;+ ; NAME: ; oclc_fwd_AAREADME ; PURPOSE ; Print the file 'oclc_fwd_AAREADME.pro' ; CATEGORY: ; Occultation lightcurve (oclc) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; oclc_fwd_AAREADME ; ; PROCEDURE ; ; oclc_fwd_AAREADME ; ; These routines implement forward models ; ; The routines are called oclc_fwd_*. oclc stands for OCcultation ; LightCurve. fwd stands for "forward." ; Other occultation lightcurves can be implemented, and will be prefixed ; oclc__.pro. ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VARIABLES ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; distobs D in EY92 ; Distance between target and observer ; cm ; ; dnu d nu / dr in EY92 ; derivative of refractivity with respect to planet radius ; 1/cm ; ; dt ; Derivative of the temperature with respect to planet radius ; K/cm ; ; dtheta d theta/d r in EY92 ; Derivative of the bending angle with respect to planet radius, ; positive for an isothermal atmosphere. ; radian/cm ; ; h H_p in EY92 ; Pressure scale height ; cm ; ; hn H_n in EY92 ; Number density scale height ; cm ; ; kappa ; linear absorption coefficient ; For example, kappa = kappa1 exp( - (r-r1)/(htau1 * (r/r1) ) ) EY92 3.23 ; 1/cm (or cm^2/cm^3, cross section per particle * particle/volume) ; ; mp ; mass of planet (or dwanet) ; gm ; ; n ; number density ; molecule/cm^3 ; ; nu ; Refractivity. ; Unitless ; ; phi ; normalized stellar flux. ; unitless. ; ; p ; pressure ; microbar ; ; p0 ; pressure at reference radius, r0 ; microbar ; ; r ; planet radius (distance from planet center). ; cm ; ; r0 ; reference planet radius (distance from planet center). ; cm ; ; y ; shadow radius (distance from shadow center), negative for ; far-limb contribution. ; cm. ; ; t ; temperature ; K ; ; t0 ; temperature at reference radius, r0 ; K ; ; theta ; bending angle, negative for an isothermal atmosphere. ; radians. ; ; tauobs ; line-of-sight optical depth ; unitless. ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTIONS ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r, t, mu, r0, p0, mp) ; h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) ; n = oclc_fwd_n(p, t) ; hn = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dt) ; nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nustp) ; dnu = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp) ; theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) ; dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) ; y = oclc_fwd_y(r, theta, distobs) ; phi = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs) ;- pro oclc_fwd_AAREADME findpro, 'oclc_fwd_AAREADME', dirlist=dirlist, /noprint tmp = ' ' openr, lun, dirlist[0]+'/oclc_fwd_AAREADME.pro', /get_lun while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,tmp print, tmp endwhile free_lun,lun end