program titwrite.f implicit double precision (o-z, a-h) include "parameters.dat" character fname*64, iline*64, iret*1 c --------------------------------------------------------- c Arrays : Model atmosphere c --------------------------------------------------------- dimension zalt(nd3),pres(nd3),temp(nd3),dens(nd3,0:4) & ,col(nd3,0:4),ifund(4),vsum(nd4,2) c --------------------------------------------------------- c Arrays : IR band parameters c --------------------------------------------------------- & , arad(12,3),pcol(12,3),dgn(12,3),rdmol(3),rmcol(3) & , rmass(3), qrot(3), wave(12,3) c --------------------------------------------------------- c Arrays for R-T calculation c --------------------------------------------------------- & , tmp(nd3), prs(nd3), den(nd3), z(nd3), clm(nd3) & , sr(nd3), source(nd3), wavs(1000), signal(1000) & , cf(163,11), op_sum(nd3) c --------------------------------------------------------- c Data for Titan c --------------------------------------------------------- data rmn2 / 28.d0 / data rdn2 / 3.681d0 / data gm / 8.95d18 / data GMm / 4.16d-4 / data rplnt / 2575.d5 / data nlortz/3000/ data wlortz/5.2d-2/ data wdel/10.d0/ data pmin / 1.d-5 / data pmax / 1.d+2 / data rtmax / 0.1d0 / data ifund/1,5,7,8/ c -------------------------------------------------------- c Read Yung and Allen model atmosphere file c -------------------------------------------------------- open(unit=60,file='titan.atm',status='old') read(unit=60,fmt=*) ndat read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (zalt(n),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (pres(n),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (temp(n),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (dens(n,0),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (col(n,0),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (dens(n,1),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (col(n,1),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (dens(n,2),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (col(n,2),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (dens(n,3),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (col(n,3),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (dens(n,4),n=1,ndat) read(unit=60,fmt=900) iline read(unit=60,fmt=901) (col(n,4),n=1,ndat) close(unit=60) natm = locate(pres,ndat,pmax) + 1 900 format(a) 901 format(1x,1p10e11.3) 902 format(1x,i6) ntau = 51 dlmin = dlog10(pmin) dlmax = dlog10(pmax) dlstep = (dlmax - dlmin) / float(ntau - 1) do nt = 1, ntau dum1 = dlmin + (float(nt - 1) * dlstep) prs(nt) = 10.d0 ** dum1 if (prs(nt) .le. pres(1)) then tmp(nt) = temp(1) den(nt) = dens(1,1)*prs(nt)/pres(1) clm(nt) = col(1,1)*prs(nt)/pres(1) else tmp(nt) = fintrp(pres,temp,natm,prs(nt)) den(nt) = fintrp(pres,dens(1,1),natm,prs(nt)) clm(nt) = fintrp(pres,col(1,1),natm,prs(nt)) i1 = locate(pres,natm,prs(nt)) i2 = i1 + 1 pl1 = dlog(pres(i1)) pl2 = dlog(pres(i2)) pl = dlog(prs(nt)) z(nt) = zalt(i1)+(pl-pl1)*(zalt(i2)-zalt(i1)) & /(pl2-pl1) end if end do c --------------------------------------------------------- c Read mesosphere/thermosphere source functions c --------------------------------------------------------- open (unit=30, file='source_a.out', status='old') do n = 1, ntau read(unit=30, fmt=*) zdum,pdum,sr(n) end do close(unit=30) open (unit=30, file='heat_a.out', status='old') do n = 1, ntau read(unit=30, fmt=*) zdum,tmp(n) end do close(unit=30) c --------------------------------------------------------- c Splice them all together to get model atmosphere from c ground to exobase c --------------------------------------------------------- m = ntau nbreak = m do n = natm , ndat m = m + 1 z(m) = zalt(n) tmp(m) = temp(n) prs(m) = pres(n) sr(m) = one den(m) = dens(n,1) end do ntau = m clm(1) = 1.d10 do n = 2, ntau clm(n) = clm(n-1)+half*(den(n-1)+den(n))*(z(n-1)-z(n)) end do open(unit=50,file='dump.out',status='old') do n = 1, ntau write(unit=50,fmt='(1x,2f7.2,3e11.3)') 1.e-5*z(n),tmp(n) & ,prs(n),clm(n),sr(n) end do close(unit=50) c ******************************************************************** c * Calculate Methane nu-4 spectrum * c ******************************************************************** c ------------------------------------------------------------- c Read spectral line list c ------------------------------------------------------------- call sread(1,wav,str,wid,eng,nlines,stot,wmean & ,wstart,wend) write(unit=*,fmt=952) stot,nlines,wstart,wend 952 format(' band strength = ',1pe12.4/ & ,' number of lines = ',i8/ & ,' wavenumber range = ',1p2e12.4) c ---------------------------------------------------- c Set up coarse wavenumber gird c ---------------------------------------------------- write(unit=*, fmt=904) read(unit=*, fmt=*) wstart, wend, wdel nwaves = ((wend - wstart) / wdel) + 0.4999d0 wavs(1) = wstart + (half * wdel) do l = 2, nwaves wavs(l) = wavs(l - 1) + wdel end do write(unit=*, fmt='(33h Enter cosine of emission angle >,$)') read (unit=*, fmt=*) ue c ------------------------------------------------------- c Loop through coarse bins c ------------------------------------------------------- do nt = 1, ntau op_sum(nt) = zero end do c do nt = 1, ntau c tmp(nt) = 175.d0 c end do do l = 1, nwaves wmin = wavs(l) - half*wdel wmax = wmin + wdel c ---------------------------------------------------- c Calculate source functions c ---------------------------------------------------- do n = 1, ntau source(n) = sr(n)*bplanck(wavs(l),tmp(n)) end do c ---------------------------------------------------- c Calculate emergent intensity c ---------------------------------------------------- tref = 296.d0 wfc = wavs(l)*dsqrt(two*rkb/rmass(1)/amu)/cs wstep = wfc*dsqrt(tref)/two wlc = 1.d-6/dsqrt(tref)/wfc do nt = 1, ntau wdop(nt) = wfc*dsqrt(tmp(nt)) wlor(nt) = wlc*prs(nt) wreach(nt) = nlortz*wlortz*wlor(nt)*wdop(nt) & +10.d0*wdop(nt) hckt(nt) = hck*(one/tmp(nt) - one/tref) qw(nt) = (tref/tmp(nt))**efc/wdop(nt) end do c ----------------------------------------------------------- c Find the range of lines needed to calculate absorption c coefficient at the first frequency c ----------------------------------------------------------- do nt = 1, ntau w1 = wmin - wreach(nt) lw1(nt) = locate(wav,nlines,w1) w2 = wmin + wreach(nt) lw2(nt) = locate(wav,nlines,w2)+1 end do c lwstart = min(locate(wav,nlines,wavs(l)-5.d0)+1,nlines) c lwend = max(locate(wav,nlines,wavs(l)+5.d0),1) c -------------------------------------------------------------- c Fine frequency loop c -------------------------------------------------------------- lw = 2200 write(unit=*,fmt=803) wmin,wav(lw),wmax 803 format(1x,3e15.7) read (unit=*,fmt=900) iret do nt = 1, ntau wlast = wmin vglast = zero sum = zero do while(wlast .lt. wmax) wnow = dmin1(wlast + wstep, wmax) wmid = half*(wnow+wlast) delw = wnow - wlast dw = dabs(wmid-wav(lw)) if(dw .lt. wreach(nt)) then xw = dw / wdop(nt) avgt = wid(lw)*wlor(nt) call voigt(xw,avgt,vgnow) sum = sum + delw*half*(vgnow+vglast) vglast = vgnow end if wlast = wnow end do sum = sum/sqpi/wdop(nt) write(unit=*,fmt=802) nt,sum end do read(unit=*,fmt=900) iret 802 format(1x,i5,e13.5) lw1x = lw1(1) do lw = lw1x, nlines vsum(lw,1) = zero vsum(lw,2) = zero end do sum_nu = zero wlast = wmin do while(wlast .lt. wmax) wnow = dmin1(wlast + wstep, wmax) wmid = half*(wnow+wlast) delw = wnow - wlast c -------------------------------------------------------- c Find spectral lines which contribute to absorption c coefficient at wmid c -------------------------------------------------------- do nt = 1, ntau do while(wmid-wav(lw1(nt)) .gt. wreach(nt)) lw1(nt) = lw1(nt) + 1 end do do while(wav(lw2(nt))-wmid .le. wreach(nt)) lw2(nt) = lw2(nt) + 1 end do end do c -------------------------------------------------------- c Loop through altitudes c -------------------------------------------------------- trans_last = one s_last = source(1) p_last = -20.d0 tau = zero sumz = zero nt = 1 do while ((nt .le. ntau).and.( c ------------------------------------------------------ c Calculate contribution of each line to absorption c coefficient c ------------------------------------------------------ c lw = 2184 c dw = dabs(wmid-wav(lw)) c xw = dw / wdop(nt) c avgt = wid(lw)*wlor(nt) c call voigt(xw,avgt,vg) c write(unit=*,fmt=801) nt,wmid,dw c & ,wreach(nt),avgt,vg c 801 format(i5,5e13.5) suml = zero do lw = lw1(nt), min(lw2(nt),nlines) c do lw = lwstart, lwend dw = dabs(wmid-wav(lw)) if(dw .le. wreach(nt)) then xw = dw / wdop(nt) avgt = wid(lw)*wlor(nt) call voigt(xw,avgt,vg) suml = suml + vg*str(lw)*dexp(-hckt(nt)*eng(lw)) if(nt .eq. 1) then vsum(lw,1) = vsum(lw,1)+vg*delw/sqpi/wdop(1) c write(unit=*,fmt=*) lw,dw,vg end if if(nt .eq. 60) then vsum(lw,2) = vsum(lw,2)+vg*delw/sqpi/wdop(60) c write(unit=*,fmt=*) lw,dw,vg end if end if end do op_now = qw(nt)*suml/sqpi op_sum(nt) = op_sum(nt) + half*(op_now+op_last)*delw if(nt .eq. 1) then tau = op_now*clm(1) else tau = tau + op_now*(clm(nt)-clm(nt-1)) end if c write(unit=*,fmt=800) lw1(nt),lw2(nt),nt,prs(nt) c & ,op_now,tau,trans_now,s_now c 800 format(1x,3i5,5e11.3) trans_now = dexp(-tau/ue) s_now = source(nt) p_now = dlog(prs(nt)) sumz = sumz + half*(s_now+s_last) & *(trans_last-trans_now) if(tau .gt. 1.d0) nnn = nt c cf(nt,l) = cf(nt,l) + half*delw*(s_now+s_last) c & *(trans_last-trans_now)/(p_now-p_last)/(wmax-wmin) op_last = op_now trans_last = trans_now s_last = s_now p_last = p_now nt = nt + 1 c -------------------------------------------------- c End altitude loop c -------------------------------------------------- end do c ---------------------------------------------------- c Add in ground term c ---------------------------------------------------- if(nt .eq. ntau) then sumz = sumz + source(ntau)*trans_now end if write(unit=*,fmt=806) wmid,sumz,prs(nnn),tmp(nnn) 806 format(1x,4e13.5) c ---------------------------------------------------- c Add altitude integral to frequency integration c ---------------------------------------------------- sum_nu = sum_nu + sumz*delw wlast = wnow c ------------------------------------------------------- c End fine frequency loop c ------------------------------------------------------- end do c read(unit=*,fmt=900) iret do lw = lw1x , lw2(60) write(unit=*,fmt=804) lw, vsum(lw,1),vsum(lw,2) end do read(unit=*,fmt=900) iret 804 format(1x,i5,' vsum = ',2e13.5) signal(l) = sum_nu/(wmax-wmin) write(unit=*,fmt=920) wavs(l), signal(l) c --------------------------------------------------------- c End coarse frequency loop c --------------------------------------------------------- end do c --------------------------------------------------------- c Normalize contribution function c --------------------------------------------------------- c do l = 1, nwaves c do nt = 1, ntau c cf(nt,l) = cf(nt,l)/signal(l) c end do c end do c -------------------------------------------------------- c Write output file c -------------------------------------------------------- write(unit=*,fmt=907) read (unit=*,fmt=900) fname open(unit=60,file=fname,status='new') do l = 1, nwaves write(unit=60,fmt=909) wavs(l), signal(l) end do close(unit=60) c open(unit=60,file='cf.out',status='old') c do n = 1, ntau c write(unit=60,fmt='(1x,1p11e11.3)') prs(n) c & ,(cf(n,l),l=1,10) c end do c close(unit=60) open(unit=60,file='op.out',status='old') do n = 1, ntau write(unit=60,fmt='(1x,i5,0pf7.2,1p2e11.3)') & n,tmp(n),prs(n),op_sum(n) end do close(unit=60) stop c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Formats c ---------------------------------------------------------- 904 format(' Enter wmin, wmax, and delw > ',$) 907 format(' Enter filename for output > ',$) 908 format(1x,i6) 909 format(1x,0pf9.3,2x,1pe13.5) 910 format(1x,1p10e11.3) 912 format(1x,0pf7.1,2x,1pe13.5) 920 format(' wavenumber = ',0pf9.3,' intensity = ',1pe13.5) end