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Last modified: Tue Jul 11 20:44:18 2006.
NAME: arrgen PURPOSE: (one line) generate an array of evenly spaced numbers DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Util CALLING SEQUENCE: arrgen, x0, x1, dx INPUTS: x0 = initial value x1 = final value dx = approximate difference between successive values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: int = 1 if integer long = 1 if long float = 1 if float double = 1 if doble KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Mar 16 Leslie Young SwRI Moved to layoung/util
(See util/
NAME: farrgen PURPOSE: (one line) generate an array of evenly spaced numbers DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Util CALLING SEQUENCE: farrgen, x0, x1, dx INPUTS: x0 = initial OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: nx, length of 1st dimension ny, length of 2nd dimension n length of 3rd dimension (or 1 if d is 2d) COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Mar 16 Leslie Young SwRI Moved to layoung/util
(See util/
given a image or stack of images and a bad pixel mask, will fill in bad pixels by finding the NPIX nearest good pixels, toss the highest and lowest ones of the bunch, and then arithmatically average. bad pixel list is processed in order array is stored in memory, i.e. row by row, and is defined by: 0 = bad pixel not 0 = good pixel NPIX = # of adjacent pixels used for correction (default = 8) /weight: weight adjacent pixels by inverse of their distances in averaging process checks to see if some pixels are equidistant; if so, use all of them, even if the total # of pixels then exceeds NPIX WARNINGS: - will work for entire bad columns/rows, but may not be the most sensible thing to use - do not pass it the same array for input & output as this might corrupt the correction algorithm 7/3/95 MCL added /noise: replace bad pixels with random noise with user defined sigma and dc level 9/24/95 MCL badpix can now be a 2d or 3d array 4/18/96 MCL
(See util/
NAME: hmstoh PURPOSE: (one line) Convert from hours, minutes, and seconds of time to decimal hours DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: hmstorad, hour, min, sec,decimalhours INPUTS: hour : Hour. 0 <= hour < 24. min : Minute. 0 <= min < 60. sec : Second. 0.0 <= sec < 60.0. If more than one of these are vectors, they must be the same length. A mixture of scalar and vector input parameters is equivalent to all three inputs being vectors: The scalar inputs are treated as replicated vectors. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: decimalhours : Converted time in hours COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 July 14 Leslie Young, modified from hmstorad, M. Buie, Lowell Observatory
(See util/
NAME: htohms PURPOSE: (one line) Convert from decimal hours to hours, minutes, and seconds DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: htohms, h, hh, mm, ss INPUTS: h : time expressed in decimal hours. May be a vector, in which case the outputs will be vectors. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: hh : Hours mm : Minutes ss : Seconds COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: The angle is reduced to its principal value then converted to hours. The decimal number of hours is broken up into the three pieces. There are no invalid input quantities. Calls external function MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 07 14 Leslie Young, SwRi based on radtohms, M Bie, Lowell Observatory
(See util/
NAME: lasttok PURPOSE: return the last token in a string DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: token = lasttok(str, toksep) INPUTS: fn: the filename OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: exists (boolean): true if file exists KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: call findfile MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2002/05/30 - Initial version written, Leslie Young SwRI
(See util/
NAME: lexecute PURPOSE: (one line) execute a potentially long string DESCRIPTION: execute a string that is too long for the intrinsic execute CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: lexecute, str, newsav, oldsav=oldsav,INPUTS: str - the (potentially long) string or array of strings to execute OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: oldsav - a save file, if lexecute needs to get passed inputs KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: newsav - a save file, if lexecute needs to pass outputs COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: writes the file / RESTRICTIONS: If you must use the following characters within strings, make sure the strlen of str is < 160: &,()[]+-*/^ The method of passing by reference doesn't seem to work. PROCEDURE: USAGE There are several ways to use this function If no variables have to be passed, then simply call lexecute,str If just a few variables have to be passed (eg str uses in1 and in2, assigns out1 and out2), then use keywords lexecute,str,in1=in1,in2=in2, out1=out1, out2=out2 If many variable have to be passed, or you don't know ahead of time what variables are used in str, then use save files oldsav=tmpfile('','sav') ; get a temporary sav filename save,/all,fil=oldsav ; save variables lexecute,str,newsav,lexecute_oldsav=oldsav ; run, saving calcs in newsav restore,newsav ; restore newsav file_delete,newsav ; cleanup MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Dec 30 Leslie Young, SwRI 2006 Jan 2 LAY, restored value of !quiet before executing proc
(See util/
NAME: nxnyn PURPOSE: (one line) Return dimentions of a cube DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Util CALLING SEQUENCE: nxnyn, d, nx, ny, n INPUTS: d - a 3-d array of size [nx, ny, n] OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: nx, length of 1st dimension ny, length of 2nd dimension n length of 3rd dimension (or 1 if d is 2d) COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Mar 16 Leslie Young SwRI Moved to layoung/util
(See util/
NAME: setps PURPOSE: (one line) Prepare to make a postscript plot DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Util CALLING SEQUENCE: setps, fn, LANDSCAPE = landscape INPUTS: filename OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: landscape - set for landscape KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: sets the plotting to a PS file called filename RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Oct 17 Leslie Young SwRI Moved to layoung/util
(See util/
NAME: struct_addfield PURPOSE: (one line) add fields to an existing structure DESCRIPTION: add fields to an existing structure CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: new = struct_addfield(old, tag, val, new_structname = new_structname) INPUTS: old - existing structure tag - name of field val - value for field OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: new_structname - if the structure is to be named (not anonymous), the name of the new structure KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: new - new structure with field added COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Constructs a call to create_struct Calls lexecute to execute the long string USAGE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Dec 31 Leslie Young
(See util/
NAME: struct_assignfield PURPOSE: (one line) assign a field to a value in an existing structure DESCRIPTION: assign a field to a value in an existing structure, changing type to type of passed variable. This allows us to CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: new = struct_assignfield(old, tag, new_structname = new_structname) INPUTS: old - existing structure tag - name of field to delete (string) val - value for tag OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: new_structname - if the structure is to be named (not anonymous), the name KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: new - new structure with field added COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: calls struct_delfield and struct_addfield USAGE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Dec 31 Leslie Young
(See util/
NAME: struct_delfield PURPOSE: (one line) delete fields from an existing structure DESCRIPTION: delete fields from an existing structure CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: new = struct_delfield(old, tag, new_structname = new_structname) INPUTS: old - existing structure tag - field to be deleted OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: new_structname - if the structure is to be named (not anonymous), the name KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: new - new structure with field added COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Constructs a call to create_struct Calls lexecute to execute the long string USAGE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Dec 31 Leslie Young
(See util/
NAME: timeparse PURPOSE: Convert time string ( to seconds DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: sec=timeparse(str) INPUTS: str - String (or array) to parse as a time OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: return value is scalar or vector value of time in seconds KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005/07/14, Written by Leslie Young, SwRI, based on Marc Buie's haparse and raparse.
(See util/
NAME: timestr PURPOSE: (one line) Convert time in hours to hours, minutes, and seconds (ASCII string). DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: timestr, hours, places, str, carry INPUTS: hours : Time, in hours, to be converted to a string. May a vector, in which case the outputs will be vectors. places : Resolution of output string (integer). = -8 Decimal hours HH.hhhhh = -7 nearest hour. HH = -6 nearest 30 minutes. HH:(00,30) = -5 nearest 15 minutes. HH:(00,15,30,45) = -4 nearest 10 minutes. HH:M0 = -3 nearest 5 minutes. HH:M(0,5) = -2 nearest minute. HH:MM = -1 nearest ten seconds. HH:MM:S0 = 0 nearest second. HH:MM:SS = 1 nearest tenth of a second. HH:MM:SS.s = 2 nearest hundredth of a second. = 3 nearest thousandth of a second. HH:MM:SS.sss = 4 nearest thousandth of a second. HH:MM:SS.ssss OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SEPCHAR - Separator character for the fields in the position. Default=':'. Warning, if you do not use ':' then the string may not be parsable by timeparse. OUTPUTS: str - Output string for the converted right ascension. carry - Flag that indicates hour rolled over after rounding. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Time reduced to the range [0,24) then converted to a string. There are no imbedded blanks. Calls external routine htohms. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 07 14 Leslie Young SwRI Based on 2003/05/09 version of rastr, by Marc Buie, Lowell Observatory
(See util/
NAME: truecolorconv PURPOSE: (one line) Convert between 'BBGGRR'XL and [blue,green,red] formulations for truecolor DESCRIPTION: Convert between 'BBGGRR'XL and [blue,green,red] formulations for truecolor CATEGORY: util CALLING SEQUENCE: a = truecolorconv(b) INPUTS: b - either a 2-D array of longs, where the least significant byte is the red shade (0 for black, FF for reddest), the next byte is green, and the next byte is blue, OR a 3-D array of bytes, where b[0,*,*] is blue, b[1,*,*] is green and b[2,*,*] is red OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: alternate form (3-D bytes if input is 2-D long, or 2-D long if input is 3-D bytes) COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2006 Jan 13, by Leslie Young, SwRI
(See util/
NAME: unsetps PURPOSE: (one line) Prepare to stop making a postscript plot DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Util CALLING SEQUENCE: unsetps, fn INPUTS: none OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: filename - if set, look at file just made KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: sets the plotting back to X or mac RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2005 Oct 17 Leslie Young SwRI Moved to layoung/util
(See util/
NAME: xplot3d PURPOSE: Provide an interactive version of IDL's plot_3dbox command. CATEGORY: Widgets, Object Graphics. Plotting. CALLING SEQUENCE: xplot3d, x, y, z REQUIRED INPUTS: None. Fake data will be used if no data is supplied in call. OPTIONAL INPUTS x: A vector of X data values. y: A vector of Y data values. z: A vector of Z data values. OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: Widget group_leader. When the group leader is destroyed, this program will be destroyed. MODAL: If set, block other IDL widgets from receiving events. BLOCK: If set, block IDL command line. TITLE: String. A title for the plot. [XYZ]TITLE: String. Title for x, y or z axis. NAME: A string. This is a name for the data curve being plotted. The name is displayed on xplot3d's toolbar if/when the curve is selected with the mouse. (To select the curve with the mouse, xplot3d must be in select mode. You can put xplot3d in select mode by clicking on the rightmost button in xplot3d's toolbar.) [XYZ]RANGE: Two element array specifying axis range. [min, max] OVERPLOT: Draw the curve in the most recently created view. Title keywords, range keywords and the modal keyword are ignored if we are overplotting. LINESTYLE: Same as IDLgrPolyline::init keyword. THICK: Same as IDLgrPolyline::init keyword. COLOR: [r, g, b] triplet. Color of curve. Same as IDLgrPolyline. SYMBOL: Same as IDLgrPolyline::init keyword. TEST: If set, do not require input arguments. Plot an example sinusoidal curve instead. EXAMPLE 1: IDL> x = indgen(20) IDL> y = sin(x/3.) IDL> z = x IDL> xplot3d, x, y, z, thick=2, name='interesting curve' EXAMPLE 2: IDL> x = indgen(20) IDL> y = sin(x/3.) IDL> z = x IDL> oOrb = obj_new('orb', color=[0, 0, 255]) IDL> oOrb->Scale, .75, .1, .5 IDL> oSymbol = obj_new('IDLgrSymbol', oOrb) IDL> xplot3d, x, y, z, thick=2, symbol=oSymbol KNOWN PROBLEMS: Symbols (specified via the SYMBOL keyword) are not drawn in a suitably muted color when projected (via the "2D Projection..." menu functionality). Heap variables may not be cleaned up properly if an error occurs in procedure xplot3d.
(See util/