Planetary Science Directorate


Previous SwRI Boulder Colloquia

Colloquia are normally on Tuesdays at 11:00 am in the 4th-floor conference room, except as indicated below in bold text.
Show upcoming colloquia
Suggest a New Speaker

For questions or suggestions for speakers, please contact the SwRI colloquium organizers:
Raluca Rufu, 303-226-0879 or raluca(at)
Julien Salmon, 720-208-7203 or julien(at)
Kelsi Singer, 303-226-5910 or ksinger(at)
Sierra Ferguson, sierra.ferguson(at)
Rogerio Deienno, rogerio.deienno(at)
Sam Van Kooten, 303-226-5909 or svankooten(at)

To be added to the SwRI Boulder Colloquia email list, please contact Kelsi Singer, ksinger(at)

Suggest a New Speaker HERE
Tue Feb 4, 202511:00 am Isaac Smith York University, Toronto Ice and Climate at the Poles of Mars
Webex info will be sent to our e-mail list, if you are not on our e-mail list and would like the dail-in please contact
Tue Jan 21, 202511:00 am Lindsay Glesener Exploring the high-energy Sun: Flares and how to find them
Tue Dec 3, 202411:00 am Joe DeMartini University of Maryland Sandy Surfaces and Mysterious Interiors: Models of Granular Dynamics and Seismicity in and on Rubble Piles
Tue Nov 12, 202411:00 am Jun Du Purdue University How to Model Realistic Lunar Craters?
Tue Nov 5, 202411:00 am Thomas Gomez University of Colorado Investigating Solar Opacity to Resolve the Discrepancy Between Helioseismology and the Standard Solar Model
Tue Oct 29, 202411:00 am Benjamin Idini UC Santa Cruz H-He and the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn
Tue Oct 22, 202411:00 am Sarah Millholland MIT Tidal Sculpting of Short-Period Exoplanets
Tue Oct 15, 202411:00 am Harrison Agrusa Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur The curious case of Neptune’s Naiad
Tue Oct 1, 202411:00 am Kiana De'Marius McFadden Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Physical Properties of Main Belt Asteroids
Tue Sep 24, 202411:00 am Ben Fernando Johns Hopkins University Seismology across the Solar System: from the Moon to Mars and beyond
Tue Sep 10, 202411:00 am George McDonald Portland State University Predictions for surface morphologies on the dwarf planet Haumea
if you want the dial in and are not on our e-mail list, please contact, thanks!
Tue Aug 27, 202411:00 am Perianne Johnson University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Seafloor Erosion on Ocean Worlds
if you want the dial in and are not on our e-mail list, please contact, thanks!
Tue Aug 13, 202411:00 am Olivier Mousis Aix-Marseille University, France Linking the Formation Conditions of the Galilean Moons to their Present-Day Compositions
Tue Aug 6, 202411:00 am Francis Nimmo UC Santa Cruz Probing the interiors and evolution of icy bodies
Tue Jul 16, 202411:00 am Kinfe Teweldebirhan Aksum University Magnetic Field Dependent Inflows Towards Active Regions and Their Nonlinear Impact on a 3D Babcock-Leighton Solar Dynamo Model
No coffee or snacks available---we'll be roughing it in a brand-new conference room
Tue Apr 23, 202411:00 am Adolfo Carvalho California Institute of Technology How FU Ori-type Accretion Outbursts Can Alter the Planet-Forming Environment of the Inner Disk
Due to our move, this colloquium talk may potentially be transferred to the Amenity Center Conference room at the Canyon Center at 9th and Walnut.
Tue Apr 16, 202411:00 am Sean Raymond Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux Orbital trajectories of the Solar System including stellar flybys: paleoclimate, chaos, and potential system disruption
Due to our move, this colloquium talk may potentially be transferred to the Amenity Center Conference room at the Canyon Center at 9th and Walnut.
Thu Apr 11, 202411:00 am Ren Ikeya Kobe University (Japan) Doublet craters on Charon
Due to our move, this colloquium talk may potentially be transferred to the Amenity Center Conference room at the Canyon Center at 9th and Walnut.
Tue Apr 9, 202411:00 am Rachel Slank LPI Exploring Brine Stability and Liquid Water Potential on Mars: Insights from Experiments, Analog Environments, and Modeling
Thu Apr 4, 20242:00 pm Kathy Reeves Harvard CfA ECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
Thu Apr 4, 202411:00 am Martin Van Kranendonk Curtin University (Australia) Earth’s oldest fossils, the origin of life, and the search for life on Mars.
Tue Mar 26, 202411:00 am Ariel Cukierman Caltech SPHEREx: An All-Sky Spectral Survey
Thu Mar 21, 202411:00 am Ranadeep Sarkar University of Helsinki Observations and modelling of coronal mass ejections to understand their space weather impact
Tue Mar 19, 202411:00 am Robert Citron University of California, Davis Effects of Large Impacts on Early Planetary Evolution
Tue Mar 5, 202411:00 am Michael Chaffin University of Colorado Sweating the Small Stuff: Photochemical Hydrogen Loss from Venus and the Fate of an Earth-like Water Inventory
This will be a hybrid colloquium - dial in will be sent out closer to the event to the colloquium e-mail list
Thu Feb 29, 202411:00 am Shea Hess Webber Stanford University Using Mars Perseverance Images to Validate Solar Far-Side Active Regions
Fri Feb 23, 202411:00 am Brynna Downey University of California, Santa Cruz Evolution of the Moon's orbital inclination
Tue Feb 20, 202411:00 am Victoria Hartwick Bay Area Environmental Research Institute Dune World Habitability: Dust as a Driver of Atmospheric Stability for Tidally Locked Planets in the Habitable Zone of M Stars
Tue Feb 13, 202411:00 am Saverio Cambioni MIT Planet Formation to the Extreme: High-density Worlds
Wed Feb 7, 202412:00 pm Robert Klar and Div 10 Team SwRI San Antonio Special Lunch Seminar with Division 10 (Intelligent Systems) on Machine Learning - 1.5 hrs
Tue Feb 6, 202411:00 am Matt Clement Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory Mercury’s mysterious origin
Tue Jan 30, 202411:00 am Caroline Haselbacher University of Bern Mapping lineaments on Europa with the deep-learning tool LineaMapper for a spatio-temporal analysis of lineament azimuths
Tue Jan 9, 202411:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio Water on the Sunlit Moon?
Tue Dec 5, 202311:00 am Edwin Bergin University of Michigan Linking Planet Formation to Exoplanet Composition
Tue Nov 21, 202311:00 am Raphael Marschall Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur The formation and evolution of the early protoplanetary disk of our Solar System
This will be a hybrid talk - webex login will be sent to the colloquium e-mail list
Tue Oct 31, 202311:00 am Vishaal Singh Columbia University/ Lamont Doherty A Journey to Icy Moons: Exploring hostile environments with remote sensing and in-situ exploration
Tue Oct 17, 202311:00 am Katherine Bermingham Rutgers University The Composition of Earth’s Late-Stage Building Blocks
Tue Oct 3, 202311:00 am Karin Dissauer NorthWest Research Associates Of shadows and flickers – on the diagnostics potential of coronal dimmings and precursor activity for solar energetic events
Thu Sep 28, 202311:00 am Erica Jawin Smithsonian Air and Space Museum The evolution of asteroid (101955) Bennu: Global geology and predictions for the OSIRIS-REx sample
Tue Sep 26, 202311:00 am Natalie Wolfenbarger Stanford University Brine, salt, and everything ice: Ingredients for interpreting future radar observations of Europa
Thu Sep 21, 202311:00 am Maryame El Moutamid Cornell University New Results on the Dynamical History of the Saturnian Satellite System
Tue Sep 19, 202311:00 am Geronimo Villanueva NASA Goddard Searching for life and habitability in our Solar System
this will be a hybrid colloquium, more details to be announced closer to time
Tue Sep 12, 202311:00 am Amy Winebarger NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Inverting data from imaging spectrographs
Thu Aug 31, 202311:00 am Chris Lowder SwRI Between the Light and the Dark : Understanding Solar Magnetic Connectivity
Tue Aug 29, 202311:00 am Joseph Plowman SwRI Understanding the Three-Dimensional Nature and Heating of the Sun's Corona
Tue Jul 18, 202311:00 am Meera Tower / Michael Ripperger SwRI San Antonio Space Robotics at SwRI
Tue Jun 27, 202311:00 am Rosemary Dorsey University of Canterbury Understanding and Constraining Small Solar System Body Populations to Inform Planetary Science
this is a hybrid colloquium, e-mail for the link if you are not on our e-mail list
Tue May 30, 202311:00 am Margaret Landis University of Colorado/ LASP Semi-home made?: Origin and evolution of water ice in the inner solar system
Tue May 16, 202311:00 am Sam Birch MIT Rivers, Coasts, and Climate on Titan
this will be a hybrid colloquium, if you need the link please contact Kelsi Singer at
Tue May 9, 202311:00 am Victoria Hartwick Bay Area Environmental Research Institute/NASA ARC The Climate and Habitability of Arid, Mars-like Exoplanets: Dust as a Driver of Climate and Source of Spectral Obfuscation
Tue Apr 18, 202311:00 am Christopher Glein SwRI San Antonio Is there P in Enceladus’s ocean? - A chronicle of habitability
Thu Apr 13, 202311:00 am Robert Jarolim Solarnet TBD
Tue Apr 11, 202311:00 am Perianne Johnson CU Boulder Modeling Pluto's Atmosphere and Volatile Inventory Throughout Time
Tue Apr 4, 202311:00 am Ekaterina Landgren CU CIRES A Shallow Water Model Exploration of Atmospheric Circulation on Sub-Neptunes
Webex: Password: SwRI2023
Tue Mar 28, 202311:00 am Daniel Carrera Iowa State University Challenges of planetesimal formation in dust rings
Tue Mar 21, 202311:00 am Martin Pessah Niels Bohr Institute Migration of Low-mass Planets in Dusty Protoplanetary Disks.
Tue Mar 7, 202311:00 am Tim Lyons University of California, Riverside How three billion years of Earth history may help us find life on exoplanets
Tue Feb 28, 202311:00 am Qian Yuan California Institute of Technology Uncovering the “lost” Moon-forming impactor, Theia
Tue Feb 21, 202311:00 am Michael Battalio Yale University Similarities in dust storms on Mars and methane storms Titan
This will be hybrid - please contact for the dial in if you are not already on the colloquium list serve
Tue Feb 14, 202311:00 am Aaron S. Wolf University of Michigan Silicate Melts: A Driving Force in Rocky Planet Evolution
Wed Jan 25, 202311:00 am Caroline Haselbacher University of Bern Mapping lineaments on Europa with the deep-learning tool LineaMapper for a spatio-temporal analysis of lineament azimuths
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio TBD
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio TBD
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio Water on the Sunlit Moon?
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio Water on the Sunlit Moon?
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio Water on the Sunlit Moon?
Mon Jan 9, 202311:00 am Michael Poston SwRI San Antonio Water on the Sunlit Moon?
Thu Jan 5, 202311:00 am Daniel Yahalomi Columbia University From Wobbles to Worlds - Building a Model Selection Framework for TTV Signals
This will be a hybrid seminar - dial in has been sent to our colloquium e-mail list, and please contact ksinger (at) for the dial in if you need it :)
Tue Nov 15, 202211:00 am Rita Economos Southern Methodist University Approaching planetary science problems from a geological perspective: Lunar apatite as an example
Mon Nov 14, 202211:30 am Sugata Tan Planetary Science Institute Three-phase Vapor-Solid-Solid equilibrium and its implication on Pluto's surface ices
Please note the time, this is a shorter seminar and will start at 11:30 instead of the normal 11:00
Tue Nov 8, 202211:00 am Max Goldberg California Institute of Technology Origins of the Architectures of Compact Multi-planet Systems
Thu Nov 3, 202211:00 am Matt Siegler Planetary Science Institute Microwave Remote Sensing of Geothermal Heat of the Solar System
Join information Meeting link: Meeting number: 2450 652 7259 Password: Siegler1103
Tue Oct 25, 202211:00 am Melissa Cashion Purdue University Chondrules as byproducts of giant planet accretion
Thu Oct 20, 202211:00 am Sarah Gibson HAO/NCAR Beyond Flatland: A Star of Many Dimensions
Tue Oct 18, 202211:00 am Emily Martin Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Enceladus's pit chains and the regolith they form in
Wed Sep 28, 202211:00 am Jayalekshmi G. L. Sunspot cycle evolution of major periodicities of solar activity
Wed Sep 21, 202211:00 am Bibhuti Kumar Jha Indian Institute of Astrophysics Investigating Sun's long-term variations using automatic algorithms
Tue Sep 13, 202211:00 am Jay Farihi University College London Pandemonium in the Planetary Graveyard
Tue Aug 30, 202211:00 am Adeene Denton Purdue University Sputnik Planitia as a probe for Pluto's internal evolution
Tue Aug 23, 202211:00 am Andrew Wilcoski CU LASP Polar Ice Accumulation from Volcanically Induced Transient Atmospheres on the Moon
Tue Aug 16, 202211:00 am Stephanie Jarmak SwRI San Antonio Granular Processes Across the Solar System
Tue Aug 9, 202211:00 am Darryl Seligman Cornell University Interstellar Comets and the New Insights to Planet Formation They Provide
Fri Aug 5, 202211:00 am David Gerdes University of Michigan DEEP Drilling into the Kuiper Belt: First Results from the DECam Ecliptic Exploration Project
Tue Jul 26, 202211:00 am Lior Rubanenko Stanford University A Distinct Dune Formation Regime on Mars
Wed Jul 20, 202211:00 am Steve Desch Arizona State University 'Oumuamua: The Nearest Exoplanet
Mon Jul 18, 202211:00 am Dipankar Banerjee Aryabhatta Research Institute (ARIES) India’s forthcoming observational facilities from Space and Ground based platforms
Tue Jun 21, 202211:00 am Keren Duer Weizmann Institute of Science Eddy-driven circulation on Jupiter as revealed by Juno data and numerical simulations
Tue May 24, 202211:00 am Jun Korenaga Yale University Where was the Moon? A fresh look at the tidal evolution of the early Earth-Moon system
Thu Apr 21, 202211:00 am Brad Carter University of Southern Queensland Astronomy and Space in Australia
This will be a hybrid colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in if you want to participate virtually. Thanks!
Tue Apr 5, 202211:00 am Sam Cabot Yale University The Ancient Solar System Revealed by Lunar Exploration and Impact Cratering
This will be a virtual colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in. Thanks!
Thu Mar 31, 20221:00 pm Alessondra Springmann University of Arizona Repeating Gas Ejection Events from Comet 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková
This will be a virtual colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in. Thanks!
Thu Feb 3, 20221:00 pm Audrey Martin Northern Arizona University The effect of regolith porosity on Mid-IR spectra - Implications for Trojan asteroids
This will be a virtual colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in. Thanks!
Wed Feb 2, 202210:00 am Cecily Sunday Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espac Landing, sinking, and rolling on small body surfaces
This will be a virtual colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in. Thanks!
Thu Jan 20, 20221:00 pm Cristina Thomas Northern Arizona University Observations in support of the DART mission: Understanding the Didymos-Dimorphos binary system
This will be a virtual colloquium, if you are not already on our e-mail list, please contact for the dial in. Thanks!
Tue Jan 11, 202211:00 am Rafael Fuentes McGill University Gas giants in a box: Penetration of a convection zone into a stable-stratified fluid
Wed Nov 17, 202111:00 am Lisa Upton Space Systems Research Corporation The Sun’s Flows, Space Weather, and the Solar Activity Cycle
Tue Oct 19, 202111:00 am Richard Frazin University of Michigan Frontiers in Direct Imaging of Exoplanets
Thu Sep 23, 202111:00 am Maurice Wilson Harvard CfA Spectroscopic constraints on the solar CME heating problem with the SOHO/UVCS instrument
Fri Sep 17, 202112:00 pm Sam Van Kooten University of Colorado Boulder Measuring the complex motions of solar bright points as wave drivers in high-resolution observations
Colloquium will be hybrid in-person and Virtual.
Thu Sep 16, 202111:00 am Nathan Miles University of California, Los Angeles Science in the Dark: Analyzing Cosmic Rays Observed by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Fri Aug 27, 202111:00 am Rogerio Deienno SwRI Boulder Effects of the Giant Planet Migration on the Solar System
Thu Aug 26, 202111:00 am Jason Hofgartner Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Root of Anomalously Specular Reflections from Solid Surfaces on Saturn’s moon Titan
Thu May 13, 202112:00 pm Bhishek Manek University of California Santa Cruz Rise of Magnetic Flux Concentrations from the deep solar interior
Wed May 5, 202112:00 pm Piyush Agrawal University of Colorado Boulder Transport of Internetwork Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Photosphere
Wed Apr 28, 202111:00 am Sierra Ferguson Arizona State University Smashing Saturn: Insights from Impact Crater Analysis on Saturn's Satellites Tethys and Dione
Tue Apr 6, 202111:00 am Evan Bjonnes Brown University Understanding the Ice Shells of Ganymede and Callisto through Their Impact Crater Records
Tue Jan 26, 202111:00 am Darren Garber Xplore Inc Deep Space Payload Hosting for Planetary Science and Heliophysics
11 am -1 pm
Tue Aug 18, 202011:00 am Zarah Brown Arizona State University What’s heating Saturn’s thermosphere? Cassini Grand Finale observations show a connection between dynamics and heating.
Tue Jul 28, 202011:00 am Tara Tomlinson Univeristy of Colorado Investigating Sources of Europa’s Dark Ejecta Craters
Tue Mar 31, 202011:00 am Hannah Jang-Condell University of Wyoming Protoplanetary Disks with Gaps: Matching Models to Observations
Thu Mar 5, 202011:00 am Julie Brisset Florida Space Institute, Univ. of Central Florida Interacting with regolith surfaces in low-gravity environments.
Mon Mar 2, 202011:00 am Joseph A. MacGregor NASA Goddard Subglacial impact craters in Greenland
Tue Feb 25, 202011:00 am Kathryn Steakley NASA Ames Testing the Impact Hypothesis for Warming Early Mars
Tue Feb 11, 202011:00 am Nicholas Featherstone University of Colorado Boulder Problems, Progress, and Promises in Stellar Convection
Tue Jan 28, 202011:00 am Tyler Lyson and  Ian Miller  Denver Museum of Nature & Science Exceptional continental record of biotic recovery after the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction
Tue Dec 10, 201911:00 am Ron Ballouz University of Arizona LPL Surface refreshing of Martian moon Phobos by orbital eccentricity-driven grain motion
Thu Dec 5, 20191:00 pm Takeshi Horinouchi Hokkaido University Winds on Venus as revealed by Akatsuki
Tue Nov 19, 201911:00 am Alex Davis University of Colorado Boulder Applications of the Full-Two Body Problem: Constraints on Formation and Parameter Estimation of Binary Asteroids
Tue Nov 12, 201911:00 am Sona Hosseini Jet Propulsion Laboratory A Next Generation Miniaturized High Spectral Resolution Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer (SHS)
Mon Nov 4, 201911:00 am Richard Ghail Royal Holloway, University of London New Insights About Venus, Our Closest Earth-Like Exoplanet
Thu Oct 31, 201911:00 am Vishaal Singh Arizona State University (Mis-)Understanding Ocean Worlds: Enabling future exploration through lab work and modeling of all the things we do not know about the ice
Tue Oct 8, 201911:00 am Dr. Michael Tice Texas A&M University Microbial Communities from Wet, Windy, Environments on the Modern and Ancient Earth: Lessons for Astrobiology during the Mars 2020 Mission
Tue Oct 1, 201911:00 am Subhamoy Chatterjee Indian Institute of Astrophysics The data life cycle: Instrument design, image processing, and high-level data extraction in solar imagers
Tue Sep 24, 201911:00 am Mickey Rosenthal University of California, Santa Cruz Perks and Pitfalls of Pebble Accretion — Implications for Planet Formation in the Inner and Outer Disk
Tue Sep 10, 201911:00 am Dan Seaton University of Colorado & NOAA In Search of the Middle Corona
Fri Sep 6, 201911:00 am Francis Nimmo University of California Santa Cruz Geodynamics of asteroids: observational constraints on their behaviour in adolescence and senility
Thu Sep 5, 201911:00 am Matthew West Royal Observatory of Belguim Post-Flare Giant Arch Signatures
Tue Sep 3, 201911:00 am David Polishook Weizmann Institute of Science A Martian Origin for the Martian Trojan Asteroids and its Implications for Differentiated Planetesimals
Tue Aug 27, 201911:00 am Michael Kirk Catholic University of America / NASA Goddard Putting the Science Back in Data Science
Tue Aug 20, 201911:00 am Alejandro Soto SwRI Boulder Investigating Atmosphere-Surface Interactions
Tue Aug 13, 201911:00 am Feng Tian Macau University of Science and Technology Toward Understanding the Evolution of Rocky Exoplanets and Their Counterparts in the Solar System
Mon Aug 12, 201912:00 pm Margaret Moerchen from AGU Director, AGU Journals Introducing AGU Advances
Mon Aug 12, 201911:00 am Alessandra Pacini NorthWest Research Associates Characterizing the outer corona and early solar wind combining space- and ground-based Heliophysics observations
Tue Aug 6, 201911:00 am Réka Winslow University of New Hampshire Space Weather at Mercury
Tue Jul 30, 201911:00 am Eran Vos Weizmann Institute of Science Milankovitch-Driven Evolution of Ice Reservoirs on Mars
Tue Jun 25, 201911:00 am Diogo Merguizo Sanchez Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE On the applications of perturbation maps
Tue Jun 11, 201911:00 am John Papaloizou University of Cambridge Compact Multi-planet systems: Non conservative effects and resonant chains.
Tue May 21, 201911:00 am Nathalia Alzate NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Identifying Sources of the Variable Solar Wind Through Advanced Image Processing Techniques
Tue Apr 23, 201911:00 am Julien Salmon SwRI Boulder Evolving Rings, Building Satellites and Flying Spacecrafts: a Numerical Journey
Tue Apr 16, 201911:00 am Audrey Martin University of Tennessee Jupiter's Trojan Asteroids: Surface Silicates via Thermal-IR Spectral Analysis
Tue Apr 9, 201911:00 am Maria Weber University of Chicago How Suns Get Their Spots: Toward linking magnetic flux emergence, convection, and dynamo action in solar-like stars and M dwarfs
Thu Apr 4, 20192:00 pm Richard Binzel MIT Apophis 2029 Encounter: Presentation and Discussion of Science and Planetary Defense Opportunities
Tue Mar 26, 201911:00 am Oliver Völkel Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Consistent planetesimal formation for planetary population synthesis
Tue Mar 19, 201911:00 am Jean-Pierre Wuelser The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) - instrument design, calibration, performance
Mon Mar 18, 201911:00 am Richard Frazin University of Michigan Signal Processing for Direct Imaging of Exoplanets from the Ground
Tue Mar 5, 201911:00 am Katherine R. Bermingham University of Maryland The Building Blocks of the Solar System and Earth
Tue Feb 19, 201911:00 am Guillermo Stenborg Naval Research Laboratory Evidence for a Circumsolar Dust Ring Near Mercury’s Orbit
Tue Feb 12, 201911:00 am Benoit Tremblay Université de Montréal Avalanche Models and the Prediction of Solar Flares
Thu Feb 7, 201911:00 am Angelos Vourlidas Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory The Solar Drivers of Space Weather: Review of the Open Issues Affecting Forecasting
To be followed by a showing of the NASA Town Hall in CR4.
Tue Jan 22, 201911:00 am Robert Citron University of California-Berkeley Early Mars: Giant Impacts, Super-plumes, and Vast Oceans.
Wed Dec 5, 201811:00 am Sarah Hörst Johns Hopkins University Bystander Intervention Training
Tue Nov 20, 201811:00 am Saverio Cambioni University of Arizona Application of machine learning to planetary science
Tue Nov 13, 201811:00 am Jamie Molaro Planetary Science Institute Thermally driven physical weathering and metamorphism on rocky and icy airless bodies
Tue Nov 6, 201811:00 am Ryan Ewing Texas A&M University Extraterrestrial bedform dynamics: Insights from Curiosity's exploration of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater, Mars.
Thu Nov 1, 201811:00 am André Izidoro São Paulo State University Formation of planetary systems from pebble accretion and migration II: Hot super-Earth systems from breaking compact resonant chains
Tue Oct 30, 201811:00 am Jonathan Lunine Cornell University Titan after Cassini
Tue Oct 9, 201811:00 am Carolyn Crow Univeristy of Colorado U-Xe Ages of Impact Shocked Zircons: What are we Dating?
Tue Oct 2, 201811:00 am Michael S. P. Kelley University of Maryland Cometary mass-loss and surface evolution
Tue Sep 18, 201811:00 am Yu-Cian Hong Cornell University N-body numerical simulations and orbital dynamics of moons in giant planet scattering, and of moons around spherical giant planets.
Wed Sep 12, 201811:00 am Hubert Klahr Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Gravoturbulent Formation of Planetesimals - Why Asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects are 100 km in size.
Tue Sep 11, 201811:00 am Myriam Telus UC Santa Cruz Carbonates in meteorites: Implications for fluid alteration of early planetesimals
Tue Sep 4, 201811:00 am Chris Reinhard Georgia Tech Earth's history as a natural lab for planetary science
Wed Jul 25, 201811:00 am Brad Carter University of Southern Queensland Mt Kent Observatory: A Modern Australian Facility for Astronomical and Space Sciences
Tue Jul 24, 201811:00 am Sean Raymond Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux Much ado about 'Oumuamua
Tue Jul 17, 201811:00 am Svetlana Shkolyar Carnegie Institution of Washington Mars biosignature studies: From the field to the lab to the rover
Tue Jul 10, 201811:00 am Internal Training
Tue May 15, 201811:00 am Neyda Abreu Planetary Science Institute TBD
Tue May 1, 201811:00 am Slava Solomatov Washington University in St. Louis Magma Ocean Dynamics
Tue Apr 17, 201811:00 am Alexis Templeton University of Colorado, Boulder Exploring biological activity in rocks undergoing serpentinization
Thu Apr 12, 201811:00 am Shawn Brooks Jet Propulsion Laboratory Cassini and Saturn’s Rings: What We’re Learning from the End of Things.
Tue Apr 3, 201811:00 am Nicole Duncan Ball Aerospace Gamma-Ray Observations of Solar Flares
Tue Mar 27, 201811:00 am Olivier Barnouin Applied Physics Laboratory Regolith Processes on Asteroids: A review in preparation for arrival to Ryugu and Bennu
Thu Mar 15, 201811:00 am Dennis Bodewits University of Maryland Comets after the Rosetta mission.
Tue Mar 13, 201811:00 am Shijie Zhong University of Colorado Boulder Formation of the lunar fossil bulges and its implication for the early Earth and Moon
Thu Mar 8, 201811:00 am Akbar Whizin University of Central Florida Dust, Dynamics, and Dirty Labs
Tue Mar 6, 201811:00 am Dani DellaGiustina University of Arizona LPL The OSIRIS-REx Mission to (100955) Bennu: Overcoming the Challenges Associated with Mapping Small Bodies
Tue Feb 27, 201811:00 am Jennifer Scully Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Formation and Evolution of Ceres’ Occator Crater
Tue Feb 20, 201811:00 am Everett Shock Arizona State University The Problem Life Solves
Thu Feb 8, 201811:00 am Jaehan Bae Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Carnegie Inst. Rings, gaps, and spiral arms in protoplanetary disks: how can we fit these observations into planet formation theories?
Tue Feb 6, 201811:00 am Tim McCoy Smithsonian Four Cores and 30 Years Ago
Tue Jan 30, 201811:00 am Jonti Horner University of Southern Queensland Exoplanets, Dynamics, and the search for life elsewhere…
Mon Jan 22, 201811:00 am Katherine Shirley Stony Brook University Effects of Space Weathering on Mid-Infrared Emissivity
Tue Jan 9, 201811:00 am Hannah Kaplan Brown University Reflectance Spectroscopy of Organic-Bearing Rocks: From Earth to the Asteroid Belt
Tue Dec 5, 201711:00 am Kat Volk LPL Our evolving picture of the Kuiper belt: unexpectedly warped mean planes and new observations of resonant populations
Fri Nov 17, 201711:00 am William Anderson The University of Texas at Dallas Numerical simulation of microscale planetary turbulence: aeolian morphodynamics on Earth and Mars
Tue Nov 14, 201711:00 am Stefano Livi SwRI Solar Wind Measurements on Solar Orbiter: Discovering the Links Between the Solar Wind and the Atmosphere of Our Sun
Thu Nov 9, 201712:00 pm Jenna Samra Harvard CfA Eclipse Science Results from the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIR-Spec)
Tue Oct 31, 201711:00 am Marc Neveu NASA Postdoctoral Management Fellow at NASA Headqu Ocean Worlds: Exploring Abodes for Life in and Beyond our Solar System
Tue Oct 24, 201711:00 am Raluca Rufu Weizmann Institute of Science A multiple-impact origin for the Moon
Tue Oct 10, 201711:00 am Chris Lowder Durham University, UK Methods for Automated Detection and Characterization of Coronal Holes and Magnetic Flux Ropes
Tue Sep 5, 201711:00 am Derek Lamb SwRI Boulder Magnetic Fields from the Solar Interior to the Corona... and Beyond!
Tue Aug 29, 201711:00 am Silvia Protopapa University of Maryland A window to the formation and evolution of the Solar System through compositional analysis
Thu Aug 24, 20171:00 pm Kelsi Singer SwRI Boulder Craters and Cryovolcanoes – Comparisons across the outer solar system
Fri Jul 28, 201711:00 am Alyssa Rhoden Arizona State University Reading Between the Lines: Using Fractures to Understand Icy Satellite Evolution
Thu Jul 27, 20172:00 pm Alexander Hayes Cornell University Titan: Recent Discoveries, Unanswered Questions, and Why We Need to Go Back
Tue Jul 25, 201711:00 am Francis Nimmo University of California, Santa Cruz Probing the dynamics of planet formation using isotopes
Tue Jul 18, 201711:00 am Francois Forget Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique (LMD), Unive Building virtual planets with global climate models: a scientific endeavor
Tue Jul 11, 201711:00 am Amelia Altavena EchoUser UX Research & Design: Data into Insights, Cardboard into Space Capsules
Fri Jun 23, 201711:00 am Yasuhiro Hasegawa Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planet Formation in Star-Forming Regions: from the Solar System to Other Worlds
Tue Jun 13, 201711:00 am Cyrena Goodrich Lunar and Planetary Institute Asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta Meteorite: Implications for Early Solar System Processes and Asteroid Spectroscopy
Thu May 11, 201711:00 am Laura Kreidberg CfA Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization in the Run-Up to JWST
Tue May 9, 201711:00 am Tanya Harrison Arizona State University MRO CTX images of Martian Gullies
Tue Apr 18, 201711:00 am Timothy J. Rodigas Carnegie Institution of Washington Seeing Planets and Disks around other Stars
Tue Apr 11, 201711:00 am Heather Elliot SwRI San Antonio Implications of the Radial Trends in Solar Wind Parameters
Tue Apr 4, 201711:00 am Alex Parker SwRI Boulder Project ESPRESSO, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Moon
Tue Mar 28, 201711:00 am Ramon Brasser ELSI Earth Life Science Institute The cool and distant formation of Mars
Tue Mar 14, 201711:00 am Sonia Tikoo-Schantz Rutgers The Late Lunar Dynamo
Tue Mar 7, 201711:00 am Germán Martínez University of Michigan Current and Future Exploration of Mars: An Assessment of Water Resources and the Radiative Environment at the Surface
Tue Feb 28, 201711:00 am Ryan Fronk S.M.A.R.T. Laboratory, Kansas State University Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (MSND)-Based Instruments
Tue Feb 7, 201711:00 am Ramses Ramirez Cornell University An Assessment of Recent Solutions to Warm Early Mars
Tue Jan 10, 201711:00 am Timothy Holt Swinburne University of Technology Classifying the satellite systems of Jupiter and Saturn using Cladistics
Mon Dec 19, 201611:00 am Ramon Brasser Tokyo Institute of Technology TBD
Tue Nov 29, 201611:00 am Daniel Jontof-Hutter University of the Pacific The Extraordinary Diversity of Super-Earth Mass Planets Revealed with Transit Timing
Tue Nov 15, 201611:00 am Jessica Watkins Caltech Mars Recurring Slope Lineae
Tue Nov 8, 201611:00 am Micahel Sori LPL Ices reveal planetary histories throughout the solar system
Tue Oct 25, 201611:00 am Michele Bannister Queen's University, Belfast The Outer Solar System Origins Survey: Cool Things You Didn’t Get To Hear About At DPS-EPSC
Mon Oct 10, 201611:00 am Nienke van der Marel Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii Resolving gas and dust in transitional disks: the ALMA view on planet formation
Wed Sep 28, 201611:00 am Kenneth Lacovara Rowan University Dreadnoughtus, Resurrecting a Super-Giant from Cretaceous Patagonia
Mon Sep 26, 20163:00 pm Edward D. Young UCLA Bayes' theorem and early solar short-lived radionuclides: the case for an unexceptional origin for the solar system
Tue Sep 20, 201611:00 am M. Ramy El-Maarry LASP and APS (Geo)morphology of comets and associated processes: new Insights from the Rosetta mission
Tue Sep 13, 201611:00 am Kay Davis Arizona State University The Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2 long duration balloon mission to study the ISM
Tue Sep 6, 201611:00 am Alex Evans SwRI Merging Magma Ocean Theory with GRAIL and MESSENGER Data: New Chronological and Thermochemical Developments
Tue Aug 30, 201611:00 am Eric Schindhelm SwRI Boulder What UV Can Do For You: Recent Work and Future Prospects In Ultraviolet Planetary Science and Astrophysics
Wed Aug 24, 201611:00 am Amir Caspi SwRI Boulder Some Like it Hot: plasma heating and impulsive energy release in the solar corona
Tue Aug 23, 201611:00 am Stuart Robbins SwRI Craters, Craters Everywhere: But there’s a lot more to them than you might think!
Tue Jul 12, 201611:00 am Zhaohuan Zhu Princeton Young Planets in Protoplanetary Disks: Theory Confronts Observations
Tue Jul 5, 201611:00 am Michael Kaplan The MDA Corporation Space Robotics, Radar and Solar Electric Spacecraft: MDA’s Magic Sauce for 21st Century Planetary Science
Tue May 24, 201611:00 am Jamey Szalay SwRI San Antonio The Dust Environment of the Moon
Tue May 10, 201611:00 am Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo Georgia State University Reconstructing Solar Activity at the End of the Little Ice Age
Tue May 3, 201611:00 am David Goldsby University of Pennsylvania Experimental Constraints on the Flow of Ice: From Greenland to Ganymede
Tue Apr 26, 201611:00 am Roger Fu MIT The lively interiors of planetesimals: The cases of Vesta and Ceres
Tue Apr 12, 201611:00 am Carrie Nugent Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, at Caltec Finding and characterizing asteroids with NEOWISE
Fri Apr 8, 20162:00 pm Larisza Krista University of Colorado, Boulder Open Magnetic Field Regions of the Sun
Tue Apr 5, 201611:00 am Richard Binzel MIT Where Do Meteorites Come From?
Thu Mar 31, 201611:00 am Naor Movshovitz UC Santa Cruz Predicting the outcome of gravity-dominated impacts: new data, scaling, and implications
Tue Mar 29, 201611:00 am Colin Mitchell Space Science Institute Icy Tendrils and Spokes: Dust Charging and Dynamics at Saturn
Tue Mar 8, 201611:00 am Ganna Portyankina CU/LASP Encekadys Water Vapor Jets as seen by Cassin UVIS
Tue Mar 1, 201611:00 am David Smith MIT GRAIL Observations of the lunar Crust
Tue Feb 23, 201611:00 am Estelle Deau Jet Propulsion Laboratory Evolution of Saturn's rings
Tue Feb 16, 201611:00 am Nick Schneider CU/LASP MAVEN Primary Mission Results from the Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Tue Feb 9, 201611:00 am Alissa Earle MIT Long-Term Temperature Modeling on Pluto and the Stability of Equitorial Albedo Variations
Tue Feb 2, 20162:00 pm Catherine Huitson CASA, University of Colorado New and Emerging Studies of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Thu Jan 28, 20163:00 pm Hap McSween University of Tennessee Dawn at Vesta and Ceres
Tue Jan 26, 201611:00 am Natalie Hinkel Arizona State University From Stellar Abundances to Exoplanet Interiors
Tue Jan 19, 201611:00 am Larisza Krista NOAA Automated detection of coronal dimmings or “Adventures in the realm of image processing”
Tue Jan 12, 201611:00 am Deanne Rogers Stony Brook University Understanding Early Martian Surface Processes and Environments through Visible and Infrared Mapping of the Ancient Highlands
Thu Jan 7, 201611:00 am Chris Tate University of Tennessee Remote Neutron Spectroscopy and MSL DAN Passive Data and Results
Fri Dec 11, 201511:00 am Mark Rast CU/LASP The deep solar convection, solar differential rotation, and the origin of the solar supergranulation
Tue Dec 1, 201511:00 am Timothy Bowling University of Chicago Changing Ceres’ Internal Structure with Impacts
Fri Nov 20, 201511:00 am Catherine Neish University of Western Ontario Extreme Makeover: Titan Edition
Tue Nov 3, 201511:00 am Jasmeet Dhaliwal UC San Diego Origin of Accretionary Volatile Inventories in Vesta and the Moon
Tue Oct 27, 201511:00 am Benjamin Charnay University of Washington Dune formation and paleoclimates on Titan
Tue Oct 20, 201511:00 am Michael Bland USGS Flagstaff Is Ceres actually ice-rich? How (the existence of) Ceres’ impact craters challenges pre-Dawn conceptions.
Tue Oct 13, 201511:00 am Amanda Hendrix Planetary Science Institute New Insights into Solar System Surfaces using Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Tue Oct 6, 201511:00 am Jason Soderblom MIT The fractured Moon
Mon Oct 5, 201511:00 am TBD TBD Cratering on Ceres
Tue Sep 29, 201511:00 am Romy Hanna University of Texas at Austin Impact-induced Brittle Deformation, Porosity Loss, and Aqueous Alteration in CM Murchison: implications for OSIRIS-REx
Thu Sep 24, 201512:00 pm Barbara Cohen NASA Marshall Space Flight Center The Potassium-Argon Laser Experiment (KArLE): In Situ Geochronology for Planetary Robotic Missions
Tue Sep 22, 201511:00 am Ali Bramson University of Arizona LPL Widespread Excess Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
Tue Sep 15, 201511:00 am Jordan Steckloff Purdue University SYORP: a Sublimative Analogue to the YORP Effect
Tue Aug 25, 201511:00 am Catherine Elder JPL The Effects of Magma on the Dynamics of Io's Interior
Mon Aug 17, 201511:00 am Franck Montmessin Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spa Instrument concepts for the in situ characterization of planetary atmospheres: the case for a doppler wind lidar and an electric field sensor
Mon Aug 3, 201511:00 am Sébastien Charnoz Université Paris Diderot, France The Protolunar disk : dynamical evolution, cooling time and implantation of volatiles into the Earth
Tue Jul 21, 201511:00 am Kevin Walsh SwRI Boulder OSIRIS-REx and the lifecycle of a singular NEO
Thu Jul 9, 201511:00 am Ron Polidan Northrop Grumman A Long-Lived, Maneuverable, Semi-Buoyant Platform for Venus Upper Atmosphere Exploration
Tue Jun 30, 201511:00 am Briony Horgan Purdue University Habitable ancient wetlands on Mars at Mawrth Vallis and implications for recent observations by Mars Science Laboratory
Tue Jun 23, 201511:00 am Oleg Abramov USGS Flagstaff The Effects of Early Impact Bombardments in the Inner Solar System
Tue Jun 16, 201511:00 am Michelle Kirchoff SwRI Boulder The Wonderful World of Craters
Thu Jun 11, 201511:00 am Alan Howard University of Virginia Climate of Noachian and Hesperian Mars from Geomorphic Evidence: Cold, Warm, Wet, Dry or Some of Each?
Thu Jun 4, 201511:00 am Bruce Banerdt Jet Propulsion Laboratory InSight: Exploring the Deep Interior of Mars
Tue May 26, 201511:00 am Amanda Nahm University of Idaho Stress and Failure: Tectonics on Enceladus
Tue May 12, 201511:00 am Ben Black University of California-Berkeley Magmatic degassing, climate, and habitability on the ancient Earth
Tue May 5, 201511:00 am Steve Desch Arizona State University Geophysics and Geochemistry of Dwarf Planets
Thu Apr 30, 201511:00 am Craig O'Neill Macquaire University Early evolution of Earth-like planets
Mon Apr 27, 201511:00 am Joseph Levy University of Texas Institute for Geophysics A hydrological continuum in permafrost environments?: The morphological signatures of melt-driven hydrology on Earth and Mars
Thu Apr 23, 201511:00 am Renu Malhotra LPL Two studies in planetary dynamics: Impact seasons on Mars and the mass function of planets in the Galaxy
Tue Apr 21, 201511:00 am Stephen Wood University of Washington Exploring the Porosphere: The Structure, Dynamics and External Coupling of Planetary Subsurface Climate Systems
Thu Apr 16, 201511:00 am David Kipping Harvard The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (HEK) Project
Tue Apr 14, 201511:00 am Samaya Nissanke Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Black hole births in real time: seeing and listening to the transient Universe
Wed Mar 18, 201511:00 am David Webb Boston College CME and Sunspot Number Rates for Solar Cycles 21-24
Wed Mar 11, 201511:00 am Larry Esposito CU/LASP Non-Linear Dynamics of Saturn’s Rings
Tue Mar 3, 201511:00 am Derek Lamb SwRI Boulder Computer Vision Diagnostics of the Solar Dynamo
Tue Feb 17, 201511:00 am Sarah Greenstreet University of British Columbia From NEOs to craters on Pluto: A look at small body populations in the Solar System
Tue Jan 13, 201511:00 am Christopher Harig Princeton Satellite gravimetry from GRACE, localization, and planetary dynamics
Tue Dec 9, 201411:00 am Jeff Andrews-Hanna Colorado School of Mines The early evolution of the Moon: Looking beneath the surface with GRAIL gravity data
Thu Nov 20, 201411:00 am Aurelien Crida Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Satellite formation from rings
Tue Nov 18, 201411:00 am Miki Nakajima Caltech Origin of the Earth and Moon and its implications for exomoon formation
Tue Nov 4, 201411:00 am Emily Levesque Univeristy of Colorado Discovery of a Thorne-Zytkow Object Candidate in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Tue Oct 28, 201411:00 am Josh Eisner University of Arizona Watching Planets Form
Wed Oct 15, 201411:00 am Constantine Tsang SwRI Boulder Io: Jupiter’s volcanic wonderland told through the story of its atmosphere
Tue Oct 14, 201411:00 am Justin Filiberto Southern Illinois University What Can Experimental Petrology Tell Us About Martian Rocks?
Tue Sep 30, 201411:00 am Barbara Cohen NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Lunar Flashlight: Mapping Lunar Surface Volatiles Using a Cubesat
Thu Sep 18, 201411:00 am David Goldstein University of Texas at Austin UT Simulations of the Enceladus Plume
Tue Sep 9, 201411:00 am Sebastiaan Krijt Leiden Observatory The compaction and erosion of rapidly growing icy planetesimals
Wed Aug 20, 201411:00 am Ilkka Sillanpaa SwRI San Antonio Ion-Neutral Collisions and Their Effects for Titan’s Plasma Interaction
Tue Aug 12, 201411:00 am Joey Mukherjee SwRI San Antonio SwRI Visualization for Programs
Tue Aug 5, 201411:00 am David Brain CU LASP MAVEN: What Happened to the Ancient Martian Atmosphere?
Wed Jul 30, 201411:00 am Amir Caspi CU LASP Thermal processes in the solar corona
Tue Jul 8, 201411:00 am Heather Knutson Caltech From Hot Jupiters to Habitable Worlds: A Survey of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Mon Jul 7, 201411:00 am Alessondra Springmann Arecibo Observatory Recent Results from Arecibo Planetary Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids and Comets
Tue Jul 1, 201411:00 am Luca Montabone Space Science Institute The Martian dust chronicle and other stories
Wed Jun 25, 201411:00 am Laurel Rachmeler Royal Observatory of Belguim Solar data from the PROBA2 satellite
Tue Jun 24, 201411:00 am Michael Ramsey University of Pittsburgh Thermophysical and thermospectral analysis of terrestrial and planetary surfaces
Tue Jun 17, 201411:00 am Kathy Mandt SwRI San Antonio The Evolution of Titan's Atmosphere through Isotope Ratios: Potential Applications to Earth
Tue Jun 10, 201411:00 am Josh Bandfield Space Science Institute Unusual lunar impact features revealed by the LRO Diviner Radiometer
Thu May 29, 201411:00 am Alex Parker University of California-Berkeley Exploring Trans-Neptunian Space with OSSOS and New Horizons
Wed May 28, 201411:00 am Nina Lanza Los Alamos National Laboratory Studying signatures of water on Mars at the macro and micro scales: Hillslope gullies, rock coatings, and manganese
Tue May 20, 201411:00 am Roger Clark USGS Denver Composition of solids in the Saturn system, from organics to other non-ice components in the rings and icy satellites and the role of nano-particles.
Thu May 8, 201411:00 am Alyssa Rhoden NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Finding Faults - What Charon's surface will teach us about orbital evolution and interior structure
Tue May 6, 201411:00 am Josh Kammer Caltech From Titan to Exoplanets: Across the Spectrum of Planetary Atmospheres
Thu May 1, 201411:00 am Alexandra Lockwood Caltech How Two Little Molecules Can Tell You a Whole Lot About Planets and Disks
Tue Apr 22, 201411:00 am Sarah Hörst University of Colorado, Boulder Understanding Haze Formation in Planetary Atmospheres: Lessons from the Lab
Mon Apr 21, 201411:00 am Aaron Cavosie University of Puerto Rico A Hadean zircon perspective on the early impact bombardment
Thu Apr 17, 201411:00 am Masanobu Kunitomo Tokyo Institute of Technology The formation and evolution of planetary systems around intermediate-mass stars
Wed Apr 16, 201411:00 am Melissa McGrath NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Aurora on Ganymede
Tue Apr 8, 201411:00 am Bill Cooke NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Flux of large meteoroids from lunar impact monitoring and infrasound
Tue Mar 25, 201411:00 am Derek Richardson University of Maryland Asteroids: Modeling the future of space exploration
Fri Mar 14, 201411:00 am Jason Barnes University of Idaho Spin-Orbit Alignment of Exoplanets from Gravity Darkening: Clues to the Origin of Hot Jupiters
Thu Mar 13, 201411:00 am Joseph Harrington University of Central Florida Two Classes of Exoplanets Identified Without Modeling
Tue Mar 11, 201411:00 am Isaac Smith Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Paris The spiral troughs of Mars: formation and variability
Fri Mar 7, 201411:00 am Marco Velli Jet Propulsion Laboratory Reconnection and turbulence in coronal heating and solar wind acceleration
Tue Mar 4, 201411:00 am Konstantin Batygin Harvard Chaotic Disintegration of the Inner Solar System
Thu Feb 27, 201411:00 am Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo Montana State University Building the Next-Generation of Model-Based Solar Cycle Predictions
Tue Feb 25, 201411:00 am Alexander Hayes Cornell University A Mariner’s Insights into Titan’s Hydrology: Glassy Seas, Fish Finders, and Mystery Islands
Tue Feb 18, 201411:00 am Bethany Ehlmann Caltech Aqueous Environments During Mars' First Billion Years: The View from Rovers and Orbiters
Tue Jan 28, 201411:00 am Claire Newman Ashima Research Mars Dust Cycle Modeling at Ashima Research
Tue Jan 21, 201411:00 am Daniel Tamayo Cornell University The dynamics and consequences of circumplanetary debris disks around the giant planets
Tue Jan 14, 201411:00 am Megan Schwamb Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astroph Planet Hunters: Searching for Exoplanets with 500,000 Eyes
Thu Jan 9, 201411:00 am Nat Gopalswamy NASA Goddard Space Flight Center How CMEs Became a Household Name in Heliophysics
Tue Dec 17, 201310:30 am Emily Martin University of Idaho Examining Icy Surface Tectonics: Establishing Enceladus’s Global Tectonic History
Tue Dec 3, 20133:00 pm Justin Trammell University of Houston Saturn's Atmosphere: Observations and Theory based on Cassini's Imaging Science Subsystem
Tue Nov 12, 201311:00 am Caleb Fassett Mount Holyoke College Rates of Landform Evolution on the Moon and Mars
Thu Oct 31, 201311:00 am Kevin Lewis Princeton Cyclic Sedimentation on Mars and the Origin of Mount Sharp
Wed Oct 30, 20132:00 pm Kelsi Singer Washington University in St. Louis Ejecta Fragment Size-Velocity Distributions from Secondary Crater fields on Icy Satellites and the Moon (and Pluto?)
Tue Oct 22, 201311:00 am Eric Wolf University of Colorado, Boulder Is the faint young Sun paradox solved?
Mon Sep 30, 201311:30 am Simon Porter Lowell Observatory Binaries and Dust in the Outer Solar System
Thu Sep 19, 201311:00 am Dante Lauretta Lunar and Planetary Institute Target of the OSIRIS-REx Sample-return Mission
Tue Aug 20, 201311:00 am Thomas Broiles SwRI San Antonio Radial Evolution of the Three Dimensional Structure in Solar Wind CIRs between Earth and Ulysses
Tue Aug 6, 201311:00 am Joseph Plowman Montana State University Temperature Reconstruction of Coronal Data
Thu Jul 25, 201311:00 am Ondřej Šrámek University of Maryland Geoneutrino perspective on Earth's heat budget and mantle structure
Tue Jul 23, 201311:00 am Sergey Kuzin Lebedev Physical Institute Solar space X-ray/EUV experiments in Russia at the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI)
Fri Jul 19, 201311:00 am Francois Forget Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Paris Modelling ices and atmospheres on Pluto and Triton
Tue Jul 16, 201311:00 am Alex Parker Harvard CfA The Excited Neptune Trojans: Evidence for a Pre-Heated Disk
Thu Jul 11, 201311:00 am Adriano Campo Bagatin Universidad de Alicante Internal structures of small Solar System bodies
Mon Jun 17, 201311:00 am Christina Richey NASA Headquarters ROSES 2013: An update on the Planetary Science Division R&A Program
Tue Jun 11, 201311:00 am Peng Hong University of Tokyo Titan’s degassing history constrained by the isotopic ratio and abundance of atmospheric Ar
Mon Jun 10, 201312:00 pm George Livadiotis SwRI Large-scale quantization in space plasmas
Thu May 30, 201311:00 am Andrew Shannon Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Growth of the Cold Classical Kuiper belt
Tue May 28, 201311:00 am Jean-Claude Gerard Universite de Liege / LPAP Twenty years of observations of giant planet aurorae with Hubble
Tue May 21, 201311:00 am Matthew Knight Lowell Observatory What’s the big deal about Comet ISON?
Mon May 6, 201311:00 am Rick Binzel MIT The Chelyabinsk Meteor and the Asteroid-Meteorite Connection
Tue Apr 30, 201311:00 am Cristina Thomas NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed Near-Earth Objects
Tue Apr 23, 201311:00 am Bertram Bitsch Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Type-I-Migration of low mass planets in gas discs
Thu Apr 18, 201311:00 am Alessandro Morbidelli Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Gas accretion by a Jovian planet
Tue Apr 16, 201311:00 am Rebecca Martin University of Colorado Accretion Outbursts on to Young Stars and Planets
Tue Apr 9, 201311:00 am Dave Blewett Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory MESSENGER's View of Hollows on Mercury, and Links to the Planet's High Volatile Content
Tue Apr 2, 201311:00 am Aaron Wolf Caltech Probing the dynamic properties of mantle rocks in solid and liquid states
Fri Mar 29, 201311:00 am Richard Frazin University of Michigan Evolution of the Global Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona During the Minimum between Solar Cycles 23 and 24
Tue Mar 26, 201311:00 am Tiffany Kataria LPL Weather on extrasolar worlds: Modeling the atmospheric circulation of hot Jupiters and super Earths
Tue Mar 12, 201311:00 am Kazuo Yoshioka JAXA/ISAS The Japanese EUV spectroscope for planetary science, EXCEED
Tue Mar 5, 201311:00 am Mark Ebersole NVIDIA Introduction to GPU Computing
Tue Feb 26, 201311:00 am Greg Kopp CU/LASP The Sun: The Engine Driving the Earth’s Climate
Tue Feb 19, 201311:00 am Tim Bulk Special Aerospace Services
Tue Feb 5, 201311:00 am Elisabeth Adams Harvard A debiased census of Kuiper Belt objects
Tue Jan 22, 201311:00 am Chris Ormel University of California-Berkeley Core formation: importance of small particles
Tue Jan 15, 201311:00 am Aaron Boley Univeristy of Florida High-Temperature Processing of Solids in Disks: Exploring The Signatures of Shocks
Thu Jan 10, 201311:00 am Scott Gleason Concordia University Principles and Earth Science Applications of GNSS Bistatic Radar
Mon Jan 7, 201311:00 am Amanda Bayless SwRI San Antonio Multi-Dimensional Study of Core Collapse Supernovae
Thu Dec 13, 201211:00 am Adam Masters ISAS/JAXA The interaction between the solar wind and Saturn's planetary magnetic field
Tue Nov 27, 201211:00 am Andrew Youdin University of Colorado Pluto: Better Than a Planet, a Circumbinary Planetary System
Tue Nov 13, 201211:00 am Scott Guzewich Johns Hopkins University High Altitude Dust Layers on Mars: Observations and Impact on the General Circulation
Tue Nov 6, 201211:00 am Alan Delamere Delamere Space Sciences HiRISE- An Out-of-this-World Imager
Tue Oct 30, 201211:00 am Alejandro Soto Caltech The Climate Dynamics of Atmospheric Collapse on Mars
Tue Oct 23, 201211:00 am Carl Melis UC San Diego Observations of Terrestrial Planet Formation
Mon Oct 15, 201211:00 am Jennifer Hanley University of Arkansas Finding Liquid Water on Mars... Today
Tue Oct 9, 201211:00 am Amanda Zangari MIT Plutography: A Meta-analysis of Coordinates on Pluto from Charon's discovery to the Present Day
Tue Oct 2, 201211:00 am Stephen Mojzsis University of Colorado The Rise and Demise of the primordial crust on Earth
Thu Sep 27, 201211:00 am Beth Biller Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Prospects for Comparative Exoplanetology
Tue Aug 21, 201211:00 am Isaac Smith University of Texas at Austin The North Polar Troughs of Mars as Aeolian Cyclic Steps: a framework for understanding the surface evolution on the north polar ice cap
Tue Jul 31, 201211:00 am Steve Desch Arizona State University Chondrule Formation in Bow Shocks around Planetary Embryos
Tue Jul 24, 201211:00 am Manuela Sornig Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln Probing Planetary Atmospheres - Ground-based Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy at the University of Cologne
Tue Jul 17, 201211:00 am Michael Busch UCLA/NRAO Twenty Years of Toutatis
Tue Jul 3, 201211:00 am Peter Read University of Oxford Banded zonal jets on Jupiter and Saturn: a laboratory for anisotropic geostrophic turbulence
Thu Apr 26, 20124:00 pm Jeff Moore NASA Ames The Landscape of Titan as Witness to its Climate Evolution
Tue Apr 24, 201211:00 am John Chambers Carnegie Institution of Washington The Role of Fragmentation in Late-Stage Planet Formation
Fri Apr 20, 20123:00 pm Bill Gibson SwRI A Career at SwRI: From the Moon to Pluto, a Tale Worth Telling
Tue Apr 17, 201211:00 am Bertrand Bonfond SwRI Boulder When Moons create Aurora
Tue Mar 27, 201211:00 am Megan Schwamb Yale University Extreme Orbits in the Outer Solar System
Fri Mar 23, 201211:00 am Denis Bodewits NASA-Goddard UV and X-ray observations of small bodies in the solar system
Tue Mar 20, 201211:00 am Walt Harris UC Davis Development of broadband, line resolved heterodyne spectroscopy for small telescopes and spacecraft
Tue Mar 13, 201211:00 am Britney Schmidt University of Texas at Austin Europa's Great Lakes
Tue Feb 28, 201211:00 am Matt Burger NASA/GSFC and Morgan State University/GESTAR Mercury's Exosphere as Revealed by MESSENGER
Tue Feb 14, 201211:00 am James Ashley Arizona State University What Meteorites on Mars tell us about Martian Climate History: Support for Extremes in Obliquity Cycling
Tue Feb 7, 201211:00 am Carol Paty Georgia Tech Enceladus' Plume: Perspectives from Simulations and Observations
Tue Jan 31, 201211:00 am Michael A'Hearn University of Maryland Do Comets Tell Us about the Early Solar System?
Fri Jan 27, 201211:00 am Laurence Young Apollo Professor of Astronautics, MIT Space accidents you may never have heard of and lessons learned
Tue Jan 24, 201211:00 am Seth Jacobson University of Colorado Small Asteroid Evolution
Tue Jan 17, 201211:00 am Conor Nixon NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Isotopic Ratios In Titan's Atmosphere: Clues to Origin and History
Tue Jan 10, 201211:00 am Kathy Mandt SwRI In-situ and laboratory studies of cave atmospheres
Fri Jan 6, 201211:00 am Noe Lugaz Univ. of Hawaii Propagation and Interaction of Coronal Mass Ejections: Views from STEREO and Numerical Modeling
Tue Dec 20, 201111:00 am Eric Schindhelm Univeristy of Colorado Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Interstellar and Circumstellar Diffuse Gas
Tue Nov 22, 201111:00 am Carly Howett SwRI Boulder Powerhouses to PacPeople: An update on the recent discoveries by Cassini/CIRS on the nature of the icy Saturnian satellite surfaces.
Wed Nov 16, 201111:00 am Don Hassler SwRI The Mars Science Laboratory: Measuring the Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars with the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
Tue Nov 15, 201111:00 am Hannah Jang-Condel University of Wyoming Gaps in Protoplanetary Disks as Probes of Planet Formation
Tue Oct 25, 201111:00 am Jacob Simon JILA/CU Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks: Defining the Environment for Planet Formation
Tue Oct 18, 201111:00 am Kevin Zahnle NASA Ames Dune: The Other Habitable Planet
Tue Oct 11, 201111:00 am Andrew Poppe Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley Various investigations of dust dynamics in the outer solar system: Implications for New Horizons
Tue Sep 27, 201111:00 am Jack Lissauer NASA Ames Formation of Low Density Super Earths
Tue Sep 20, 201111:00 am Scott Anderson SwRI Demonstration Of A Portable Approach For Rb-Sr Geochronology On The Boulder Creek Granite: Implications For Planetary Exploration
Tue Sep 13, 201111:00 am Andy Chaikin Exploration At Its Greatest: Living Up to Apollo's Legacy
Tue Aug 9, 201111:00 am Erin Ryan University of Minnesota New Asteroid Results from Spitzer Mid-IR surveys
Wed Aug 3, 201111:00 am Pete Roming SwRI Answering Tough Questions About the Early Universe with JANUS
Tue Jul 26, 201111:00 am Michele Bannister Mt Stromlo Observatory Dwarf Planets in the Southern Hemisphere Sky
Tue Jun 7, 201111:00 am Stephen Wood University of Washington Microphysics of Subsurface Climate in Planetary Regolith
Tue May 31, 201111:00 am Anna Haugsjaa Hughes University of Colorado Mixing of Dust in Protoplanetary Disks and the Solar Nebula
Wed Apr 27, 201112:30 pm Paul Feldman Johns Hopkins University Water on Mars: Atmospheric Escape of Hydrogen and Oxygen
Tue Apr 26, 201111:00 am Alyssa Rhoden University of California-Berkeley Cracking under the stress: Europa's orbit, tides, and fracture systems
Tue Apr 12, 201111:00 am Benjamin Weiss MIT Magnetic Records of Early Planetary Differentiation
Tue Apr 5, 201111:00 am Marco Delbo Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur The main belt origin of the asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta meteorites
Tue Mar 29, 201111:00 am Tim Michaels SwRI The wind as a geological agent: the messy details
Thu Mar 24, 201111:00 am Raina Gough University of Colorado Liquid water on Mars? - Laboratory studies of low temperature, metastable perchlorate phase transitions
Tue Mar 22, 201111:00 am Derek Richardson University of Maryland Numerical Simulations of Granular Dynamics
Wed Mar 16, 201111:00 am Meredith Wills CfA CMEs and the Solar Corona: Science helping the Public, and Vice Versa
Tue Mar 15, 201111:00 am Sarah Hörst University of Arizona Unraveling the Composition of Tholins Using Very High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Thu Mar 3, 201111:00 am Miriam Riner University of Hawaii Enigmatic Mercury – New Discoveries and Implications for Iron-Enrichment via Giant Impact
Tue Feb 22, 201111:00 am Daniel Fabrycky UC Santa Cruz Planetary Systems from Kepler
Tue Feb 15, 201111:00 am Renu Malhotra University of Arizona Asymmetric impact cratering on the Moon
Tue Feb 8, 201111:00 am Kaitlin Kratter CfA From Disks to Binaries and Planets
Tue Feb 1, 201111:00 am Paul Kalas University of California-Berkeley HST Imaging of Fomalhaut: Direct detection of an exosolar planet and Kuiper Belt around a nearby star
Tue Jan 18, 201111:00 am Francis Nimmo UC Santa Cruz Geodynamics of icy satellites
Fri Jan 14, 201111:00 am Jim Beletic Teledyne Technologies Imaging Sensor Technologies for Astronomy, Planetary Exploration, and Earth Observation
Tue Jan 4, 201111:00 am Brian Hynek University of Colorado Detailing the history of water on Mars and support for a former ocean
Wed Dec 8, 201011:00 am Josh Hopkins Lockheed Martin Plymouth Rock: Early Human Missions to Near Earth Asteroids
Tue Nov 30, 201011:00 am Kevin McGouldrick CU/LASP Quantifying the Evolution of the Venus Clouds
Wed Nov 10, 201011:00 am Robert Marcus Harvard The Role of Giant Impacts in Super-Earth Formation and Internal Structure
Fri Nov 5, 201011:00 am Julien Salmon Université Paris 7 - CEA Recent results on Saturn's rings: a small-scale protoplanetary disk?
Tue Nov 2, 201011:00 am Mike Mellon University of Colorado Mars: What's with all the Ice?
Tue Oct 26, 201011:00 am Scott McIntosh HAO/NCAR Type-II Spicules: The Rosetta Stone of the Solar Corona?
Tue Oct 19, 201011:30 am David Minton SwRI Unsolved Mysteries of the Asteroid Belt
30-minute talk
Tue Oct 19, 201011:00 am Constantine Tsang SwRI The Atmospheres of Venus and Io
30-minute talk
Fri Sep 17, 20104:00 pm Paul Schenk Lunar and Planetary Institute Histories of Saturn's Midsize Icy Satellites: A Record of Saturn System Dynamics
Fri Aug 27, 201011:00 am Shawn Brooks JPL Exploring Saturn's Rings in the Thermal Infrared with Cassini CIRS
Tue Aug 24, 201011:00 am Christopher Dreyer Colorado School of Mines The In Situ Rock Thin Section Instrument for Space Exploration
Wed Aug 18, 201011:00 am Colin Wilson Oxford University The unpleasant clouds of Venus - what can current and future missions tell us about their composition and structure?
Wed Aug 11, 20102:00 pm Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta Indian Institute of Astrophysics Oscillations and heating of the Solar Chromosphere at the sites of fine scale features as seen with Hinode/SOT & SoHO/MDI
Thu Jul 29, 20104:00 pm Thomas Whitaker Tom J. Whitaker Consulting Isotopic Selectivity in Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy
Tue May 4, 201011:00 am Dimitri Veras Univeristy of Florida The Flames of Resonance: Two Hot Topics in Two-Planet Exosystems
Tue Apr 27, 201011:00 am Channon Visscher Lunar and Planetary Institute New Chemical Models for Substellar Atmospheres
Tue Apr 20, 201011:00 am Steve Hauck Case Western Reserve University Iron snow in planetary cores
Thu Apr 15, 201011:00 am Jeff Johnson USGS Flagstaff Fe-Ni Meteorites Discovered by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
Tue Apr 13, 201011:00 am Bob Pappalardo JPL Titan: An Exogenic World?
Thu Apr 8, 201011:00 am Dave McComas SwRI IBEX - The Interstellar Boundary Explorer: From New Rockets to a New Vision of the Heliosphere
Tue Apr 6, 201011:00 am Jasper Kok NCAR Boulder Transport and electrification of dust and sand on Mars
Tue Mar 30, 201011:00 am Benjamin Brown University of Wisconsin-Madison Cyclic wreath-building dynamos in simulations of solar-type stars
Thu Mar 25, 201011:00 am Junho Shin Montana State University The Off-Axis Properties of the Solar X-Ray Telescopes: I. Evaluation of the Vignetting Effect
Tue Mar 23, 201011:00 am Joseph Boardman Analytical Imaging and Geophysics NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1 : Instrument, Mission, Data and Discoveries
Thu Mar 18, 201011:00 am Stanley G. Love NASA Johnson Space Center Space Shuttle Mission STS-122: Adding a New Laboratory to the International Space Station.
Dr. Love flew as a Mission Specialist on STS-122 Atlantis, Feb 7-20, 2008
Tue Mar 16, 201011:00 am Andrew Youdin Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss: Why Planet Formation is Consistent with Long-Lived T Tauri Disks and the Preservation of Meteoritic Inclusions
Thu Mar 11, 201011:00 am Derek Lamb Catholic University of America / NASA Goddard Solar Coronal Mass Ejections in the STEREO Era
Wed Feb 24, 20104:00 pm Clency Lee-Yow Custom Microwave Inc. Custom Microwave Instruments
Tue Feb 23, 201011:00 am Kimberly Ennico NASA Ames LCROSS, the lunar hitch-hiker that made an impact (literally!) on our how we view our Moon and its science secrets
Thu Feb 18, 201011:00 am Katherine Kretke UC Santa Cruz Planet Traps: Forming Planets in MRI-active disks
Tue Feb 16, 201011:00 am Lindy Elkins‑Tanton MIT Early planetary evolution: From planetesimals to water oceans
Wed Feb 10, 20104:00 pm Kevin Walsh Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Spinning Asteroids to Pieces: Forming Asteroid Satellites
Tue Feb 9, 201011:00 am Amara Graps SwRI Boulder Watering the Earth
Thu Feb 4, 201011:00 am Stefan Cos Cypress/Filfactory, Belgium CMOS Image Sensors
Thu Jan 28, 201011:00 am Nathan Kaib University of Washington A New Source for Old Comets
Tue Jan 26, 201011:00 am Angela Zalucha MIT An analysis of Pluto occultation light curves using an atmospheric radiative-conductive model
Tue Jan 19, 201011:00 am Alexis Rodriguez Planetary Science Institute Formation of Chaotic Terrains in Southern Circum-Chryse and Outflow Channel Activity
Tue Jan 12, 201011:00 am Laurel Rachmeler CU/SwRI Fluxon modeling of energetic solar eruptions
Tue Jan 5, 201011:00 am Michelle Selvans Caltech Internal structure of Planum Boreum from MARSIS data
Fri Dec 18, 20099:30 am Henry Throop SwRI Boulder Planet Formation in Dense Star Clusters
Fri Dec 4, 20099:30 am Janet Vertesi University of California, Irvine The Social Life of Spacecraft: Lessons from the Human Side of Robotic Space Exploration
Tue Nov 17, 200911:00 am Steve Ruff Arizona State University Exploring Mars in the Thermal Infrared
Fri Nov 13, 200911:00 am Eberhard Gruen Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik Mass Spectrometry of Planetary Objects
Tue Nov 10, 200911:00 am Barbara Cohen NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Good things in small packages: Geochemistry and geochronology of impact-melt clasts from the Moon and meteorites
Thu Oct 29, 20092:00 pm Robert Michell SwRI San Antonio Ground-based auroral observations
Tue Oct 6, 200911:00 am Eugene Romashets Prairie View A&M Asymmetric magnetic field inside a cylindrical flux rope
Wed Sep 16, 20093:30 pm David Minton University of Arizona LPL Dynamical History of the Asteroid Belt and Implications for Planetary Bombardment
Fri Aug 21, 200911:00 am Jack Gosling CU LASP Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind: An Overview
Tue Aug 11, 200911:00 am Jeff Andrews-Hanna Colorado School of Mines Large-scale crustal structure and tectonics of Mars
Tue Jul 28, 200911:00 am Sarah Stewart-Mukhopadhyay Harvard Modeling the Morphological Diversity of Impact Craters on Icy Satellites
Fri Jul 24, 20093:00 pm Anne Verbiscer University of Virginia Spitzer MIPS Observations in the Vicinity of Saturn
Wed Jul 8, 200911:00 am Tim Howard SwRI Boulder The Future of Space Weather Research and Forecasting
Thu Jun 25, 200911:00 am Clare Parnell University of St. Andrews The Role of Magnetic Null Points in the Solar Atmosphere
Tue Jun 16, 200911:00 am Bill Cooke NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Impacts on the Moon and Fireballs in the Sky: Detecting cm-sized objects in near-Earth space
Tue May 26, 200911:00 am Mike Skrutskie University of Virginia TBD
Fri May 15, 200911:00 am Chip Kobulnicky University of Wyoming New Treasures of the Milky Way in the Spitzer GLIMPSE Legacy Survey
Thu May 7, 200911:00 am Carla Johnson Waterstone Web-based Science Data Applications
Tue May 5, 200911:00 am Nilton Renno University of Michigan Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence for Liquid Water on Mars
Tue Apr 21, 200911:00 am Kirk Johnson Denver Museum of Nature & Science The K-T Boundary in Nonmarine Settings or, What Happens When Impact Ejecta Lands in the Woods
Fri Apr 17, 200911:00 am Michelle Kirchoff Lunar and Planetary Institute Geologic and Bombardment Histories of Saturn’s Mid-sized Satellites: Insights from Cratering Recor
Tue Apr 7, 200911:00 am Jack Burns University of Colorado Astrophysics from the Moon
Fri Mar 20, 200911:00 am Joseph Masiero Institute for Astronomy The Thousand Asteroid Light Curve Survey
Tue Mar 17, 20092:00 pm Nick Schneider LASP and APS No Sodium in Enceladus Vapor Plumes
Tue Mar 3, 200910:30 am Zeljko Ivezic University of Washington Mapping the Solar System: from SDSS to LSST
Thu Feb 19, 20094:00 pm Ken Farley Caltech Late Eocene & late Miocene cosmic dust events: Comet showers, asteroid collisions or lunar impacts?
Wed Feb 18, 200911:00 am Hilke Schlichting Caltech Binaries and Small Objects in the Kuiper Belt
Tue Feb 3, 200911:00 am Andrea Schweitzer Little Thompson Observatory The International Year of Astronomy 2009
Tue Jan 27, 200911:00 am Michael Bland Washington University The production of Ganymede's magnetic field
Tue Jan 13, 200911:00 am Susanne Schwenzer LPI Impact craters on Noachian Mars: Potential places of hydrothermal activity and clay formation
Tue Oct 28, 200811:00 am John Helbert Institut fur Planetenforschung Two Years Exploring the Surface of Venus with VIRTIS on Venus Express - And What is Up Next
Tue Sep 16, 200811:00 am Margariter Marinova Caltech Geophysical Consequences of Planetary-scale Impacts and the Formation of the Mars Dichotomy
Fri Sep 12, 200811:00 am David Brain Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley Aurora in the Lumpy Magnetic Fields of Mars
Tue Sep 2, 200811:00 am Nick Moskowitz Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii Characterizing the Population of Basaltic Asteroids in the Main Belt
Tue Jul 29, 200811:00 am Steve Desch Arizona State University Kuiper Belt Double Feature
Fri Jul 11, 200811:00 am John Stansberry University of Arizona Far-IR Detection of Seasonal Change on Triton
Tue Jun 24, 200811:00 am Geoff Collins Wheaton College The Origin of Grooved Terrain On Ganymede
Tue Jun 3, 200811:00 am Amara Graps SwRI Boulder Wavelets, A Tool for Science
Tue May 13, 200811:00 am Panos Patsis Academy of Athens Order, Chaos and the Spiral Morphology of Disk Galaxies
Tue May 6, 200811:00 am Paul Dusenbery Space Science Institute The Art of Science Communication
Tue Apr 15, 200811:00 am Clark Chapman SwRI Boulder New Insights About the Geology of Mercury from MESSENGER's First Flyby
Tue Apr 1, 200811:00 am Pablo Bauleo Colorado State University Recent results and status of the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory
Tue Mar 25, 20082:00 pm Teresa Segura Northrop Grumman TBD
Tue Mar 11, 200811:00 am Jonathan Mitchell Institute for Advanced Study Understanding Titan from the perspective of Earth's climate
Tue Mar 4, 200811:00 am Leon Ofman Catholic University of America and NASA/GSFC Observations and models of MHD waves in the solar corona
Mon Feb 25, 200811:00 am Jeremie Vaubaillon Caltech Cometary dust in the Solar System: dynamics and direct observation with Spitzer
Tue Jan 22, 200811:00 am Aymeric Spiga Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Paris Numerical simulations of regional-scale meteorology on Mars
Mon Nov 19, 20072:00 pm Cary Zeitlin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Space radiation: Measurements and risk mitigation
Tue Nov 6, 20074:00 pm Jack Lissauer NASA Ames Terrestrial planet growth in binary star systems and the Kepler mission
Mon Nov 5, 200711:00 am Andrew Hoover Los Alamos National Laboratory GLAST Gamma-ray Burst Monitor: Instrument response modeling and simulation
Fri Oct 26, 200711:00 am Philippe Claeys University of Brussels Asteroid or comet showers and periods of elevated bombardments on Earth viewed from a geological perspective
Tue Oct 23, 200711:00 am Philip Bidstrup University of Copenhagen Space-based detection of meter-sized objects in the asteroid belt
Fri Oct 19, 200711:00 am Alessandro Morbidelli Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Crucial dynamical phases in solar system formation
Tue Oct 2, 200711:00 am William Bottke SwRI Boulder An asteroid breakup 160 Myr ago as the probable source of the K/T impactor
Thu Sep 27, 200711:00 am Kevin Zahnle NASA Ames The earth after the moon-forming impact
Fri Aug 17, 20072:00 pm Darrell Sims SwRI San Antonio Ganymede
Thu Aug 16, 200711:00 am Marc Buie Lowell Observatory Pluto's New Satellites
Thu Jul 26, 200711:00 am Brian Welsch Tests and Comparisons of Photospheric Velocity Estimation Techniques
Tue Jul 17, 200711:00 am Isidora Jankov CIRA, Colorado State University A Mixed Physics Ensemble Approach to Improve Rainfall Prediction
Tue Jul 10, 20072:00 pm David Fanning Catalyst Library: Now Even Scientists Can Write Elegant IDL Programs!
Tue Jul 10, 200711:00 am Alysha Reinard Comparisons between Remote and In-Situ Coronal Mass Ejection Observations
Tue Jun 26, 200711:00 am Jude Sabato Jet Propulsion Laboratory Effects of Dust Loading on Baroclinic Eddies in the Martian Atmosphere
Tue Jun 19, 20072:00 pm Erika Barth SwRI Boulder Convection, Clouds, and Precipitation on Titan
Tue May 22, 200711:00 am Scot Rafkin SwRI Boulder Radiative-Dynamic Feedback Between Atmospheric Dust Disturbances and the Surface of Mars
Thu May 17, 200711:00 am Ellen Howell Arecibo Observatory Asteroid and comet observations at Arecibo
Tue May 15, 200711:00 am Victoria Hamilton University of Hawaii Global Distribution, Composition, and Abundance of Olivine, Pyroxene, and Feldspar Minerals on Mars
Mon May 14, 200711:00 am Scott Anderson University of Hawaii The Mars Age eXperiment (MAX)
Thu May 10, 20073:00 pm James D. Armstrong University of Hawaii Atmospheric Helioseismology: Releasing the Hounds
Tue Apr 24, 200711:00 am Rob Whiteley University of Arizona Monolithic fast-rotating asteroids
Mon Apr 23, 20072:00 pm Valeria Mangano Institute of Physics of Interplanetary Space, Rome The exosphere of Mercury: Sodium observations and meteoritic simulations in view of the Bepicolombo mission
Mon Apr 23, 200711:00 am Amara Graps Institute of Physics of Interplanetary Space, Rome and Planetary Science Institute Charged dust odysseys
Wed Apr 18, 200710:30 am Ed Friedman Ball Aerospace Spacecraft and instrumentation capabilities at Ball Aerospace
Tue Apr 17, 200711:00 am David Vokrouhlicky Charles University, Prague and SwRI Boulder Capture of irregular satellites by 3-body interactions
Wed Mar 28, 200711:00 am Rachel Mastrapa NASA Ames Amorphous and crystalline ice in the solar system
Thu Mar 8, 200711:00 am Nathaniel Putzig Washington University in St. Louis Mars in 3D: Layering from thermal and radar investigations
Tue Feb 6, 200711:00 am Sean Raymond University of Colorado Formation of habitable terrestrial planets like and unlike our own
Wed Jan 31, 200711:00 am Justin Hagerty Los Alamos National Laboratory Hydrothermal activity at the Lonar Lake impact structure: Implications for impact cratering on Mars
Tue Jan 23, 200710:30 am Peter Schultz Brown University The Moon: Dead or Alive?
Tue Jan 16, 200711:00 am Ted Von Hippel University of Texas at Austin White Dwarf Debris Disks: The Fate of Planetary Systems?
Tue Dec 19, 200611:00 am Larry Esposito University of Colorado Latest Cassini UVIS results on ring origin and Enceladus
Tue Dec 5, 200611:00 am Chris Reese Washington University in St. Louis The Mars Topographic Dichotomy
Fri Nov 17, 200611:00 am Lori Fenton Arizona State University Global Warming on Mars: How Albedo Changes Impact Climate Change
Mon Nov 13, 200611:00 am Melinda Kahre NASA Ames Investigations of the Martian Dust Cycle with the NASA Ames General Circulation Model
Tue Nov 7, 200611:00 am Justin Hagerty Los Alamos National Laboratory Forward Modeling of Thorium Data from the Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer
Tue Oct 17, 200611:00 am Michael Smith NASA Goddard Mars Exploration Rover Mini-TES
Tue Aug 8, 200611:00 am Brad Dalton NASA Ames The Surface Composition of Europa
Fri Jul 28, 200611:00 am Jack Burns University of Colorado Astronomy from the Moon
Tue Jul 25, 200611:00 am Mark Lewis Trinity University Impact of Particle Self-Gravity and Size Distributions on Features Around Embedded Moonlets
Mon Jun 5, 200611:00 am Ted Von Hippel University of Texas White Dwarfs, Debris Disks, and the Fate of Planetary Systems
Mon May 1, 200611:00 am Carl Mitcham Colorado School of Mines The Social Construction of Astronomy
Thu Apr 27, 200611:00 am Amy Barr Washington University in St. Louis Roles of grain size evolution and tidal heating in icy satellite geodynamics
Mon Mar 13, 200611:00 am Scott McIntosh SwRI Boulder Two Sides of the Same Coin: Does the Magnetic Carpet Fill the Energy Reservoir of the Solar Atmosphere?
Mon Feb 27, 200611:00 am Dan Scheeres University of Michigan Stability of binary asteroids formed through fission
Tue Feb 14, 200611:00 am Bill Bottke SwRI Boulder Iron meteorites as remnants of planetesimals formed in the terrestrial planet region
Mon Feb 6, 200611:00 am Stephen Mojzsis University of Colorado Pre-Archaen thermal events on Earth: Vestiges of a battered youth, or excessive growing pains?
Wed Dec 21, 200511:00 am Ralph Lorenz University of Arizona New Results from the Huygens Probe
Thu Dec 8, 200511:00 am Brett Gladman University of British Columbia Observational Bias in the Kuiper Belt
Tue Nov 8, 200511:00 am Doug Robertson University of Colorado Survival in the first hours of the Cenozoic
Tue Oct 25, 200511:00 am Pablo Bauleo Colorado State University The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory
Fri Oct 14, 200512:00 pm Paul Feldman Johns Hopkins University HST Observations of Deep Impact
Tue Oct 11, 200510:00 am Jim Bell Cornell University Martian Mountaineering: Recent Results from the Spirit Rover
Tue Sep 20, 200511:00 am Brian Enke SwRI Boulder Human vs. Robotic Space Exploration
Wed Aug 24, 200511:00 am Keith Harrison SwRI Boulder Hydrology of Early Mars: Aspects of valley network and outflow channel formation
Fri Aug 19, 200511:00 am Stan Peale UCSC Mercury, MESSENGER, and Radar
Mon May 23, 200511:00 am Renu Malhotra University of Arizona The origin of planetary impactors in the inner solar system
Thu May 19, 200511:00 am Rebecca Castano Jet Propulsion Laboratory Flight software that detects and responds to science events: Results of the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
Tue May 3, 200511:00 am Roger Clark USGS Denver Compositional Mapping of Rings and Satellites in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS
Tue Apr 26, 200511:00 am Sean Casey NASA Ames SOFIA: Astronomers Return to the Stratosphere
Fri Apr 15, 200511:00 am Max Bernstein NASA Ames NIR Lab Spectra of Solid CO2/H2O Mixtures
Tue Apr 12, 200511:00 am Mike DiSanti NASA-Goddard The volatile carbon-oxygen chemistry in comets: Measuring conversion efficiencies for CO in grain mantles
Tue Apr 5, 200511:00 am Nick Moeckel CASA, University of Colorado Protostellar disk collisions
Tue Mar 8, 200511:00 am Shawn Brooks Jet Propulsion Laboratory Ring Fever: Cassini CIRS takes the temperature of Saturn's Rings
Tue Mar 1, 200511:00 am Giovanni De Angelis LARC Astronaut Radiation Safety
Tue Feb 22, 200511:00 am Ralph Lorenz University of Arizona Titan: Cassini RADAR results and Huygens Highlights
Tue Feb 15, 200511:00 am Andrew Youdin Princeton The Formation of Planetesimals
Fri Feb 4, 20054:00 pm Jeremy Bailey Australian Center for Astrobiology, Macquarie University Studying the Martian Atmosphere with Ground-Based Telescopes
Wed Feb 2, 200511:00 am Robert Pappalardo University of Colorado Tectonics of Icy Satellites
Tue Jan 18, 200511:00 am Nathan Schwadron SwRI From the Kuiper belt, to dust, pickup ions, and Anomalous Cosmic Rays: The Outer Source
Wed Jan 5, 200511:00 am Kirk Johnson Denver Museum of Nature and Science Plants and the K-T boundary: Mulitple lines of evidence for mass mayhem
Wed Dec 15, 200411:00 am David Kring LPL Inner Solar System Bombardment and its Possible Influence on the Origin and Evolution of Life
Tue Nov 23, 200411:00 am Webster Cash University of Colorado New Worlds Observer
Mon Nov 22, 20044:00 pm Steve Smith SwRI Ballooning opportunities at NASA and SwRI
Tue Nov 9, 200411:00 am Peter Eggleton Lawrence Livermore Near-Contact Binaries
Fri Nov 5, 200411:00 am Tony Colaprete NASA Ames Mars Clouds
Wed Nov 3, 200411:00 am Dirk Terrell SwRI Boulder Photometric Mass Ratios of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Mon Nov 1, 200411:00 am Menios Tsiganis Observatoire de Nice Orbital excitation of the giant planets and its relation to the late heavy bombardment
Tue Oct 19, 200411:00 am Douglas Wesley UCAR/COMET The 2003 Front Range Snow Storm
Tue Oct 12, 200411:00 am Andrea Schweitzer SwRI Boulder Project ASTRO and E/PO at SwRI
Fri Oct 1, 200411:00 am Ben Bussey Applied Physics Laboratory The Lunar poles: An ideal future outpost?
Fri Sep 24, 20044:00 pm Ralph McNutt Applied Physics Laboratory The MESSENGER mission to Mercury
Tue Aug 24, 200411:00 am Cristian Beauge University of Cordoba Planetary Migration and Resonant Extrasolar Planets
Tue Aug 3, 200411:00 am Alan Stern SwRI Boulder Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore: The Alice UVS Spectrometer Investigation Aboard The Rosetta Comet Orbiter
Tue Jun 29, 200411:00 am John Spencer SWRI Boulder Cassini Update: Initial CIRS Results from Phoebe, and a Preview of Saturn Orbit Insertion
Thu May 6, 200411:00 am Francis Nimmo UCLA Deformation and Heat Fluxes on Icy Satellites
Tue May 4, 200411:00 am Bill Farrand University of Colorado A topic on MER (TBD)
Mon Apr 12, 200411:00 am Scott McIntosh NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Investigating solar chromospheric topography
Mon Mar 22, 200411:00 am Paul Boerner Stanford University Coronal Diagnostics Derived from Multilayer Images
Tue Mar 16, 200411:00 am Chad Trujillo Gemini Observatory The Brightest Kuiper Belt Objects: Discovery, Populations, and Primordial Formation Scenarios
Fri Mar 12, 200411:00 am Sara Magrin SwRI Search and Spectroscopic Study of Solar System Minor Planets: Telescopic Observations
Tue Mar 9, 20044:00 pm Dennis Ebetts Ball Aerospace The James Webb Space Telescope
Tue Mar 2, 200411:00 am Keith Harrison SwRI Boulder Tharsis Recharge: A Source of Water for the Martian Outflow Channels
Fri Feb 27, 200411:00 am Gordon Chin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center The VESPER mission to Venus
Tue Feb 24, 200411:00 am Brian Hynek University of Colorado Martian Water on the Brain: Initial Results from the Mars Exploration Rovers
Fri Jan 30, 200411:00 am Bruce Jakosky University of Colorado Thermal Inertia of the MER Landing Sites
Fri Jan 9, 200411:00 am Anatoli Pavlov Russian Astrobiology Center Martian Bugs on Earth?! Where to Look for Martian Life
Tue Dec 23, 200311:00 am Kandis Lea Jessup Lowell Observatory Perspectives on Io's Atmosphere: New Insights and Old Nags
Thu Dec 18, 200311:00 am Cathy Olkin Lowell Observatory The Mass Ratio of Pluto and Charon and Its Implications
Tue Dec 16, 200311:00 am Leslie Young SwRI Boulder Triton's Thermosphere: Another Energy Crisis?
Tue Dec 9, 200311:00 am Hal Levison SwRI Boulder The Role of Giant Planets in Terrestrial Planet Formation and Habitability
Tue Dec 2, 200311:00 am Suzanne Traub-Metlay Front Range Community College The Russian and Chinese Space Programs
Fri Sep 19, 200311:00 am Michael Drake University of Arizona LPL Chemical clues to the width of feeding zones of the terrestrial planets
Fri Sep 12, 200311:00 am Tom Krimigis Applied Physics Laboratory Out of the Solar System, at last: Voyager 1 Exits the Solar Wind at 85 AU
Wed Jul 30, 20032:00 pm Robert Haberle NASA Ames The Pascal Mars Scout Mission
Tue Jun 17, 200311:00 am John Spencer Lowell Observatory Io's Lopsided Atmosphere
Mon Jun 16, 200311:30 am Bob Grimm Blackhawk Geoservices and LASP Geophysical Characterization of Groundwater on Mars
Tue May 20, 200311:00 am David Kaufmann SwRI Boulder Modelling Bar/Spiral Structure in Galaxies
Tue May 13, 200311:00 am Bill Bottke SwRI Boulder The Tidal Distortion and Disruption of Near-Earth Asteroids
Tue May 6, 200311:00 am Leslie Young SwRI Boulder Triton's Thermosphere: Another Energy Crisis?
Wed Apr 30, 200311:00 am David Klaus University of Colorado Bioastronautics
Wed Apr 23, 200311:00 am Alfred McEwen University of Arizona High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Fri Apr 18, 200311:00 am Bob Pappalardo University of Colorado Geology of Europa: Where Are We Now?
Thu Apr 10, 200311:00 am Phil Plait Sonoma State University Astronomy Hoaxes, Psuedoscience and Basic Misconceptions
Tue Apr 1, 200311:00 am Dirk Terrell SwRI Boulder Some Recent Work on Non-degenerate Binary Stars (plus a few astronomy bloopers from the literature!)
Tue Mar 25, 200311:00 am Luke Dones SwRI Boulder Formation of the Oort Cloud
Tue Mar 11, 200311:00 am Robert Zubrin and Kevin Shoemaker Mars Society Adventures at the Mars Desert Research Station
Tue Mar 4, 20034:00 pm Paul Weissman Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Size Distribution of Jupiter Family Comets
Tue Feb 25, 200311:00 am Casey Lisse University of Maryland Update on Deep Impact... Deeper and Deeper
Thu Feb 20, 200311:00 am Robert Jedicke University of Hawaii The Spacewatch Project: Unveiling the Origins of Near Earth Objects
Tue Feb 18, 200311:00 am Stephen Mojzsis University of Colorado MIF in BIF: A record of the early terrestrial atmosphere and biosphere in the chemistry of sulfur isotopes
Wed Feb 12, 200311:00 am Jon Stocke University of Colorado Where are the Baryons in the Local Universe?
Wed Feb 5, 200310:30 am Will Grundy Lowell Observatory Discovery of CO2 Ice on the Uranian Satellite Ariel
Fri Jan 31, 200311:00 am Guy Consolmagno SJ Vatican Observatory The History of the Vatican Observatory
Tue Jan 28, 200311:00 am David Vokrouhlicky Charles University, Czech Republic The Outlook for Directly Detecting the Yarkovsky Effect on Observed Asteroids
Tue Jan 21, 200311:00 am Andrea Schweitzer SwRI Boulder Chasing dSph Galaxies Over Half a Century: How They Unveil the Dark Matter in our Galaxy
Tue Jan 14, 200311:00 am Phil Nicholson SwRI Boulder Radar Observations of Saturn's Rings
Wed Dec 18, 200211:00 am Nick Hoffman U. of Melbourne, Australia White Mars
Wed Dec 4, 200211:00 am Alexander Pavlov University of Colorado
Wed Nov 27, 200211:00 am Carle Pieters Brown University The Enormous South Pole-Aitken Basin: What we know and what we want to know
Fri Nov 22, 200211:00 am Roman Rafikov Princeton Gap Formation by Non-linear Shocks
Wed Nov 20, 200211:00 am Yuhong Fan HAO/NCAR Coronal Magnetic Field Associated with Eruptive Solar Activity
Wed Nov 13, 200211:00 am Josh Colwell University of Colorado Marbles in Space: Experimental Studies of Collisions in Planetary Rings and Protoplanetary Disks
Wed Nov 6, 200211:00 am Dave Young SwRI San Antonio Sampling the Plasma Universe: Saturn, Borrelly and Earth
Thu Oct 31, 200210:00 am Phil Nicholson Cornell, on sabbatical at SwRI Searches for Irregular Satellites of Uranus and Saturn
Wed Oct 23, 200211:00 am Mike Shull University of Colorado New FUSE Results on the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium
Mon Oct 21, 200210:30 am Meredith Wills-Davey Montana State Wave Propagation on the Sun: Finding New Ways to Learn about the Solar Corona
Fri Oct 18, 200211:00 am Jim Cravens SwRI San Antonio
Mon Oct 14, 200211:00 am Heikki Salo University of Oulu, Finland Viscous Oscillatory Instability of Dense Planetary Rings
Wed Oct 2, 200211:00 am Phil Armitage University of Colorado Growth and Migration of Giant Planets within Evolving Protoplanetary Disks
Wed Sep 25, 200211:00 am Brian Enke SwRI Boulder Human Exploration of Mars - What are we waiting for?
Fri Sep 20, 200211:00 am Doug Englehart Digital Globe Quick Bird Commercial Remote Sensing Mission
Wed Sep 11, 200212:00 pm Mike A'Hearn University of Maryland Deep Impact and Cometary Unknowns
Wed Sep 4, 200211:00 am Jim Green University of Colorado The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Wed Aug 28, 200211:00 am Tony Muscatello Pioneer Astronautics METAMARS-Methane to Aromatics
Mon Aug 12, 20024:00 pm John Wilson Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA Synthesis of Mars Spacecraft Data with a Mars General Circulation Model
Fri Jul 19, 20024:00 pm John Spencer Lowell Observatory New Windows on Io's Atmosphere
Tue Jul 16, 20024:00 pm David Ferrill SwRI Boulder Faulting on Mars versus Earth: Influence of different gravity on fault geometry
Mon Jul 15, 20024:00 pm Dave Tholen University of Hawaii Short Arc Orbit Solutions
Fri Jul 12, 20024:00 pm M. Coleman Miller University of Maryland Black Hole Dynamics in Stellar Clusters
Mon Jul 1, 200212:00 pm Carter Emmart Director of Astrovisualization, Rose Center for Earth and Space, American Museum of Natural History Free 3D Universe Atlas on a Laptop
Tue Jun 25, 20024:00 pm Nathan Bridges Jet Propulsion Laboratory Sand at Work on Mars: The Story of Rock Abrasion and Other Mysteries
Fri Jun 7, 20024:00 pm Joe Harrington Cornell University Physics of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts
Fri May 24, 20024:00 pm Nathan Bridges Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Damp Red Planet: Gully Erosion and Ice Melting on Mars Today
Wed May 8, 20024:00 pm Blair Savage University of Wisconsin-Madison FUSE Observations of O VI in the Galactic Halo and Beyond
Tue May 7, 20024:30 pm Mike Kaplan Boeing SVS - Boulder Architecture Study for the Terrestrial Planet Finder
Mon Apr 29, 200211:00 am USAF Brig. Gen. Simon Pete Worden US Space Command, Peterson AFB Colorado Springs Perspectives on the Space Program -- Both Military and Civilian
Thu Apr 25, 200211:00 am Jennifer Grier Planetary Science Institute Understanding The Timing of Recent Impact Events: A Multidisciplinary View
Thu Apr 18, 20024:00 pm Leslie Sage Senior Editor, Nature How to Publish a Letter in Nature
Fri Apr 12, 20024:00 pm Bill Farrand Space Science Institute Detection of low abundance materials at the Mars Pathfinder landing site using sub-pixel analysis techniques
Wed Jan 23, 20024:00 pm Dan Britt University of Tennessee The Geology of the Mars Pathfinder Site
Fri Jan 18, 20024:00 pm Dennis Ebbets Ball Aerospace Phenomenology of exo-solar terrestrial planets, and implications for NASA's TPF mission
Tue Jan 15, 20024:00 pm Alan Stern SwRI Boulder The New Horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt Mission: No More Secrets
Fri Jan 11, 200212:00 pm Steve Squyres Cornell University The 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Wed Jan 9, 200210:30 am Eugene Chiang University of California-Berkeley Dynamics of Planetary Rings and Extrasolar Planets