The LAMP instrument, one of six selected by NASA to be carried aboard LRO, was developed and built by a team of scientists and engineers from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. SwRI is an independent non-profit applied research and development organization focused on engineering and the physical sciences. The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is the educational partner for LAMP. Museum staff developed this Web site and created a video and exhibits showcasing the LAMP instrument and its role in the larger LRO mission.
Here is a photo from 2008 showing the LAMP team.

Below is an alphabetical table of the members of the LAMP team, their organizations and their roles on the project.
Name and Institution | Title |
Polly Andrews, DMNS | Education/Public Outreach |
Ron Black, SwRI | Project Manager (Phase A-D) |
Traci Case, SwRI | Project Support (Scheduling/Cost) |
Mike Davis, SwRI | Optics, Detector & Calibration |
Armando De Los Santos, SwRI | Power Systems |
Greg Dirks, SwRI | Mechanical/Thermal Systems |
Anthony Egan, SwRI | Data Pipeline and SOC specialist |
Vera Elizondo, SwRI | Project Support (Contracts) |
Paul Feldman, Johns Hopkins University | Co-Investigator |
Randy Gladstone, SwRI | Co-Investigator (Former Acting Principal Investigator ESMD Phase) |
David Glenar, UMBC | Collaborator |
Tommy Greathouse, SwRI | Project Scientist | Brian Gupta, SwRI | Project Support (Quality Assurance) |
Amanda Hendrix, JPL | Participating Scientist |
Mark Bullock, SwRI | LAMP Researcher |
Kathy Mandt, SwRI | LAMP Researcher |
David Horvath, SwRI | Grad Student Scientist |
Dana Hurley, JHU APL | Co-Investigator |
David Kaufmann, SwRI | Science Operations Manager |
Larry McCullough, SwRI | Project Support (PA) |
Paul Miles, SwRI | Grad Student Scientist |
Joey Mukherjee, SwRI | Science Operations |
Joel Parker, SwRI | Project Manager (Phase E) |
Kristian Persson, SwRI | Electrical Systems |
Joe Peterson, SwRI | Science Operations |
Wayne Pryor, Central Arizona College | Co-Investigator |
Kurt Retherford, SwRI | Principal Investigator ESM phase (current) |
Paul Rojas, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Paige Bailey, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Maggie Nagengast, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Michelle Kassel, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Clarissa Seifert, SwRI | Graduate Student Scientist | Caleb Seifert, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Preston Karnes, SwRI | Undergraduate Student Scientist |
Dave Slater, SwRI | Optics, Detector & Calibration |
Jessica Stack, SwRI | Project Support (Parts Engineering) |
Andrew Steffl, SwRI | Calibration Pipeline |
Alan Stern, SwRI | Former Principal Investigator (ESMD & SMD Phases) |
Tim Stubbs, GSFC | Participating Scientist |
Jason Cook, SwRI | Post Doc Scientist |
Con Tsang, SwRI | Post Doc Scientist |
Cesare Grava, SwRI | Post Doc Scientist |
Gianna Sullivan, DMNS | Education/Public Outreach |
Henry Sykes, SwRI | Power Systems |
Dirk Terrell, SwRI | Computer/Web Server Manager |
Maarten Versteeg, SwRI | Software Lead |