
NB: Photos have been moved! Check out the new site. Thanks -- Henry, 13-Sep-2004.

Timelapse Movies (Cool!)


The Allen Throop page (for my dad)

Latest Photos

New! Mt. Wheeler, NM, June 2004

Iowa, March 2004

Hut Trip to Jay's Cabin, Feburary 2004

Trip to Oregon and the Bay Area, September 2003

Winter camping at Ouzel Lake (RMNP), November 2003

San Antonio / Austin, October 2003

El Paso, September 2003

Conundrum Hot Springs, September 2003

Climbing the Stiletto (RMNP), June 2003

Skiing on Mt. Eva, June 2003

Mesa Verde with the cousins, June 2003

Biking through Yellowstone, May 2003

First Flatiron, May 2003

Quandary Peak, April 2003

Frozen Dead Guy Days, Nederland, March 2003

`The Morning After', CMC Cabin Trip, February 2003

Section House Hut Trip, January 2003

Montana, November 2002

3rd Flatiron during solar eclipse, November 2002

Longs Peak, August 2002

Throop reunion, August 2002

North Sister climb, August 2002

Boulder County Fair, August 2002

Various climbs, Summer 2002

3rd Flatiron, August 2002

Mt. Meeker via Dreamweaver, May 2002

NY / MA / RI trip, May 2002

Breckenridge, May 2002

1st Flatiron, March 2002

Quick trip to Oregon, March 2002

Trip to Betty Bear Hut, February 2002

Cheri Glassblowing! February 2002

CICLOPS @ Laudisio, December 2001

Birthday box o' worms (Eisenia Foetida) from my sister, December 2001

New Orleans, November 2001

Destroying the house, Summer 2001

New house, April 2001

Diving, Channel Islands, October 2000

Disneyland, October 2000

Rachel & Zack's wedding, Lawrence KS, September 2000

Heather's new kayak, Margaret.

Corvallis High School 1990 10th reunion, August 2000. (Also see the official reunion page.)

Assorted photos


Taiko at night in the Rikuzen-Takata gym

Carrot slicing, Keiko's house, Odawara


Outside the Abano Terme main hall (DPS '99)

Gladiators busy slashing each other to the death outside the Coliseum, Rome

Mark orbits his favorite moon

Luna & Titania, Rome

A fossilized dog, buried in the Vesuvian eruption of 79 AD


Gattaca attacks!

Henry Throop, Southwest Research Institute

Last modified 2-Sep-2004