; from nsx.c ; Return an empty AVP structure function nsxng_avptype ; common nsx c = nsxng_constants() MAXSP = c.MAXSP ; NIRES Calibration Parameter for each echelle order. AVPstructure = { $ xoff: dblarr(MAXSP),$ ; /* xoff value for each column of AVP[nso] */ coef: dblarr(MAXSP,3),$ ; /* coeffecients (order=2) for each column of AVP[nso] */ xoffinv: dblarr(MAXSP),$ ; /* inverse xoff value for each column of AVP[nso] */ coefinv: dblarr(MAXSP,3)$ ; /* inverse coeffecients (order=2) for each column of AVP[nso] */ } return, create_struct(name="AVP", AVPstructure) end