;+ ; NAME: ; rt_szss96_gammaf4 ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; escape function for CH4 7.6 micron cooling ; DESCRIPTION: ; escape function for CH4 7.6 micron cooling ; CATEGORY: ; RT ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; kcoef = rt_szss96_coefv4(t) ; INPUTS: ; t - temperature (K) [nz array] ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; codetype ; 'FORTRAN' - call routines from plutot.f ; 'FORTEST' - native IDL routines that reproduce the fortran ; 'IDL' - idl code, without the restriction of needing to reproduce fortran ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; OUTPUTS: ; kcoeff number column density [nz,ng] (cm^2) ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Modifies atm ; PROCEDURE: ; Gamma_f4, eqn (30) of Strobel, Zhu, Summers and Stevens 1996 ; EXAMPLE: ; ; atm = rt_szss96_atmread('',0,code='FORTRAN') ; kcoef = rt_szss96_kcoefv4(atm.t, 2L) ; rho1 = (atm.n[*,1]/atm.ncol) * (16.0D0/28.0D0) ; gamma_f4 = rt_szss96_gammaf4(atm.p, rho1, kcoef, gamma_f4inf) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2007 Aug 31, Leslie Young SwRI ; based on plutot.f, written by Zun Zhu ;- function rt_szss96_gammaf4, p, rho1, kcoef, gamma_f4inf fcn = 'rt_szss96_gammav4' if not keyword_set(codetype) then codetype = 'FORTRAN' case codetype of 'FORTRAN': begin get_ch4all,GG,WW,TREF if tref[0] ne 40.d then begin input6 endif PRE = p / 10.d KM = n_elements(PRE) xkz_cgs = kcoef / (16. * 1.3804D-16/8314d4) XKZ = xkz_cgs / 10.d gamm12mat,PRE,RHO1,KM,XKZ,GAM1,GAMN4 gamma_f4 = gam1 gamma_f4inf = gamn4 return, gamma_f4 end else: begin print, fcn, ': code type ', codetype, ' not implemented' return, -1 end endcase end