SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 1024 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 1024 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H COMMENT <************************* - nids Keywords - *************************> HIERARCH DISPNAME2 = '/tmp/sdiff.fits' / FITS file name for scam display COMMENT = ' ' / Comment for frame COADDS = 1 / Number of coadded frames ITIME = 5. / Integration time between reads. NUMREADS= 2 / Number of reads per coadd NUMUTRS = 1 / SDSU NUTR value NUMFS = 1 / Number of Fowler pairs SAMPMODE= 3 / Sampling mode DATAFILE= 'v201128_0070' / image saved data file name OFNAME = 'nires_data.fits' / Filename for saved data plus fits PROGNAME= 'N193 ' / Program name GAIN = 0.3 / Detector gain, e/DN PSCALE = 0.125 / Pixel scale for science camera PA = 0.610875144529777 / position angle of current target CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Coordinate type of WCS axis 1 CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Coordinate type of WCS axis 2 WCSDIM = 2 / Number of WCS dimensions CD1_1 = -3.47202487407777E-05 / Degrees of RA per pixel in x CD1_2 = 3.7019377076064E-07 / Degrees of RA per pixel in y CD2_1 = 3.7019377076064E-07 / Degrees of DEC per pixel in x CD2_2 = 3.47202487407777E-05 / Degrees of DEC per pixel in y LTM1_1 = 1. / CCD to image pixel scale in X LTM2_2 = 1. / CCD to image pixel scale in Y WAT0_001= 'system=image' / Pixel coordinate system WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra' / WCS projection for axis1 WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec' / WCS projection for axis2 CRVAL1 = 37.8946227842117 / RA of reference pixel (degrees) CRVAL2 = -13.6571726096581 / DEC of reference pixel (degrees) CRPIX1 = 734. / X coordinate of center pixel CRPIX2 = 281.5 / Y coordinate of center pixel RADECSYS= 'ICRS ' / Reference frame OUTDIR = '/s/sdata1500/nires1/2020nov28/' / Data output directory OBJECT = 'HD15758 ' / Object name OBSTYPE = 'Object ' / Observation type FRAMENUM= 70 / Frame number RDITIME = 5. / Time between start of successive reads NOISEFIL= '/kroot/data/nires/h2rg_var.fits' / Read noise frame file name BADPIX = '/kroot/data/nires/badbadpix.fits' / Bad pixel map file name PCIFILE = '/kroot/data/nires/nires_pci.lod' / PCI .lod file name TIMFILE = '/kroot/data/nires/nires_h1.lod' / Timing board .lod file name LINCOEFF= '/kroot/data/nires/lin.fits' / linear coefficient file INSTR = 'imag ' / Instrument name (spec or imag) SATURATE= 33000 / Detector saturation DN level WIDTH = 1024 / ROI width in pixels HEIGHT = 1024 / ROI height in pixels HIERARCH ROIMAXDIM = 512 / ROI maiximum width or height in pixels COMMENT <************************ - nires Keywords - ************************> TARGTMP1= 77. / Ch A desired temperature TARGTMP2= 74. / Ch B desired temperature REGTMP1 = 73.905 / Temperature at channel A REGTMP2 = 73.963 / Temperature at channel B CHNAME1 = 'TD1 T40 H2RG mount' / Location where temp is controlled by channel A CHNAME2 = 'TD2 T27 H2RG mount' / Location where temp is controlled by channel B TMPACT1 = 1 / Channel A control (0:off,1:on) TMPACT2 = 1 / Channel B control (0:off,1:on) OUTPUT1 = 0. / Ch A heater output percentage OUTPUT2 = 1.2 / Ch B heater output percentage TMP1RANG= 0 / Ch A heater range CHNAME3 = 'NC ' / Ch C1 location name CHNAME4 = 'NC ' / Ch C2 location name CHNAME5 = 'TD5 T20 Auxiliary tank front' / Ch C3 location name CHNAME6 = 'TD6 T22 Camera rear' / Ch C4 location name CHNAME7 = 'TD7 T26 Rear bulkhead top' / Ch D1 location name CHNAME8 = 'TD8 T25 H1 cold finger' / Ch D2 location name CHNAME9 = ' TD9 T23 Camera front' / Ch D3 location name CHNAME10= 'TD10 T2 Fill neck main LN2 tank' / Ch D4 location name DWRTMP3 = 0. / Ch C1 temperature (K) DWRTMP4 = 0. / Ch C2 temperature (K) DWRTMP5 = 1. / Ch C3 temperature (K) DWRTMP6 = 1. / Ch C4 temperature (K) DWRTMP7 = 74.972 / Ch D1 temperature (K) DWRTMP8 = 77.304 / Ch D2 temperature (K) DWRTMP9 = 74.88 / Ch D3 temperature (K) DWRTMP10= 244.537 / Ch D4 temperature (K) FCSON = 1 / Enable model-based flexure compensation FCSMECH = 'FCS ' / Mechanism name FCSVOLT1= 54.34 / Ch 1 voltage FCSVOLT2= 40.39 / Ch 2 voltage FCSLOC1 = 2.93 / Ch 1 location FCSLOC2 = -50.94 / Ch 2 location FCPA_EL = '-0.99 49.01' / Position angle and elevation in degrees FCTHETXY= '0.0 0.0 ' / Absolute rotation angles (microradians) FCANAMOR= 1. / Flexure model anamorphic factor FCK = 162.291 / Flexure model k parameter FCPH = -13.2 / Flexure model ph in degrees FCA = 51.5 / Flexure model a in degrees FCSACTIV= 1 / servo/online/enable flag INSTRUME= 'NIRES ' / Instrument name OBSERVER= 'Protopapa, Holler, Young' / Observer name(s) TELESCOP= 'Keck II ' / Telescope name PATTERN = 'none ' / Dither pattern XOFFSET = 0. / dither pattern X offset YOFFSET = 0. / dither pattern Y/Nod offset DTHCOORD= ' ' / dither pattern coordinates DPATNAME= 'NONE ' / Dataset pattern name DPATIREP= 7 / Index of repeats DPATIPOS= 4 / Index of dataset positions DPATNPOS= 1 / Number of positions in the dither pattern DPATSTPX= 0. / Dither pattern step size in X DPATSTPY= 0. / Dither pattern step size in Y DPATCSYS= 'inst ' / Dither pattern coordinate system DPATMODE= 'relative' / Dither pattern mode of movement COMMENT <************************* - dcs2 Keywords - *************************> UTC = '10:00:55.37' / coordinated universal time (h) TVFLIP = 'no ' / porg to tv y flip TVANGL = 180. / porg to tv angle (180.0 deg) TUBETEMP= -0.852955274479947 / tube temperature (-0.85 degC) TELFOCUS= -0.000949785519079438 / telescope focus compensated (-0.950 mm) TELESCOP= 'Keck II ' / telescope name TARGRADV= 0. / target radial velocity (0.000000 km/s) TARGRA = 37.8947083333333 / target right ascension (02:31:34.73 h) TARGPMRA= 0. / target proper motion ra (0.0000 s/yr) TARGPMDC= 0. / target proper motion dec (0.000 arcsec/yr) TARGPLAX= 0. / target parallax (0.0 arcsec) TARGNAME= 'HD15758 ' / target name TARGFRAM= 'FK5 ' / target frame TARGEQUI= 2000. / target equinox (2000.000000) TARGEPOC= 2000. / target epoch (2000.000000) TARGDEC = -13.6573888888889 / target declination (-13:39:26.6 deg) SECFOCUS= -0.000817083333333333 / secondary mirror focus raw (-0.817 mm) ROTREFAN= 0. / rotator reference angle (0.00 deg) ROTPOSN = 35.0002517486542 / rotator user position (35.00 deg) ROTDEST = 35. / rotator user destination (35.00 deg) ROTPPOSN= -1.10247212648055 / rotator physical position (-1.10 deg) ROTPDEST= -1.10296425116816 / rotator physical destination (-1.10 deg) ROTMODE = 'position angle' / rotator tracking mode ROTCALAN= 0. / rotator calibration angle (0.00 deg) RA = 37.8946227842117 / telescope right ascension (02:31:34.71 h) POYPOS9 = 0. / pointing origin yposition 9 (0.00 mm) POXPOS9 = 0. / pointing origin xposition 9 (0.00 mm) PONAME9 = ' ' / pointing origin name 9 POYPOS8 = 0. / pointing origin yposition 8 (0.00 mm) POXPOS8 = 0. / pointing origin xposition 8 (0.00 mm) PONAME8 = ' ' / pointing origin name 8 POYPOS7 = 0. / pointing origin yposition 7 (0.00 mm) POXPOS7 = 0. / pointing origin xposition 7 (0.00 mm) PONAME7 = ' ' / pointing origin name 7 POYPOS6 = 0. / pointing origin yposition 6 (0.00 mm) POXPOS6 = 0. / pointing origin xposition 6 (0.00 mm) PONAME6 = ' ' / pointing origin name 6 POYPOS5 = 0.00042 / pointing origin yposition 5 (0.42 mm) POXPOS5 = 0.001 / pointing origin xposition 5 (1.00 mm) PONAME5 = 'REFS ' / pointing origin name 5 POYPOS4 = 0.00146 / pointing origin yposition 4 (1.46 mm) POXPOS4 = -0.0357 / pointing origin xposition 4 (-35.70 mm) PONAME4 = 'IMAG ' / pointing origin name 4 POYPOS3 = 0.022725 / pointing origin yposition 3 (22.72 mm) POXPOS3 = -0.021164 / pointing origin xposition 3 (-21.16 mm) PONAME3 = 'MIRA ' / pointing origin name 3 POYPOS2 = 0.0016 / pointing origin yposition 2 (1.60 mm) POXPOS2 = 0.00065 / pointing origin xposition 2 (0.65 mm) PONAME2 = 'NIRES ' / pointing origin name 2 POYPOS1 = -0.00728 / pointing origin yposition 1 (-7.28 mm) POXPOS1 = 0.1675 / pointing origin xposition 1 (167.50 mm) PONAME1 = 'REF ' / pointing origin name 1 POYPOS = 0.0016 / pointing origin yposition (1.60 mm) POXPOS = 0.00065 / pointing origin xposition (0.65 mm) POYOFF = 0. / pointing origin y offset (0.00 mm) POXOFF = 0. / pointing origin x offset (0.00 mm) PONAME = 'NIRES ' / pointing origin name PARANTEL= 36.1029642511682 / parallactic angle telescope (36.10 deg) PARANG = 36.1144834485829 / parallactic angle astrometric (36.11 deg) MJD-OBS = 59181.4173075884 / modified julian date of observation (59181.4173 LST = '04:10:04.77' / local apparent sidereal time (h) INSTFLIP= 'no ' / porg to instrument y flip INSTANGL= 181.099999979274 / porg to instrument angle (181.1 deg) HA = 24.6252529482314 / telescope hour angle (+01:38:30.06 h) FOCALSTN= 'rbc2 (right bent cass 2)' / focal station EQUINOX = 2000. / telescope equinox (2000.0) EL = 48.9555721319454 / telescope elevation (48.96 deg) DOMESTAT= 'tracking' / dome status DOMEPOSN= 217.515167 / dome azimuth (217.52 deg) DEC = -13.6571726096581 / telescope declination (-13:39:25.8 deg) DCSVERS = 'TCSU ' / drive and control version DCSSTAT = 'standby ' / drive and control status DATE-OBS= '2020-11-28' / universal date of observation CURRINST= 'NIRES ' / current instrument CELOCAL = -0.0087447394083368 / collimation elevation local (-31.5 arcsec) CALOCAL = 0.0133401179818683 / collimation azimuth local (48.0 arcsec) AZ = 217.576809471452 / telescope azimuth (217.58 deg) AXESTAT = 'tracking' / axes control status AIRMASS = 1.32497154438475 / air mass (1.32) UTC = '10:00:55.37' / coordinated universal time (h) COMMENT <************************* - acs2 Keywords - *************************> PMFM = 0. / pmfm (0.000000) END