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Last modified: Sat Sep 23 18:13:50 2006.
NAME: oclc_epq03_AAREADME PURPOSE Print the file '' CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: oclc_ey92_AAREADME PROCEDURE README_oclc_epq03 These routines implement the model of Elliot, Person and Qu 2003. Analysis of stellar occultation data for planetary atmospheres. II - Inversion, with application to Pluto and Triton. Ap J 126: 1041-1079. The routines are called oclc_epq03_*. oclc stands for OCcultation LightCurve. EPQ03 refers to the paper cited above. Other occultation lightcurves can be implemented, and will be prefixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This formulation is a numerical implementation of the Abel transform, integrating the bending angle along the line of sight through the atmosphere. It is a challenge to keep track of the shells on which the variables are defines, since some are tabulated at shell centers and others at shell boundaries. We begin by reproducing Figure 2 and caption from EPQ03: ====================================================================================================================== . Boundary {############################## r ^####### y ^ Integral {#################################|####### | Region {#################################|####### | _ r_b = r_{i_b-1/2} _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________...............| { { | \_______________ y_b = y_{i_b-1/2} _ _ { { | | } { Delta r_i_b { r_i_b + | } { { | | } Inversion { { | + y_i_b } Delta y_i_b Summation { r_{i_b+1/2} _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________....................| } Region { { | \____theta_{i_b+1/2}| } { { | \__________ y_{i_b+1/2} _ _ _ _ _ { Delta r_{i_b+1} { r_{i_b+1} + | } { { | | } { { | | } { r_{i_b+3/2} _ _ _ _ _ _ _______........................+ y_{i_b+1} } Delta y_{i_b+3/2} { | \_____ theta_{i_b+3/2}| } { | \_____ | } { | \_____ | } _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \______ y_i_{b+3/2} _ _ _ _ _ | | // // Body Plane Observer Plane // // | | r = 0 + y = 0 + <--------------- D -------------> EPQ03 Figure 2. Shells used in inversion summations. This magnified view of the body section of Fig 1 shows our scheme for the inversion shells. Note that the integral shell indeices, i, occur at shell midpoints, while the index of i-1/2 denotes the upper boundary of the shell i and i+1/2 denotes its lowerboundary. Corresponding values on the y-axis are determined by the ray paths for the refracted starlight, and the shaded area above is the inersion boundary integral region. The first shell of the inversion region ("boundary shell") begins at radius r=r_b and has an index i = i_b ====================================================================================================================== To maintain the strictest 1-to-1 correspondence with the cited paper, we will use the shell index scheme so defined. The scheme tabulates some values on shell centers and others on shell boundarys. shell center (integer i): y, Delta y, phi, sigma(phi), Delta r, Delta theta shell edge (half-integer i): r, theta, nu, n, p, T, H --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch EPQ03 notation: none flag - 1 to include an analytic approximation to the integral from the top of the highest shell to infinity.; (Not well tested) distobs EPQ03 notation: D Distance between target and observer scalar cm deltathetamid EPQ03 notation: Delta theta_i change in theta over one shell (effectively at shell midpoint) negative for an isothermal atmosphere. radian deltaymid EPQ03 notation: Delta y_i width of the shadow radius shell, defined as y_{i+1/2} - y_{i-1/2} so delta_y is negative for an isothermal atmosphere. i EPQ03 notation: i index of shells ranging from 0 (topmost) to imax-1 EPQ02 is 1-based, and we use the native IDL 0-based arrays. This has no practical impact ib EPQ03 notation: i_b index of first (highest) shell for the inversion. 1 <= i < ib shells of boundary integral region ib <= i <= imax shells of inversion scalar unitless iminus EPQ03 notation: i - 1/2 index of top of shell i unitless imax largest shell index (closest to surface) scalar unitless j EPQ03 notation: j summation shell index for calculating r_i, theta_i, nu_i, p_i, ranging from ib to i. scalar unitless mp EPQ03 notation: M_p (Eq 21) Mass of planet (or other occulting body gm mu EPQ03 notation: mu (Eq 31) molecular weight unitless (eg 12 for C) nbot EPQ03 notation: n_{i+1/2} (Eq. 55) number density at shell bottom molecule/cm^3 nu EPQ03 notation: nu_{i+1/2} (Eq. 54) Refractivity. Unitless nustp EPQ03 notation: nu_STP (Eq. 17) Refractivity at STP (1.01325 bar, 273.15 K) Unitless phimid EPQ03 notation: phi_i normalized stellar flux at shell center unitless. r EPQ03 notation: r planet radius (distance from planet center). cm rbot EPQ03 notation: r_{i+1/2} planet radius (distance from planet center) at shell bottom cm rtop EPQ03 notation: r_{i-1/2} planet radius (distance from planet center) at shell top cm thetabot EPQ03 notation: theta_{i+1/2} bending angle, negative for an isothermal atmosphere, at shell bottom radians. thetamid EPQ03 notation: theta_i bending angle, negative for an isothermal atmosphere. radians. yb shadow radius at beginning of inversion equivalent to y_{i_b - 1/2} or ytop[ib] ybot EPQ03 notation: y_{i+1/2} (eg eq. 33) shadow radius array tabulted at shell bottom, [same as rho in oclc_ey92] indexed from 0 to imax-1, cm ymid EPQ03 notation: y_i (eg eq. 34) shadow radius array tabulted at shell mid, [same as rho in oclc_ey92] indexed from 0 to imax-1, cm ytop EPQ03 notation: y_{i-1/2} (eg eq. 33) shadow radius array tabulted at shell top, [same as rho in oclc_ey92] indexed from 0 to imax-1, cm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW-LEVEL FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bnubot = oclc_epq03_bnu(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch) bpbot = oclc_epq03_bp(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch) deltathetamid = oclc_epq03_deltathetamid(thetabot) deltaymid = oclc_epq03_deltaymid(ymid) nbot = oclc_epq03_n(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch, nustp) pbot = oclc_epq03_p(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch, mp, mu, nustp) oclc_eqp03_r,ymid, deltaymid, phimid, ib, imax, rbot snubot = oclc_epq03_snu(rbot, rtop, deltathetamid, ib) spbot = oclc_epq03_sp(rbot, rtop, deltathetamid, ib) thetabot = oclc_epq03_theta(ybot,rbot, distobs) ybot = oclc_epq03_ybot(ymid) ytop = oclc_epq03_ytop(ymid)
NAME: oclc_epq03_avg PURPOSE: (one line) average raw y and phi DESCRIPTION: average raw y and phi CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: oclc_epq03_avg, yraw, phiraw, istart, iend, ytop, ybot, phimid INPUTS: yraw : shadow radius at shell center from original data (cm) phiraw : flux at shell center from original data istart : array of starting indices for averaged bins iend : array of starting indices for averaged bins KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: deltayraw : change in yraw over a bin, for unevenly-spaced data KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: ytop : shadow radius at averaged shell top ybot : shadow radius at averaged shell bottom phimid : flux at averaged shell mid PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 32 and discussion following MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Sep 16, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_bdnu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate bdnu from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate bdnu from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: bdnubot = oclc_epq03_bdnu(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: snubot = bending angle at shell borders COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: See inv_dnu.doc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_bnu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate bnu from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate bnu from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: bnubot = oclc_epq03_bnu(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: bnubot = refractivity integral at shell borders COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: For the bins, follow Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq 35, 57 - similarity of integrand for Inu and Bnu eq. 51, 52 - summation form for Snu approx. to Inu For the topmost bin, note: eq 13 can be written 1 / inf nu(r) = - --- | theta(r')/r' dx pi / 0 We are concerned with the integral above the topmost bin. Let's call the radius of the topmost bin R = rtop[0] = r_1/2. Then the integral starts at X = sqrt(R^2 - r^2) 1 / inf nu_ch(r) = - --- | theta(r')/r' dx pi / X Assuming that theta/r is an exponential with scale height H, this integral is 1 theta(R) nu_ch(r) = - --- -------- * H * ch(R/H, asin(r/R) ) pi R where ch is the Chapman grazing incidence integral R/H = X_p is the radius/scale_height at base of integral asin(r/R) = zenith angle of integration path at R MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_bp PURPOSE: (one line) calculate bp from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate bp from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: bpbot = oclc_epq03_bp(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, ib, ch) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: bpbot = pressure integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Topmost (rtop[0] to infinity) not implemented PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_deltarmid PURPOSE: (one line) calculate deltarmid from rbot DESCRIPTION: calculate deltarmid from rbot CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: deltarmid = oclc_epq03_deltarmid(rbot, rtop, rmid) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: deltarmid = change in planet radius over shell rtop = planet radius at shell top rmid = planet radius at shell center COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 45 coded to ensure rtop[i] exactly equals rbot[i-1] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Sep 16, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_deltathetamid PURPOSE: (one line) calculate delta theta at shell mid points DESCRIPTION: calculate delta theta at shell mid points CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: deltathetamid = oclc_epq03_deltathetamid(thetabot) INPUTS: thetabot = bending angle (tablulated at shell bottom) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: deltathetamid: change in shadow radius over a shell COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 48 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_deltaymid PURPOSE: (one line) calculate delta y DESCRIPTION: calculate delta y CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: deltaymid = oclc_epq03_deltaymid(ymid) INPUTS: ymid = shadow radius (tabulated at shell centers) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: deltaymid: change in shadow radius over a shell COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 33 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_dnu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate dnu = d nu / d r from radius and bending angle DESCRIPTION: calculate dnu = d nu / d r from radius and bending angle CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: dnubot = oclc_epq03_dnu(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, $ ib, ch) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: snubot = refractivity integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: See notes in inv_dnu.doc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_n PURPOSE: (one line) calculate n from radius and bending angle DESCRIPTION: calculate n from radius and bending angle CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: nbot = oclc_epq03_n(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, $ ib, ch, nustp) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise nustp = refractivity at STP OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: snubot = refractivity integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: What's snu? What's S_nu with you? PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 52 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_nu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate refractivity from radius and bending angle DESCRIPTION: calculate refractivity from radius and bending angle CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: nbot = oclc_epq03_nu(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, $ ib, ch, nustp) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: nubot = refractivity at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 52 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_p PURPOSE: (one line) calculate p from radius and bending angle DESCRIPTION: calculate p from radius and bending angle CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: pbot = oclc_epq03_p(rbot, rtop, thetamid, deltathetamid, $ ib, ch, mp, mu, nustp) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} thetamid = bending angle at shell midpoint deltathetamid = change in bending angle over shell ib = index of top of inversion region ch = 1 if adding chapman top, 0 otherwise nustp = refractivity at STP mu = molecular weight mp = mass of planet (or dwarf) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: snubot = refractivity integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 53 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_r PURPOSE: (one line) calculate r from y, delta_y, phi DESCRIPTION: calculate r from y, delta_y, phi CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: oclc_eqp03_r,ymid, deltaymid, phimid, ib, imax, rbot INPUTS: ymid = shadow radius, at shell centers deltaymid = change in shadow radius, at shell centers phimid = flux, at shell centers ib = first shell for inversion imax = lowest (last) shell OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: rbot = radius, with values filled in for i = ib+0.5 .. imax+0.5 COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 44 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_sdnu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate sdnu from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate sdnu from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: sdnubot = oclc_epq03_sdnu(rbot, rtop, deltathetamid, ib) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} deltathetamid OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: sdnubot = refractivity integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: What's sdnu? What's S_nu with you? PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 52 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_snu PURPOSE: (one line) calculate snu from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate snu from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: snubot = oclc_epq03_snu(rbot, rtop, deltathetamid, ib) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} deltathetamid OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: snubot = refractivity integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: What's snu? What's S_nu with you? PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 52 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_sp PURPOSE: (one line) calculate sp from rbot, dtheta DESCRIPTION: calculate sp from rbot, dtheta CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: spbot = oclc_epq03_sp(rbot, rtop, deltathetamid, ib) INPUTS: rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border rtop = planet radius, at shell top border rbot[i] = r_{i + 1/2} rtop[i] = r_{i - 1/2} deltathetamid OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: spbot = pressure integral at shell bottoms COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: What's snu? What's S_nu with you? PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 51, 53 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_table11 PURPOSE: (one line) reproduce epq03_table11 DESCRIPTION: reproduce epq03_table11 CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: oclc_epq03_table11 INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: kaofn = kaofn KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, Fig. 2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_theta PURPOSE: (one line) calculate theta from y, r DESCRIPTION: calculate theta from y, r CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: thetabot = oclc_epq03_theta(ybot,rbot, distobs) INPUTS: ybot = shadow radius, at shell bottom border rbot = planet radius, at shell bottom border distobs = target-observer distance OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: thetabot = bending angle at shell borders COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 47 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Aug 23, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_ybot PURPOSE: (one line) calculate y at bottom of shells DESCRIPTION: calculate y at bottom of shells CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: ybot = oclc_epq03_ybot(ymid) INPUTS: ymid = shadow radius (tabulated at shell centers) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: deltaymid: change in shadow radius over a shell COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: We want to make sure that (1) ytop[i] = ybot[i-1] and (2) ybot[i] - ytop[i] = deltaymid[i] Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 33 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Sep 16, Leslie Young, SwRI
NAME: oclc_epq03_ytop PURPOSE: (one line) calculate y at bottom of shells DESCRIPTION: calculate y at bottom of shells CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: ytop = oclc_epq03_ytop(ymid) INPUTS: ymid = shadow radius (tabulated at shell centers) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: deltaymid: change in shadow radius over a shell COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: We want to make sure that (1) ytop[i] = ybot[i-1] and (2) ybot[i] - ytop[i] = deltaymid[i] Elliot, Person and Qu 2003, eq. 33 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Sep 16, Leslie Young, SwRI