This is a page of photos of my dad Allen throughout the past 59 years. This page of photos is the second half of my page for & about my dad; see the main AHT page for the rest.
A good number of the photos were taken by him; all were compiled and scanned by him. (These are my favorites from the 3 CD's worth he put together -- many of which have also appeared on the last seven years worth of Throop family calendars.) I've put them together in vaguely chronological order, along with a few descriptive captions.
NB: I realized when going through the photos that a good 2/3rd of them are
taken from the top of a mountain or at least most of the way up it. One might think
that that was all that my sister and I did when growing up. It's not
quite true, as there's some observational bias here with the camera. Nevertheless, dad
tells me that during his senior year at college, he spent not a single
weekend on campus -- they were spent climbing Mt. Katahdin, skiing (and
breaking his future wife's leg), canoeing with the Colby Outing Club,
and so forth. Although historically I remember mostly being dragged
along on hiking trips I didn't want to go on at all, I've now grown to
sort of enjoy the whole outdoorsy thing.
Last modified Thu Mar 18 17:35:37 2004