Curriculum Vitae
A PDF version of my cv.... and selected reprints are below.
Personal Information
Name: | Kevin John Walsh | ![]() | |
Address: |
Southwest Research Institute 1050 Walnut St. Suite 400 Boulder, CO 80302 USA | ||
Phone: | 1 720 208 7205 | ||
Home page: |
Graduate: | Ph.D. Astronomy, University of Maryland -- November 2006 [My dissertation (PDF)] |
M.S. Astronomy, University of Maryland -- 2002 | |
Undergraduate: | B.S. Physics and Computing, University of Notre Dame -- 2000 |
NASA MATISSE (2022) as Co-I | |
NASA SSW (2021) | |
NSF AST (2020) | |
NASA SSERVI (2017) | Deputy-PI on Project Espresso |
NSF AST (2014) | Asteroid Belt History through a Calibrated Survey of Asteroid Families |
NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics (2012) | Preserving Shape and Spin Information in Asteroid Catastrophic Collisions |
Trestles Supercomputer (XSEDE) | 1.5 million compute hours for 2013 |
Stampede Supercomputer (TACC-XSEDE) | 100,000 hours startup allocation |
Comet Supercomputer (XSEDE) | 800,000 compute hours for 2015/2016 |
Space Mission Invovlement
Walsh is a Co-Investigator on NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission since 2012, and is now the lead scientist for the Regolith Development Working Group. This Working Group is tasked with compiling all information to constrain the nature and history of geologic material on the surface of the target asteroid Bennu, including building maps of sampleable regions to help select sample sites.
Recent Invited Talks
- Apophis T-7 meeting, May 2022
- MMX Science Team Meeting, JAXA, March 2022
- Astronomy Colloquium, University of Maryland, March 2021
- Invited Talk, NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 2020
- Geology Colloquium, University of Colorado, March 2020
- Astronomy Colloquium, University of Michigan, October 2019
- Invited Talk, Main Belt Gateway, Sardinia, June 2019
- Lecturer, Petnica Summer School, Serbia, June 2018
- Invited Talk, First Billion Years of Accretion, August 2017
- Invited Talk, Disk Formation Workshop, Leiden, July 2017
- Invited Talk, "Early constraints from the Asteroid Belt", Chondrules As Astrophysical Objects, May 2017
- Invited Talk, "Geological Activity within and on Airless Bodies", Goldschmidt conference, June 2016
- Invited Talk at Science In Japan Forum pre-Workshop, Washington DC, June 9, 2016
- Invited Talk at Primitive Material in the Solar System II, Villefranche sur Mer, June 7, 2016
- Lunch Talk, "Geology of Rubble Pile Asteroids", UC Santa Cruz, Feb 3, 2016
- Seminar, "Planets to Planetesimals", UC Santa Cruz, Feb 2, 2016
- Invited Talk, "Timing and Timescales in the Grand Tack Model of Planet Formation", AGU fall meeting, December 15 2015
- Invited Talk, "Giant Planet Migration and Volatile Transport in the Early Solar System", Kavli Frontiers of Science Indo-American Symposium, August 10, 2015
- Invited Talk, "Forming Terrestrial Planets and Delivering Their Water", IAU General Assembly XXIX, Honolulu, August 4, 2015
- Invited Talk, "Giant Planets impact on Terrestrial Planet Formation", Gordon Research Conference "Origins of the Solar System", Mt Holyoke, June 30
- Astronomy Seminar, "Planets to Planetesimals", University of Zurich, May 21, 2015
- Deep Thoughts Seminar, "The Grand Tack", ELSI, Tokyo, Japan, MArch 3, 2015
- Astronomy Colloquium, "Planet Formation 2.0: from planetesimals to planets", ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2015
- Astronomy Colloquium, "Asteroid Dynamics and Geology - Origin of near-Earth Asteroids", Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff Arizona, Nov 6, 2014.
- Invited Talk "Terrestrial Planet Formation with LIPAD", Circumstellar Disks and Planet Formation, Ann Arbor Michigan, Oct 14, 2014
- Invited Talk "Terrestrial Planet Formation and the Mixing of Planetesimal Populations", Characterizing Planetary Systems Across the HR Diagram, Cambridge England, July 21, 2014.
- Invited Talk "Identification and properties of asteroid families", Workshop on "Internal structure of carbonaceous chondrites parent bodies and their link with primitive asteroids", Villefranche sur Mer, France, June 4, 2014.
- Invited Talk "Formation of the terrestrial planets with LIPAD", Workshop on "Accretion and early differentiation of the terrestrial planets", Nice, France May 27,2014.
- Planetary Science Seminar "TBD", Caltech, Pasadena, April 15, 2014.
- Colloquium "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter" UCSC, Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Feb 18, 2014.
- Colloquium "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter" FIT, Physics and Space Sciences Dept., Melbourne, Feb 7, 2014.
- Colloquium "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter" Brown University Geological Sciences Dept., Providence, Dec 5, 2013.
- Invited Talk "The origin of near-Earth asteroids'' Kavli Frontiers of Science hosted by the National Academy of Science, Irvine, California, Nov 8, 2013.
- Public Talk "Asteroid Impacts" Distinctive Voices series hosted by the National Academy of Science, Irvine, California, Nov 7, 2013.[Slides][FailedAnimation]
- Astronomy Seminar "Formation of the Small Satellites of Pluto" Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct 31, 2013.
- Colloquium "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter - The Grand Tack” University of Arizona, LPL, April 4, 2013.
- Invited Talk "Terrestrial planet formation from a truncated disk -- The Grand Tack" at AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec 7, 2012.
- Astrophysics Seminar, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, Sep 25, 2012.
- Invited Talk "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter" at IAU General Assembly XXVIII, Beijing, China, Aug 28, 2012.
- Astronomy Seminar, ASIAA, Taipei, Aug 13, 2012.
- Invited Talk "Shaping of the inner solar system by the gas-driven migration of Jupiter" at Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration, Weizmann Institute, Israel, May 28, 2012
- Invited Talk "Depletion and excitation of the asteroid belt by migrating planets" at Asteroids Comets and Meteors, Niigata, Japan, May 18, 2012
- Astrobiology Seminar "The Grand Tack: Jupiter's migration to 1.5 AU, and how it shaped the inner solar system" U. Colorado Jan 18 2012.
- Invited Talk "Depletion and excitation of the asteroid belt by migrating planets" at Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System, Kauai, Nov 7, 2011
- Astrobiology Seminar, Univ. Washington, Nov 1 2011.
- Department Seminar, Earth and Planetary Sciences, MIT, Cambridge MA, Oct 25 2011.
- Seminar, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff AZ, Fall 2010.
- Astronomy Seminar, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice France, Fall 2010.
- Astronomy Seminar, Arcetri Observatory, Florence Italy, Fall 2009.
- Observatoire de Paris, Paris France, Summer 2009.
- DAMTP Cambridge, Cambridge England, Spring 2009.
- Bordeaux Observatory, Bordeaux France, Spring 2009.
- Planetary Science Seminar, Applied Physics Lab, Columbia, Maryland, Fall 2005
- Colloquium, El Instituto de Astronomia, Ensenada, Summer 2005.
Refereed Publications
My references and citation counts via the Google scholar citation tracker. (Not sure how accurate it is, but it is a start)
- Walsh K.J., et al. "Near-zero cohesion and loose packing of Bennu’s near subsurface revealed by spacecraft contact" Science Advances (2022), 8, 27 [Sci Adv.]
- Walsh K. J., et al. Assessing the Sampleability of Bennu’s Surface for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission (2022) Space Science Reviews 218, 20. [SSR] DOI:https://10.1007/s11214-022-00887-2
- Delbo M., Walsh K. J., et al. Alignment of fractures on Bennu’s boulders indicative of rapid asteroid surface evolution (2022) Nature Geoscience.
- Cambioni, S. et al. "Fine-regolith production on asteroids controlled by rock porosity" Nature (2022), 598, 7978 [Nature]
- Perry, M. et al. "Low surface strength of the asteroid Bennu inferred from impact ejecta deposit" Nature Geoscience, 15, 6. [Nature Geoscience]
- Bierhaus E. B., et al. Crater population on asteroid (101955) Bennu indicates impact armouring and a young surface (2022) Nature Geoscience Nature Geoscience
- Ballouz R-L., Walsh K. J. et al. "Modified granular impact force laws for the OSIRIS-REx touchdown on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu" (2021) MNRAS, stab2365, 10.1093/mnras/stab2365
- Ballouz R-L., Walsh K. J. et al. "Bennu’s near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders" (2020) Nature, 587, 205–209. [Nature][Behind the Paper]
- Jawin E. R., Walsh K. J. et al. "Global Patterns of Recent Mass Movement on Asteroid (101955) Bennu" (2020) Journal of Geophysical Research Planets 125,9. [JGR Planets]
- DellaGiustina D. N., Burke K. N., Walsh K. J et al. "Variations in color and reflectance on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu" (2020) Science, 370, id. eabc3660 [Science]
- Molaro, J. L., Walsh K. J. et al. "In situ evidence of thermally induced rock breakdown widespread on Bennu's surface" (2020) Nature Communications, 11, 2913 [Nature Communications]
- DellaGiustina et al. "Exogenic Basalt on asteroid (101955) Bennu" (2020) Nature Astronomy,[Nature Astro]
- Deienno, R., Walsh, K. J., Levison H. F. and Kretke K. "Collisional Evolution of Meter- to Kilometer-sized Planetesimals in Mean Motion Resonances: Implications for Inward Planet Shepherding" (2020) ApJ 890 170.[ADS]
- Walsh et al. "Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface" (2019) Nature Geoscience [Nat. Geo.]
- Lauretta et al. "The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu" (2019) Nature 568,55-60 [Nature]
- Barnouin et al. "Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness" (2019) Nature Geoscience 12,247-252
- DellaGiustina D.N. and Emery J.P. et al. "Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis" (2019) Nature Astronomy 3,341-351
- Scheeres et al. "The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements" (2019) Nature Astronomy 3,352-361
- Castillo-Rogez et al. "Geophysical evidence that saturn's moon Phoebe originated from a C-type asteroid reservoir" MNRAS
- Walsh and Levison. "Planetesimals to terrestrial planets: Collisional evolution amidst a dissipating gas disk" (2019) Icarus 329,1 [Icarus][arXiv]
- Clement et al. "The early instability scenario: Terrestrial planet formation during the giant planet instability, and the effect of collisional fragmentation" (2019) Icarus 321, 778-790 [arXiv]
- Ballouz R-L. et al. "Using a geometrical algorithm to provide N-body initial conditions for the gravitational phase of asteroid family formation" (2019) MNRAS 485, 697-707
- Walsh K. J. "Rubble Pile Asteroids" (2018) ARAA 56:593-624 [arXiv]
- Wada et al. "Asteroid Ryugu before the Hyaabusa2 encounter" (2018) Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 5, 82
- DellaGiustina et al. "Overcoming the challenges associated with image-bnased mapping of small bodies in preparation for the OSIRIS-REx Mission to (101955) Bennu" (2018) ESS [arXiv]
- Cuk et al. "Secular resonance between Iapetus and the giant planets" (2018) MNRAS
- Clement et al. "Mars' growth stunted by an early giant planet instability" (2018) Icarus 311, 340-356 [arXiv]
- Bolin et al. "Size-dependent modification of asteroid family Yarkovsky V-shapes" (2018) Astronomy and Astrophysics 611,A82
- Delbo, M., Walsh K. J., Bolin B., Avdellidou C., Morbidelli A., "Identification of a primordial asteroid family constrains the original planetesimal population" (2017) Science 357 (6355), 1026-1029
- Sevecek P., Broz M., Nesvorny D., Enke B., Durda D., and Walsh K. J. "SPH/N-Body simulations of small (D= 10km) asteroidal breakups and improved parametric relations for Monte–Carlo collisional models" (2017) Icarus 296, 239-256.
- Bolin B., Walsh K. J., Morbidelli A., and Delbo M. "Initial velocity V-shapes of young asteroid families" (2017) MNRAS [arXiv]
- Lauretta D. S. et al. "OSIRIS-REx: Sample Return from Asteroid (101955) Bennu" 2017, Space Sci. Rev. [Online at SSR][arXiv]
- Sicardy B. et al. "Rings beyond the giant planets" 2017, [arxiv]
- Bolin, B. T., Delbo M., Morbidelli A., Walsh K. J. "Yarkovsky V-shape identification of asteroid families", 2017, Icarus, 282, 290-312
- Rozehnal, J et al. "Hektor-an exceptional D-type family among Jovian Trojans", 2016, MNRAS, 462 (3),2319-2332
- Lubin P., et al. "Directed energy missions for planetary defense", 2016, Advances in Space Research, 58 (6), 1093-1116
- Scheeres, D. J., et al. "The geophysical environment of Bennu", 2016, Icarus, 276, 116-140 [Icarus]
- Johnson, B. C., Walsh K. J., Minton D. A., Krot A. N., Levison H. F. "Timing of the formation and migration of giant planets as constrained by CB chondrites", 2016, Science Advances, 2, 12 [SciAdv]
- Walsh, K. J. and Levison H. F. "Terrestrial Planet Formation from an Annulus", 2016, Astronomical Journal, 152, 3 [AJ]
- Lubin, P. et al. "Directed Energy Missions for Planetary Defense", Advances in Space Research, 2016, Accepted
- Pinella-Alonso, N., et al. "Portrait of the Polana-Eulalia Family Complex: Surface homogeneity revealed from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", 2016, Icarus, 274, 231 [Icarus]
- Zhang, Q., Walsh K. J., Melis, C., Hughes G. B., and Lubin, P. "Orbital Simulations on Deflecting Near Earth Objects by Directed Energy", PASP, 2016, Accepted
- Deienno, R., Gomes, R., Walsh K. J., Morbidelli, A. and Nesvorny, D. "Is the Grand Tack model compatible with the orbital distribution of main belt asteroids?", 2016, Icarus, 272, 114 [ADS]
- de Leon, J., et al. "Visible Spectroscopy of the Polana-Eulalia Family Complex: Spectral Homogeneity Icarus", Icarus, 2015, Accepted
- Levison H. F., Kretke K, Walsh K. J. and Bottke W. F. Growing the Terrestrial Planets from the Gradual Accumulation of Sub-Meter Sized Objects, PNAS, 2015, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1513364112 [PNAS]
- Walsh K. J. and Levison H. F. The Formation and Evolution of Pluto's Small Satellites, Astronomical Journal, 2015, 150, 11. [AJ][arXiv]
- Walsh K. J. and Jacobson S. A. Formation and Evolution of Binary Minor Planets, in Asteroids IV, University of Arizona Press, 2015 -- accepted. [arXiv]
- DeMeo F. E., Alexander C. M., Walsh K. J., Chapman C. R. and Binzel R. P. The Compositional Structure of the Asteroid Belt, in Asteroids IV, University of Arizona Press, 2015 -- accepted. [arXiv]
- Morbidelli A., Walsh, K. J. O'Brien, David P., Minton, David A., Bottke, William F. The Dynamical Evolution of the Asteroid Belt, in Asteroids IV, University of Arizona Press, 2015 -- accepted [arXiv]
- Connolly Jr. H. C., Lauretta D. S., Walsh K. J.,Tachibana S., Bottke Jr. W. F., Towards understanding the dynamical evolution of asteroid 25143 Itokawa: constraints from sample analysis Earth, Planets and Space 67 (1), 1-6
- Jacobson S. A., Walsh K. J.. Earth and Terrestrial Planet Formation. 2015, AGU Monograph edited by James Badro and Michael J. Walter. [arXiv]
- Bottke W. F., Vokrouhlicky D., Walsh K. J., Delbo M., Michel P., Lauretta DS. In search of the source of asteroid (101955) Bennu: Applications of the stochastic YORP model. 2015, Icarus, 247, 191-217. [Icarus]
- Buie M. W., Olkin C. B., Merline W. J. Walsh K. J. Levison H. F., et al. Size and Shape from Stellar Occultation Observations of the Double Jupiter Trojan Patroclus and Menoetius. 2015, The Astronomical Journal, 149, 3 [EPS]
- O'Brien, David P.Walsh, Kevin J. Morbidelli, Alessandro; Raymond, Sean N.; Mandell, Avi M. Water delivery and giant impacts in the ‘Grand Tack’ scenario, 2014, Icarus, 239, 74. [arXiv][Icarus]
- Nesvorny, D., Vokrouhlicky, D., Dennenio, R., Walsh, K. J., Excitation of the Orbital Inclination of Iapetus during Planetary Encounters, 2014, Astronomical Journal, 148 , 52. [AJ]
- Lauretta, D. S., et al., The OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroid 101955 Bennu: Constraints on its Physical, Geological, and Dynamical Nature from Astronomical Observations, MAPS, 2014 [MAPS]
- Schunova, E., Jedicke, R., Walsh, K. J., Granvik, M., Wainscoat, R. J., Haghighipour, N., Properties and evolution of NEO families created by tidal disruption at Earth, Icarus, 2014 [Icarus]
- O'Brien, D. P., Walsh, K. J., Morbidelli, A., Raymond, S. N., Mandell A. M., Water Delivery and Giant Impacts in the ‘Grand Tack’ Scenario, Icarus [Icarus]
- Jacobson, S. A., Morbidelli, A., Raymond, S. N., O'Brien, D. P., Walsh, K. J., Rubie, D. C., Highly Siderophile elements in the Earth's mantle as a clock for the Moon-forming impact, Nature, 2014. 508 84-87.[Nature][News&Views]
- Raymond, S. N., Kokubo, E., Morbidelli, A., Morishima, R., Walsh, K. J., Terrestrial Planet Formation at Home and Abroad, Protostars and Planets VI (University of Arizona Press), 2014. [arXiv]
- Knight, M. M. Walsh, K. J., Will comet ISON (C/2012 S1) Survive Perihelion?, ApJ Letters, 2013. 776 [arXiv][ApJL]
- Brasser, R. Walsh, K. J., and Nesvorny, D., Constraining the primordial orbits of the Terrestrial Planets, MNRAS. 2013. 433 3417-3427 [arXiv][MNRAS]
- Walsh, K. J., Delbo, M., Bottke, W., Vokrouhlicky, D., Lauretta, D., Introducing the Eulalia and new Polana asteroid families: re-assessing primitive asteroid families in the inner Main Belt. Icarus. 2013. 225 283-297. [arXiv][Icarus]
- Walsh, K. J., Morbidelli, A., Raymond S. N., O'Brien, D. P., Mandell A.M., Populating the asteroid belt from two parent source regions due to the migration of giant planets - "The Grand Tack". Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2012. 47 1941-1947. [MAPS][PDF]
- Walsh, K. J., Richardson, D. C., Michel, P., Spin-up of rubble-pile asteroids: Disruption, satellite formation and equilibrium shapes. Icarus. 2012. 220 514--529. [PDF]
- Morbidelli, A., Lunine, J.I., O'Brien, D., Raymond, S.N., Walsh, K.J. Building Terrestrial Planets. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet Sci. 2012. 40 251-275.[PDF]
- Walsh, K. J., Delbo, M., Mueller, M., Binzel, R. P., DeMeo, F. E., 2012 Physical characterization and origin of binary near-Earth asteroids (175706) 1996 FG3. ApJ 748, 104 [arXiv][ApJ]
- Debes, J. H., Walsh, K. J. Stark C., 2012 The Link Between Planteary Systems, Dusty White Dwarfs, and Metal Polluted White Dwarfs. ApJ 747, 148 [ApJ]
- Walsh, K. J., Morbidelli, A., Raymond S. N., O'Brien, D. P., Mandell A. M., 2011, A low mass for Mars from Jupiter's early gas-driven migration. Nature 475, 206--209 [Nature][ADS][arXiv]
- Levison, H. F., Walsh, K. J., Barr, A. C., Dones, L., 2011, Ridge Formation and Despinning of Iapetus via an Impact-Generated Satellite. Icarus 214, 773-778 [arXiv][ADS]
- Brasser, R.,Walsh, K. J., 2011, Stability analysis of the Martian obliquity during the Noachian era. Icarus 213, 423-427. [arXiv][ADS]
- Walsh, K. J., Morbidelli, A., 2011, The effect of an early planetesimal-driven migration of the giant planets on terrestrial planet formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 526, A126.[A&A]
- Delbo, M.,Walsh, K. J., Mueller, M., Harris, A. W., Howell, E. S., 2011, The cool surfaces of binary near-Earth asteroids. Icarus 212, 138-148. [ADS]
- Walsh, K. J., Michel, P., and D. C. Richardson, 2011, Collisional and Rotational Disruption of Asteroids. Advanced Science Letters, 4, 311-324 [Astroph][ASL]
- Richardson, D. C., Walsh, K. J., Murdoch, N, and Michel P., 2011, Numerical simulations of granular dynamics: I. Hard-sphere discrete element method and tests. Icarus 212, 427-437. [ADS]
- Walsh, K. J., 2009, Asteroids with Satellites: Inventory, Properties, and Prospects for Future Discoveries. Earth Moon and Planets 105, 193-199 [EMP]
- Walsh, K. J., 2009, Asteroids:When planets migrate. Nature 457, 1091-1093 [Nature News & Views]
- Walsh, K. J., Richardson, D. C., and P. Michel, 2008, Rotational breakup as the origin of small binary asteroids. Nature 454, 188-191 [Nature Website][News & Views]
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson, 2008, A Steady-State Model of Binary NEAs Formed by Tidal Disruption of Gravitational Aggregates, Icarus, 193, 553--566. [ADS][PDF]
- Knight, M. K., K. J. Walsh, M. F. A'Hearn, R. A. Swaters, B. A. Zauderer, N. H. Samarasinha, R. Vazquez, and H. Reitsema, 2006, Ground Based Visible and Near-IR Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 During the Deep Impact Encounter, Icarus, 187, 199--207. [ADS]
- Richardson, D. C., and K. J. Walsh, 2006, Binary Minor Planets Ann. Rev. Earth & Planet. Sci. 34, 47-81 [Available with subscription]
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson, 2006, Binary near-Earth asteroid formation: rubble pile model of tidal disruptions, Icarus, 180, 201--216. [Reprint]
- Meech, K. J., and 207 colleagues, 2005, Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based Campaign, Science, 310, 265-269 [Link to ADS]
- Rettig, T. W., K. Walsh, and G. Consolmagno, 2001, Implied Evolutionary Differences of the Jovian Irregular Satellites from a BVR Color Survey, Icarus, 154, 313-320. [Reprint]
Research Experience
2016-2018 | Senior Research Scientist, SwRI |
2010-2016 | Research Scientist, SwRI |
2009-2010 | Helmholtz Alliance Postdoctoral Fellow, OCA, Nice |
2008-2009 | Henri Poincare Postdoctoral Fellow, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur |
2007 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland |
2003- | Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Astronomy, Univeristy of Maryland |
2002-2003 | Visiting Graduate Research Assitant, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Notre Dame |
2002 | Summer Research Assistant, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Notre Dame |
2001 | Summer Research Assistant, Laboratory for High-Energy Astrophysics, Goddard Space Flight Center |
1999 | REU, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northern Arizona University |
1998-2000 | Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Notre Dame |
Observing Experience
NASA IRTF | Hawaii: 5 nights semester 2013A - near-IR spectra of Eulalia/Polana family |
VLT | Chile: 2 programs of 8 hrs each of Queue Observing for thermal imaging of NEOs |
VATT | Mt. Graham AZ: 5 nights imaging irregular Jovian Satellites and TNOs in optical wavelengths. |
KPNO 2.1m | Kitt Peak, AZ: 22 nights imaging small Main Belt Asteroid Lightcurves in optical wavelengths. |
SPM 1.5m | San Pedro Martir, Mexico: 4 nights imaging Deep Impact in optical wavelengths. |
KPNO 4m | Kitt Peak, AZ: 3 nights observing granted for late October, 2006. |
Teaching Experience
2012- | Astronomy 3300, University of Colorado at Boulder |
2007- | Astronomy 330, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland |
2001-2002 | Instructor, Astronomy 111, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland |
2000-2001 | Teaching Assistant, Astronomy 120/121, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland |
1997-2000 | Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Notre Dame |
2015 | Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow |
2015 | Icarus Outstanding Reviewer Status |
2013 | Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow |
2012 | AAS IAU Travel Grant, Beijing, China |
2012 | ESF GREAT 2 week Grant, Nice, France |
2012 | Asteroid (7987) Walshkevin named for me!!! |
2008 | Poincare Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Observatoire de la Cote D'Azur |
2006 | Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland |
2006 | Student Travel Grant, 37th DDA meeting, Halifax |
2005 | Student Travel Grant, 37th DPS meeting, Cambridge |
2004 | Travel Grant, Asteroid Dynamics Workshop, Arecibo Observatory |
2001-2002 | Center for Teaching Excellence Distinguished Teaching Assistant |
2000-2001 | Center for Teaching Excellence Distinguished Teaching Assistant |
Professional Service
- Member (2015,2016) and chairman (2017) of the DDA Duncombe prize committee.
- Referee for
Nature (2 papers),ApJ Letters (3 papers),Astronomy & Astrophysics (3 papers),Icarus (8 papers),Earth Moon and Planetary Science (1 paper), Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy (1 paper), Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1 paper), Astrophysical Journal (1 paper) - Panel member: NASA Exobiology panel
- External Reviewer for NASA OPR (2 times)
- Member of
International Space Science Institute team studying "Granular Surfaces of Asteroids", 2010-2012. - Member of DDA Duncombe Prize Panel 2014-2016
Conference Proceedings
- Walsh, K. J., D. C. Richardson and T. Rettig 2002 Modeling the breakup of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Ser. 291 415
Recent Published Abstracts
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson 2005 Small Main-Belt Asteroid Lightcurves AAS meeting 207, #04.13
- Zauderer, B.A., Walsh, K.J., Vázquez, R., Reitsema, H. 2005 Deep Impact Observations from San Pedro Martir AAS meeting 207, #04.22
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson 2005 Binary Near-Earth Asteroid formation: rubble pile model of tidal distruptions Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 37 638 [Poster PDF]
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson 2004 Near-Earth Asteroid satellite formation via tidal distruption of idealized rubble piles Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 36 1142
- Walsh, K. J., and D. C. Richardson 2004 Direct N-body simulations of rubble pile collisions in strong tidal fields: Applies to Saturn's F ring Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 35 1486 [Poster PDF]
- Rettig, T. W., and K. J. Walsh 2002 BVR Color Survey of the Jovian Irregular Satellites Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 34 861
- Rettig, T. W., and K. J. Walsh 2001 A BVR Colors of Eight Jovian Irregular Satellites - Evolutionary Implications Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 33 1129
Kevin Walsh 2005-08-01