CHS '90 Reunion


Amy Callahan, Jen (Sanders) D'Arrigo, and Ryan Fisher flank Jen's son Jordin.

Amy C. identifies herself.

Eden Durnford, Arul Doriswamy, & Amy Trautwein admire an invisible photographer.

Stacy Barnhisel color-coordinates beautifully.

Jim Stephens, Eden, Kira Grey, Charlotte (Goldman) Bostrom, and her charming husband Vareck catch up on reading during the exciting festivities.

Eden radiates.

Ryan, Amy, Henry, Arul, Charlotte, Melanie Mahan, John Chesbrough, and Eden are still unable to line up in alphabetical order.


The ever-amazing Dylan and Amy.

Kira, Jim, Jodi Eden, and Amy Butler et al pose beautifully in the shade.

Phung Hong smiles while Amy performs amazing stunts with her legs.

One of several dozen group photos taken by a cadre of several dozen loving spouses.

Henry Throop, University of Colorado /

Last modified 11-Jan-2001