Kevin J. Walsh
Welcome to the homepage of Kevin J. Walsh.
Lots happened in 2015 - I led one and was on two other Asteroids 4 chapters, gave invited talks at the IAU, AGU, Gordon Research Conference and seminars in Taiwan, Tokyo and Zurich and the first of many LIPAD papers came out (this one on Pluto's small satellites, and the next ones on planet formation). I was lucky enough to be invited back to the Kavli Frontiers of Science at the National Academies to give another talk, this time as part of the Indo-American group. I got to explain the Grand Tack and asteroid satellite formation on various Discovery Channel and BBC shows and even a few in Japan on NHK. Also, Johnny Encore placed 2nd at Nationals for Masters Ultimate Frisbee...
Our new article in Nature constrains the date of the Moon-forming impact to around 95 Myr after the formation of the Solar System. [Nature][News&Views]
Great article in Nautilus about the Grand Tack and the Nice Model. Read it here.
I will be giving a public talk at the National Academy of Science's Beckman Center in Irvine, CA on 6 November. This is a "Distinctive Voices" event and the topic is Asteroid Impacts at the Earth. [info]
Will comet ISON breakup at Perihelion? A new paper by Knight and Walsh makes a prediction (grad school connection)! This work was just accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. [PDF at arXiv][Article in Nature News][Sky and Telescope][ScienceNews]
Our advances on the most frustrating problem ever -- Pluto's small satellites -- has garnered some press attention. These satellites are a real pain. [NBCnews]
The Grand Tack mentioned in a discussion of the Moon's water at Nature News
Proposal for supercomputer time was granted by XSEDE... No longer in a crunch for computer time.
Great News! Asteroid (7987) was renamed Walshkevin ! Check it out its orbit
Quoted as "Kelvin" in the New York Times < href="">about Dawn at Vesta.
I am teaching Astro3300 "Extraterrestrial Life" in the Spring 2012 semester at the University of Colorado. Class information can be found here
Our project describing the early migration of Jupiter,has been published in Nature. It has received some early press attention. [SwRI] [NASA] [MSNBC] [Scientific American] [SpaceRef][][IrishWeatherOnline - Yep.][]
Our work on the "Grand Tack" was mentioned in a Science News article about the young age and small size of Mars.
There were two recent mentions from Sky and Telescope, one about the "Grand Tack" and another about recent work into the history of Iapetus. ScienceNews also had a great article on the delivery of water to Earth which mentioned the "Grand Tack" work I did while in Nice.
I have moved to Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
Myself and collaborators finished a review on the Disruption of Asteroids, soon to be published in Advanced Science Letters, Special Issue on Computational Astrophysics.
Our work on binary asteroid formation via the YORP effect made the top 10 of Astronomy Magazine's top stories of 2008. The issue is the January 2009 issue, which I believe is out right now. We were number 6 on their list!
We had a paper out in Nature (2008) on the formation of binary asteroids by the YORP effect. The article is here, and there is also a News and Views article about the study here .