function minmax,array,subs,NAN=nan, DIMEN=dimen ;+ ; NAME: ; MINMAX ; PURPOSE: ; Return a 2 element array giving the minimum and maximum of an array ; EXPLANATION: ; Using MINMAX() is faster than doing a separate MAX and MIN. ; ; The procedure MAXMIN in ; has a similar purpose but uses a procedure call rather than a function. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; value = minmax( array, [subs, /NAN, DIMEN= ] ) ; INPUTS: ; array - an IDL numeric scalar, vector or array. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; value = a two element vector (if DIMEN is not supplied) ; value[0] = minimum value of array ; value[1] = maximum value of array ; ; If the DIMEN keyword is supplied then value will be a 2 x N element ; array where N is the number of elements in the specified ; dimension ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETER: ; subs - two-dimensional vector; the first element gives the subscript ; of the minimum value, the second element gives the subscript ; of the maximum value. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /NAN - Set this keyword to cause the routine to check for occurrences ; of the IEEE floating-point value NaN in the input data. Elements ; with the value NaN are treated as missing data. ; ; DIMEN - integer (either 1 or 2) specifying which dimension of a 2-d ; array to take the minimum and maximum. Note that (unlike the ; DIMENSION keyword to the MIN() function) DIMEN is only valid ; for a 2-d array, larger dimensions are not supported. ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Print the minimum and maximum of an image array, im ; ; IDL> print, minmax( im ) ; ; (2) Given a 2-dimension array of (echelle) wavelengths w, print the ; minimum and maximum of each order ; ; print,minmax(w,dimen=1) ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The MIN function is used with the MAX keyword ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman January, 1990 ; Added NaN keyword. M. Buie June 1998 ; Added DIMEN keyword W. Landsman January 2002 ; Added SUBSCRIPT_MIN and SUBSCRIPT_MAX BT Jan 2005 ; Added optional subs output parameter W. Landsman July 2009 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_elements(DIMEN) GT 0 then begin amin = min(array, MAX = amax, NAN = nan, DIMEN = dimen,cmin,sub=cmax) if arg_present(subs) then subs = transpose([[cmin], [cmax]]) return, transpose([[amin],[amax] ]) endif else begin amin = min( array, MAX = amax, NAN=nan, cmin, sub=cmax) if arg_present(subs) then subs = [cmin, cmax] return, [ amin, amax ] endelse end