU day!
A view of downtown Tucson through the canopy of a Katana DA20-A1.
Tucson is home to Davis-Monthan AFB and the "Boneyard".
Waiting to be chopped up...
This feels like my second home.
My home airspace.
Genesis Aviation Homepage
Aviation Enthusiast's Corner