Jake's Life Story:
2 years and beyond

I'll start with a parental apology: as I write this (June 2008) Jake is now 12 years old, just finihsed his first year of middle school (6th grade), and is doing great. I simply have not had the time to keep these web pages current, but suffice to say that we are all doing very well. Jake had a couple more leg fracturs until he was about 5 years old, then miraculouly, he has not had an obvious fracture since then! He currently is into: Dungeons and Dragons, World or Warcraft, math, French, puttering around the house, riding his scooter, etc. I'm still busy as an astronomer and working on various space missions, and Kim is still a massage therapist and training to be a Feldenkrais practitioner. I will try to catch up on these web pages about our lives...though with my ever-aging memory I will certainly miss a few things.
Joel Parker (joel@boulder.swri.edu)