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Last modified: Mon Nov 27 16:11:52 2006.
NAME: rt_AAREADME PURPOSE Print the file '' CATEGORY: Radiative Transfer (rt) CALLING SEQUENCE: rt_AAREADME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- atm1 = rt_atmread1('titan.atm') - read atm file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- atm1: structure with nz, ns, z, p, t, n, ncol n number density [nz,ns] (cm^-3) ncol number column density [nz,ns] (cm^-2) ns number of species nz number of atmospheric levels p pressures [nz] (microbar) t temperatures [nz] (K) z altitudes [nz] (cm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME: rt_atmread1 PURPOSE: (one line) read a model atmosphere DESCRIPTION: read a model atmosphere, return atmospheric structure CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: atm = rt_atmread1(fname) INPUTS: fname = file name of atmospheric structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: returns an atmosphere structure, with the following fields nz number of atmospheric levels ns number of species z altitudes [nz] (cm) p pressures [nz] (microbar) t temperatures [nz] (K) n number density [nz,ns] (cm^-3) ncol number column density [nz,ns] (cm^-2) COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: atm1 = rt_atmread1('titan.atm') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on atmread1.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_atmread2 PURPOSE: (one line) read a model atmosphere DESCRIPTION: read a model atmosphere, return atmospheric structure CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: atm = rt_atmread2(fname, pmax) INPUTS: fname = file name of atmospheric structure pmax = maximum pressure (ubar) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: returns an atmosphere structure, with the following fields nz number of atmospheric levels ns number of species z altitudes [nz] (cm) p pressures [nz] (cm) t temperatures [nz] (K) n number density [nz,ns] (cm^-3) ncol number column density [nz,ns] (cm^-2) COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Modifies atm PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: atm = rt_atmread2('titan.atm',1.d+2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on atmread2.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_bandread PURPOSE: (one line) read bandparams.dat DESCRIPTION: read bandparams.dat, return band structure CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: band = rt_bandread INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: band structure wave arad pcol dgn rmass rdmol qrot - exponent for rotational partition function COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on mesopause.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_cascade PURPOSE: (one line) calculate methane cascade heating DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: hcsc = rt_cascade(efc, rmass, rh, $ wav0, wdel, xu, wu, nu, atm, ep1, ep2, $ ssolar, th) INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: cascade heating rate in erg/cm^3/s COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI Modified from cascade.f, Roger Yelle
NAME: rt_cgrid PURPOSE: (one line) interpolate a model atmosphere onto evenly spaced pressures DESCRIPTION: interpolate a model atmosphere onto evenly spaced pressures CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: rt_cgrid, dat, nz, atm INPUTS: dat : body-specific constants nz : number of new atmospheric pressure levels OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Modifies atm PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on cgrid.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_depsln PURPOSE: (one line) return normalized derivative of epsln DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: ep = rt_depsln(t,ntot,a10,p10,d,m) INPUTS: t - temperature (K). May be an array. ntot - total number density (cm^-3). May be an array. a10 - einstein A coefficient. s^-1 p10 - V-T transition probability. Unitless. d - collision diameter. cm m - reduced mass. g OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 16, Leslie Young SwRI Modified from depsln.f, Roger Yelle
NAME: rt_epsln PURPOSE: (one line) return ratio of collision timescale to radiaitve timescale DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: ep = rt_epsln(t,ntot,a10,p10,d,m) INPUTS: t - temperature (K). May be an array. ntot - total number density (cm^-3). May be an array. a10 - einstein A coefficient. s^-1 p10 - V-T transition probability. Unitless. d - collision diameter. cm m - reduced mass. g OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: c10/a10 COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI Modified from epsln.f, Roger Yelle
NAME: rt_fintrp PURPOSE: (one line) interpolate into an ordered list DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: y = rt_fintrp(xtab, ytab, xx) INPUTS: xtab - array of x's ytab - matching array of y's x - value at which we want the interpolated y OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: first calls rt_locate MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on finterp, in locate.f
NAME: rt_hitran PURPOSE: (one line) read hitran files DESCRIPTION: read hitran files CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: lines = rt_hitran(fn, selmin, selmax) INPUTS: filename - hitran file selmin - minimum wavenumber for selection selmax - maximum wavenumber for selection OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: structure with: wav, str, wid, eng, nlines, stot, wav0, wmin, wmax COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on hitran.f, written by Leslie Young, 1998
NAME: rt_locate PURPOSE: (one line) Search an ordered list by bisection DESCRIPTION: Given an array xx[0..n-1], and given a value x, returns a value j such that x is between xx[j] and xx[j+1]. xx must be monotonic, either increasing or decreasing. j=-1 or j=n-1 is returned to indicate that x is out of range. CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: j = rt_locate(xx, x) INPUTS: xx - array, monotonic, either increasing or decreasing x - the value to be found in xx OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: j such that x is between xx[j] and xx[j+1]. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Modifies from locate, numerical recipes MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on locate, Numerical Recipes, Press et al.
NAME: rt_mesopause PURPOSE: (one line) Reproduce the behavior of mesopause.f DESCRIPTION: Reproduce the behavior of mesopause.f CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: mesopause INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: collision rate/deexcitation rate COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI based on mesopause.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_random PURPOSE: (one line) calculate molecular opacity in a specified frequency range DESCRIPTION: ********************************************************************* * * * RANDOM calculate the molecular opacity in a specified * * frequency range. Required input consists of an array of * * line positions, widths, strengths, and quantum numbers. * * The S-1 random model with a Curtis-Godson approximation * * is used. The relevant equations are described by Wallace, * * Prather, and Belton, Ap. J., 1974, Vol 193, pp 481-493. * * * ********************************************************************* CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: a = rt_random (uu,prs,tmp,col,str,wid,eng,efc,rmass,wmid,delnu) INPUTS: INPUT uu - cosine of solar zenith angle prs - pressure grid (atm) not ubar? [LAY] tmp - temperature grid (Kelvins) col - column density grid (cm-2) str - list of line strengths (cm-1) wid - Lorentz widths of lines at a ref. temperature (cm-1) and std pressure? [LAY] eng - energy of lower state (cm-1) rmass - molecular mass in g efc - rotational partition function exponent wmid - frequency in center of interval (cm-1) delnu - range of frequency covered by these lines OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: a - average absorption in this frequency interval COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 12, Leslie Young SwRI Modified from random.f, Roger Yelle
NAME: rt_reducedmass PURPOSE: (one line) Return the reduced mass of two molecules DESCRIPTION: Return the reduced mass of two molecules CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: eps = rt_vtefficiency(t, n, a10, p10, moldiam, molwgt) INPUTS: molwgt1 - molecular weight of first molecule molwgt2 - molecular weight of 2nd molecule OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: collision rate/deexcitation rate COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Simple formular for reduced mass. Could be extended with Yelle 1991. "Non-LTE models of Titan's upper atmosphere," ApJ 383, 380-400, eqn 18. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 Mar 17, Leslie Young SwRI based on line 177 of mesopause.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_solirflx PURPOSE: (one line) return solar IR flux DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: flx = rt_solirflx(ww) INPUTS: ww - flux in wavenumbers OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: solar flux in erg/cm^2/s/invcm at 1 AU COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: calls expm1, which returns exp(x)-1, even for small x. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 May 8, Leslie Young SwRI Modified from routine in cascase.f, Roger Yelle
NAME: rt_solread PURPOSE: (one line) read solar spectrum and cross sections DESCRIPTION: read solar spectrum and cross sections CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: sol = rt_solread( cycle = cycle, refdir = refdir) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: cycle = 0 for solar max, 1 for solar min refdir: directory of soluvmax.dat or soluvmin.dat KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: structure with: wave[nsol] - wavelength in A dwave[nsol] - width of wavelength interval in A flux[nsol] - flux in photon/cm^2/s/A crs[nsol,4] - cross section of N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6 (cm^2) nsol - number of solar lines COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 Mar 20, Leslie Young SwRI based on solread, written by Roger Yelle, 1990 2004 Mar 21 LAY added dwave, changed flux to ph/cm^2/s/A, not ph/cm^2/s/interval 2004 May 8 LAY change syntax to return a structure
NAME: rt_sread PURPOSE: (one line) read line listings for fundementals DESCRIPTION: read line listings for fundementals CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: sread=rt_sread(indx) INPUTS: indx - indices of line files OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: structure with: nb - number of listings nlines[nb] - number of lines for each band stot[nb] wmean[nb] wstart[nb] wend[nb] nl - index into wav, str, wid, eng n - number of lines wav[n] wavenumber of line str[n] str of line in cm^-1/(molecule cm^-2) wid[n] pressure width in invcm at STP eng[n] lower state energy in invcm COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 Mar 20, Leslie Young SwRI based on sread, written by Roger Yelle, 1990
NAME: rt_uvheat PURPOSE: (one line) calculate UV heating rate DESCRIPTION: calculate global average of UV heating rate given data from solread CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: ht = rt_uvheat(rh,col,den,wave,flux,crs) INPUTS: rh - heliocentric distance (AU) atm structure with ncol[nz,5] - vertical column densities of N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6, HCN (cm^-2) n[nz,5] - number densities of N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6, HCN (cm^-3) sol structure with wave[nsol] - wavelength in A dwave[nsol] - wavelength interval in A flux[nsol] - flux in photon/cm^2/s/A crs[nsol,4] - cross section of N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6 (cm^2) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: ht[ntau] - heating rate in erg/cm^3/s ht4[ntau, 4] - heating rate in erg/cm^2/s for N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6 COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 Mar 20, Leslie Young SwRI based on uvheat.f, written by Roger Yelle, 1990 with more array arithmetic 2004 May 9, LAY SwRI - take uv structure as input
NAME: rt_vtefficiency PURPOSE: (one line) Return the ratio of collision rate to spontaneous deacy rate DESCRIPTION: Return the ratio of collision rate to deacy rate See Yelle 1991. "Non-LTE models of Titan's upper atmosphere," ApJ 383, 380-400, eqn 10. CATEGORY: RT CALLING SEQUENCE: eps = rt_vtefficiency(t, n, a10, p10, moldiam, molwgt) INPUTS: t - temperature (K) n - number density of the background atmosphere (cm^-3) a10 - Einstein A10 coefficient (s^-1) p10 - collision probability (unitless) moldiam - reduced diameter of the molecules (cm) molwgt - reduced molecular weight OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: collision rate/deexcitation rate COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2004 Mar 17, Leslie Young SwRI based on epslnf, written by Roger Yelle, 1990