c ********************************************************************** c * * c * radiowrite write out the arrays that radioheat use as input * c * and the heating rate (h) that it calculates c * * c ********************************************************************** subroutine radiowrite(tmin,tbase,tmp & ,den,clm,prs,ntau,ht,fn) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "parameters.dat" character*(*) fn dimension tmp(1),den(1),clm(1),prs(1),ht(1) open (unit=30, file=fn, status='unknown') write(unit=30, fmt=*) ntau, tmin, tbase do n = 1, ntau write(unit=30, fmt=901) tmp(n), prs(n), den(n), clm(n), ht(n) end do close(unit=30) 901 format(1x,0pf7.2,2x,1p4e11.3) end