subroutine drybicki_lte(tmin,dtau,bp,dbp,ntau,xu,wu,nu,opp,dopp & ,wpp,npp,bb,h,f) implicit double precision (o-z,a-h) include "parameters.dat" c --------------------------------------------------------------- c Input arrays and variables c --------------------------------------------------------------- dimension dtau(nd1),bp(nd1),dbp(nd1),xu(nd6),wu(nd6) & , opp(nd1,nd2), dopp(nd1,nd2), wpp(nd2) c --------------------------------------------------------------- c Output arrays c --------------------------------------------------------------- dimension h(nd1), f(nd1,nd1) c --------------------------------------------------------------- c Internal arrays and variables c --------------------------------------------------------------- dimension gf(nd1), dgf(nd1), dt(nd1), w(nd1), ta(nd1) & , tb(nd1), tc(nd1), fj(nd1), xj(nd1) & , va(nd1), vb(nd1), vc(nd1), v(nd1,nd1) c --------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize arrays c --------------------------------------------------------------- do j1 = 1, ntau do j2 = 1, ntau f(j2,j1) = zero enddo h(j1) =zero end do c --------------------------------------------------------------- c Loop through frequencies c --------------------------------------------------------------- do jf = 1, npp wgf = wpp(jf) do jt = 1, ntau gf(jt) = opp(jt,jf) dgf(jt) = dopp(jt,jf) end do c ---------------------------------------------- c Calculate monochromatic optical depth c ---------------------------------------------- do jt = 1, ntau - 1 dt(jt) = half*(gf(jt)+gf(jt+1))*dtau(jt) c dt(jt) = dmax1(half*(gf(jt)+gf(jt+1))*dtau(jt),tmin) end do c ---------------------------------------------- c Find optically thin level c ---------------------------------------------- tmax = zero do jt = 1, ntau -1 tmax = tmax + dt(jt) end do k = 1 tot = dt(k) do while((tot .lt. tmin).and.( k = k + 1 tot = tot + dt(k) end do ntmn = max(k,1) c if (iverbose .ge. 2) write (*,*) "drybicki_lte: ntmn = ",ntmn if ((tot .lt. tmin).or.(ntmn .eq. ntau)) then do jt = 1, ntau h(jt)=h(jt)+wgf*gf(jt)*(half*bb-bp(jt)) end do do jt = 1, ntau f(jt,jt)=f(jt,jt)+wgf*dgf(jt)*(half*bb-bp(jt)) & -wgf*gf(jt)*dbp(jt) end do else c ------------------------------------------------ c Loop through zenith angles c ------------------------------------------------ do ju = 1, nu c ------------------------------------- c Calculate W matrix (Diagonal) c ------------------------------------- wght=wu(ju)*wgf do jt = 1, ntau w(jt)=wght*gf(jt) end do c ------------------------------------- c Calculate T matrix (Tridiagonal) c ------------------------------------- do jt = 1, ntmn-1 ta(jt) = zero c tb(jt) = one c tc(jt) = -one tb(jt) = one/tmin/tmin tc(jt) = -one/tmin/tmin end do call tmatrix(xu(ju), dt(ntmn), ntau-ntmn+1 & , ta(ntmn), tb(ntmn), tc(ntmn)) c ------------------------------------- c Calculate LU decomposition of T c ------------------------------------- c call ludcmpt(ta,tb,tc,ntau) C ------------------------------------- C Calculate Feautrier Intensities, fj C ------------------------------------- do jt = 1, ntmn - 1 fj(jt) = zero end do do jt = ntmn, ntau fj(jt) = bp(jt) end do fj(ntau) = fj(ntau) + (two*xu(ju)/dt(ntau-1))*bb c call lubksbt(ta,tb,tc,fj,ntau) call tridag(ta,tb,tc,fj,ntau,ierr) if(ierr .eq. 1) then write(unit=*,fmt=*) ' Error in drybicki_lte' do k = 1, ntau write(unit=*,fmt=*) ta(k),tb(k),tc(k) end do stop end if c ------------------------------------- c Add into heating rate c ------------------------------------- do jt = 1, ntau h(jt) = h(jt)+w(jt)*(fj(jt)-bp(jt)) end do c ------------------------------------- c Add derivative of W terms into F c ------------------------------------- do jt = 1, ntau f(jt,jt)=f(jt,jt)+wght*dgf(jt)*(fj(jt)-bp(jt)) & -w(jt)*dbp(jt) end do c ------------------------------------- c Calculate V matrix (Tridiagonal) c ------------------------------------- fup = bb fdn = zero call vmatrix(xu(ju),dtau(ntmn),gf(ntmn),dgf(ntmn) & ,fj(ntmn),ntau-ntmn+1,fup,fdn,va(ntmn),vb(ntmn) & ,vc(ntmn)) do j1 = 1, ntau do j2 = 1, ntau v(j2,j1) = zero end do end do v(ntmn,ntmn) = dbp(ntmn)-vb(ntmn) v(ntmn,ntmn+1) = -vc(ntmn) do j1 = ntmn+1, ntau-1 v(j1,j1-1) = -va(j1) v(j1,j1) = dbp(j1)-vb(j1) v(j1,j1+1) = -vc(j1) end do v(ntau,ntau-1) = -va(ntau) v(ntau,ntau) = dbp(ntau)-vb(ntau) c ------------------------------------- c Calculate T(-1)*V store in V c ------------------------------------- c do jt = 1, ntau c call lubksbt(ta,tb,tc,v(1,jt),ntau) c end do do jt = 1, ntau call tridag(ta,tb,tc,v(1,jt),ntau,ierr) if(ierr .eq. 1) then write(unit=*,fmt=*) ' Error in drybicki_lte' do k = 1, ntau write(unit=*,fmt=*) ta(k),tb(k),tc(k) end do stop end if end do c ------------------------------------- c Calculate W*T(-1)*V add into F c ------------------------------------- do j1 = 1, ntau do j2 = 1, ntau f(j2,j1)=f(j2,j1)+w(j2)*v(j2,j1) end do end do enddo end if enddo return end