John Spencer's 1-D Thermophysical Model

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Documentation (from the readme.txt file in the above TAR file)


This is a 1-dimensional numerical thermal model, written in IDL, that calculates surface and subsurface temperatures on a rotating body as a function of local time. Documentation of the basic model can be found in the appendix of Spencer et al. 1989, Icarus 78, 337-354, though other people have developed similar thermal models before and since.

You are welcome to use this model for your own research, but please acknowledge the source in any resulting publications, and include a reference to the above paper. Thanks!





erg-cgs units are used throughout, except that the heat flows in the thermal balance reports are in W m-2, as this is the unit typically used for measuring Io's heat flow.

Diurnal surface temperature variations are controlled by the thermal inertia, sqrt((thermal conductivity)*(density)*(heat capacity)), not by these parameters individually. However, the length scale of the subsurface temperature variations is determined by the skindepth, which combines these quantities differently: sqrt((thermal conductivity)/((angular velocity of rotation)*(density)*(specific heat))). Thermal inertia thus does not uniquely determine the skindepth. If only the thermal inertia is specified in the model, a default specific heat and density are assumed in order to calculate the skindepth and thus the depth scale of the model, though the surface temperature profile does not depend on the values chosen unless other parameters are specificed that explicitly specify the vertical length scale of the model, such as the sunlight penetration depth SUNDEPTH or the slab depth array ZARR.

Thermal conductivity is not specified directly, but is derived from the thermal inertia and the assumed or specified density and specific heat.


Sufficiently high spatial resolution (number and thickness of subsurface slabs) is required for accurate results. However, if a slab is so thin that its heat content can change, due to conduction or radiation, by a large fraction of its total heat content in one timestep, the model becomes numerically unstable and either crashes or gives obviously inaccurate results. The conductive and radiative stability criteria are reported when the model starts: each should be less than 0.5. Stability can be increased by increasing the number of timesteps per rotation, NTINC.

Parameters such as the number and thickness of subsurface slabs, and the number of timesteps per rotation, have default values that give accurate and stable results in most situations for vertically homogeneous models. For situations with minimal diurnal temperature variation (high thermal inertias, low temperatures, and/or rapid rotation), the model can be speeded up by decreasing NTINC, or a higher value of NTINC can be specified to avoid numerical instability for very large diurnal variability.

Note that the top slab is by default half the thickness of deeper slabs. This is because the model tracks temperature at the center of each slab, except for the surface temperature which by definition has to be the temperature at the TOP of the slab.


It is possible to specify depth-dependent thermophysical parameters by providing a 1-D array of thermal inertias, densities, and slab depths ZARR. You then need to make sure the slabs are thin enough at each depth for numerical stability: if you have a low thermal inertia layer over a high thermal inertia layer you'll probably need thinner slabs in the top layer than the bottom layer. See the example below.


One idiosyncrasy of the model is that it assumes a conducting lower boundary, whose temperature must be determined accurately in order to achieve good thermal balance. Models that assume an insulating lower boundary do not have this problem, though the conducting boundary makes it easy for the model to add endogenic heat flow by increasing the lower boundary temperature. Thermal balance is achieved by running the model several times (controlled by NRUN), tweaking the deep temperature as necessary- the deep temperature is reduced if the diurnal mean radiation from the surface, minus any required endogenic heat flow, is more than the mean absorbed insolation, and vice versa. Adequate convergence is usually obtained in 2 - 4 runs, but to improve convergence in difficult cases, the degree of tweaking per run can be adjusted using the CORRFACTOR parameter. See the example below.

The model reports the quality of the thermal balance at the end of each run. For zero endogenic heat flow and zero subsurface penetration of sunlight (i.e., no solid-state greenhouse), thermal balance is achieved when the deep temperature equals the mean surface temperature. However, large variations in deep temperature generally produce only small variations in surface temperature- the "Total energy in/out" value is a better guide to the accuracy of the results than the surface/deep temperature discrepancy.


Simple homogeneous model:


Depth-dependent parameters: low-thermal-inertia layer over high-thermal-inertia layer. Time resolution (NTINC) is increased over default value to maintain numerical stability:


Use of CORRFAC to improve thermal balance convergence in the case of a solid-state greenhouse model:

Poor convergence:

      Energy Conservation Report at end of each run:
              Mean       Mean      Total  Net Power  Mean
            Power In   Power Out  Energy     Out     Surf.  Deep
       Run    W m-2      W m-2    In/Out    W m-2    Temp.  Temp.
         0  2.700e+00  2.450e+00  0.9075 -2.498e-01  79.73 108.12
         1  2.700e+00  2.457e+00  0.9101 -2.427e-01  79.81 109.71
         2  2.700e+00  2.465e+00  0.9131 -2.346e-01  79.90 111.48
         3  2.700e+00  2.473e+00  0.9161 -2.264e-01  79.99 113.28
         4  2.700e+00  2.482e+00  0.9192 -2.182e-01  80.08 115.08

Convergence improved:

      Energy Conservation Report at end of each run:
              Mean       Mean      Total  Net Power  Mean
            Power In   Power Out  Energy     Out     Surf.  Deep
       Run    W m-2      W m-2    In/Out    W m-2    Temp.  Temp.
         0  2.700e+00  2.450e+00  0.9075 -2.498e-01  79.73 108.12
         1  2.700e+00  2.574e+00  0.9533 -1.261e-01  81.06 135.35
         2  2.700e+00  2.669e+00  0.9885 -3.094e-02  82.02 156.25
         3  2.700e+00  2.697e+00  0.9989 -2.952e-03  82.30 162.38
         4  2.700e+00  2.700e+00  1.0000  1.979e-05  82.33 163.03

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Report bugs or suggestions for improvements to:

John Spencer
Southwest Research Institute
1050 Walnut St., Suite 400
Boulder, CO 80302

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