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Last modified: Thu Sep 28 22:47:38 2006.
NAME: atmint PURPOSE: (one line) Integrate a function slantwise through an atmosphere DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: integral= atmint (r, f, r0, r1, mu, NOEXTRAP=noextrap, EXPON=expon) INPUTS: int - an array of radii. Does NOT need to be sorted inf - a function tabulated at the radii r r0 - the lower bound r1 - the upper bound mu - the zenith angle (at r=r0) along which to perform the integration OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOEXTRAP - if set, the routine will not extrapolate past the ends of the array EXPONENTIAL - if set, the array f is assumed to be exponential in r for the purpose of interpolation (currently the only implemented mode). OUTPUTS: integral - the integral KEYWORD OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY:
NAME: oclc_fwd_AAREADME PURPOSE Print the file '' CATEGORY: Occultation lightcurve (oclc) CALLING SEQUENCE: oclc_fwd_AAREADME PROCEDURE oclc_fwd_AAREADME These routines implement forward models The routines are called oclc_fwd_*. oclc stands for OCcultation LightCurve. fwd stands for "forward." Other occultation lightcurves can be implemented, and will be prefixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- distobs D in EY92 Distance between target and observer cm dnu d nu / dr in EY92 derivative of refractivity with respect to planet radius 1/cm dt Derivative of the temperature with respect to planet radius K/cm dtheta d theta/d r in EY92 Derivative of the bending angle with respect to planet radius, positive for an isothermal atmosphere. radian/cm h H_p in EY92 Pressure scale height cm hn H_n in EY92 Number density scale height cm kappa linear absorption coefficient kappa = kappa1 exp( - (r-r1)/(htau1 * (r/r1) ) ) EY92 3.23 1/cm (or cm^2/cm^3, cross section per particle * particle/volume) mp mass of planet (or dwanet) gm n number density molecule/cm^3 nu Refractivity. Unitless phi normalized stellar flux. unitless. p pressure microbar p0 pressure at reference radius, r0 microbar r planet radius (distance from planet center). cm r0 reference planet radius (distance from planet center). cm y shadow radius (distance from shadow center), negative for far-limb contribution. cm. t temperature K t0 temperature at reference radius, r0 K theta bending angle, negative for an isothermal atmosphere. radians. tauobs line-of-sight optical depth unitless. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r, t, mu, r0, p0, mp) h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) n = oclc_fwd_n(p, t) hn = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dt) nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nustp) dnu = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp) theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) y = oclc_fwd_y(r, theta, distobs) phi = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs)
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the derivative of the refractivity, dnudr, from the radius, pressure, temperature, temperature derivative with respect to radius, refractivity at STP, molecular weight and mass of the planet. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: dnu = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. The radius array could be in ascending or descending order. p - An array (corresponding to r) of the pressure, in microbar. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. mu - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the molecular weight (unitless). nuSTP - the refractivity of the gas at STP mp - the planetary mass, in grams. OOPTIONAL INPUTS: dt - the derivative of temperature with radius OUTPUTS: dnu - derivative of number density EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) dnu = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( lam - lam0 ) loschmidt = 1.01325e6/(!phys.k * 273.15) nu2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) * (nustp/loschmidt) dnu2 = -nu2 * (lam) / r plot, r/1e5, (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 print, minmax( (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ; -6.0180608e-15 -4.4277798e-15 print, mean( (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ; -3.9870151e-24 EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm b = -2.d t0 = 104.d t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; scalar temperature in K dt = b*t/r mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; the call. nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nustp) hnarr = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp) hn = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dt) dnuarr = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp) dnu = oclc_fwd_dnu(r, p, t, mu, nuSTP, mp, dt=dt) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t *r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t0*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( (lam - lam0)/(1 + b) ) loschmidt = 1.01325e6/(!phys.k * 273.15) nu2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) * (nustp/loschmidt) hn2 = r/(lam + b) dnu2 = -nu2 * (lam + b) / r plot, r/1e5, (dnuarr-dnu2)/dnu2 print, minmax( (dnuarr-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ; -1.4146718e-07 2.8278174e-07 print, mean( (dnuarr-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ; -1.0877865e-07 plot, r/1e5, (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 print, minmax( (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ;-9.1506314e-15 8.6675652e-15 print, mean( (dnu-dnu2)/dnu2 ) ;-2.4523038e-16 REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 23-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI -- changed some variable names, added example
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the derivative of the bending angle from the bending angle. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. theta - An bending angle in radians. OUTPUTS: dthetadr - the derivative of the bending angle with respect to radius COMMENTS: calls dydx EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = reverse(dindgen(400)*1d5) + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm -- OR r = dindgen(400)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm km = 1e5 distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm nu0 = 2d-9 lam0 = 60.d a = 0.d b = 0.d order = 4 dnu = oclc_ey92_dnu(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, r) theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) dtheta2 = oclc_ey92_dtheta(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b,order,r) ; exact plot, r/1e5, (dtheta-dtheta2) * distobs print, minmax( dtheta-dtheta2 ) * distobs ; REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the pressure scale height, h, DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. The radius array could be in ascending or descending order. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. mu - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the molecular weight (unitless). mp - the planetary mass, in grams. OUTPUTS: h - pressure scale height in cm EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio h2 = r/lam plot, r/1e5, (h-h2)/h2 print, minmax( (h-h2)/h2 ) ; print, mean( (h-h2)/h2 ) ; EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm b = -2.d t0 = 104.d t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t *r )) ;energy ratio h2 = r/lam plot, r/1e5, (h-h2)/h2 print, minmax( (h-h2)/h2 ) ; print, mean( (h-h2)/h2 ) ; REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 23-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI -- changed some variable names, added example
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the number density scale height, hn, DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: hn = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dt) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. The radius array could be in ascending or descending order. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. mu - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the molecular weight (unitless). mp - the planetary mass, in grams. KEYWORD INPUTS AND OUTPUTS dt - the temperature derivative at r, in Kelvin/cm If dt is not passed, oclc_fwd_hn calculates dt from r and t. If dt is passed but the variable is undefined, then the calculated dt gets placed into the passed variable (see dtarr in example 2) OUTPUTS: hn - number density scale height in cm EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) hn = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp hnarr = oclc_fwd_hn(r, replicate(t,200), mu, mp) hndt = oclc_fwd_hn(r, replicate(t,200), mu, mp, dt=replicate(0.,200)) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio hn2 = r/lam plot, r/1e5, (hn-hn2)/hn2 print, minmax( (hn-hn2)/hn2 ) ; print, mean( (hn-hn2)/hn2 ) ; plot, r/1e5, (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 print, minmax( (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 ) ; print, mean( (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 ) ; plot, r/1e5, (hndt-hn2)/hn2 print, minmax( (hndt-hn2)/hn2 ) ; print, mean( (hndt-hn2)/hn2 ) ; EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm b = -2.d t0 = 104.d t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; scalar temperature in K dt = b*t/r mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g h = oclc_fwd_h(r, t, mu, mp) delvarx, dtarr hnarr = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dtarr) hndt = oclc_fwd_hn(r, t, mu, mp, dt=dt) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t *r )) ;energy ratio hn2 = r/(lam + b) plot, r/1e5, (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 print, minmax( (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 ) ; print, mean( (hnarr-hn2)/hn2 ) ; plot, r/1e5, (hndt-hn2)/hn2 print, minmax( (hndt-hn2)/hn2 ) ; print, mean( (hndt-hn2)/hn2 ) ; REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 23-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI -- changed some variable names, added example
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the atmospheric pressure at the tablulated positions given in the r array. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r, t, mu, r0, p0, mp) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. The radius array could be in ascending or descending order. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. mu - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the molecular weight (unitless). r0 - the reference radius level, in cm. p0 - the pressure at the reference radius, in microbar. mp - the planetary mass, in grams. OUTPUTS: p - the atmospheric pressure in the atmsophere at the radii in r. EXAMPLE NUMERICAL RESULTS IN EXAMPLE MAY DEPEND ON ARCHETECTURE Numbers here: ARCH STRING 'ppc' OS STRING 'darwin' OS_FAMILY STRING 'unix' OS_NAME STRING 'Mac OS X' RELEASE STRING '6.2' BUILD_DATE STRING 'Jun 20 2005' EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; the call. ; exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( lam - lam0 ) plot, r/1e5, (p-p2)/p2 print, minmax( (p-p2)/p2 ) ; -6.8757831e-07 3.1245414e-07 print, mean( (p-p2)/p2 ) ; -2.3825349e-07 EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature and molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t0 = 104.d ; temperature at reference altitude b = -2.d ; exponenet for temperature, chosen so scale height is constant t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; temperature array mu0 = 28.01 ; exponent for molecular weight a = 0.0 mu = mu0 * (r/r0)^a p0 = 1.0d mp = 1.3d25 p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; exact lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu *!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r)) lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu0*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t0*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( (lam - lam0)/(1+a+b) ) plot, r/1e5, (p-p2)/p2 print, minmax( (p-p2)/p2 ) ; print, mean( (p-p2)/p2 ) ; REVISON HISTORY: 24-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI 2006 Sep 20 LAY. Edited header. Changed from averaging h to averaging 1/h
NAME: PURPOSE: Computes a lightcurve for a refractive atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: phi = oclc_fwd_makelc(r, t, mu, r0, p0, mp, nuSTP, distobs) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. The radius array could be in ascending or descending order. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. mu - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the molecular weight (unitless). r0 - the reference radius level, in cm. p0 - the pressure at the reference radius, in microbar. mp - the planetary mass, in grams. nuSTP - the refractivity of the gas at STP distobs - the distance to the observer, in cm. OPTIONAL INPUTS: dt - the derivative of temperature with radius OUTPUTS: phi - the observed light curve for a refractive atmosphere COMMENTS: EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(400)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm km = 1e5 distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm rsurf = 1000.d5 a = 0.d b = 0.d t0 = 104. t = t0 * (r/r0)^b p0 = 1. mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 loschmidt = 1.01325e6/(!phys.k * 273.15) nu0 = (p0/(!phys.k * t0)) * (nustp/loschmidt) lam0 = mu * !phys.m_u * !phys.g * mp/(!phys.k * t0 * r0) order = 4 mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g phiref=oclc_fwd_makelc(r, t, mu, r0, p0, mp, nuSTP, distobs, y = y) phiref2 = oclc_ey92_phiref_of_r(r0, nu0, lam0, a, b, distobs, rsurf, order, r) y2 = oclc_ey92_rho_of_r(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, distobs, order, r) plot, r/1e5, (phiref-phiref2) print, minmax(phiref-phiref22 ) REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the number density, n, from the radius, pressure, temperature, temperature derivative with respect to radius, refractivity at STP, molecular weight and mass of the planet. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: n = oclc_fwd_n(p, t) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** p - An array (corresponding to r) of the pressure, in microbar. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. OUTPUTS: n - number density EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; n = oclc_fwd_n(p, t) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( lam - lam0 ) n2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) plot, r/1e5, (n-n2)/n2 print, minmax( (n-n2)/n2 ) ;-5.2533787e-14 9.7999388e-14 print, mean( (n-n2)/n2 ) ;3.4056848e-14 EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm b = -2.d t0 = 104.d t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; the call. n = oclc_fwd_n(p, t) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t *r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t0*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( (lam - lam0)/(1 + b) ) nl = 2.68719e19 n2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) plot, r/1e5, (n-n2)/n2 print, minmax( (n-n2)/n2 ) ; -9.0324651e-15 8.5583455e-15 print, mean( (n-n2)/n2 ) ; -1.9766112e-16 REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 23-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI -- changed some variable names, added example
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the number density, n, from the pressure, temperature, refractivity at STP DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nustp) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** p - An array (corresponding to r) of the pressure, in microbar. t - An array (corresponding to r) or scalar of the temperature, in Kelvin. nustp - refractivity at standard temperature and pressure g(unitless) OUTPUTS: n - number density EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm t = 104.d ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nuSTP) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( lam - lam0 ) loschmidt = 1.01325e6/(!phys.k * 273.15) nu2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) * (nustp/loschmidt) plot, r/1e5, (nu-nu2)/nu2 print, minmax( (nu-nu2)/nu2 ) ;-5.2533787e-14 9.7999388e-14 print, mean( (nu-nu2)/nu2 ) ;3.4056848e-14 EXAMPLE 2 - variable temperature r = dindgen(200)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm b = -2.d t0 = 104.d t = t0 * (r/r0)^b ; scalar temperature in K mu = 28.01d ; scalar molecular weight nustp = 2.98e-4 ; N2 p0 = 1.0d ; reference pressure in microbar mp = 1.3d25 ; reference planet mass in g p = oclc_fwd_hydrostatic(r,t,mu,r0,p0,mp) ; the call. nu = oclc_fwd_nu(p, t, nuSTP) ; ---- exact calculation, see Elliot and Young 1992 lam = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t *r )) ;energy ratio lam0 = (!phys.g*mp*mu*!phys.m_u/(!phys.k*t0*r0)) p2 = p0 * exp( (lam - lam0)/(1 + b) ) loschmidt = 1.01325e6/(!phys.k * 273.15) nu2 = (p2 / (!phys.k * t)) * (nustp/loschmidt) plot, r/1e5, (nu-nu2)/nu2 print, minmax( (nu-nu2)/nu2 ) print, mean( (nu-nu2)/nu2 ) REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 23-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI -- changed some variable names, added example
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the refractive flux. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: phi = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. theta - An bending angle in radians. dtheta - The derivative of the bending angle with respect to readius, in radians. distobs - the distance to the observer, in cm. OUTPUTS: phiref - the observed flux due to refractivity only EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(400)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm km = 1e5 distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm rsurf = 1000.d5 nu0 = 2d-9 lam0 = 60.d a = 0.d b = 0.d order = 4 dnu = oclc_ey92_dnu(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, r) theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) phiref = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs) phiref2 = oclc_ey92_phiref_of_r(r0, nu0, lam0, a, b, distobs, rsurf, order, r) plot, r/1e5, (phiref-phiref2) print, minmax(phiref-phiref22 ) COMMENTS: REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's
NAME: PURPOSE: Calculates the bending angle, theta, from the radius, r, and the derivative of the refractivity, dnudr DESCRIPTION: See Chamberlain and Elliot (1997) equation 2 CALLING SEQUENCE: theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnudr) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. dnu - The derivative of the refractivity with respect to the radius. OUTPUTS: theta - the bending angle in radians. COMMENTS; calls function atmint EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = reverse(dindgen(1000)*1d5) + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm -- OR r = dindgen(1000)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm km = 1e5 distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm nu0 = 2d-9 lam0 = 60.d a = 0.d b = 0.d order = 4 dnu = oclc_ey92_dnu(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, r) print, systime() theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) print, systime() theta2 = oclc_ey92_theta(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b,order,r) ; exact plot, r/1e5, (theta-theta2) * distobs/km print, minmax( theta-theta2 ) * distobs/km ; REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's
NAME: oclc_fwd_y PURPOSE: Calculates the flux. DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: y = oclc_fwd_y(r, theta, distobs) INPUTS: **** All inputs in cgs units ******** r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. theta - An bending angle in radians. distobs - the distance to the observer, in cm. OUTPUTS: y - shadow radius (cm) COMMENTS: EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight r = dindgen(400)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm km = 1e5 distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm nu0 = 2d-9 lam0 = 60.d a = 0.d b = 0.d order = 4 dnu = oclc_ey92_dnu(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, r) theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) y = oclc_fwd_y(r, theta, distobs) y2 = oclc_ey92_rho_of_r(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, distobs, order, r) plot, r/1e5, (y-y2) / km print, minmax( y-y2 ) / km ; REVISON HISTORY: 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's 19-Sep-2006 LAY SwRI. Change _for_ to _fwd_, dist to distobs