emailaddress "" #Enter e-mail address EstimatedTime "1:59" #Enter Text Not greater than 80 (characters) GeneralDescription "AO imaging of Pluto occultation stars to determine if they are single or not, as this affects the astrometry of the occultation. OB PSF_P445.3 (object P240.1) is the PSF star for P445.3. Within a 2' x 2' field, the brightest V, J, and K magnitudes are V J K P240.1 12.3 10.5 9.7 P445.3 11.7 10.3 9.8 P438 13.3 10.4 9.1 P435 12.8 10.7 9.7" #Enter Text Not greater than 8000 (characters) WaiverRequest "No Waiver Request was submitted" #Enter Text Not greater than 800 (characters) CriticalObservingConstraint "Variable, thin cirrus. 0.8\" seeing, airmass < 1.2. Full lunar illumination, more than 30 deg from target." #Enter Text Not greater than 8000 (characters) TimeCriticalAspects "None. I think some of the OB for run B have the time span checked by mistake." #Enter Text Not greater than 8000 (characters) SpecialExecutionRequirements "None" #Enter Text Not greater than 8000 (characters) SpecialCalibrationInfo "None" #Enter Text Not greater than 8000 (characters) TooInformation "None" #Enter Text Not greater than 1600 (characters) TooActivatorsList "None" #Enter Text Not greater than 1600 (characters) IsPreImaging "false" #Select/Deselect PreImagingRequirements "None" #Enter Text Not greater than 800 (characters) SourcePreimaging "" #Enter value from list:- FORS1 before 03/03:FORS1 after 03/03:FORS2:ISAAC:VIMOS:NACO:WFI:DSS:HST/ACS:HST/WFPC2 PreImageOptions "" #Enter Text Not greater than 80 (characters) AllOBsComply "YES" # IsPreimagingRunQuestion "N/A" # AllFCsComply "YES" # IfStandardStar "N/A" # includeCalib "N/A" # IfMovingTarget "N/A" # UserPriority "YES" # IfCoordinatedObservations "N/A" # IfPSFOB "YES" # IfFCFieldOfView "YES" # IfRefObjectMarked "YES" # IfBrightestObject "YES" # IfBrighterThanLimit "NO" # IfBrighterThanLimitList "N/A" #