Contents of Marc Buie's IDL library.

General purpose IDL functions and procedures.

Recent changes

For those of you accessing these routines from within SwRI/Boulder, you get access by adding /net/frakir/raid/buie/idl (do NOT prepend a + to this directory) to your $IDL_PATH environment variable in your .userrc file. These routines are a collection of general purpose IDL functions and procedures covering diverse uses from file reading, astronomical data processing, and more. You must also have the Astronomy Users Library in your path to get full access. Here at SwRI, add +/net/frakir/idl/Astron to your path (before my library) to gain access.

You can download your own copies of my routines. The documentation on these WWW pages is kept consistent with the current version of my software (see recent changes). There are older copies of my library which are a snapshot of the code at the time of major IDL releases.

I've also begun more extensive documentation on my ITOOL/CCDPHOT programs. Actually, I only end up adding to this when I get requests for clarifications on the program operation that aren't covered by what's written so far. For those of you writing code for my library, please adhere to my style guidelines.

This listing generated: Wed Dec 11 08:27:31 AM MST 2024

The routines are organized by these categories:

2-D plotting

CLEANDAT Interactive program to eliminate and smooth over bad data points.
FOCSCAN Summarize and plot focus log files from PCCD.
OCCPLOT Plot small pieces of stellar occultation data.
OPLERR Overplot data points with accompanying x or y error bars.
PLOTPCOMC Plot model fit residual files for Pluto-Charon map fitting
RDDAT Display the X and Y value of the cursor in a plot
ZPLOT Plot differential refraction as a function of wavelength.


EQUTEMP Compute a simple thermal equilibrium temperature for an asteroidal surface
NEATEMP Compute a simple effective black-body temperature for a near-Earth asteroid
NEOFLUX Compute the estimated thermal flux emitted from the surface of an asteroid


ADDSTAR Add a reference star to the data base for fitting
AST2TED Convert astrometry file to a Ted Bowell format astrometry file.
ASTANAL Analyze and provide summary plots and averages for one night of astrometry
ASTCHI1 Astrometric goodness-of-fit for one image based on rotation and offset
ASTCOL Collect astrometry observations for multiple objects
ASTCVT Convert between different astrometric coordinate systems.
ASTEVAL Evaulate an astrometric polynomial function.
ASTINFO Decode (or add) astrometric information from a FITS header
ASTLINKS Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements
ASTLIST Create a summary listing from a final astrometry file.
ASTPDF Compute a discrete numerical probability sample for astrometry
ASTPRED Simple asteroid position predictor when no orbit is available.
ASTPRMT Promote version of an astrometry fit coefficient file to highest version.
ASTRD2SN Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to ($\xi$,$\eta$)
ASTRD2XY Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to image (x,y)
ASTREPRO Re-reduce existing astrometry originally measured with ASTROM
ASTROM Astrometry from a digital image.
ASTROMERR Compute an estimate of the astrometric error given FWHM and SNR.
ASTSN2RD Astrometry conversion from ($\xi$,$\eta$) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$)
ASTSN2XY Astrometry conversion from tangent plane ($\xi$,$\eta$) to image (x,y)
ASTSOLVE Solve for astrometric transformation from image to sky coordinates.
ASTTERMS Evaulate the independent vectors to match an astrometric polynomial function.
ASTWAVE Compute the effective wavelength of an observation for astrometry
ASTXY2RD Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$)
ASTXY2SN Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to tangent plane ($\xi$,$\eta$)
CHIPROT Find the best rotation and offset for one chip against monolith coordinates
CLONEAST Clone astrometric solutions from one night to another
DESALT Flag fake objects in .obj files that were originally generated by imsalt
DEWARP Transforms an image from (x,y) to ($\xi$,$\eta$) accounting for rotation and warping.
DLOOKER Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images.
EPHCHECK Compare a set of astrometry observations against an ephemeris.
FRMDXDY Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy offset between lists.
FRMDXYR Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy,dr offset between lists.
GAIAFCAT Read a full Gaia DR2 catalog and convert to the fixed epoch format file
GETNEWID Obtain an id that can be used for a new object based on database information
HSTEDITMASK Edit the bad pixel mask for a WFC3 image
HSTEXTRACT Define target position and extract sub-frame for processing
HSTFINALPDF Combine target and reference star PDFs for the final astrometry PDF
HSTINITSTAR Initialize data and fitting parameters for a star fit to HST WFC3 data
HSTINITTARG Inititalize data and fitting parameters for a target fit to HST WFC3 data
HSTMEASURE Measure a science target position in an HST WFC3 image
HSTMODSTAR Calculate chi-square value for trailed star fit
HSTMODTARG Calculate chi-square value for point source target fit
HSTSPDFP Plot stellar PDF from a fit and save covariance to database
HSTSTARERR Determine fit errors for PSF fits to trailed stars
HSTSTARFIT Fit a model to single source in HST WFC3 data.
HSTTARGERR Determine fit errors for PSF fits to point source targets
HSTTARGFIT Fit a model of a single point source target to HST WF3 data.
HSTTPDFP Plot target PDF from a fit and save covariance to database
HSTWCSPDF Generate the final PDF from the joint constraints for all the good stars
HSTWCSUPD Update the WCS from a HST WFC3 image
KBOMPCK Pre-check and summary for MPC data submission for KBO/Centaur observations
LINKOBJ2 Cross check source lists from one field and identify moving objects.
LINKOBJ Cross check three source lists from one field and identify moving objects.
LOOKER Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images.
LPLASTCHK Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements
MATCHUP Read a batch of FITS files and create a list of common object exposures.
MERGEOBJ Merge a pair of object lists.
MKASTINFO Generate a simple astrometric description of an image
MOSASTROM Astrometry solution for multi-detector image sets
MOSCHECK Scan Mosaic astrometry data and look for inconsistencies and problems
MOSPHOT Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do photometric calibration.
MOSPLOT Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do astrometry.
MPCDCVT Convert to and from Minor Planet Center packed designation format.
NOBSUPDT Update the number of observations in the undesignated objects list.
OBJAST Generate astrometry from Looker (obj) files
OBJCHECK Validate and summarize object positions and astrometry
OBJID2MPC Convert a geteph object id to a Minor Planet Center name
OBJPRMT Promote version of an object list file to highest version.
OBJREPOR Generate a report about the contents of the object files in a directory.
OPTAXIS Search for the optical axis in an astronomical image
PARACORR Take raw Gaia catalog data information and apply correction to a time
PLAST Support routine for calling ``PLAST'' to get asteroids on an image.
PLASTEXT Batch mode extraction of PLAST asteroid lists.
PMCORRDR3 Correct for the Gaia DR3 proper motion bias.
PNTCOL Collate pointing data from astrometry results and image headers.
PROJERR Re-project an error ellipse onto a new coordinate system
RDOBLIST Read a object list from a file.
RDSTARC Read refnet based star catalog files.
RDTEDAST Read a Ted Bowell format astrometry file
REFCORR Compute a differential refraction correction to an apparent position
REFEXT Batch mode extraction of REFNET star catalog fields in support of ASTROM
REFGEN Generate a source/catalog cross-reference list
REFNET Support routine for calling ``REFNET'' to get stars from master catalogs.
SRCAST Compute ra,dec for all objects in a source list (see findsrc).
WASTROM Widget for determining an interactive astrometric solution
WFC3_SMEAR Compute a smear kernel for a star while tracking a solar system object
WROBLIST Write an object list to a file.
XDESIG Digest and record Minor Planet Center designation cross references.


ADDSTARS Manipulate the master star catalog (add/replace)
AIRMASS Compute airmass for one or more times.
ALTAZ Compute altitude and azimuth on sky given equatorial coordinates
ALTOHA Convert an object altitude to its hour angle.
APPULDIS Find the circumstances of an appulse between a star and a solar system object
ASTMARK Annotate a graphic by marking an astronomical source in an image
ASTSCLBAR Draw a scale bar on an astronomical image.
CALDATM Find year, month, day, hour, minute, second from Julian Date.
COL2TEFF Find a black-body temperature for a star based on a photometric color
CVTSIXTY General purpose routine for converting between sexigesimal and decimal.
DECPARSE Convert Declination string to radians.
DECSTR Convert declination in radians to an ASCII string.
DES_SUM Create a summary listing of KBOs in all directories of DES data
DIAMPTOH Compute asteroid absolute magnitude given diameter and V geometric albedo
DMSTORAD Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians.
EDTCOORD Display a celestial coordinate and permit editing the value.
EPH4MOVE Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer.
EPHEM Ephemeris generator for solar system objects.
ETUT Compute ET-UT time offset for a given Julian Date
FIELDOBS Real-time display of where objects are in the sky
FINDER Interactive finder chart tool
FINDOBJ Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays
FINDOBJI Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays (array version)
FLUXREF Provide standard fluxes for standard filters
FUTUREOB Plot geometric circumstances for a solar system object for some years.
GETLCLMID Compute the time of the next local midnight
GETOBLOC Fetch location of observatory given its code
GETSTARS Retrieve coordinates from the master star catalog
HANGLE Compute the local hour angle of an object.
HAPARSE Convert Hour Angle (HA) string to radians.
HASTR Convert an Hour Angle to a string.
HATOJD Find the nearest Julian date for a given hour angle and date.
HDTOALB Compute V geometric albedo of an asteroid given H$_V$ and diameter
HMSTORAD Convert from hours, minutes, and seconds of Right Ascension to radians.
HPTODIAM Compute diameter of an asteroid given H$_V$ and V-band geometric albedo
JD2YEAR Convert Julian date to decimal year.
JDPARSE Read and parse a Julian Date from a calendar string
KBOLIST Create a summary listing of KBOs in a single directory of DES data
KBOPLAN KBO observing planning table generation
LCLTOEQ Convert from local horizon coordinates to equatorial coordinates
LOADSTAR Load the master star catalog file
LSIDTIM Compute local sidereal time at a given longitude and time.
LST2JD Compute UT given local sidereal time, longitude and approximate time.
LSTLIM Compute the LST range for time of observation
MAG2FLX Convert from magnitudes to flux units with errors.
MKHTMLOG Generate html looker log for posting from .match file
NAIFNAME Convert an ephem standard name to a common name (NAif name scheme)
OBJAPPUL Generate a list of nightly appulses for a solar system object.
OBJSTARS Get a list of stars from the USNO A2.0 catalog centered on a solar system object.
OBSNIGHT Determine general details of a given night determined by Sun and Moon
OBSPLAN Generate a graphical summary of object location(s) for a given night.
OBSPROP Observing proposal planning table generation
OBSWIND Compute possible observing window for a celestial object.
ORB2OBJ Extract object names from a slop orbit output file
ORBVEC Computes orbit orientation vectors from angular orbital elements
PATLATLON Compute viewing and illumination geometry for Patroclus-Menoetius system
PLATLON Compute viewing and illumination geometry for Pluto
PNTFIT2 Fit model to telescope pointing data.
PNTFIT3 Fit model to telescope pointing data.
PNTFIX3 Compute the pointing correction as used by MOVE at Anderson Mesa
PPOLEPA Compute the position angle of Pluto's pole on the plane of the sky
RADTODMS Convert an angle from radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds.
RADTOHMS Convert from radians to hours, minutes, and seconds of right ascension.
RAPARSE Convert Right Ascension (RA) string to radians.
RASTR Convert RA in radians to hours, minutes, and seconds (ASCII string).
RDPOINT Read a raw ASCII format pointing data file as produced by MOVE.
REFRAC Apply atmospheric refraction to a ``true'' zenith angle
REMFIT Remove old pointing model from new data, create new pointing map data.
RHOSC Compute rhosinp,rhocosp from observatory lat,alt
SAVESTAR Save the master star catalog file
SHANELIST convert KBO target list to Lick Observatory Shane 3m telescope file
SHOWELEM Print out current osculating orbital elements for a solar system object.
SSGEOM Compute Sun and Earth distance and phase angle for solar system object.
SSPOS Interactive program for generating solar system body ephemerides.
STARCAT Retreive coordinates from the star catalogs.
STARCHART Generate a star chart graphic
STARSET Generate a list of nearby stars to help find a particular location
SYNSTAR2 Compute a synthetic (Lorentizian) star image.
TNOOBS Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations.
TNORECOV Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations.
WCSARROWS Draw sky-plane orientation arrows on an image based on WCS information
YEAR2JD Convert decimal year to Julian date (reverse of jd2year).

CCD data processing

ACRE Automatic Cosmic Ray Extraction
ADDCRS Add synthetic cosmic ray strikes to a CCD image.
ADDNCCAL Add calibration frames for entries in the nasacam calib data base
ADDPSF Insert (add) one or more PSFs into an image
AUTOCAL Automatic program for creating CCD calibration files.
AVGCLIP Average over a 3-D array, clipping unusual deviants.
BACKSUB Background subtraction from an image.
BASPHOTE Circular aperture photometry extraction from images.
BILDMASK Stack a set of bad pixel mask images into one master mask.
BOXM Find location of a maximum within a sub-array.
CALIBCHG Calibration structure maintenance utility.
CALVAL Validate overscan, cropping region, and calibration file settings.
CCDCAL Batch mode image calibration program (apply bias, dark and flats)
CCDGAIN Extract and plot CCD gain transfer curve from flat field image data.
CCDPROC Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw image.
CCDSAT Find saturation properties of a CCD from one or more images
CENTROD Compute center of mass of an object aperture.
CGETRNG How to integrate over a circle.
CHKNCCAL Review and grade calibration images for nasacam.
CLEAN Remove a PSF from an image via the ``clean'' algorithm.
COLBIAS Determine and subtract column-wise overscan correction with cropping.
COLLAPSE Take a detection image and collapse into a list of unique local maxima
DARKADJ Adjust a superdark CCD calibration frame by a multiplicative constant.
EDITMASK Interactive image-based editing of a bad-pixel mask
FINDSRC Automatic source detection and photometry from a digital image.
FITSBIN Software binning of an image in FITS file format.
FIXSNAP Munge a SNAPSHOT format ``FITS'' header and make it legal FITS
FSEEING Collect and maintain seeing information for a group of images
FXTM Fix bad time codes from Anderson Mesa CCD software.
GETANNUL Extract an annulus from a 2-D array.
GRADEBIAS Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD bias images against a superbias
GRADEDARK Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD dark images against a superdark
GRADEFLAT Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD flat images against a superflat
GRIDWT Compute circle overlap weights in a circle within an array.
HRCMODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST ACS/HRC.
IMQUAL Generate a ``grade'' for image quality of input image.
IMSALT Implants fake point-source images into an image of the sky.
JITTER Generate a jitter convolution kernel for one WFPC2 observation.
JITTERK Convert pointing jitter data into a convolution kernel.
JUPLOC Find and extract Jupiter in images and create PDS FITS headers on output.
LDCALIB Load calibration frames and information as instructed by calib file.
LIMBCEN Find center of body from centroid of limb points (Designed for Jupiter).
MAXLOC Find the column-wise, row-wise, or point location of the image maximum.
MEDARR_MWB Combine arrays with a median average.
MKBIAS Collect and combine CCD bias frames into a superbias frame
MKCALIB Interactive program for creating CCD calibration files.
MKDARK Collect and combine CCD dark frames into a superdark frame
MKFLAT Collect and combine CCD flat frames into a superflat frame
MKNICSKY Create a master sky image from a set of dithered NICMOS images.
MMASPLI Splice multi-amp CCD images back together.
MOSCAL Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw group-FITS image.
NICMODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST NICMOS Camera
OIS Optimal image subtraction
P6MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFPC Planetary Camera, Chip 6.
PAMGEN Compute a pixel-area map for an astronomical image
PARSEKEY Extract FITS header information by parsing supplied keys
PC2MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFPC2 Planetary Camera.
PFCAMFIX Fix and reformat Lick 120$''$ prime focus camera data.
PHOTISO Compute aperture photometry and grade sources for field contamination
PICKIM Interactive program to select best image from cube for SL9 data.
PIXWT Circle-rectangle overlap area computation.
PSFFIT2 Fit a numerical PSF to one or more sources in an image, fixed position.
PSFFIT Fit a numerical PSF to one or more sources in an image.
PSFGEN Generate PSF files for a set of images
PSFSTACK Generate an average numerical psf by stacking observed images.
RADP Extract point-wise radial ``profile'' from image data.
RDSOURCE Read in a source list file created by findsrc or srcast
REDFITS Apply standard CCD processing steps to a raw CCD image.
RINGPROF Compute a surface brightness profile.
SALTDES2 Implant fake objects into DES data, second stage addition of objects.
SALTDES Implant fake objects into all relevant images on one night of DES data.
SEEING Given an astronomical image, determine the image quality (seeing).
SHOWSRC Show image with source lists and astrometric references overlain.
SKYFIT Determine a 2-d polynomial fit to sky background in an image.
SKYIM Calculate a smooth sky image from 2-d polynomial fit coefficients
SL9PROC Interactive program to process and crop image for SL9 data.
SORTCUBE Sort an image cube by brightness at each pixel
SPOTRM Spot remover for images
SRODCHECK Widget tool for verification of SRO data reduction results
STACKER Stack (co-add) image while registering images.
SUMANN Integrate over an annulus.
SYNBIAS Create a synthetic CCD bias frame with optional overscan.
SYNCALIB Create a synthetic suite of calibration image
SYNDARK Create a synthetic CCD dark frame with optional overscan
SYNFLAT Create a synthetic flat frame with optional overscan
TMPLINFO Generate information about a template image based on an image header
WARPSTACK Stack a set of images on a given ROI warped to a master image
WFC3MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFC3 UVIS Camera.
WFPC2_DISTORTED Compute inverse of the wfpc2\_metric function.
WRCALB Save contents of a calibration structure to a file.

Celestial Mechanics

AUXELEM Compute auxilary orbital elements
ECCREC Compute coordinates given eccentricy anomaly
ELEM2XYZ Compute position given orbital elements (2-body Keplerian)
KEPLER1 Solve Kepler's Equation (small eccentricity)
MOID Compute the minimum orbit intersection distance between two orbits
NEWANOM Compute new mean anomaly from old given date.

Data Acquisition

OBSDUR Calculate estimate of total duration of an exposure with PCCD.
SLEWDUR Estimate the time to slew the telescope from one location to another.


DEQUOTE Reconvert a string processed by QUOTE, or from the result of a MySQL query.
HSTLOADHDR Extract information from HST data headers and put in hstast.header database.
HSTLOADONE Read one header of a flt file and push select keywords to database
KBOPLOT Interactive plotting tool for the DES mySQL database contents.
MKDESAST Create data file to post into des.ast MySQL database from KBO search data
MKDESOBJ Create data file to post into des.obj MySQL database from KBO search data
MKDESOBS Create data file to post into des\_obs MySQL databse from KBO search data
MKDESXREF Create data file to post into des.xref MySQL database from KBO search data
MYSQLCMD Send a command to open database and collect the answer.
MYSQLDOC Build a documentation file from internal mySQL documentation.
MYSQLDOCEDIT GUI editor for database documentation system
MYSQLDOCSCAN Scan a database and report discrepancies in the documentation table.
MYSQLQUERY Submit MySQL query and get response as vectors of data (like readcol).
MYSQLSUB Recursive string substitution from mySQL doc table for building documentation
NASACAMLOAD Load information from NASACAM data into mysql database
NOTERUN Widget to update notes field for runstat and other databases.
OPENMYSQL Open a mySQL database for operations via a pipe.
PCCD2LOAD Load information from PCCD (automated version) data into mysql database
PCCDLOAD Load information from PCCD (automated version) data into mysql database
POSTFILTCL Post-filter the vclass mySQL table removing uninteresting objects
QUOTE Convert a string into one safe for including in a mySQL query
RECONCKSUM Generate or refresh video data checksums
RECONTUPD Update start and ending times for RECON event video files in the database
ROBOCCDLOAD Load information from Roboccd (automated version) data into mysql database
SC_BCHECK Search a star catalog for the number of stars near a given position
SC_NEAREST Find the nearest N stars from a point in a star catalog.
SC_PSTAR Search a star catalog for an isolated star near a given position.
SC_REGION Extract a region of a star catalog about some location.

File I/O

EXISTS Check for file (or directory) existence.
FILELINE Returns one line from a file at a chosen location.
FINDDATA Find valid file or directory names, using groups of path strings.
FITSEDIT Interactive, widget-based editing of FITS header values.
GXPAR General purpose FITS file header keyword extraction.
HARDCOPY Close printer or ps graphics device and spool output.
IM2VID Convert a sequence of images to a video file
LOADKEYS Load FITS header keyword correspondence list from file.
LOGUSAGE Record a usage line to a log file
PHOTPRMT Promote version of a photometry log file to highest version.
PPMSPRMT Promote version of photometry parmameter file to highest version.
RDAINFO Read final astrometry information file.
RDAST Read final astrometry data file.
RDASTFC Read an astrometry fit coefficient file.
RDAT1I Read and return a one dimensional 2-byte integer vector.
RDAT1R Read and return a one dimensional single precision floating point vector.
RDAT2I Read and return a two dimensional two byte integer vector.
RDAT2R Read and return a two dimensional single precision floating point vector.
RDAT2U Read and return a two dimensional two byte unsigned integer vector.
RDBYT Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file.
RDCTIOPH Reads raw card image CTIO photometry data files.
RDFLT Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file.
RDGRAB Read raw binary IRTF-grabber1 format data files.
RDIMG Read and return the two images in an old style MaxEnt map.
RDKEYLIS Read a correspondence list file into arrays.
RDLAND2 Read the Combined Landolt Standard system photometry file.
RDLAND Read the Landolt Standards data file.
RDLPLAST Read a Bowell format asteroid cross reference file (lplast.xrft)
RDMATCH Read a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
RDOBJDES Read in a file in the format of newobj.dat for use
RDOBSCOD Read standard observatory code data file.
RDOCCPHT Read a Occultation Photometer data file.
RDPHALT Reads photometry from an alternate format basphote log file.
RDPHOCAT Read a photometry standard catalog from a file.
RDPHOT2 Reads the original BASPHOTC photometry log file.
RDPHOT3 Reads photometry from a reduced photometry file (see WRPHOT)
RDPHOT Reads photometry from a basphotc log file.
RDPLAST Read ``plast'' output files (object lists for astrometry)
RDPRICAT Read data from a private star catalog.
RDRAW Read and return a two dimensional byte array from a raw animation file.
RDRAWAST Read raw astrometry data file.
RDREF Read a astrometry support (.ref) file.
RDSTRARR Read a file into a string array
RDTBL Read the data from the table file from one night of OSIRIS observations
RDTFILE Reads the template file, tfile.dat, for a given night.
RDWFC3 Read a HST WFC3 image with an associated mask and select header information
RDXTRACK Read an occultation definition file
REDUCPRMT Promote version of a reductor info file to highest version.
REFORMLC Reformat an old-style MallinCAM RECON lightcurve to the new occ format
STARCPRMT Promote version of a star catalog file to highest version.
TVGRAB Grab plot window and save to a portable image file.
WRASTFC Write an astrometry fit coefficient file.
WRBOPHOT Write a simple photometry data file.
WRMATCH Write a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
WRPHALT Write a photometry log file.
WRPHOCAT Write a photometry standard catalog file.
WRPHOT Write a standard raw photometry data file (Pluto format).
WRREF Write a astrometry support (.ref) file.
WRSTARC Write a binary version of a star catalog.
WRSTRARR Write a string array to a file
WRTBL Update the table file of a night's OSIRIS data

Function fitting

ATMOFIT Fit 1 or 2 gaussians to an astronomical image that is seeing limited.
EDGEFIT Fit an edge between two signal levels
FOURFIT Fit one or more fourier terms to discrete (periodic) data.
GOODPOLY Robust fitting of a polynomial to data.
LCFIT Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
LCFITSVD Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
MYSVDFIT Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates.
PLCH_FUN Two 2-d gaussian images, support routine for PLCHFIT.
PLCHFIT Two gaussian fit to an image of the Pluto-Charon system.
RCGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term).
RFGFIT Fit a radial gaussian to the input data (no linear term, width fixed).
RGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function and 2nd order polynominal to the input data.
ROBOSVD Robust SVD linear regression fit using mysvdfit
RQGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term).
SAFESALB Filter to enforce a valid range of single scattering albedo [0,1]
SLOPE Compute slope of a line using part of the data.
STAR_FUN Single 2-d gaussian image, support routine for STARFIT.
STARFIT Single gaussian fit to a stellar image.

Image Processing

QHYIMCLEAN Apply standard image cleaning to a raw QHY174 camera image
SPEXPAND Sparse expansion of an array
UPSAMPLE Upsample an image given a dithered set of undersampled data

Image display

CIE2RGB Convert from CIE Chromaticity coordinates to RGB color-space values
DIGIT Digitize from a displayed gif file.
DISPMASK Combine an image and a mask so that you can see both using color
HARDIM Create a postscript image and/or print from an image.
IMAGECT Convert a byte image to a rgb image using a standard color table
INITVC Compute unit vectors for a spherical surface map.
NEGATIVE Invert the current display lookup table.
RENDER Render a rectangular projection map to a sphere.
SEERAD Display a radial profile at X and Y value of the cursor
SKYSCLIM Compute stretch range for a hard stretch on the background in an image.
SPEC2CIE Convert from reflectance spectrum to CIE Chromaticity coordinates
SUBARR Extract a sub-array from an image with bound checking
WEDGE Compute and return a gray scale step wedge.


ANGSEP Compute the angular distance between two spherical coordinates.
CUMSUM Cumulative sum of a vector
DERIVER Compute the step-wise derivative of a function of one variable.
FN_HG1 Evaluate the 1-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FN_HG2 Evaluate the 2-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FN_HG2A Evaluate the 2-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function (alternate).
FN_HG3 Evaluate the 3-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FOURFUNC Compute a Fourier series function (called by fourfit)
GAUSS1D Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array.
GAUSS2D Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array.
HGP Compute a single parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
INTERP One dimensional interpolation onto a new x grid (both irregular)
LCFUN Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
LCFUNF Compute a lightcurve function independent variables.
MWB_ROUND round a floating point number.
PRIVAL Reduce an angle to its principal value (0 $\leq \Theta < 2\pi$).
RANSPHERE compute random points on a unit sphere
RECSPH Convert from rectangular to spherical coordinates
ROTPOINT Rotate x,y,z point(s) about arbitrary axis.
ROTVEC Rotate 3-D vectors from one coordinate system to another
SALB Compute single particle scattering albedo.
SKYMAT Compute the sky plane rotation matrix from angular coordinates
SMPLPRB Sample a probability function to facilitate drawing random numbers from it.
SPHREC Convert from spherical to rectangular coordinates
SSHIFT2D Shift a 2-D array using a damped sinc function for the fractional part.
SYNSTAR Compute a synthetic (gaussian) star image.


AIRINDEX Compute the real part of the refractive index of air.
BIDR2 Compute the bi-directional reflectance (newer Hapke formula).
BIDR4 Compute the bi-directional reflectance (Hapke 2012+enhancements).
BIDR Compute the bi-directional reflectance (old Hapke formula).
BONDALB Compute the Bond albedo given the single-scattering albedo
BSPINFO Parse the output of BRIEF to get information about a spice kernel.
COLCOB Compute the offset from the center-of-light to center-of-body.
CPALETTE Choose a color from a selection of palettes
CRATERFUN Compute depth as a function of distance from center for a crater
DESTAT to gather pertinent DES statistics and put them into an html file
DEWP Compute dew point temperature give temperature and relative humidity
DIFREF Compute amount of atmospheric refraction relative to 5000 Angstroms.
ELLIPSE2HULL Given an ellipse, sample it to a discrete curve
GETDDIR Load configuration and resolve source data location
GETSALB2 Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance
GETSALB Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance
GETVALUE Retrieve a value from a configuration information structure
GPSPROC Process and average a single day GPS record.
HEMR Compute the hemispherical reflectance
HSTJIT Read and interpret HST jitter information.
HSTPSF Find or create a HST PSF file using Tiny Tim.
HTMLTCELL Format a single cell of information for an html table
IDSTRING Generate a (hopefully) unique string
INITSNRMOD Initialize the support information for a SNR model for a given system
INTERIOR Compute if a point is interior to a polygon
LISTCOR Correlate two string lists
LOADBSP Update database information about Spice kernels
LOADINI Load configuration information file
LOGERROR Simplified error logging program.
MAPSEQ Animate a seqence of PLUTOMEM maps.
MKCIRCLE Compute points that lie on a circle
MKXYARR Create two arrays that contain the x,y positions of the elements in an array
NEXTFILE Return the next (sorted) filename, from a search path, based upon a pattern.
NUM_MAG Gives the relative number vs. magnitude of KBOs.
NUM_RATE Gives the relative number vs. apparent motion rate(arcsec/hr) of KBOs.
NUM_SIZE Gives the relative number vs. diameter of craters
PLOTGLOB Plot a globe projection with latitude and longitude lines
PWD Print current working directory.
QHYGPSAVG Average one or more files of GPS log data from a QHY174GPS camera
QHYPROP Return QHY camera properties
READTIL Read and return the two images in a MaxEnt tile map file.
RECONNOTICE Generate a reminder email notice for a missing RECON signup or report
RECONSTMAIL Scan RECON database and send a summary email about sign-up status.
SEQGEN Simplified sequence generation utility
SORTPAIR Sort a pair of vectors by the first and return a sorted copy
TRIMRANK Remove dimensions of 1 thus returning the lowest possible rank for input
TVMAPS Display a full set of Pluto/Charon model .til maps on the current display.
TVTIL Display a Pluto/Charon .til map as an image on the current display.
WINDSTR Convert a wind direction angle to a string name (or back).


CHFUN Compute various approximations of the Chandrasekhar H scattering function


AVGER Temporal averaging of time-series data.
BLURMAP Apply spherical blurring to a map
FINDMAX Find the interpolated local maximum in a 2-D array.
LOWESS Lowess smoothing of data.
SINCFLTR Pass 1-d data through a low-pass filter (damped sinc).
SINT2D Sinc interpolation of a 2-D array of data.
SINT Sinc interpolation of a 1-D vector of data.
SINTERP4 Four-fold sinc interpolation of a vector of data.
SLIDEFIL Sliding spatial filter on time series data.
SSHIFT Shift data using a damped sinc function for fractional part.
STATS Compute and print statistics plus plot histogram of data.


DRTIMES Compute disappearance and reappearance times for an occultation given a shape
EVENTPROB Compute the success probability for an occultation from discrete sites
IMAGE2HULL Convert a bit-mapped image of an object to a hull
INITSITE Initialize a regular grid of occulation station into a file
KMLGEN Make KML files for occultation maps
MKHULL2 Create a smoothed outline based on an occultation limb profile
MKHULL Create a smoothed outline based on an occultation limb profile
MKOCCCONFIG Build an initial config.ini for PSF reduction of occultation data
MKOCCEPH Compute an occultation ephemeris for Wasserman prediction tools
MKSPACE Make spacing file for creating occultation tracks
OCCATTR Determine occulation attributes
OCCBINGEN Generate a binned version of an occultation dataset
OCCBUILDPSF Build a stacked PSF for images in an occultation dataset
OCCEXPT Compute suggested exposure time for occultation conditions
OCCINFOGEN Generate information about an occultation dataset
OCCINITCAM Initialize an occultation campaign in the occlc database.
OCCINITTARG Initialize the target star position for an occultation dataset
OCCLCFIG Generate a set of publication quality lightcurves for an occultation campaign
OCCLOADINFO Load image information from an occultation dataset into the database
OCCLOADSTARS Load stars for each image in an occultation dataset into the database
OCCMAG Compute a scaled magnitude for occultation planning
OCCMAP Make support files for occultation maps
OCCMODEL Compute a synthetic occultation profile
OCCPLOTINFO Plot information for the source extraction from an occultation dataset
OCCPLOTLC Plot a single site lightcurve from an occultation dataset
OCCPOPSPOS Update star positions after WCS generated for occultation datasets
OCCPRED Make occultation prediction
OCCSEARCH Search one or more object for occultations
OCCSHOWGRID Show a grid of postage stamp images from an occultation dataset
OCCSNR Compute estimated SNR for an occultation with a specified system
OCCSNRTAB Create occultation SNR tables for various systems
OCCSTARFIT Fit a numerical PSF to each star image in an occultation dataset
OCCSUMTAB Create table of occultation attributes
OCCTARGFIT PSF fitting of the occultation target star
OCCTIMBIN Bin QHY174 occultation images in time
OCCTIME Extract simple occultation timing from an occultation lightcurve
OCCTRACKS Make support files for occultation tracks
OCCTSIG Estimate occultation event timing uncertainty
OCCWCSGEN WCS solutions for occultation datasets
OCCXTRACK Compute cross-track and other geometric information for an occultation
RDEVENTS Read an occultation event file
RDOCCROI Read an occultation region of interest definition file and return a structure
RDOCCSNR Read an occultation SNR definition file and return a structure
RDSITES Read an occultation event file
RECONDETAIL Generate html and email detail files for a single campaign
RECONDSCAN Scan for RECON data for a given event
RECONPLAN Generate a summary plan for future RECON occultation campaigns
RECONSCORE Calculate occultation circumstances for the RECON telescope stations
RECONTARG Add or update a specific RECON targeted occultation campaign
SCINDEX Build an index into the data produced from one night and site of QHY data
SYNTHOCC Generate simulated occultation data
TIMECSV Create CSV file with locations and event times


COLORSOL Find the standard color of an unknown star.
CONTAMCHK Check solar system object for contamination from field star.
COORD Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec).
CRMATCH Create a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
DATAMON Summary plot of raw data contained in photometry log file
DBPHOT Add or update observation entries in the photometry data base.
DISPHASE Apply distance and phase angle correction to observed magnitudes.
FLX2MAG Convert from flux units to magnitudes with errors.
FOURPDM Period search by Fourier fit dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based).
GAREABV Determine B,V transformation from Gaia in a region
GETCOLOR Given a list of names and JD, return B-V and V-R colors.
GETTRAN Find and return transformation solution for a given night and instrument
GTRANS Transform from Gaia (G,GB,GR) magnitudes to another standard bandpass
INST2STD Apply photometric transformation from instrumental to standard mags.
IOF2MAG Compute the flux (mJy) of unit surface area (1 km$^2$) with unit reflectivity
IOTA2LC Read an IOTA cvs lightcurve file and convert to a simple text table
KMPHI1 Basis set function 1 for the HG1G2 photometric system
KMPHI2 Basis set function 2 for the HG1G2 photometric system
KMPHI3 Basis set function 3 for the HG1G2 photometric system
LTCRV2 Photometric lightcurve reductions with known transformation.
LTCRV2C 2-color lightcurve reductions with known transformation.
LTCRV Photometric lightcurve reductions against a single comparison star.
MOSCHIPCAL Determine the photometric calibration of a single Mosaic CCD
MSRCOR Spatial correlation of source positions found in multiple lists
OCCPROC Aperture photometry of occultation data
ONCHIP Extract and optionally plot differential on-chip photometry.
PARSEOP Parse an operation line from photometry reduction, reduc.inf, file
PDM2 Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based)
PDM2DIS Phase disconnect shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDM2SHIF Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDM Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDMSHIF Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PERSER Automated asteroid period search tool.
PHASEBIN Compute a phase binned average lightcurve
PHOT2DB Process a file of external photometry and add to phot database.
PHOTCAL Photometric calibration using two lists of partially overlapping sources.
PHOTPHOT Photometry from photographic image data.
PHOTRED Reduction of non-variable point source absolute photometry.
PLOTPHOT Plot extinction fits from Tholen's ltcrv program.
PLPEDIT Interactive editing of photometry data files.
PLREDUC Computes the standard magnitude of Pluto for each image per observing night.
PUTTRAN Add or replace transformation solution for a given
RAW1CAT Determine standard magnitudes of isolated sources for the raw1 catalog.
RAW2CAT Determine standard magnitudes of crowded sources for the raw2 catalog.
RDREDUC Reader for a reductor info file (reduc.inf)
REDUC Photometry reduction widget for using reductor.
REDUCTOR Automated photometry reduction tool.
REPHOT Reprocess photometry data set by re-extracting from images.
SIFTSTAR Generate filtered lists of stars from a single image tagged by crowding
SNRPRED Compute an estimated signal-to-noise ratio for a point source
STAGE1CAT Generates the Stage1 catalog for a given Raw1 catalog
STAGE2CAT Generates the Stage2 catalog for a given Raw2 catalog
STAGESELECT Selects catalog stars for a given RA/Dec range.
STARPROC Collect and process final (standard) star photometry
STDCHECK Determine if object is in a given standard catalog.
TRANSF Determine transformation coefficients from instrumental to standard mags.
WRREDUC Write a reductor info file (reduc.inf)


AXEXTEND Adjust an axis plot range
RESCALE Scale data for plotting from one range to another.


AUTHORPROC Create author lists for LaTeX manuscripts

Set Manipulation

FULLJOIN Create the full join, or Cartesian product of two sets.
INTRSECT Find the intersection or its inverse between two arrays.


AVGSPEC Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra from FITS files.
CAVGSPEC Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra.
CLNSPEC Interactive cleaning of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum.
CLSCAN Scan a group of raw OSIRIS XD frames and find rough spectral location.
FLAGSPEC Interactive marking of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum.
GETPAIR Read two OSIRIS XD data files and return the difference strip image.
GETSPEC Extract a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data.
GETSTRIP Extract a 2-d rectangular strip image from a OSIRIS XD image.
INSLIT Compute flux passing through a slit assuming a gaussian image.
LCLXTREM Find local minima or maxima in a 1-d vector.
LDCALIR Load calibration information for OSIRIS XD data from a calib file.
NIC1SCAN Scan for best spectrum location of a weak-signal NICMOS spectrum.
NIC1SRC Improved 1 source extraction from single NICMOS Grism image data.
NIC2SRC Detangle two sources from single NICMOS Grism image data.
NICINIT Extract initial spectrum and profile from NICMOS Grism image data.
NICPLOT Create a summary plot of the contents of a NICMOS Grism data structure.
NICPROF Update NICMOS observation structure based on a new centerline.
OBJRATIO Ratio object spectra to one or more comp star spectra.
OPTSPEC Optimal extraction of a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data.
OSICLEAN Automatic cleaning of bad and low signal data from OSIRIS XD spectrum
OSIDVFIT Find the linear fit coefficients for a spectrum for each order
OSISLOPE Correct an IR OSIRIS spectrum for the slope problem.
OSISMEAN Compute mean of a set of OSIRIS XD spectra.
PLOTSN Analyze a vector and retrieve the signal-to-noise ratio.
PLOTSPEC Plot OSIRIS XD spectral data with wavelength scale.
RDNICOBS Read a NICMOS observation set description file.
SIGRATIO Compute the relative signal level between a set of spectra (1-d vectors).
SS_ET Simple spectral extraction tool
SS_EXTIN Simple Spectra - detemine differential extinction
SS_GROUP Simple Spectr
TBLPARSE Determine properties and problems from the table file with OSIRIS data
WRCALIR Write calibration information for OSIRIS XD data to a calib file.
XDAVG Interactive tool for combining and correcting OSIRIS XD spectra.
XDSPEC End-to-end reduction tool for OSIRIS XD spectral data.


MCMCSAMP Markov-chain Monte-Carlo sampling tool
MEANERR2 Calculate the mean and estimated error for a set of weighted data points
MEANERR Calculate the mean and estimated errors for a set of data points
MOMENT4 Compute various statistical moments of the data.
PDF2COVAR Convert a probability density function to a covariance matrix
ROBOMEAN Robust statistical moments of the data.


ADDSLASH Append a trailing / to string (if needed).
BADPAR Validate an input parameter against valid entries.
BUILDARR Build up a master array by concatenation
CPUTIME Return the accumulated user and system times since an arbitrary time.
DELELEM Delete one or more array elements from an array
DISPLAY IDL procedure for initializing the X window display for plotting.
EXPORTER GUI to facilitate exporting a subset of a night's data.
JDSTR Convert Julian date into an ASCII string.
LANDSCAP Procedure for initializing the PS device for plotting.
MAILMSG Send an email message
MATCHOBJ Find matches for non-standard names in a correspondence list.
MAXMIN Return vector [max,min] of input array or vector.
MIMIRETC Exposure time and throughput calculator for {\it Mimir}
MKRUNDATE Create a run date string given a Julian Date.
MON2NUM Convert the name of a month to its integer equivalent.
NOBNAME Replace all blanks in a string with an underscore character.
NOFILE Validate the existence of a file
NUMTOFLIST Convert array of integer numbers to roboccd style filenames and back.
PORTRAIT IDL procedure for initializing the PS device for portrait mode plotting.
RANGEPAR Parse a string with numbers and ranges to get an expanded list of numbers.
RELPATH Prepend a path to the file name if file starts with {\tt +}
REPCHAR Replace a target string with a new string in string or string array.
REPWRITE Update file by replacing or adding line of information
SETCOLOR Set a 24-bit color value for plotting on 24-bit direct graphics or Postscript
SETPAGE Set size and location of plot on page to center the output.
SETUSYM Set the user defined symbol to one of many shapes.
SETWIN Set current draw window, create if needed.
SHOWCALL Print a copy of the command line
STRB36 Convert an integer into a Base 36 formatted string.
STRB62 Convert an integer into a Base 62 formatted string.
TOBACKSL Convert forward slash (/) to backslash ($\backslash$) in string.
UNIQUEID Create a unique identifying string

Video data processing

GETDIGITS Decode a single image with an IOTA-VTI time code
TIMEINFO Collect IOTA-VTI time codes from one or more video frames
VIDINFO Extract and return information about a video file


CALIBED Widget for editing CCD calibration information.
CCDPHOT General purpose display and processing of CCD image (FITS) files.
CW_OSIPL Display the various spectra generated by xdavg
EGGTIMER Widget countdown timer
GARTH Visual inspector of moving target triplet detections.
ITOOL General purpose image display (front-end for itool\_\_define).
ITOOL To display an image and provide tools for its visualization.
ITOOL_PPLOD Load itool photometry parameters from a file.
ITOOL_PPSAV Save itool photometry parameters to a file.
ITOOL_TEMPLATE Plots profiles of an extracted array of data.
ITOOL_TPANNOUNCE Custom text and graphical-dialog tool, specific to template corruption.
ITOOLIMAGE__DEFINE Define the 'itoolimage' object class.
ITOOLWACPMGR To perform interactive sky selection for faint-comet photometry.
ITOOLWAIMPARMS To display and edit itool image parameters.
ITOOLWAPHPARMS To display and edit itool photometry parameters.
ITOOLWAPIXED To edit individual pixels in an itool image.
ITOOLWAPROFILE To plot profiles of an extracted array of data.
ITOOLWATPMGR To define, edit, and manage itool photometry templates.
LOGMANIP Widget for editing and manipulating photometry log files.
MARKDATA Widget for marking/unmarking bad data.
PICKER Widget for selecting a text item from a list.
QINPUT Prompt user for input using a popup widget.
VIEWTEXT View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget.
XORACLE Display ``oracle'' animation image sequences.
XRUNPLOT Display a complete graphical summary of ``plutomem'' output logs.

All routines in alphabetic order:

ACRE Automatic Cosmic Ray Extraction
ADDCRS Add synthetic cosmic ray strikes to a CCD image.
ADDNCCAL Add calibration frames for entries in the nasacam calib data base
ADDPSF Insert (add) one or more PSFs into an image
ADDSLASH Append a trailing / to string (if needed).
ADDSTAR Add a reference star to the data base for fitting
ADDSTARS Manipulate the master star catalog (add/replace)
AIRINDEX Compute the real part of the refractive index of air.
AIRMASS Compute airmass for one or more times.
ALTAZ Compute altitude and azimuth on sky given equatorial coordinates
ALTOHA Convert an object altitude to its hour angle.
ANGSEP Compute the angular distance between two spherical coordinates.
APPULDIS Find the circumstances of an appulse between a star and a solar system object
AST2TED Convert astrometry file to a Ted Bowell format astrometry file.
ASTANAL Analyze and provide summary plots and averages for one night of astrometry
ASTCHI1 Astrometric goodness-of-fit for one image based on rotation and offset
ASTCOL Collect astrometry observations for multiple objects
ASTCVT Convert between different astrometric coordinate systems.
ASTEVAL Evaulate an astrometric polynomial function.
ASTINFO Decode (or add) astrometric information from a FITS header
ASTLINKS Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements
ASTLIST Create a summary listing from a final astrometry file.
ASTMARK Annotate a graphic by marking an astronomical source in an image
ASTPDF Compute a discrete numerical probability sample for astrometry
ASTPRED Simple asteroid position predictor when no orbit is available.
ASTPRMT Promote version of an astrometry fit coefficient file to highest version.
ASTRD2SN Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to ($\xi$,$\eta$)
ASTRD2XY Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to image (x,y)
ASTREPRO Re-reduce existing astrometry originally measured with ASTROM
ASTROM Astrometry from a digital image.
ASTROMERR Compute an estimate of the astrometric error given FWHM and SNR.
ASTSCLBAR Draw a scale bar on an astronomical image.
ASTSN2RD Astrometry conversion from ($\xi$,$\eta$) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$)
ASTSN2XY Astrometry conversion from tangent plane ($\xi$,$\eta$) to image (x,y)
ASTSOLVE Solve for astrometric transformation from image to sky coordinates.
ASTTERMS Evaulate the independent vectors to match an astrometric polynomial function.
ASTWAVE Compute the effective wavelength of an observation for astrometry
ASTXY2RD Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$)
ASTXY2SN Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to tangent plane ($\xi$,$\eta$)
ATMOFIT Fit 1 or 2 gaussians to an astronomical image that is seeing limited.
AUTHORPROC Create author lists for LaTeX manuscripts
AUTOCAL Automatic program for creating CCD calibration files.
AUXELEM Compute auxilary orbital elements
AVGCLIP Average over a 3-D array, clipping unusual deviants.
AVGER Temporal averaging of time-series data.
AVGSPEC Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra from FITS files.
AXEXTEND Adjust an axis plot range
BACKSUB Background subtraction from an image.
BADPAR Validate an input parameter against valid entries.
BASPHOTE Circular aperture photometry extraction from images.
BIDR2 Compute the bi-directional reflectance (newer Hapke formula).
BIDR4 Compute the bi-directional reflectance (Hapke 2012+enhancements).
BIDR Compute the bi-directional reflectance (old Hapke formula).
BILDMASK Stack a set of bad pixel mask images into one master mask.
BLURMAP Apply spherical blurring to a map
BONDALB Compute the Bond albedo given the single-scattering albedo
BOXM Find location of a maximum within a sub-array.
BSPINFO Parse the output of BRIEF to get information about a spice kernel.
BUILDARR Build up a master array by concatenation
CALDATM Find year, month, day, hour, minute, second from Julian Date.
CALIBCHG Calibration structure maintenance utility.
CALIBED Widget for editing CCD calibration information.
CALVAL Validate overscan, cropping region, and calibration file settings.
CAVGSPEC Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra.
CCDCAL Batch mode image calibration program (apply bias, dark and flats)
CCDGAIN Extract and plot CCD gain transfer curve from flat field image data.
CCDPHOT General purpose display and processing of CCD image (FITS) files.
CCDPROC Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw image.
CCDSAT Find saturation properties of a CCD from one or more images
CENTROD Compute center of mass of an object aperture.
CGETRNG How to integrate over a circle.
CHFUN Compute various approximations of the Chandrasekhar H scattering function
CHIPROT Find the best rotation and offset for one chip against monolith coordinates
CHKNCCAL Review and grade calibration images for nasacam.
CIE2RGB Convert from CIE Chromaticity coordinates to RGB color-space values
CLEAN Remove a PSF from an image via the ``clean'' algorithm.
CLEANDAT Interactive program to eliminate and smooth over bad data points.
CLNSPEC Interactive cleaning of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum.
CLONEAST Clone astrometric solutions from one night to another
CLSCAN Scan a group of raw OSIRIS XD frames and find rough spectral location.
COL2TEFF Find a black-body temperature for a star based on a photometric color
COLBIAS Determine and subtract column-wise overscan correction with cropping.
COLCOB Compute the offset from the center-of-light to center-of-body.
COLLAPSE Take a detection image and collapse into a list of unique local maxima
COLORSOL Find the standard color of an unknown star.
CONTAMCHK Check solar system object for contamination from field star.
COORD Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec).
CPALETTE Choose a color from a selection of palettes
CPUTIME Return the accumulated user and system times since an arbitrary time.
CRATERFUN Compute depth as a function of distance from center for a crater
CRMATCH Create a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
CUMSUM Cumulative sum of a vector
CVTSIXTY General purpose routine for converting between sexigesimal and decimal.
CW_OSIPL Display the various spectra generated by xdavg
DARKADJ Adjust a superdark CCD calibration frame by a multiplicative constant.
DATAMON Summary plot of raw data contained in photometry log file
DBPHOT Add or update observation entries in the photometry data base.
DECPARSE Convert Declination string to radians.
DECSTR Convert declination in radians to an ASCII string.
DELELEM Delete one or more array elements from an array
DEQUOTE Reconvert a string processed by QUOTE, or from the result of a MySQL query.
DERIVER Compute the step-wise derivative of a function of one variable.
DES_SUM Create a summary listing of KBOs in all directories of DES data
DESALT Flag fake objects in .obj files that were originally generated by imsalt
DESTAT to gather pertinent DES statistics and put them into an html file
DEWARP Transforms an image from (x,y) to ($\xi$,$\eta$) accounting for rotation and warping.
DEWP Compute dew point temperature give temperature and relative humidity
DIAMPTOH Compute asteroid absolute magnitude given diameter and V geometric albedo
DIFREF Compute amount of atmospheric refraction relative to 5000 Angstroms.
DIGIT Digitize from a displayed gif file.
DISPHASE Apply distance and phase angle correction to observed magnitudes.
DISPLAY IDL procedure for initializing the X window display for plotting.
DISPMASK Combine an image and a mask so that you can see both using color
DLOOKER Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images.
DMSTORAD Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians.
DRTIMES Compute disappearance and reappearance times for an occultation given a shape
ECCREC Compute coordinates given eccentricy anomaly
EDGEFIT Fit an edge between two signal levels
EDITMASK Interactive image-based editing of a bad-pixel mask
EDTCOORD Display a celestial coordinate and permit editing the value.
EGGTIMER Widget countdown timer
ELEM2XYZ Compute position given orbital elements (2-body Keplerian)
ELLIPSE2HULL Given an ellipse, sample it to a discrete curve
EPH4MOVE Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer.
EPHCHECK Compare a set of astrometry observations against an ephemeris.
EPHEM Ephemeris generator for solar system objects.
EQUTEMP Compute a simple thermal equilibrium temperature for an asteroidal surface
ETUT Compute ET-UT time offset for a given Julian Date
EVENTPROB Compute the success probability for an occultation from discrete sites
EXISTS Check for file (or directory) existence.
EXPORTER GUI to facilitate exporting a subset of a night's data.
FIELDOBS Real-time display of where objects are in the sky
FILELINE Returns one line from a file at a chosen location.
FINDDATA Find valid file or directory names, using groups of path strings.
FINDER Interactive finder chart tool
FINDMAX Find the interpolated local maximum in a 2-D array.
FINDOBJ Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays
FINDOBJI Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays (array version)
FINDSRC Automatic source detection and photometry from a digital image.
FITSBIN Software binning of an image in FITS file format.
FITSEDIT Interactive, widget-based editing of FITS header values.
FIXSNAP Munge a SNAPSHOT format ``FITS'' header and make it legal FITS
FLAGSPEC Interactive marking of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum.
FLUXREF Provide standard fluxes for standard filters
FLX2MAG Convert from flux units to magnitudes with errors.
FN_HG1 Evaluate the 1-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FN_HG2 Evaluate the 2-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FN_HG2A Evaluate the 2-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function (alternate).
FN_HG3 Evaluate the 3-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
FOCSCAN Summarize and plot focus log files from PCCD.
FOURFIT Fit one or more fourier terms to discrete (periodic) data.
FOURFUNC Compute a Fourier series function (called by fourfit)
FOURPDM Period search by Fourier fit dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based).
FRMDXDY Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy offset between lists.
FRMDXYR Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy,dr offset between lists.
FSEEING Collect and maintain seeing information for a group of images
FULLJOIN Create the full join, or Cartesian product of two sets.
FUTUREOB Plot geometric circumstances for a solar system object for some years.
FXTM Fix bad time codes from Anderson Mesa CCD software.
GAIAFCAT Read a full Gaia DR2 catalog and convert to the fixed epoch format file
GAREABV Determine B,V transformation from Gaia in a region
GARTH Visual inspector of moving target triplet detections.
GAUSS1D Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array.
GAUSS2D Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array.
GETANNUL Extract an annulus from a 2-D array.
GETCOLOR Given a list of names and JD, return B-V and V-R colors.
GETDDIR Load configuration and resolve source data location
GETDIGITS Decode a single image with an IOTA-VTI time code
GETLCLMID Compute the time of the next local midnight
GETNEWID Obtain an id that can be used for a new object based on database information
GETOBLOC Fetch location of observatory given its code
GETPAIR Read two OSIRIS XD data files and return the difference strip image.
GETSALB2 Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance
GETSALB Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance
GETSPEC Extract a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data.
GETSTARS Retrieve coordinates from the master star catalog
GETSTRIP Extract a 2-d rectangular strip image from a OSIRIS XD image.
GETTRAN Find and return transformation solution for a given night and instrument
GETVALUE Retrieve a value from a configuration information structure
GOODPOLY Robust fitting of a polynomial to data.
GPSPROC Process and average a single day GPS record.
GRADEBIAS Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD bias images against a superbias
GRADEDARK Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD dark images against a superdark
GRADEFLAT Automatic quality grading of a set of CCD flat images against a superflat
GRIDWT Compute circle overlap weights in a circle within an array.
GTRANS Transform from Gaia (G,GB,GR) magnitudes to another standard bandpass
GXPAR General purpose FITS file header keyword extraction.
HANGLE Compute the local hour angle of an object.
HAPARSE Convert Hour Angle (HA) string to radians.
HARDCOPY Close printer or ps graphics device and spool output.
HARDIM Create a postscript image and/or print from an image.
HASTR Convert an Hour Angle to a string.
HATOJD Find the nearest Julian date for a given hour angle and date.
HDTOALB Compute V geometric albedo of an asteroid given H$_V$ and diameter
HEMR Compute the hemispherical reflectance
HGP Compute a single parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
HMSTORAD Convert from hours, minutes, and seconds of Right Ascension to radians.
HPTODIAM Compute diameter of an asteroid given H$_V$ and V-band geometric albedo
HRCMODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST ACS/HRC.
HSTEDITMASK Edit the bad pixel mask for a WFC3 image
HSTEXTRACT Define target position and extract sub-frame for processing
HSTFINALPDF Combine target and reference star PDFs for the final astrometry PDF
HSTINITSTAR Initialize data and fitting parameters for a star fit to HST WFC3 data
HSTINITTARG Inititalize data and fitting parameters for a target fit to HST WFC3 data
HSTJIT Read and interpret HST jitter information.
HSTLOADHDR Extract information from HST data headers and put in hstast.header database.
HSTLOADONE Read one header of a flt file and push select keywords to database
HSTMEASURE Measure a science target position in an HST WFC3 image
HSTMODSTAR Calculate chi-square value for trailed star fit
HSTMODTARG Calculate chi-square value for point source target fit
HSTPSF Find or create a HST PSF file using Tiny Tim.
HSTSPDFP Plot stellar PDF from a fit and save covariance to database
HSTSTARERR Determine fit errors for PSF fits to trailed stars
HSTSTARFIT Fit a model to single source in HST WFC3 data.
HSTTARGERR Determine fit errors for PSF fits to point source targets
HSTTARGFIT Fit a model of a single point source target to HST WF3 data.
HSTTPDFP Plot target PDF from a fit and save covariance to database
HSTWCSPDF Generate the final PDF from the joint constraints for all the good stars
HSTWCSUPD Update the WCS from a HST WFC3 image
HTMLTCELL Format a single cell of information for an html table
IDSTRING Generate a (hopefully) unique string
IM2VID Convert a sequence of images to a video file
IMAGE2HULL Convert a bit-mapped image of an object to a hull
IMAGECT Convert a byte image to a rgb image using a standard color table
IMQUAL Generate a ``grade'' for image quality of input image.
IMSALT Implants fake point-source images into an image of the sky.
INITSITE Initialize a regular grid of occulation station into a file
INITSNRMOD Initialize the support information for a SNR model for a given system
INITVC Compute unit vectors for a spherical surface map.
INSLIT Compute flux passing through a slit assuming a gaussian image.
INST2STD Apply photometric transformation from instrumental to standard mags.
INTERIOR Compute if a point is interior to a polygon
INTERP One dimensional interpolation onto a new x grid (both irregular)
INTRSECT Find the intersection or its inverse between two arrays.
IOF2MAG Compute the flux (mJy) of unit surface area (1 km$^2$) with unit reflectivity
IOTA2LC Read an IOTA cvs lightcurve file and convert to a simple text table
ITOOL General purpose image display (front-end for itool\_\_define).
ITOOL To display an image and provide tools for its visualization.
ITOOL_PPLOD Load itool photometry parameters from a file.
ITOOL_PPSAV Save itool photometry parameters to a file.
ITOOL_TEMPLATE Plots profiles of an extracted array of data.
ITOOL_TPANNOUNCE Custom text and graphical-dialog tool, specific to template corruption.
ITOOLIMAGE__DEFINE Define the 'itoolimage' object class.
ITOOLWACPMGR To perform interactive sky selection for faint-comet photometry.
ITOOLWAIMPARMS To display and edit itool image parameters.
ITOOLWAPHPARMS To display and edit itool photometry parameters.
ITOOLWAPIXED To edit individual pixels in an itool image.
ITOOLWAPROFILE To plot profiles of an extracted array of data.
ITOOLWATPMGR To define, edit, and manage itool photometry templates.
JD2YEAR Convert Julian date to decimal year.
JDPARSE Read and parse a Julian Date from a calendar string
JDSTR Convert Julian date into an ASCII string.
JITTER Generate a jitter convolution kernel for one WFPC2 observation.
JITTERK Convert pointing jitter data into a convolution kernel.
JUPLOC Find and extract Jupiter in images and create PDS FITS headers on output.
KBOLIST Create a summary listing of KBOs in a single directory of DES data
KBOMPCK Pre-check and summary for MPC data submission for KBO/Centaur observations
KBOPLAN KBO observing planning table generation
KBOPLOT Interactive plotting tool for the DES mySQL database contents.
KEPLER1 Solve Kepler's Equation (small eccentricity)
KMLGEN Make KML files for occultation maps
KMPHI1 Basis set function 1 for the HG1G2 photometric system
KMPHI2 Basis set function 2 for the HG1G2 photometric system
KMPHI3 Basis set function 3 for the HG1G2 photometric system
LANDSCAP Procedure for initializing the PS device for plotting.
LCFIT Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
LCFITSVD Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
LCFUN Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient).
LCFUNF Compute a lightcurve function independent variables.
LCLTOEQ Convert from local horizon coordinates to equatorial coordinates
LCLXTREM Find local minima or maxima in a 1-d vector.
LDCALIB Load calibration frames and information as instructed by calib file.
LDCALIR Load calibration information for OSIRIS XD data from a calib file.
LIMBCEN Find center of body from centroid of limb points (Designed for Jupiter).
LINKOBJ2 Cross check source lists from one field and identify moving objects.
LINKOBJ Cross check three source lists from one field and identify moving objects.
LISTCOR Correlate two string lists
LOADBSP Update database information about Spice kernels
LOADINI Load configuration information file
LOADKEYS Load FITS header keyword correspondence list from file.
LOADSTAR Load the master star catalog file
LOGERROR Simplified error logging program.
LOGMANIP Widget for editing and manipulating photometry log files.
LOGUSAGE Record a usage line to a log file
LOOKER Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images.
LOWESS Lowess smoothing of data.
LPLASTCHK Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements
LSIDTIM Compute local sidereal time at a given longitude and time.
LST2JD Compute UT given local sidereal time, longitude and approximate time.
LSTLIM Compute the LST range for time of observation
LTCRV2 Photometric lightcurve reductions with known transformation.
LTCRV2C 2-color lightcurve reductions with known transformation.
LTCRV Photometric lightcurve reductions against a single comparison star.
MAG2FLX Convert from magnitudes to flux units with errors.
MAILMSG Send an email message
MAPSEQ Animate a seqence of PLUTOMEM maps.
MARKDATA Widget for marking/unmarking bad data.
MATCHOBJ Find matches for non-standard names in a correspondence list.
MATCHUP Read a batch of FITS files and create a list of common object exposures.
MAXLOC Find the column-wise, row-wise, or point location of the image maximum.
MAXMIN Return vector [max,min] of input array or vector.
MCMCSAMP Markov-chain Monte-Carlo sampling tool
MEANERR2 Calculate the mean and estimated error for a set of weighted data points
MEANERR Calculate the mean and estimated errors for a set of data points
MEDARR_MWB Combine arrays with a median average.
MERGEOBJ Merge a pair of object lists.
MIMIRETC Exposure time and throughput calculator for {\it Mimir}
MKASTINFO Generate a simple astrometric description of an image
MKBIAS Collect and combine CCD bias frames into a superbias frame
MKCALIB Interactive program for creating CCD calibration files.
MKCIRCLE Compute points that lie on a circle
MKDARK Collect and combine CCD dark frames into a superdark frame
MKDESAST Create data file to post into des.ast MySQL database from KBO search data
MKDESOBJ Create data file to post into des.obj MySQL database from KBO search data
MKDESOBS Create data file to post into des\_obs MySQL databse from KBO search data
MKDESXREF Create data file to post into des.xref MySQL database from KBO search data
MKFLAT Collect and combine CCD flat frames into a superflat frame
MKHTMLOG Generate html looker log for posting from .match file
MKHULL2 Create a smoothed outline based on an occultation limb profile
MKHULL Create a smoothed outline based on an occultation limb profile
MKNICSKY Create a master sky image from a set of dithered NICMOS images.
MKOCCCONFIG Build an initial config.ini for PSF reduction of occultation data
MKOCCEPH Compute an occultation ephemeris for Wasserman prediction tools
MKRUNDATE Create a run date string given a Julian Date.
MKSPACE Make spacing file for creating occultation tracks
MKXYARR Create two arrays that contain the x,y positions of the elements in an array
MMASPLI Splice multi-amp CCD images back together.
MOID Compute the minimum orbit intersection distance between two orbits
MOMENT4 Compute various statistical moments of the data.
MON2NUM Convert the name of a month to its integer equivalent.
MOSASTROM Astrometry solution for multi-detector image sets
MOSCAL Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw group-FITS image.
MOSCHECK Scan Mosaic astrometry data and look for inconsistencies and problems
MOSCHIPCAL Determine the photometric calibration of a single Mosaic CCD
MOSPHOT Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do photometric calibration.
MOSPLOT Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do astrometry.
MPCDCVT Convert to and from Minor Planet Center packed designation format.
MSRCOR Spatial correlation of source positions found in multiple lists
MWB_ROUND round a floating point number.
MYSQLCMD Send a command to open database and collect the answer.
MYSQLDOC Build a documentation file from internal mySQL documentation.
MYSQLDOCEDIT GUI editor for database documentation system
MYSQLDOCSCAN Scan a database and report discrepancies in the documentation table.
MYSQLQUERY Submit MySQL query and get response as vectors of data (like readcol).
MYSQLSUB Recursive string substitution from mySQL doc table for building documentation
MYSVDFIT Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates.
NAIFNAME Convert an ephem standard name to a common name (NAif name scheme)
NASACAMLOAD Load information from NASACAM data into mysql database
NEATEMP Compute a simple effective black-body temperature for a near-Earth asteroid
NEGATIVE Invert the current display lookup table.
NEOFLUX Compute the estimated thermal flux emitted from the surface of an asteroid
NEWANOM Compute new mean anomaly from old given date.
NEXTFILE Return the next (sorted) filename, from a search path, based upon a pattern.
NIC1SCAN Scan for best spectrum location of a weak-signal NICMOS spectrum.
NIC1SRC Improved 1 source extraction from single NICMOS Grism image data.
NIC2SRC Detangle two sources from single NICMOS Grism image data.
NICINIT Extract initial spectrum and profile from NICMOS Grism image data.
NICMODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST NICMOS Camera
NICPLOT Create a summary plot of the contents of a NICMOS Grism data structure.
NICPROF Update NICMOS observation structure based on a new centerline.
NOBNAME Replace all blanks in a string with an underscore character.
NOBSUPDT Update the number of observations in the undesignated objects list.
NOFILE Validate the existence of a file
NOTERUN Widget to update notes field for runstat and other databases.
NUM_MAG Gives the relative number vs. magnitude of KBOs.
NUM_RATE Gives the relative number vs. apparent motion rate(arcsec/hr) of KBOs.
NUM_SIZE Gives the relative number vs. diameter of craters
NUMTOFLIST Convert array of integer numbers to roboccd style filenames and back.
OBJAPPUL Generate a list of nightly appulses for a solar system object.
OBJAST Generate astrometry from Looker (obj) files
OBJCHECK Validate and summarize object positions and astrometry
OBJID2MPC Convert a geteph object id to a Minor Planet Center name
OBJPRMT Promote version of an object list file to highest version.
OBJRATIO Ratio object spectra to one or more comp star spectra.
OBJREPOR Generate a report about the contents of the object files in a directory.
OBJSTARS Get a list of stars from the USNO A2.0 catalog centered on a solar system object.
OBSDUR Calculate estimate of total duration of an exposure with PCCD.
OBSNIGHT Determine general details of a given night determined by Sun and Moon
OBSPLAN Generate a graphical summary of object location(s) for a given night.
OBSPROP Observing proposal planning table generation
OBSWIND Compute possible observing window for a celestial object.
OCCATTR Determine occulation attributes
OCCBINGEN Generate a binned version of an occultation dataset
OCCBUILDPSF Build a stacked PSF for images in an occultation dataset
OCCEXPT Compute suggested exposure time for occultation conditions
OCCINFOGEN Generate information about an occultation dataset
OCCINITCAM Initialize an occultation campaign in the occlc database.
OCCINITTARG Initialize the target star position for an occultation dataset
OCCLCFIG Generate a set of publication quality lightcurves for an occultation campaign
OCCLOADINFO Load image information from an occultation dataset into the database
OCCLOADSTARS Load stars for each image in an occultation dataset into the database
OCCMAG Compute a scaled magnitude for occultation planning
OCCMAP Make support files for occultation maps
OCCMODEL Compute a synthetic occultation profile
OCCPLOT Plot small pieces of stellar occultation data.
OCCPLOTINFO Plot information for the source extraction from an occultation dataset
OCCPLOTLC Plot a single site lightcurve from an occultation dataset
OCCPOPSPOS Update star positions after WCS generated for occultation datasets
OCCPRED Make occultation prediction
OCCPROC Aperture photometry of occultation data
OCCPROF Plot an occultation profile based on a set of chords
OCCSEARCH Search one or more object for occultations
OCCSHOWGRID Show a grid of postage stamp images from an occultation dataset
OCCSNR Compute estimated SNR for an occultation with a specified system
OCCSNRTAB Create occultation SNR tables for various systems
OCCSTARFIT Fit a numerical PSF to each star image in an occultation dataset
OCCSTRIP Generate a postage stamp strip of images for an occultation
OCCSUMTAB Create table of occultation attributes
OCCTARGFIT PSF fitting of the occultation target star
OCCTIMBIN Bin QHY174 occultation images in time
OCCTIME Extract simple occultation timing from an occultation lightcurve
OCCTRACKS Make support files for occultation tracks
OCCTSIG Estimate occultation event timing uncertainty
OCCWCSGEN WCS solutions for occultation datasets
OCCXTRACK Compute cross-track and other geometric information for an occultation
OIS Optimal image subtraction
ONCHIP Extract and optionally plot differential on-chip photometry.
OPENMYSQL Open a mySQL database for operations via a pipe.
OPLERR Overplot data points with accompanying x or y error bars.
OPTAXIS Search for the optical axis in an astronomical image
OPTSPEC Optimal extraction of a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data.
ORB2OBJ Extract object names from a slop orbit output file
ORBVEC Computes orbit orientation vectors from angular orbital elements
OSICLEAN Automatic cleaning of bad and low signal data from OSIRIS XD spectrum
OSIDVFIT Find the linear fit coefficients for a spectrum for each order
OSISLOPE Correct an IR OSIRIS spectrum for the slope problem.
OSISMEAN Compute mean of a set of OSIRIS XD spectra.
P6MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFPC Planetary Camera, Chip 6.
PAMGEN Compute a pixel-area map for an astronomical image
PARACORR Take raw Gaia catalog data information and apply correction to a time
PARSEKEY Extract FITS header information by parsing supplied keys
PARSEOP Parse an operation line from photometry reduction, reduc.inf, file
PATLATLON Compute viewing and illumination geometry for Patroclus-Menoetius system
PC2MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFPC2 Planetary Camera.
PCCD2LOAD Load information from PCCD (automated version) data into mysql database
PCCDLOAD Load information from PCCD (automated version) data into mysql database
PDF2COVAR Convert a probability density function to a covariance matrix
PDM2 Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based)
PDM2DIS Phase disconnect shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDM2SHIF Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDM Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PDMSHIF Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based).
PERSER Automated asteroid period search tool.
PFCAMFIX Fix and reformat Lick 120$''$ prime focus camera data.
PHASEBIN Compute a phase binned average lightcurve
PHOT2DB Process a file of external photometry and add to phot database.
PHOTCAL Photometric calibration using two lists of partially overlapping sources.
PHOTISO Compute aperture photometry and grade sources for field contamination
PHOTPHOT Photometry from photographic image data.
PHOTPRMT Promote version of a photometry log file to highest version.
PHOTRED Reduction of non-variable point source absolute photometry.
PICKER Widget for selecting a text item from a list.
PICKIM Interactive program to select best image from cube for SL9 data.
PIXWT Circle-rectangle overlap area computation.
PLAST Support routine for calling ``PLAST'' to get asteroids on an image.
PLASTEXT Batch mode extraction of PLAST asteroid lists.
PLATLON Compute viewing and illumination geometry for Pluto
PLCH_FUN Two 2-d gaussian images, support routine for PLCHFIT.
PLCHFIT Two gaussian fit to an image of the Pluto-Charon system.
PLOTGLOB Plot a globe projection with latitude and longitude lines
PLOTPCOMC Plot model fit residual files for Pluto-Charon map fitting
PLOTPHOT Plot extinction fits from Tholen's ltcrv program.
PLOTSN Analyze a vector and retrieve the signal-to-noise ratio.
PLOTSPEC Plot OSIRIS XD spectral data with wavelength scale.
PLPEDIT Interactive editing of photometry data files.
PLREDUC Computes the standard magnitude of Pluto for each image per observing night.
PMCORRDR3 Correct for the Gaia DR3 proper motion bias.
PNTCOL Collate pointing data from astrometry results and image headers.
PNTFIT2 Fit model to telescope pointing data.
PNTFIT3 Fit model to telescope pointing data.
PNTFIX3 Compute the pointing correction as used by MOVE at Anderson Mesa
PORTRAIT IDL procedure for initializing the PS device for portrait mode plotting.
POSTFILTCL Post-filter the vclass mySQL table removing uninteresting objects
PPMSPRMT Promote version of photometry parmameter file to highest version.
PPOLEPA Compute the position angle of Pluto's pole on the plane of the sky
PRIVAL Reduce an angle to its principal value (0 $\leq \Theta < 2\pi$).
PROJERR Re-project an error ellipse onto a new coordinate system
PSFFIT2 Fit a numerical PSF to one or more sources in an image, fixed position.
PSFFIT Fit a numerical PSF to one or more sources in an image.
PSFGEN Generate PSF files for a set of images
PSFSTACK Generate an average numerical psf by stacking observed images.
PUTTRAN Add or replace transformation solution for a given
PWD Print current working directory.
QANNOUNC Scrollable text display widget with true and false response buttons.
QHYGPSAVG Average one or more files of GPS log data from a QHY174GPS camera
QHYIMCLEAN Apply standard image cleaning to a raw QHY174 camera image
QHYPROP Return QHY camera properties
QINPUT Prompt user for input using a popup widget.
QUOTE Convert a string into one safe for including in a mySQL query
RADP Extract point-wise radial ``profile'' from image data.
RADTODMS Convert an angle from radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds.
RADTOHMS Convert from radians to hours, minutes, and seconds of right ascension.
RANGEPAR Parse a string with numbers and ranges to get an expanded list of numbers.
RANSPHERE compute random points on a unit sphere
RAPARSE Convert Right Ascension (RA) string to radians.
RASTR Convert RA in radians to hours, minutes, and seconds (ASCII string).
RAW1CAT Determine standard magnitudes of isolated sources for the raw1 catalog.
RAW2CAT Determine standard magnitudes of crowded sources for the raw2 catalog.
RCGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term).
RDAINFO Read final astrometry information file.
RDAST Read final astrometry data file.
RDASTFC Read an astrometry fit coefficient file.
RDAT1I Read and return a one dimensional 2-byte integer vector.
RDAT1R Read and return a one dimensional single precision floating point vector.
RDAT2I Read and return a two dimensional two byte integer vector.
RDAT2R Read and return a two dimensional single precision floating point vector.
RDAT2U Read and return a two dimensional two byte unsigned integer vector.
RDBYT Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file.
RDCTIOPH Reads raw card image CTIO photometry data files.
RDDAT Display the X and Y value of the cursor in a plot
RDEVENTS Read an occultation event file
RDFLT Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file.
RDGRAB Read raw binary IRTF-grabber1 format data files.
RDIMG Read and return the two images in an old style MaxEnt map.
RDKEYLIS Read a correspondence list file into arrays.
RDLAND2 Read the Combined Landolt Standard system photometry file.
RDLAND Read the Landolt Standards data file.
RDLPLAST Read a Bowell format asteroid cross reference file (lplast.xrft)
RDMATCH Read a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
RDNICOBS Read a NICMOS observation set description file.
RDOBJDES Read in a file in the format of newobj.dat for use
RDOBLIST Read a object list from a file.
RDOBSCOD Read standard observatory code data file.
RDOCCPHT Read a Occultation Photometer data file.
RDOCCROI Read an occultation region of interest definition file and return a structure
RDOCCSNR Read an occultation SNR definition file and return a structure
RDPHALT Reads photometry from an alternate format basphote log file.
RDPHOCAT Read a photometry standard catalog from a file.
RDPHOT2 Reads the original BASPHOTC photometry log file.
RDPHOT3 Reads photometry from a reduced photometry file (see WRPHOT)
RDPHOT Reads photometry from a basphotc log file.
RDPLAST Read ``plast'' output files (object lists for astrometry)
RDPOINT Read a raw ASCII format pointing data file as produced by MOVE.
RDPRICAT Read data from a private star catalog.
RDRAW Read and return a two dimensional byte array from a raw animation file.
RDRAWAST Read raw astrometry data file.
RDREDUC Reader for a reductor info file (reduc.inf)
RDREF Read a astrometry support (.ref) file.
RDSITES Read an occultation event file
RDSOURCE Read in a source list file created by findsrc or srcast
RDSTARC Read refnet based star catalog files.
RDSTRARR Read a file into a string array
RDTBL Read the data from the table file from one night of OSIRIS observations
RDTEDAST Read a Ted Bowell format astrometry file
RDTFILE Reads the template file, tfile.dat, for a given night.
RDWFC3 Read a HST WFC3 image with an associated mask and select header information
RDXTRACK Read an occultation definition file
READTIL Read and return the two images in a MaxEnt tile map file.
RECONCKSUM Generate or refresh video data checksums
RECONDETAIL Generate html and email detail files for a single campaign
RECONDSCAN Scan for RECON data for a given event
RECONNOTICE Generate a reminder email notice for a missing RECON signup or report
RECONPLAN Generate a summary plan for future RECON occultation campaigns
RECONSCORE Calculate occultation circumstances for the RECON telescope stations
RECONSTMAIL Scan RECON database and send a summary email about sign-up status.
RECONTARG Add or update a specific RECON targeted occultation campaign
RECONTUPD Update start and ending times for RECON event video files in the database
RECSPH Convert from rectangular to spherical coordinates
REDFITS Apply standard CCD processing steps to a raw CCD image.
REDUC Photometry reduction widget for using reductor.
REDUCPRMT Promote version of a reductor info file to highest version.
REDUCTOR Automated photometry reduction tool.
REFCORR Compute a differential refraction correction to an apparent position
REFEXT Batch mode extraction of REFNET star catalog fields in support of ASTROM
REFGEN Generate a source/catalog cross-reference list
REFNET Support routine for calling ``REFNET'' to get stars from master catalogs.
REFORMLC Reformat an old-style MallinCAM RECON lightcurve to the new occ format
REFRAC Apply atmospheric refraction to a ``true'' zenith angle
RELPATH Prepend a path to the file name if file starts with {\tt +}
REMFIT Remove old pointing model from new data, create new pointing map data.
RENDER Render a rectangular projection map to a sphere.
REPCHAR Replace a target string with a new string in string or string array.
REPHOT Reprocess photometry data set by re-extracting from images.
REPWRITE Update file by replacing or adding line of information
RESCALE Scale data for plotting from one range to another.
RFGFIT Fit a radial gaussian to the input data (no linear term, width fixed).
RGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function and 2nd order polynominal to the input data.
RHOSC Compute rhosinp,rhocosp from observatory lat,alt
RINGPROF Compute a surface brightness profile.
ROBOCCDLOAD Load information from Roboccd (automated version) data into mysql database
ROBOMEAN Robust statistical moments of the data.
ROBOSVD Robust SVD linear regression fit using mysvdfit
ROTPOINT Rotate x,y,z point(s) about arbitrary axis.
ROTVEC Rotate 3-D vectors from one coordinate system to another
RQGFIT Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term).
SAFESALB Filter to enforce a valid range of single scattering albedo [0,1]
SALB Compute single particle scattering albedo.
SALTDES2 Implant fake objects into DES data, second stage addition of objects.
SALTDES Implant fake objects into all relevant images on one night of DES data.
SAVESTAR Save the master star catalog file
SC_BCHECK Search a star catalog for the number of stars near a given position
SC_NEAREST Find the nearest N stars from a point in a star catalog.
SC_PSTAR Search a star catalog for an isolated star near a given position.
SC_REGION Extract a region of a star catalog about some location.
SCINDEX Build an index into the data produced from one night and site of QHY data
SEEING Given an astronomical image, determine the image quality (seeing).
SEERAD Display a radial profile at X and Y value of the cursor
SEQGEN Simplified sequence generation utility
SETCOLOR Set a 24-bit color value for plotting on 24-bit direct graphics or Postscript
SETPAGE Set size and location of plot on page to center the output.
SETUSYM Set the user defined symbol to one of many shapes.
SETWIN Set current draw window, create if needed.
SHANELIST convert KBO target list to Lick Observatory Shane 3m telescope file
SHOWCALL Print a copy of the command line
SHOWELEM Print out current osculating orbital elements for a solar system object.
SHOWSRC Show image with source lists and astrometric references overlain.
SIFTSTAR Generate filtered lists of stars from a single image tagged by crowding
SIGRATIO Compute the relative signal level between a set of spectra (1-d vectors).
SINCFLTR Pass 1-d data through a low-pass filter (damped sinc).
SINT2D Sinc interpolation of a 2-D array of data.
SINT Sinc interpolation of a 1-D vector of data.
SINTERP4 Four-fold sinc interpolation of a vector of data.
SKYFIT Determine a 2-d polynomial fit to sky background in an image.
SKYIM Calculate a smooth sky image from 2-d polynomial fit coefficients
SKYMAT Compute the sky plane rotation matrix from angular coordinates
SKYSCLIM Compute stretch range for a hard stretch on the background in an image.
SL9PROC Interactive program to process and crop image for SL9 data.
SLEWDUR Estimate the time to slew the telescope from one location to another.
SLIDEFIL Sliding spatial filter on time series data.
SLOPE Compute slope of a line using part of the data.
SMPLPRB Sample a probability function to facilitate drawing random numbers from it.
SNRPRED Compute an estimated signal-to-noise ratio for a point source
SORTCUBE Sort an image cube by brightness at each pixel
SORTPAIR Sort a pair of vectors by the first and return a sorted copy
SPEC2CIE Convert from reflectance spectrum to CIE Chromaticity coordinates
SPEXPAND Sparse expansion of an array
SPHREC Convert from spherical to rectangular coordinates
SPOTRM Spot remover for images
SRCAST Compute ra,dec for all objects in a source list (see findsrc).
SRODCHECK Widget tool for verification of SRO data reduction results
SS_ET Simple spectral extraction tool
SS_EXTIN Simple Spectra - detemine differential extinction
SS_GROUP Simple Spectr
SSGEOM Compute Sun and Earth distance and phase angle for solar system object.
SSHIFT2D Shift a 2-D array using a damped sinc function for the fractional part.
SSHIFT Shift data using a damped sinc function for fractional part.
SSPOS Interactive program for generating solar system body ephemerides.
STACKER Stack (co-add) image while registering images.
STAGE1CAT Generates the Stage1 catalog for a given Raw1 catalog
STAGE2CAT Generates the Stage2 catalog for a given Raw2 catalog
STAGESELECT Selects catalog stars for a given RA/Dec range.
STAR_FUN Single 2-d gaussian image, support routine for STARFIT.
STARCAT Retreive coordinates from the star catalogs.
STARCHART Generate a star chart graphic
STARCPRMT Promote version of a star catalog file to highest version.
STARFIT Single gaussian fit to a stellar image.
STARPROC Collect and process final (standard) star photometry
STARSET Generate a list of nearby stars to help find a particular location
STATS Compute and print statistics plus plot histogram of data.
STDCHECK Determine if object is in a given standard catalog.
STRB36 Convert an integer into a Base 36 formatted string.
STRB62 Convert an integer into a Base 62 formatted string.
SUBARR Extract a sub-array from an image with bound checking
SUMANN Integrate over an annulus.
SYNBIAS Create a synthetic CCD bias frame with optional overscan.
SYNCALIB Create a synthetic suite of calibration image
SYNDARK Create a synthetic CCD dark frame with optional overscan
SYNFLAT Create a synthetic flat frame with optional overscan
SYNSTAR2 Compute a synthetic (Lorentizian) star image.
SYNSTAR Compute a synthetic (gaussian) star image.
SYNTHOCC Generate simulated occultation data
TBLPARSE Determine properties and problems from the table file with OSIRIS data
TIMECSV Create CSV file with locations and event times
TIMEINFO Collect IOTA-VTI time codes from one or more video frames
TMPLINFO Generate information about a template image based on an image header
TNOOBS Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations.
TNORECOV Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations.
TOBACKSL Convert forward slash (/) to backslash ($\backslash$) in string.
TRANSF Determine transformation coefficients from instrumental to standard mags.
TRIMRANK Remove dimensions of 1 thus returning the lowest possible rank for input
TVGRAB Grab plot window and save to a portable image file.
TVMAPS Display a full set of Pluto/Charon model .til maps on the current display.
TVTIL Display a Pluto/Charon .til map as an image on the current display.
UNIQUEID Create a unique identifying string
UPSAMPLE Upsample an image given a dithered set of undersampled data
VIDINFO Extract and return information about a video file
VIEWTEXT View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget.
WARPSTACK Stack a set of images on a given ROI warped to a master image
WASTROM Widget for determining an interactive astrometric solution
WCSARROWS Draw sky-plane orientation arrows on an image based on WCS information
WEDGE Compute and return a gray scale step wedge.
WFC3_SMEAR Compute a smear kernel for a star while tracking a solar system object
WFC3MODEL Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST WFC3 UVIS Camera.
WFPC2_DISTORTED Compute inverse of the wfpc2\_metric function.
WINDSTR Convert a wind direction angle to a string name (or back).
WRASTFC Write an astrometry fit coefficient file.
WRBOPHOT Write a simple photometry data file.
WRCALB Save contents of a calibration structure to a file.
WRCALIR Write calibration information for OSIRIS XD data to a calib file.
WRMATCH Write a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file.
WROBLIST Write an object list to a file.
WRPHALT Write a photometry log file.
WRPHOCAT Write a photometry standard catalog file.
WRPHOT Write a standard raw photometry data file (Pluto format).
WRREDUC Write a reductor info file (reduc.inf)
WRREF Write a astrometry support (.ref) file.
WRSTARC Write a binary version of a star catalog.
WRSTRARR Write a string array to a file
WRTBL Update the table file of a night's OSIRIS data
XDAVG Interactive tool for combining and correcting OSIRIS XD spectra.
XDESIG Digest and record Minor Planet Center designation cross references.
XDSPEC End-to-end reduction tool for OSIRIS XD spectral data.
XORACLE Display ``oracle'' animation image sequences.
XRUNPLOT Display a complete graphical summary of ``plutomem'' output logs.
YEAR2JD Convert decimal year to Julian date (reverse of jd2year).
ZPLOT Plot differential refraction as a function of wavelength.

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